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OpenVMS VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 Update Alpha V7.2-1 ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 Update Alpha V7.2-1 ECO Summary
Modification Date:  18-APR-2000 
Modification Type:  Documentation Modification: 
                      Superseded kit information updated.
                      Bugcheck caution added.                      

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       For OpenVMS savesets, the name of the compressed saveset
       file will be kit_name.a-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or
       kit_name.a-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the OpenVMS
       saveset is copied to your system, expand the compressed
       saveset by typing RUN kitname.dcx_vaxexe or kitname.dcx_alpexe.
       For PCSI files, once the PCSI file is copied to your system,
       rename the PCSI file to kitname.pcsi-dcx_axpexe, then it can
       be expanded by typing RUN kitname.pcsi-dcx_axpexe.  The resultant
       file will be the PCSI installation file which can be used to install
       the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 


SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VMS721_DS20E_ES40-V0100         
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  95,632 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_1
                           1 - To be installed on all systems running
                                the listed version(s) of OpenVMS.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:


   *                             CAUTION                             *       
   * For the corrections in this ECO to take effect, the system must *       
   * be rebooted.  If this ECO is installed but the system is NOT    *       
   * rebooted, the system may crash with a BADVECTOR bugcheck when   *       
   * using DEBUG.                                                    *


An ECO kit exists for System Components on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1.  This 
kit addresses the following problems: 

Problems Addressed in VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 Rated as "1":

  o  When a  copy  operation  that  interrupts  a  merge  operation
     terminates,  it  finds  that  there  are no members marked for
     merge and the thread crashes the system  with  a  SHADDETINCON

       Images Affected:

  o  A system crash occurred with a SHADDETICON bugcheck.

       Images Affected:

  o  A system may crash with a KRNLSTAKNV bugcheck during heavy
     disk I/O activity, such as BACKUP.

       Images Affected:

  o  An attempt to close a timed out file in mount verify will fail
     to close, causing FILCNTNONZ bugchecks during process rundown.
     The symptom is that the DEACCESS QIO  returns  with  an  error
     status,  typically  VOLINV,  as  well as CCB$L_WIND containing
     zero,  which  means  that  the  file  has  been   successfully

       Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]IO_ROUTINES.EXE

  o  The external priority  value  SCH$CHANGE_CUR_PRIORITY  is  not
     always  used  to  calculate  the  correct  entry  in the CPU's
     scheduling array.  Instead, the internal priority  value  will
     be  used  if  another  CPU  is  executing  at the same process
     priority  as  the  current   CPU   that   is   executing   the
     SCH$CHANGE_CUR_PRIORITY  routine.   Using the internal process
     priority, could result in data corruption since the calculated
     address  of  an  entry in the CPU's scheduling array will most
     likely be beyond the end of this array and also beyond the end
     of  the  per-CPU  database  structure.  So, whatever data lies
     after this could get corrupted.

       Images Affected:

  o  During SHUTDOWN of a Galaxy instance, if the shared memory LAN
     driver is active, the system could crash with an INVEXCEPTN.

       Images Affected:

  o  An INVEXCEPTN crash can occur.

       Images Affected:

  o  Enable_lun was not functioning properly, resulting in possible
     crashes in EXE$INSTIMQ.

       Images Affected:

  o  A SCSI$C_RESERVATION_CONFLICT with a data underrun condition
     causes a bugcheck.

       Images Affected:

  o  A bad disk in a shadow set is not thrown out of the  set,  but
     instead  causes  the  shadow  set  to hang, which may hang the

       Images Affected:

  o  During SHUTDOWN of a Galaxy instance, if  other  interconnects
     are in use besides SMCI, there exists the possibility of other
     Galaxy instances crashing with a CLUEXIT.

       Images Affected:

  o  An ACCVIO crash could occur when a SMCI port is shutdown.

       Images Affected:

  o  Running ERRFMT interactively can cause the  system  to  crash
     with a SSRVEXCEPT bugcheck.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]ERRFMT.EXE

  o  The system can crash when trying  to  create  a  directory  or
     write a file in a large InfoServer partition.

       Images Affected:

  o  A mismatch between the actual and claimed map register crashes
     the system.

       Images Affected:

  o  Several of the Galaxy locking services can  crash  the  system
     with  an  access  violation  in  the  kernel mode if used in a
     "share nothing" configuration.

       Images Affected:

  o  If a process working set is reduced such that the working  set
     only  contains  locked pages, and the process then pagefaults,
     the system could bugcheck in MMG$PAGEFAULT with "FREWSLX,

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$VM.EXE

  o  A situation in which PT regions share VA  space  can  cause  a

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$VM.EXE

  o  The UCB$L_RECORD field, which should = 0  after  a  successful
     rewind,  contains  erroneous  values.   These values are being
     returned  by  the  controller  in  the   end   message   field
     uses these values as an index and the system ACCVIO crashes.

       Images Affected:
          TMSCP resources, it is best to fix this in TUDRIVER.

  o  During a system boot with SYSTEM_CHECK set to 0 and  with  XFC
     (Extended  File  Cache) loaded (VCC_FLAGS = 2), a system could

       Images Affected:

  o  A reboot on a DPWS (Digital Personal Workstation) with an ELSA
     card  installed  will  crash.  The system must be shut down, a
     console init must be performed and then  the  system  must  be

       Images Affected:

  o  Timer routine LAST$TICK causes a crash.

