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OpenVMS VMS72_PCSI-V0100 Alpha V7.2 PCSI ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS VMS72_PCSI-V0100 Alpha V7.2 PCSI ECO Summary
Modification Date:  04-MAY-2000 
Modification Type:  Corrected Title in TIMA

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       For OpenVMS savesets, the name of the compressed saveset
       file will be kit_name.a-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or
       kit_name.a-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the OpenVMS
       saveset is copied to your system, expand the compressed
       saveset by typing RUN kitname.dcx_vaxexe or kitname.dcx_alpexe.
       For PCSI files, once the PCSI file is copied to your system,
       rename the PCSI file to kitname.pcsi-dcx_axpexe, then it can
       be expanded by typing RUN kitname.pcsi-dcx_axpexe.  The resultant
       file will be the PCSI installation file which can be used to install
       the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha


SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VMS72_PCSI-V0100
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  None 
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  3600 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Not Applicable
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_1
                           1 - To be installed by all customers.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for PCSI on Alpha V7.2.  The new kit addresses
the following problems:

  o  When installing FORTRAN and FORRTL products, the system hangs
     if both products are selected for installation at the same

     Images Affected:

  o  An un-repairable PCSI database corruption is possible if the 
     following PCSI steps are taken:

       1.  Install a FULL type product kit

       2.  Patch the FULL product with a PATCH type kit(s)

       3.  Install a PARTIAL type software product on top of the FULL

     then, two versions of the same FULL product are created and
     patches are not transferred from the FULL product to the
     PARTIAL product.  This would eventually lead to an
     un-repairable PCSI database corruption.

     Images Affected:

  o  The following duplicate error messages are reported by the 
     PCSI utility display during a product upgrade:

       %PCSI-E-INSVOLSPC, insufficient space on volume DISK$ALPCSI_SYS
        -PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 159261 required; 124344 available; -34917 net
       Terminating is strongly recommended.
       Do you want to terminate? [YES] no

       %PCSI-E-INSVOLSPC, insufficient space on volume DISK$ALPCSI_SYS
        -PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 159261 required; 124344 available; -34917 net
       Terminating is strongly recommended.
       Do you want to terminate? [YES] no

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  The reinstallation of a PARTIAL kit causes an ACCVIO.  This
     occurs when certain data is passed from one instance of the
     PARTIAL product to another instance of the same product.
     After the transfer, pointers to the originating data
     structures are cleared.  These pointers will be needed later.

     When the PARTIAL kits are different, re-installation of
     PARTIAL kit will not clear pointers.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  An OpenVMS upgrade would generate an unexpected prompt to
     terminate the operation.

     Images Affected:

  o  During the re-installation of a product that has a library 
     module in its Product Description File (PDF), the PCSI 
     utility terminates with an ACCVIO error.

     Images Affected:

  o  Changed the behavior of file conflict resolution between a
     file from the kit being installed and a file with the same
     name that has already been installed.  Previously, when two
     files had the same generation number, the PCSI utility would
     retain the file already on the system disk.  Now when there is
     a tie, the file from the kit being installed replaces the file
     previously installed.

     Images Affected:

  o  When a PRODUCT RECONFIGURE command is executed and the
     re-configured product has two or more patches applied to it,
     the PCSI utility incorrectly marks the patches as removed.
     This inconsistency can cause an ACCVIO on subsequent

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When an OpenVMS partial kit is installed to upgrade the full
     version of OpenVMS, new files supplied by the partial kit that
     should replace the ones provided by the full OpenVMS version
     are ignored by the PCSI utility.

     Images Affected:

  o  The PCSI utility returns the %PCSI-F-ASSERTFAIL error
     message and aborts when upgrading the OpenVMS operating 
     system with a partial kit.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When a FULL product kit replaces a file provided by another
     product, or a PATCH product kit replaces a file provided by
     its parent product or another patch, use of the IMAGE LIBRARY
     option of the FILE statement in the PDF (Product Description
     File) must be used consistently.  For example, if one product
     provides a file and places it in SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB, but
     another product replaces the file but does not specify that it
     should also be placed in image library, then the installation
     will fail with a %PCSI-E-PARUDF error message.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  Installing OpenVMS patch kits out of order results in a
     %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO access violation.  The proper order, assuming
     OpenVMS is already loaded, is:

       1.  Install the latest patch first, then any additional
           patches in descending order, based upon Release Version,
           e.g., V5.1, V4.2, V3.4, etc.

       2.  Install the patch UPDATE V1.0, then UPDATE02 V1.0, and
           then re-install patch UPDATE V1.0.

      Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  Update the PCSI internal version to V7.2-108.  This version
     can be seen via a PRODUCT SHOW UTILITY command.

     Also Update the copyright notice.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  During installation, PCSI bases its required disk space
     calculation on deleting the old versions of images that are
     changed, thus freeing up disk space.  OpenVMS remedial kits 
     do not delete the old images and therefore do not free up any
     disk space.  This caused the PCSI utility to under estimate
     the amount of free disk space required to install a product or
     patch kit.  If the disk space requirement is under estimated
     and there is insufficient free space, the following errors are

       %PCSI-E-OPENOUT, ...
        -RMS-F-FUL, device full
        Terminating is strongly recommended

     The result is an incomplete installation of the files from the
     kit.   For an ECO to the operating system, there is risk that
     the system may be unusable.

     This change modifies the PCSI disk space calculation to take
     into account the fact that remedial kits do not delete old

     Images Affected:

  o  An attempt to upgrade a product and also apply a patch (or
     ECO) kit to it in the same PRODUCT INSTALL opertion may fail
     with the following error:

       %PCSI-E-FAILCONF, ...

     Images Affected:

  o  Installation of two or more patch kits that provide the same
     file, and also update IMAGELIB.OLB with the file, may cause
     the PCSI product database to be inconsistent if the patch kits
     are installed out of order.  Symptons include:

       +  Output from a PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT /FULL command shows 
          that all versions of the file are in conflict with one 
          another (i.e., no file in the set has a status of "OK").

       +  Output from a PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT /FULL command shows 
          that the owner of the file is one product and the owner 
          of the module in IMAGELIB.OLB is another product (or 

     Images Affected:

  o  Installation of the DWMOTIF V1.2-5 product from a sequential
     kit (that is, a .PCSI file) appears to hang in the initial
     phase of the process.  After a delay (typically of 1 to 5
     minutes), the configuration dialog continues.  The delay 
     occurs immediately after the PCSI utility issues the message:

       "Configuration phase starting ..."

     Images Affected:

  o  When a number of patch kits are installed in a descending
     version sequence, and they contain files with IMAGE LIBRARY
     attribute set, a PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT command will display all
     the IMAGE LIBRARY files at conflict.  This indicates incorrect
     entries to the PCSI database and may cause some problems.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When a number of patch kits are installed and they contain
     files with the IMAGE LIBRARY attribute set, a PRODUCT SHOW
     OBJECT command may display inconsistent information,  i.e.,
     showing a file owned by one patch kit and the equivalent image
     library module owned by another patch kit.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When a number of patch kits are installed and they contain
     files with the IMAGE LIBRARY attribute set, a PRODUCT SHOW
     OBJECT command may display inconsistent information, i.e.,
     showing a file owned by one patch kit and the equivalent image
     library module owned by another patch kit.

     Images Affected:  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE


The system does not need to be rebooted after this kit is installed.
However, all processes will need to log out and then back in to use
the new PRODUCT command qualifiers and keywords.

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