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OpenVMS VAXSCSI03_061 VAX V5.5-2-V6.1 SCSI Drivers ECO Summary
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1995.  All rights reserved.



SOURCE:      Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VAXSCSI03_061
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VAXSCSI02_061
                                           VAXSCSI01_061 (CSCPAT_1179)

     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  Saveset A - 108 Blocks
                                Saveset B - 288 Blocks
                                Saveset C - 342 Blocks
                                Saveset D - 288 Blocks
                                Saveset E - 342 Blocks 

                         Total of 5 files - 1410 Blocks

     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2, V5.5-2H4, V6.0, V6.1
     System Reboot Necessary:  Yes

NOTE:  OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2H4 is a limited hardware release, shipped            
       only with the new systems (or system upgrades) listed below.           
       It is not separately orderable and will not be distributed             
       via Consolidated Distribution.                                         
         o  VAX 4000 Model 100A                                               
         o  VAX 4000 Model 500A                                               
         o  VAX 4000 Model 600A                                               
         o  VAX 4000 Model 700A                                               
NOTE:  PKIDRIVER and PKSDRIVER are CPU port drivers.  The CPUs that           
       support these drivers are:                                             
         o  VAX 4000 Model 100                                                
         o  VAX 4000 Model 200                                                
         o  VAX 4000 Model 300                                                
         o  VAX 4000 Model 300                                                
         o  MicroVAX 3100 Model 90                                            
       To determine if these drivers exist on your system, perform            
       the following steps.                                                   
         1.  Invoke SDA (VAX/VMS System Analyzer) by typing                   
             ANALYZE/SYSTEM at the DCL command prompt.                        
         2.  At the SDA> prompt, enter SHOW DEVICE PK.  You will              
             get a display that shows you the PK controllers and              
             which PKxDRIVER you have on your system.                         
         3.  To return to the DCL command prompt, type EXIT at                
             the SDA> prompt.                                                 


through V6.1. 

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI03_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0 and

  o  In certain heavily-loaded situations, TZ30 transfers can time out
     with the current DMA TIMEOUT of 3 seconds.  The fix increases the
     DMA TIMEOUT in SCSI_CMD for the port driver, to 10 seconds. 

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI03_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.1 and

  o  Under heavy load, the fifteenth synchronous data transfer may not
     be counted by the NEC 53C94 chip.  This will cause the process
     associated with the transfer to hang or for a SCSI bus reset to
     be issued and mount verification invoked. 

  o  Following a SCSI bus reset, read commands which can fail due to
     the bus reset cause system code to bugcheck.  This is caused by
     a Page Read Error problem.

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI02_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2,
V5.5-2H4, V6.0, and V6.1: 

  o  Some devices reply to Inquiry commands with the response data
     format field set to SCSI-1 (as opposed to CCS or SCSI-2).
     This setting causes these devices to be marked as offline.

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI02_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.1:

  o  Magnetic tapes with odd byte block sizes cause the DUMP
     utility to report data overrun errors.

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI02_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2H4 
and V6.1: 

  o  The port driver does not properly detect and handle the queue
     full condition for TCQ operation.

  o  Under heavy loads the command complete interrupt for an AEN
     finish command operation can occur prior to the fork level
     code releasing the port.  This causes the interrupt to be
     misinterpreted and an INCONSTATE bugcheck occurs.

  o  When a process executes a Diagnose command which results in a
     SCSI check condition and exits without requesting sense data,
     DKDRIVER will reject all future Diagnose commands with
     SS$_CHANINTLK errors.

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI02_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2: 

  o  The SCSI magtape class driver does not allow for the skipping
     of files by filemarks instead of by records.

  o  The system may crash when I/O is canceled on SCSI tape devices.

Problems Addressed in the VAXSCSI01_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2, 
V5.5-2H4, V6.0, V6.1:

  o  When multi-volume backups are performed using data compaction,
     the compaction switch is turned off after completion of the
     first volume.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV10_U2055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2

  o  Data corruption might occur on read operations for segmented

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV05_U2055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2

  o  PKIDRIVER and PKSDRIVER have a number of odd-byte transfer             
     problems, showing up as the last byte of a read being corrupted        
     on certain transfer sizes and segmented transfers.                     