       Images Affected:

  o  When the AMDS console is writing to  RMDRIVER,  a  system  can
     crash with an PGFIPLHI bugcheck.

       Images Affected:

  o  Systems with heavy system pagefaulting could incur a PGFIPLHI,
     "Pagefault with IPL too high," bugcheck.

       Images Affected:

  o  Two class schedulers running on the same system could cause  a
     crash  when  they  both  tried to insert the same TQE onto the
     system-wide TQE queue multiple times.

       Images Affected:

  o  An internal TTDRIVER bug in  CTRL/R  processing  can  cause  a
     corruption of non-paged pool, resulting in a variety of system
     bugcheck crashes, such as INVEXCEPTN,  SSRVEXCEPT,  LOCKMGRERR
     or others.

       Images Affected:

  o  In rare cases, a system may crash with  a  SYSTRMERR  bugcheck
     during  a boot, if verbose boot messages are enabled.  Setting
     bit 16 or 17 in the console's  OS_FLAGS  parameter  (boot  -fl
     x,10000  or  x,20000  where  x is the system's root directory)
     enables verbose boot messages.

       Images Affected:

  o  The  bug  in  the  printf()   "engine"   introduced   in   the
     ALPACRT07_071  kit  has been fixed.  The bug was that when the
     minimal field width  or  precision  specified  in  the  format
     directive  was  greater  than  1024,  the "engine" could write
     beyond the end of allocated internal  conversion  buffer.   It
     could   happen   only   in   X_FLOAT   floating   point   mode
     (/L_DOUBLE_SIZE=128, which is the default on Alpha).  The  bug
     affected all functions from the printf() family of functions.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  A system crash could occur as the result of  a  delay  in  the
     downward  adjustment  of  the  SP (Stack Pointer), which could
     corrupt the stack.

       Images Affected:

  o  The PCI FDDI adapter halts with a fatal hardware error.   When
     the driver attempts to restart it, the driver detects either a
     parity error  being  reported  by  the  DEFPA,  or  a  command
     failure,  which  prevents  the  driver  from getting the DEFPA
     restarted successfully.  As a result, the  DEFPA  is  unusable
     until the system is rebooted.

       Images Affected:

Problems Addressed in VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 Rated as "3":

  o  INSTALL REPLACE of an image  installed  resident,  when  there
     sufficient  granularity  hint region space available, fails to
     correctly load resident code (and/or  data).   Any  subsequent
     use  of  the  replaced  image  is  very likely to fail, Access
     violations (ACCVIO) are likely to occur.

       Images Affected:

  o  The getenv() function  has  been  corrected  to  check  for  a
     Command Line Interpreter (CLI) symbol only when called in user
     access mode.  While DEC C RTL is a user-mode run time library,
     a  decision  was made to correct getenv() in order to make the
     library more robust.  The reason for this  change  is  because
     calling  the CLI from within exec or kernel mode may result in
     an access violation.

     With this  fix,  when  called  from  inner  access  mode,  the
     getenv()  function will search only the C environment list and
     OpenVMS logical names.

     This fix does not  mean,  however,  that  the  user-mode  only
     restriction  was  lifted.   Calling  the  DEC C RTL functions,
     including getenv(), in any access mode other than in user-mode
     is still un-supported.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The strptime() function  has  been  modified  to  comply  with
     X/Open CAE Specification System Interfaces and Headers Issue 5
     (commonly  known  as  XPG5).   In  XPG5,  how  the  strptime()
     function  processes  the  "%y"  directive  was  changed  for a
     two-digit year within the century, if no century is specified.

     According to XPG5, for the "%y" directive, when a  century  is
     not  otherwise  specified,  values in the range 69-99 refer to
     years in the twentieth century (1969 to 1999 inclusive), while
     values  in  the range 00-68 refer to years in the twenty-first
     century (2000 to 2068 inclusive).  Essentially, for  the  "%y"
     directive,  strptime()  became  a  "pivoting" function with 69
     being a pivoting year.

     Before  this  change,  the  strptime()  function  was   always
     interpreting a two-digit year with no century as a year within
     the twentieth century.

     With the current ECO kit, XPG5-compliant strptime() becomes  a
     default  strptime()  function  in the DEC C RTL.  However, for
     compatibility    reasons,    the    previous    "non-pivoting"
     XPG4-compliant strptime() function was retained.

     The "pivoting" is controlled by the DECC$XPG4_STRPTIME logical
     name.   Defining  this  logical  name  prior  to  invoking the
     application (any equivalence string) will cause the DEC C  RTL
     to   use  the  "non-pivoting"  flavor  of  strptime().   Also,
     "non-pivoting"  strptime()  can  be  called  directly  as  the
     decc$strptime_xpg4() function.

     While there is an easy  way  to  disable  "pivoting"  by  just
     defining  a  logical  name,  you  should  be aware that if the
     application ceases to work correctly due to the change in  the
     strptime() function, it almost certainly means that there is a
     Y2K problem in the application.  Y2K-safe applications  should
     not be affected by the change in strptime().

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The  stat()  function  has  been  corrected  to  process  file
     specifications such as "foo:[000000]", where foo is defined as
     a concealed device like the following:

       $ define/trans=(conc) foo device:[bar.]

