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OpenVMS VAXF11C01_062 VAX V6.0 - V6.2 F11CD ECO Summary
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.


COMPONENT:  Files-11 C/D - F11CD

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VAXF11C01_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VAXF11C02_061
     ECO Kit Size:  Saveset A:  72 Blocks
                    Saveset B: 162 Blocks
                    Saveset C: 162 Blocks
                    Saveset D: 162 Blocks

            Total of 4 files - 558 Blocks

     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS VAX V6.0, V6.1, V6.2
     System Reboot Necessary:  No


An ECO kit exists for F11CD on OpenVMS VAX V6.0 through V6.2.  This kit
addresses the following problems. 

Problems Addressed in VAXF11C01_062 Kit for OPENVMS VAX V6.0, V6.1,
  and V6.2:

  o  A Non-compliant ISO 9660 CD-ROM may have been incorrectly
     mastered such that the volume set fields in various ISO 9660
     meta-data are left as '0'.  ISO 9660 supports volume sets in
     the range of 1 to 32767, so there is no volume set '0'.  The 
     code which does volume switching, has a coding error which
     causes an INVEXCPTION crash.

  o  The $QIO READ-ATTRUBUTES entry for ATR$C_BACKLINK fails to
     return the current file/directories backlink in all cases.
     This failure impacts Pathworks directory caching.

Problems addressed in the VAXF11C02_061 kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0,

  o  A third-party ISO 9660 CD-ROM may contain ISO 9660 meta-data
     which does not conform to the ISO 9660 (1988) standard.  If
     the nature of this non-conformance causes data lengths to
     exceed the current data buffer, there is a possibility that
     OpenVMS VAX may crash with an access violation from KERNEL
     mode, (i.e., INVEXCPTION crash).

Problems addressed in the VAXF11C01_061 kit for OpenVMS VAX V6.0
  and V6.1:

  o  Support for ISO 9660 CD-ROMs fails to return all files present
     in a directory when there are filenames without an extension
     followed by files with the same filename.  The failure shows up
     as missing files when a partial or full directory is requested.

     For Example:


        Directory DUGAL$DKA400:[000000]

        FU.DIR;1   LISTS.DIR;1   LISTSNEW.DIR;1   PICS.DIR;1   SAP3E.;1

     (INCOMPLETE DIRECTORY - Note missing files of type SAP3E.???)

        Directory DUGAL$DKA400:[000000]

        FU.DIR;1   LISTS.DIR;1   LISTSNEW.DIR;1   PICS.DIR;1   SAP3E.;1


The system/cluster does not need to be rebooted after this kit is
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