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HP Services Software Patches - vaxload03_062
NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996, 1997.  All rights reserved.


COMPONENT:  Security 

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VAXLOAD03_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VAXLOAD02_062
                                           VAXLOAD02_070 (For OpenVMS
                                                         VAX V6.2 *ONLY*)

     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  720 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS VAX V6.2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No

     Installation Rating:  3 - To be installed on all systems running         
                               the listed versions of OpenVMS which           
                               are experiencing the problems described.       
     NOTE:  In order to receive the full fixes listed in this kit,
            the following remedial kits also need to be installed:



An ECO kit exists for various security components on OpenVMS VAX 

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOAD03_062 ECO Kit:

  o  Incorrect user authorization failures occur during login attempts.

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOAD02_062 ECO Kit:

  o  The DISUSER flag gets set on a user account when no intrusions           
     are present.                                                             

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOAD01_070 ECO Kit:

  o  Proxy behavior is unpredictable.  Sometimes they are
     inoperative and at other times access is given to an 
     incorrect place.

  o  Users without WORLD privilege generate many "No WORLD priv"
     audits when logging in.

  o  Records in the old intrusion database cannot be deleted
     because they are ill-formed (i.e., they contain control
     characters, nulls, spaces, etc.).

  o  Some logins are not correctly audited.

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOGI02_070 ECO kit:

  o  Audit information about network sessions from TCP/IP
     connections does not contain remote host information. 

  o  An expired password may become useable again even if the
     DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE flag is set and the password is not 

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOGI01_070 ECO kit:

  o  Problem with LGI callouts.

  o  Intrusion records and audits from DECnet/OSI network
     connections have a username padded with  characters.  

  o  If a user who types meaningless characters, whitespace or
     the "/" in response to the USERNAME prompt receives a CLI 
     error and then successfully logs in, the user will have an 
     intrusion record and an incorrect audit will be generated.

  o  Five seconds after a password is entered, the login attempt
     is rejected.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.

  o  A login attempt will be rejected after it hangs for 30 seconds.  

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.

Problems Addressed in the VAXLOGI01_062 ECO kit:  

  o  When the item code SJC$_LOG_SPECIFICATION is used with 
     SYS$SNDJBCW, OpenVMS VAX V6.2 does not handle logical names 
     the same way that it did in earlier versions.  

     For example, using "TEST" as the log file specification, the
     DCL 'DEFINE/SYSTEM TEST DEV1:[USER.TMP]' command gives the
     following results from $SNDJBC when it is executed from the
     DEV1:[USER]: directory:

       For OpenVMS V6.1


       For OpenVMS V6.2:



The system does not need to be rebooted after this kit is installed.
However, if you have other nodes in your OpenVMS VMScluster, they 
should be rebooted or you should install this kit on each system
in order to make use of the new image(s).
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