     Prior to this fix, the stat() function would fail for  such  a
     file  specification  with errno set to ENOENT (No such file or

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  Both flavors of the system() function were corrected to ensure
     that the function always returns the correct status.

     The POSIX-compliant system() function has  been  corrected  to
     always  return  a  status  corresponding  to the signal, which
     terminated  the  child  process  if  the  child  process   was
     terminated due to receiving a signal.

     Prior to this fix, there was a small timing  window  when  the
     function  could  return  the status corresponding to the child
     process completion code, even  in  the  case  when  the  child
     process was terminated by a signal.

     The Non-POSIX system() function has been corrected  to  always
     return the OpenVMS completion code of the child process.

     Prior to this fix, there was a small timing  window  when  the
     function  could return the status from LIB$SPAWN(), instead of
     the completion code of the child process.

     None of these problems were ever reported by a customer.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The opendir() and readdir() functions have been  corrected  to
     process  directories  on  a  remote  node  specified using the
     following DECnet file specification:

       nodename"username password"::device:[directory] 

     Prior to this fix, opendir() could  fail  with  errno  set  to
     ENOTDIR  (Not  a directory).  In the case when opendir() could
     successfully open the directory, the readdir() function  could
     return incorrect file names.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The times() and clock() functions have  been  modified  to  be
     both thread-safe and AST-reentrant.

     Prior to this change, these functions belonged to the class of
     functions  which  are  thread safe, but not AST-reentrant (see
     section 1.7.2  Multithread  Restrictions  in  the  DEC  C  RTL
     Reference Manual).

     The change in the reentrancy status of the times() and clock()
     functions will be reflected in the next release of the Manual.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The stat() function no longer fails due to the failure of  the
     mktime() function.

     It was reported that the stat()  function  fails  for  a  file
     created  on  April  4th  1999  at 2:04 a.m.  EST, which is the
     "missing hour" in the transition  from  standard  to  daylight
     saving time in the Eastern time zone.

     The problem was due to the failure of the mktime() function to
     process  the  "missing  hour"  (stat()  calls mktime() to fill
     st_?time members of the stat structure with the UTC time).

     While the mktime() function was not fixed, the stat() function
     was  corrected  to  handle  the  failure  of  mktime() and set
     st_?time fields correctly, even if mktime() fails.

     Note, that, strictly speaking, "missing hour"  is  an  invalid
     input  for mktime():  there is no such time as "April 4th 1999
     2:04 a.m.", for example, in the Eastern time zone.  Given  the
     possibility  of  calling  mktime()  with  an invalid time, the
     stat() function probably should not have used mktime() in  the
     first  place  or  at  least  should  have  been prepared for a
     mktime() failure.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The CRTL I/O subsystem was enhanced to lift the  eight  nested
     directory levels restriction for an ODS-5 device.  This change
     affects such DEC C RTL functions as  access,  mkdir,  opendir,
     rmdir, and stat.

     The following program  example  shows  different  OpenVMS  and
     Unix-style deep directory specifications.


       #define DIM(_s) (sizeof(_s) / sizeof(_s[0]))

       ** we assume presence of root$ concealed device:
       ** define/NoLog/Tran=(Conceal,Terminal) root$ node$dka0:[000000.]

       static char *filename[] = {
       "node$dka0:[w.x.y.z.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j]",    /* (1) */
       "node$dka0:[w.x.y.z.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i]j.dir", /* (2) */
       "root$/w/x/y/z/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j",          /* (3) */

         struct stat s;
         int i;
         char *name;

         for(i=0; i < DIM(filename); ++i) {
           name = filename[i];

           if ( mkdir(name,0) == -1 )
             printf("%d? mkdir(): %s\n", i+1, strerror(errno));

           if ( stat(name,&s) )
             printf("%d? stat(): %s\n", i+1, strerror(errno));
           else if ( !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode) )
             printf("%d? stat(): %s\n", i+1, "not a directory???");

           if ( !opendir(name) )
             printf("%d? opendir(): %s\n", i+1, strerror(errno));

           if ( access(name,F_OK) == -1 )
             printf("%d? access(): %s\n", i+1, strerror(errno));
           if ( rmdir(name) == -1 )
             printf("%d? rmdir(): %s\n", i+1, strerror(errno));

       Please note that the DEC C RTL still does  not  support  mixed
       Unix/OpenVMS-style   filenames   coded  using  extended  ODS-5
       syntax,   such   as   "doc/foo.bar.bar",    "~foo^.bar"    and

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The select() function has been corrected to return  a  failure
     status if either an invalid file descriptor or file descriptor
     not associated with a socket is found in one of the  specified
     file  descriptor  sets.   In  the  case  of  an  invalid  file
     descriptor, the select() function sets  errno  to  EBADF.   In
     case  of  a  file descriptor not associated with a socket, the
     function sets errno to ENOTSOCK.

     Failure with errno set to EBADF is  the  standard  requirement
     for the select() function.  Failure with errno set to ENOTSOCK
     occurs because the select()  function  can  currently  operate
     only on sockets.

     Prior to this fix, the function was setting errno as described
     above, but otherwise was ignoring invalid file descriptors and
     file descriptors not associated with sockets.

     The old behavior can be requested by defining the logical name
     DECC$SELECT_IGNORES_INVALID_FD    prior    to   invoking   the
     application (any equivalence string).