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV09_U2055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2

  o  When the PKCDRIVER times out waiting for a re-selection           
     interrupt, the correct value is not restored to R5.                 
     This causes the system to crash.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV08_U2055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2

  o  Under a heavy SCSI load, the Receive Diagnostic Command                
     to the TZK50 causes the SCSI bus to fail with a GROSS error.           
     This command is used to retrieve the hardware/firmware                 
     revision level from the TZK50.                                         
  o  Even though data read or written over the SCSI bus is                    
     correct and the data read into the user buffer is                        
     correct, Write/Read Check errors occur for one byte                      
     data transfers. 
  o  If the PCKDRIVER times out while waiting for a 
     reselection interrupt, the system will crash due to
     an invalid R5 value.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV06_U2055 Kit:

  o  The disconnect timeout period specified in the MKDRIVER                  
     is not long enough to allow an INIT/ERASE operation to                   
     complete on a 90 meter tape (TLZ06).  This causes                        
     ERASEFAIL and CTRLERR errors to be returned.  For                        
          $ INIT/ERASE MKA500: test                                           
            %INIT-W-ERASEFAIL, volume not completely erased                   
            -SYSTEM-F-CTRLERR, fatal controller error                         
            %INIT-F-CTRLERR, fatal controller error                           

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V6.0.

  o  When performing a BACKUP to a TK50 tape on a SCSI drive,                 
     POSITERR and DRVERR errors are returned if an attempt is                 
     made to add a second saveset on the same tape.  For example:             
       %BACKUP-F-POSITERR, error positioning MKB500:[000000]TWO.SAV;          
       -SYSTEM-F-DRVERR, fatal drive error                                    
     NOTE:  When this condition occurs, the system error log also             
            will contain the following port error:                            
            SCSI PORT SUB-SYSTEM, UNIT_MCY3$PKB0:                             
               ERROR TYPE      0906                                           
                               SCSI BUS PHASE ERROR                           
                               PHASE CHANGE TIMEOUT DURING COMMAND OUT        
               SCSI ID         05                                             

  o  A DRVERR error has always been reported in MK for BLANK                  
     CHECK errors.  However, when initializing a new tape                     
     volume during a multi-volume BACKUP, this error causes                   
     the BACKUP operation to fail.  To fix this problem, an                   
     OPINCOMPL error is now returned.  This error message 
     allows backup to completed and is also compatible with 
     other non-SCSI drivers.                             

  o  In certain heavily-loaded situations, TZ30 transfers could               
     time-out with the current DMA TIMEOUT of 3 seconds.  This                
     fix increases the DMA timeout in SCSI_CMD for the port                   
     driver to 10 seconds.                                                    

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV02_U2055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2

  o  When multiple logical units (LUNs) are connected on a SCSI
     device, the device may enter into a Mount Verification state.

  o  The status returned when issuing a QIO to a powered-off device
     (one which was powered on long enough to be configured
     properly) through PKCDRIVER (SS$_CTRLERR) is inconsistent with
     that returned by PKNDRIVER (SS$_TIMEOUT).

  o  Coding errors in PKCDRIVER cause unexpected errors when used
     with user written class drivers.

  o  The PKCDRIVER register dump routine increments the address of
     the error log buffer as a byte (INCB) instead of a longword
     (INCL).  This makes it possible for the address to wrap around
     at the low byte boundary and corrupt the error log buffer.

  o  A single TurboChannel interrupt occurs twice on the VAXstation 
     4000 Model 90.  The VAXstation 4000-90 CPU latches the
     TurboChannel interrupt and the port driver does not clear the
     latched bit.  As soon as the interrupt is serviced and the IPL
     is dropped, the interrupt shows up again.

  o  The peak 5Mb/Second data rates aggravate signal integrity
     issues in certain maximum length cable configurations on
     the VAXstation 4000 Model 90 and the VAXstation 4000
     Model 60.