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The problem commonly known as the "Y2038 bug" has been  fixed.
     The  C  run-time  library  time  functions,  which  access the
     current time using  the  OpenVMS  time  functions,  have  been
     corrected  to  handle  times  after 19-Jan-2038 3:14:07.  Data
     type time_t is  defined  on  OpenVMS  as  an  unsigned  32-bit
     integer.   However,  some  of  the  functions  which  retrieve
     current time from the system and convert it to  time_t  format
     were using signed arithmetic.

     This fix affects the functions:

       o  decc$fix_time()
       o  time()
       o  ftime()
       o  gettimeofday()
       o  getclock()

     With this fix, DEC C RTL  time  functions  will  handle  times
     successfully until 07-Feb-2106 06:28:15.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The printf() family of functions have been enhanced to perform
     better  when  the  calling application has exhausted available

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  The file access functions have been corrected to process  file
     names  on  UNIX systems over DECnet.  The file name for a file
     on a UNIX system accessed over DECnet was being  converted  to
     uppercase,  even  when the name was enclosed in double quotes.
     This problem was introduced on OpenVMS V7.2 and  also  affects
     OpenVMS  V7.1-2  and  OpenVMS  V7.2-1.  File names of the form
     node::"dir/name" are now processed correctly.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]CRTL.OBJ

  o  When installing FORTRAN and FORRTL products, the system  hangs
     if  both  products  are  selected for installation at the same

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  If the following PCSI steps are taken:

       1.  Install a FULL type product kit

       2.  Patch the FULL product with a PATCH type kit(s)

       3.  Install a PARTIAL type software product on top of the FULL

     then, two versions of the same FULL product  are  created  and
     patches  are  not  transferred  from  the  FULL product to the
     PARTIAL  product.   This   would   eventually   lead   to   an
     un-repairable PCSI database corruption.       

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  The following duplicate error messages reported  by  the  PCSI
     utility display during a product upgrade:

       %PCSI-E-INSVOLSPC, insufficient space on volume DISK$ALPCSI_SYS
        -PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 159261 required; 124344 available; -34917 net
        Terminating is strongly recommended.  
        Do you want to terminate? [YES] no

       %PCSI-E-INSVOLSPC, insufficient space on volume DISK$ALPCSI_SYS
        -PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 159261 required; 124344 available; -34917 net
        Terminating is strongly recommended.  
        Do you want to terminate? [YES] no

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  The reinstallation of a PARTIAL kit causes  an  ACCVIO.   This
     occurs  when  certain  data is passed from one instance of the
     PARTIAL product to  another  instance  of  the  same  product.
     After   the   transfer,   pointers  to  the  originating  data
     structures are cleared.  These pointers will be needed later.

     When  the  PARTIAL  kits  are  different,  re-installation  of
     PARTIAL kit will not clear pointers.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  An OpenVMS upgrade would  generate  an  unexpected  prompt  to
     terminate the operation.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When re-installing a product that has a library module in  its
     Product  Description  File  (PDF), the PCSI utility terminates
     with an ACCVIO error.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  Changed the behavior of file  conflict  resolution  between  a
     file  from  the  kit  being installed and a file with the same
     name that has already been installed.   Previously,  when  two
     files  had  the  same generation number, the PCSI utilty would
     retain the file already on the system disk.  Now when there is
     a tie, the file from the kit being installed replaces the file
     previously installed.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When  a  PRODUCT  RECONFIGURE  command  is  executed  and  the
     reconfigured  product  has  two or more patches applied to it,
     the PCSI utility incorrectly marks  the  patches  as  removed.
     This   inconsistency   can   cause  an  ACCVIO  on  subsequent

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When an OpenVMS partial kit is installed to upgrade  the  full
     version of OpenVMS, new files supplied by the partial kit that
     should replace the ones provided by the full  OpenVMS  version
     are ignored by the PCSI utility.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  The PCSI utility returns the %PCSI-F-ASSERTFAIL error
     message and aborts when upgrading the OpenVMS operating system
     with a partial kit.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  When a FULL product kit replaces a file  provided  by  another
     product,  or  a  PATCH product kit replaces a file provided by
     its parent product or another patch, use of the IMAGE  LIBRARY
     option  of  the FILE statement in the PDF (Product Description
     File) must be used consistently.  For example, if one  product
     provides a file and places it in SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB, but
     another product replaces the file but does not specify that it
     should  also be placed in image library, then the installation
     will fail with a %PCSI-E-PARUDF error message.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  Installing OpenVMS patch  kits  out  of  order  results  in  a
     %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO access violation.  The proper order, assuming
     OpenVMS is already loaded, is:

       1.  Install  the  latest  patch  first,  then  any  additional
           patches  in  descending order, based upon Release Version,
           e.g., V5.1, V4.2, V3.4, etc.

       2.  Install the patch UPDATE V1.0,  then  UPDATE02  V1.0,  and
           then re-install patch UPDATE V1.0.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE

  o  Correct the resultant directory string size in NAML for remote
     file specifications.

     The size of the resultant directory string  in  a  NAML  block
     structure  was  being set incorrectly when parsing remote file

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE

  o  Fix to wildcard '%' when % literal also in  next  subdirectory

     When  doing  an  RMS  $PARSE  (without  SYNTAX-ONLY,  so   the
     existence   of   the   directory   is  confirmed)  of  a  file
     specification with a subdirectory reference at level n with  a
     wildcard percent sign (%) and a subdirectory name at level n+1
     with a literal percent sign (^%), RMS  will  return  a  syntax
     error,  even  though  the  specification  is  valid  (and  the
     directory exists).

     This problem only occurs with  an  ODS-5  disk  (which  allows
     names with literal percent signs).

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE

  o  Correction for processes exiting  with  RMS  IORNDN  non-fatal

     Processes may disappear with RMS  IORNDN  non-fatal  bugchecks
     when  an  EXIT  is  requested by an Executive-mode application
     (such as ACMS).  This  is  a  very  small  timing  window,  so
     processes   with   a  large  number  of  files  increases  the
     probability of the problem occurring.

     If the SYSGEN parameter BUGCHECKFATAL is not enabled, then the
     process  will be terminated; if it is enabled, then the system
     will crash with a RMSBUG (R2=FFFFFFF0, IORNDN) bugcheck.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE

  o  Fix to allow  mixed  (%  and  ?)  wildcards  in  directory  or
     filename specification.

     If within one filespec a mixture of '%' and '?' is used as the
     one-character    wildcard   in   a   directory   or   filename
     specification, a  $PARSE  or  $SEARCH  fails  with  'file  not
     found',  even  though  there is a subdirectory or file name on
     disk  that  matches  the  wildcard  specification.   For  this
     problem  to  occur using the DCL interface with a file located
     on an ODS-2 disk, the PARSE_STYLE for the process  would  need
     to be set to EXTENDED.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE

  o  The CONVERT utility may  return  an  access  violation  and/or
     SORT_ON  errors  when  it is repeatedly invoked from within an
     application utilizing the callable  interface.   Additionally,
     an  invalid  file  structure  may be created when the callable
     interface is invoked repeatedly from within an application.

       Images Affected:

  o  Attempts to CONVERT a prologue 3  indexed  file  with  greater
     than  3  keys (key 3 and above) and with the primary key being
     segmented with the segments not in ascending  order, results  
     in  invalid  key structures being generated for key 3
     and above.

       1.  Using the callable interface to  convert  multiple  files,
           results  in  a SORT_ON error if any previous file contains
           no records and has at least one alternate key defined.

       2.  Using the /SECONDARY qualifier with  values  greater  than
           eight  results  in  invalid alternate key structures being

       Images Affected:

  o  CONVERT/RECLAIM  reports  the  following  error  during  image

       "%RMS-F-ISI, invalid internal stream identifier (ISI) value"

     Despite the  reported  error,  the  CONVERT/RECLAIM  completes

       Images Affected:

  o  Fix  %CONVERT-I-SEQ  errors  converting  sequential  file   to

     Attempts to convert a sequential file to an indexed format may
     report  %CONVERT-I-SEQ  errors despite convert's invocation of
     the SORT utility.  These errors may be reported if any of  the
     input  file's  records  are  shorter  than  the  primary key's
     highest segment.

       Images Affected:

  o  The IO User's Guide  states  the  the  IO$_FLUSH  function  is
     supported.  However, when and IO$_FLUSH is called, an "illegal
     IO function" error message is returned.

       Images Affected:

  o  Fatal IVDENS (invalid density) errors can occur during  simple
     operations, such as INIT, on a TZ88 tape drive.

       Images Affected:

  o  If  a  write  protected  disk  is  dismounted   and   un-write
     protected,  when  the  disk is remounted, it is still software
     write protected.

       Images Affected:

  o  Appendix B of the OpenVMS V7.2  I/O  User's  Reference  Manual
     states   that   the   following   values   are   ignored  when
     S2DGB$V_TAGGED_REQ is 1:


     Although  not  documented,  the  following  values  are   also


     The documentation also stated that ports which do not  support
     tagged  command queuing always behave as if S2DGB$V_TAGGED_REQ
     is 0.  This applies to the behavior of the ports  and  has  no
     effect  on  whether  the above set of parameters gets ignored.
     The reason  these  values  are  ignored  when  tagged  command
     queuing  is  in  use is that they can effect other commands to
     the connection until the IO$_DIAGNOSE command completes.  (The
     timeout  values  are  used as defaults for all commands to the
     connection for the duration of the command.)  

       Images Affected:

  o  A generic scsi device may cause command timeout errors in  the
     error log file.

       Images Affected:

  o  Processes get stuck in RWNPG state waiting to write  to  MBA1.
     An  ANALYZE/SYSTEM  command shows that the JOB_CONTROL process
     has no QIO against MBA1.  As a result, the  SHOW/QUEUE/MANAGER
     command hangs and new users cannot log into the system.

       Images Affected:

  o  If IMAGE ACCOUNTING is enabled, an  IMAGE  termination  record
     may be written to ACCOUNTNG.DAT as a USER record.

       Images Affected:

  o  The DCL SHOW QUEUE or SHOW ENTRY commands display  batch  jobs
     executing   or   aborting  when  there  are  no  corresponding
     processes for the jobs active on the system.

     The accounting record shows the jobs as terminated.

       Images Affected:

  o  When a queue is deleted, the queue manager can issue a  SIGNAL
     stop  and  crash  with  the  error  message "%QMAN-F-BADLOGIC,
     internal logic error detected."

       Images Affected:

  o  The job controller process can hang in an LEF state due to  an
     event  flag zero overlap.  As a result, queues and jobs remain
     in the starting state.