  o  Code from PKNDRIVER which is imported into PKCDRIVER at
     PK$ABORT causes various problems, particularly with command
     queueing enabled.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRI03_2H4055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX 

  o  The last byte is sometimes corrupted on read operations for              
     segmented transfers.                                                     
  o  Devices which reply to Inquiry commands with the response data           
     format field set to SCSI-1 (as opposed to CCS or SCSI-2) are             
     mistakenly marked off line.  A SONY[R] optical disk drive has            
     recently been found which responds with the SCSI-1 setting               
     instead of the CCS setting.                                              
  o  Magnetic tapes with odd byte block sizes cause the DUMP utility          
     to report data overrun errors.                                           
  o  The fork block at the end of the SPDT data structure is not              
     receiving an initial fork IPL/lock value.  This results in               
     intermittent system crashes.                                             

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRI02_2H4055 Kit for OpenVMS VAX 

  o  DKDRIVER Mode Sense, Mode Select and other fixes:
     +  Some newer Seagate drives are off-line at boot time.  These
        drives worked with OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 and OpenVMS VAX V6.0.
     +  Mode sense data errors occur while configuring or mounting 
        some SCSI devices, particularly those which support  Tagged
        Command Queueing.                                                 
     +  Multiple Mode Select failure device errors occur configuring
        and accessing disks through an HSC40.
     +  I/O operations which complete with a sense key of 00 cause
        the I/O to fail and the device to be marked off-line.  A
        SWAPPER bugcheck sometimes occurs.  The error log will show
        a CHECK CONDITION returning a sense key of 00.

     +  When using the IO$_DIAGNOSE interface to DKDRIVER, normal 
        access to the device will sometimes stall even if no CHECK 
        CONDITION has occurred. 


     +  MKDRIVER: 
        -  The Receive Diagnostic Command in the Packet Acknowledgment
           sequence to a TZK50 causes the SCSI bus to fail with a GROSS
           error during the DATA IN phase of the command from the target.
           This error condition is only reproducible with heavy SCSI load. 
        -  MKDRIVER does not check for canceled I/O before attempts             
           are made to use the IRP in the IO_SENSECHAR: routine.                

     +  PKCDRIVER:  
        -  Write/Read Check errors occur for one-byte transfers even
           though the data read or written over the SCSI bus is 
           correct and the data read into the user buffer is correct.
        -  When the driver times out waiting for a re-selection 
           interrupt, the correct value is not restored to R5. 
           This causes the system to crash.

  o  PKCDRIVER Fixes:

     +  A SCSI command is read back as data but is not detected as           
        such by the driver.                                                  
     +  On an invalid map interrupt at the label INVALID_MAP_INT,            
        the driver overwrites  R1, which contains a valid value for          
        EXE$GL_CPUNODSP.  This causes a crash when the mainline              
        driver code references an offset off R1.                             
     +  When the DISP_INTERRUPT macro is invoked, the illegal                
        command (ILL_CMD) branch is re-tried instead of                      
        taking the GROSS_ERR branch.                                         
  o  There is a PKSDRIVER odd byte problem in the DATAI_PHASE routine.

  o  MKDRIVER:  Provide a check for canceled I/O  before attempting to
     use the IRP in the IO_SENSECHAR routine. 
  o  PKCDRIVER corrupts the first 24 bytes of the SPDT by using it as
     a fork block when it forks to flush an I/O queue on an error
     (SCSI reset).  (SPDT$L_FQFL). 

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV04_060 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0

  o  Data corruption might occur on read operations for segmented

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV03_060 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0

  o  When the PKCDRIVER times out waiting for a re-selection           
     interrupt, the correct value is not restored to R5.                 
     This causes the system to crash.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV01_060 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0

  o  The peak 5Mb/Second data rates aggravate signal integrity
     issues in certain maximum length cable configurations on
     the VAXstation 4000 Model 90 and the VAXstation 4000
     Model 60.

  o  Code from PKNDRIVER which is imported into PKCDRIVER at
     PK$ABORT causes various problems, particularly with command
     queueing enabled.

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV03_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.1

  o  I/O operations which complete with a sense key of 00 cause the
     I/O to fail and the device to be marked off-line.  A SWAPPER
     bugcheck sometimes occurs.  The error log will show a CHECK
     CONDITION returning a sense key of 00. 

Problems Addressed in the VAXDRIV02_061 Kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.1

  o  Data corruption might occur on read operations for segmented


In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system
must be rebooted.  If the system is a member of a VAXcluster, the 
entire cluster should be rebooted. 

[R]  SONY is a registered trademark of SONY CORPORATION.
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