       Images Affected:

  o  The following two problems occur:

       o  Init/density=(1600,6250)  commands  do   not   honor   the
          requested density.

       o  An  INIT/MEDIA=compaction  command  does  not  change   to
          compacted mode.

     The problems exist when the configuration includes an  OpenVMS
     V7.1   client   and   an  OpenVMS  V7.2  server  utilizing  an
     OpenVMS-TMSCP served MK-based tape drive.   The  drives  which
     have  exhibited  this problem include TZ8X, TSZ07, TLZX or any
     SCSI-based drive that supports data compaction.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]TMSCP.EXE

  o  The device type assigned to a tape drive can  be  inconsistent
     between a client and the server.  When a local SCSI tape drive
     is configured on a server and assigned a device type, such  as
     "DEC  XXX",  where  XXX is equal to TLZ10 or any other type of
     SCSI tape drive, when the  client  configures  the  device,  a
     device type "GENERIC SCSI TAPE" is assigned for the same local
     SCSI tape drive.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]TMSCP.EXE

  o  MSCP HRB structures are overwritten by other  driver  modules.
     The  structures  cause  crashes  in  other  modules  when they
     attempt to use a MSCP HRB as another data structure.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]MSCP.EXE

  o  Commands which specify  an  invalid  density  execute  without
     indicating an error condition.

       Images Affected:

  o  An INIT/MED=NOCOMP command to an HSJ-based  DLT  (TZXX)  drive
     does not go into non-compacted mode.

       Images Affected:

  o  SHOW DEVICES shows zero  %  merged  status,  even  though  the
     shadow  set status does not indicate that a merge is required.
     In addition, the shadow set shows that it has  merge  members,
     even   though   the   SHAD$W_STATUS  does  not  indicate  that

       Images Affected:

  o  The various  reasons  for  generating  SS$_INCSHAMEM  are  not

       Images Affected:

  o  The DQDRIVER's DMA windows in PCIbus space are shifted out  of
     natural  alignment,  if  the DRDRIVER for the KZPAC Mylex RAID
     controller configures before the DQDRIVER.  As a  result,  the
     DQDRIVER  is  not  configured  properly  and adversely affects
     other structures in memory.

       Images Affected:

  o  The Cypress chip does not reset its DMA pointer if the transfer
     is an exact multiple of 8KB.

       Images Affected:

  o  When the following occurs:

       1.  A username exists in  both  the  SYSUAF.DAT  and  the  SAM

       2.  The IGNORE_EXTAUTH  bit  is  set  in  the  SECURITY_POLICY
           system parameter

     An $ACM call that is targeted to the NT ACME  for  a  username
     that is recognized by both OpenVMS and NT fails.

       Images Affected:

  o  Specifying a complete filename with a relative (negative) file
     version  is  not  correctly processed by BACKUP.  No files are

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE

  o  BACKUP/JOURNAL/SELECT  may  fail  with  an   %RMS-F-SYN   file
     specification syntax error.  The failure occurs when a journal
     entry for a header only file is  encountered  in  the  journal
     file, e.g., [SYS0.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS;1.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE

  o  When SYSMAN is  used  to  access  another  node  in  the  same
     cluster,  and  the  access  fails  due  to a bad password, the
     intrusion record is created using a 12 byte space padded field
     for the USERNAME, such as,

       "SYSTEM::USER        "

     When the user does a SHOW INTRUSIONS,  they  do  not  see  the
     intrusion record as a 12 byte space padded field but rather as
     just "SYSTEM::USER".  Trying to delete  the  intrusion  record
     with  a  DEL/INTRUSION "SYSTEM::USER" does not work.  In order
     to delete the record, the 12 byte space  padded  field  format
     must be entered:


     This correction eliminates the need to use  a  12  byte  space
     padded field to delete the intrusion record.

       Images Affected:

  o  Shutting down a node which boots  from  a  V7.1-2,  or  later,
     shadowed  system  disk  results  in  a shadow merge operation,
     which causes performance degradation..

       Images Affected:

  o  The number of  pagelets  that  can  be  specified  for  SYSGEN
     parameters, such GBLPAGES, is limited.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]SYSGEN.EXE
         -  [SYSEXE]SYSMAN.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]LIB.R64

  o  When SDA is run in a batch job, the first page  of  output  is
     written to the log, then the "Press return for more" prompt is
     output and SDA attempts to read from the batch  command  file.
     In  the  next record, there is either another SDA command or a
     line beginning with a dollar sign.  In either case, SDA aborts
     the command it was processing.

       Images Affected:

  o  Some addresses for resident images that are symbolized display
     incorrectly or ACCVIO in CLUE.        

       Images Affected:

  o  Several SDA changes were made:

       o  Make BUGCHECK handle memory holes that  start  on  L2  PTE

       o  Make an SDA workaround for the lack of access to  PTEs  or
          PFN entries in a dump, which occurs when BUGCHECK does not
          correctly dump memory with holes on L2 PTE boundaries.

       o  Display  Floating  Point  registers  correctly  with  SHOW

       Images Affected:

  o  Symbols whose offsets are  off  the  end  of  the  vector  are

       Images Affected:

  o  The Registry$server ACCVIOS  when  Advanced  Server  tries  to

     Below is a sample of the REGISTRY$SERVER.log.

       %REG-E-DTMUTEXLOCK,   DECthreads   mutex   lock    error    22
       %REG-E-DTMUTEXUNLOCK,   DECthreads   mutex   unlock  error  22
       %REG-E-FSOSEGNUMBER, invalid segment number in FSO:   0003038D
       00000000  %REG-F-DBACCESS,  cannot  access  registry  database
       object %CMA-F-EXIT_THREAD, current thread has  been  requested
       to  exit  %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO,  access violation, reason mask=00,
       virtual address 000000031

       Images Affected:

  o  The registry database cannot be  expanded  beyond  2  Mg.   In
     addition,  there  are  deficiencies in the writing of segments
     which become more critical when working with large databases.

       Images Affected:

  o  The NTA_PACK_UNPACK routine required the GID Info Array to  be
     in the NT Credentials that was being packed and unpacked.  The
     GID Info Array field should be optional,

       Images Affected:

  o  When an entry is deleted from  a  paused  symbiont  queue,  an
     "unexpected  symbiont process" termination record is displayed
     in the OPERATOR.LOG and a dump file for the  symbiont  running
     (LATSYM,  TELNETSYM,  PRTSMB)  is  produced  in the SYS$SYSTEM
     directory.  An analysis of  queue  journal  files  shows  each
     occurrence  of  the  problem happens after a DELETE/ENTRY of a
     print job on a paused queue.

       Images Affected:

  o  If a file being printed is a VFC  format,  and  if  the  print
     queue  is paused and restarted with "/search = ", then
     the print symbiont enters a CPU loop that can  consume  up  to
     100% of CPU bandwidth.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]SMBSRVSHR.EXE     

  o  The  PROLOSSOR  signal  may  look  like  %system-?-devforeign.
     Several  of  the stack-walking routines returned status values
     that were not being checked.

       Images Affected:

  o  MOUNT appears to mount a shadow set that  is  in  "MountVerify
     Timeout"  state  successfully,  but in reality, no members are
     added and the set remains in the "MountVerify Timeout" state.

     A device that  is  in  "MountVerify  Timeout"  state  must  be
     dismounted before you can successfully re-mount the device.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]VMOUNT.EXE

  o  An attempt to MOUNT a disk which  has  a  corrupted  INDEX.SYS
     file  'hangs' MOUNT.  Control-Y is unable to stop the hang and
     the operations count on the device rapidly increases.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]VMOUNT.EXE

  o  The SYS$MCDRIVER error handler logs a Link-Online  De-asserted
     error as a Hub Timeout error.

       Images Affected:

  o  Hub Timeout errors,  MC  port  re-inits  and  virtual  circuit
     closure may occur on Memory Channel 1.0 or 1.5 devices.

       Images Affected:

  o  Port Messages  are  incorrectly  being  logged  as  MSCP  Tape

       Images Affected:

  o  PBDRIVER may continually re-init itself every few seconds.  On
     some  re-init  paths,  PBDRIVER  may  not  properly record the
     instance incarnation number.

       Images Affected:

  o  The linker aborts with an access violation when  linking  with
     the /SECTION_BINDING qualifier.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]LINK.EXE

  o  Networks with many devices may experience failures.   A  $SHOW
     DEVICE  command  returns %SYSTEM-F-VASFUL, "virtual address is

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]SHOW.EXE

  o  Setting PQL_MENQLM above 32767 prevents the special UAF  ENQLM
     value of 32767 from scaling to "inifinity".

       Images Affected:

  o  Users who login through the DECwindows CDE interface, and  who
     use  external  authentication, sometimes experience unexpected
     login failures when their mapped username  is  different  than
     the username entered during login.

       Images Affected:

  o  In previous releases of OpenVMS, protection of a new FT device
     was  unconditionally  set  to S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W (no access for
     GROUP and WORLD).

     This change and a corresponding change  in  the  ALPSYSA04_071
     kit  modify  this behavior.  Protection for a new FT device is
     now taken from the protection of the "template device"  FTA0:.
     The  protection for FTA0:  may be set during the boot process,
     (in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM), or manually, for example


     At boot time, the protection on FTA0 is unconditionally set to
     S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W.   An  ACL  may  also be set on FTA0, either
     explicitly, or inherited  from  the  SECURITY  class  TERMINAL
     device template.

       Images Affected:

  o  Update the conversion of the ODS-1 date field to  comply  with
     the RSX-11 version of date handling.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  Fix the internal GETTIM function so that it  properly  formats
     the 64 bit internal time to an RSX-11 compatible ASCII string.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]INIT$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSEXE]VERIFY.EXE
         -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  Security Server generates  OPCOM  messages  saying  it  cannot
     write to a client mailbox.

       Images Affected:

  o  The stack could overflow when making a call to $FORMAT_ACL.

       Images Affected:

  o  A spurious ACCVIO can occur  when  using  NTLM  authentication
     over TCP.

       Images Affected:

  o  Reduce virtual memory use by RPC runtime

       Images Affected:

  o  Increase socket connection queue length from 5 to 1024

       Images Affected:

  o  NTLM authentication errors show up as who_are_you failures.

       Images Affected:

  o  Attempting to start a DCE server with a well  known  endpoint,
     such as RPCD (port 135) or PERF server (port 2001), fails with
     sn "UNABLE TO BIND SOCKET" error, when  there  is  no  process
     using the port.

       Images Affected:

  o  An OpenVMS DCOM client to a NT component  fails  with  an  RPC
     "Unknown reject" error.

       Images Affected:

  o  DCE  temporary  files  may  appear  in  scratch   or   default
     directories.   If  an  error  or control Y is entered during a
     dce_setup invocation, temporary files, such as:


     are  left  in  the  directory  pointed  to  by   the   logical

       Images Affected:

  o  MFPR_xxx and MTPR_xxx PALcode instructions can leave registers
     R1,  R16  and R17 with unpredictable results.  These registers
     were  not  always  saved  and  restored  in  ASTDEL_STACK.M64.
     Although corruptions of these registers have not been known to
     occur,  the  potential  is  there,   particularly   on   newer

       Images Affected:

  o  A DECthread may hang waiting for an event flag upcall.

       Images Affected:

  o  A  call  to  $SETPRV  may  not   result   in   the   requested
     modifications   being  applied  to  the  security  structures.
     Subsequent calls requiring the unset privileges may fail  with
     SS$_NOPRIV.   This  only  occurs  when  the  SYSGEN  parameter
     ARB_SUPPORT equals 3.

       Images Affected:

  o  A   BASIC   application   terminates   abnormally   with   the

       Images Affected:

  o  SET PROCESS/PRIORITY=n fails with the following error:

       "%SET-E-NOTSET, need ALTPRI privilege to elevate above base priority" 

     when the target process is on a remote cluster node.

       Images Affected:

  o  Infrequent   system   crashes   (INCONSTATE   bug   check   in
     SYS$FGEDRIVER) can occur while doing Fibre Channel I/O.

       Images Affected:

  o  When DECnet/OSI transport is run over  IP,  the  DCL  commands
     MONITOR  CLUSTER  or  MONITOR  CLUSTER/NODE=xxxx result in the
     following error messages:

       %MONITOR-I-ESTABCON, establishing connection to remote node(s).
       T_RCV: : system error - invalid buffer length
       %MONITOR-E-COLLERR, error during data collection
       -VPM-W-RECVERR, an error was encountered receiving remote data

       Images Affected:

  o  SHOW  DEVICE/FULL  does  not  display  density  or  compaction
     supported   and   enabled/disabled  accurately.   The  density
     requested  by  the  user  is  not  propagated  accurately  for
     MK-based devices, TMSCP served to clients.

     When DEFAULT density is specified on the client,  the  density
     returned from the server for MK-based devices  is  incorrectly
     changed to 01XX       codes.    When   displayed    by    SHOW
     DEVICE/FULL, it displays as UNKNOWN density.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]SET.EXE

  o  An unneccesary "Device queue full" status  can  be  received,
     even when the adapter is not busy.

       Images Affected:

  o  Failed transfers could incorrectly be  considered  successful,
     resulting in possible data corruption problems.

       Images Affected:

  o  Error reporting in some error paths (port  shutdown)  are  too
     ambiguous to isolate the reasons for the shutdown.

        Images Affected:

  o  The PKQ port could come up offline, if there  was  not  enough
     BAP  memory.   The driver firmware would attempt to load, even
     if the console firmware was already loaded and current.

       Images Affected:

  o  PKQDRIVER fails to load properly in memory systems larger than
     2 GB.

       Images Affected:

  o  The RSX updates to ODS-1 date storage for Y2K  compliance  are
     not compatible with the VMS sliding date implementation.  This
     correction updates the dump to interpret ODS-1 format dates in
     the RSX implemented format.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]DUMP.EXE

  o  If using the  Text  libraries  instead  of  include  paths  to
     resolve  all  the needed header files, the C compiler will not
     read nested include  statements  greater  than  16  deep  from
     within a text library.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]LBRSHR.EXE

  o  The  routine  LIB$CREATE_DIR  would  occasionally  return   an
     improper  error  when  the directory file that it was creating
     was also being created, at the same time, by another  process.
     This  would  be  seen  as  a  false SS$_NOSUCHFILE error.  The
     directory file did exist after the call.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE
         -  [SYSLIB]Update to STARLET.OLB

  o  LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE does  not  show  all  zones  when  there  are
     multiple zones created and the algorithm is VM_FIXED.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE

  o  STR$COPY_R may erroneously return STR$_FATINTERR when  freeing
     the  previous  contents of a dynamic string.  This problem may
     also occur with the routine LIB$SCOPY_R_DX.  Both routines are
     frequently used by other RTL routines to return string values,
     so, STR$_FATINTERR may be returned or signaled by a number  of
     RTL routines, including the BASIC RTL.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE

  o  STR$DIVIDE produces incorrect results for  certain  divisions.
     For example:

       A:  sign =  0,  exp = -2,  digits = "41291"
       B:  sign =  0,  exp = -6,  digits = "787564"
           rndtrc = 1, totdig = 2
           incorrect result was
       C:  sign =  0,  exp = -2,  digits = "28147068226765"
           correct result is
       C:  sign =  0,  exp = -2,  digits = "52429"

     Note that STR$DIVIDE is used by the basic RTL.

     Also, STR$DIVIDE will report a memory allocation error, if the
     TOT_DIGITS parameter is negative.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE

  o  An INIT/MED=NOCOMP command appears  to  have  worked  properly
     according  to  a SHOW DEV/FULL command executed after the INIT
     command is issued.  This will display COMPACTION  =  DISABLED,
     when  in fact it is ENABLED.  This problem is only detected on
     a visual inspection of the LEDS on  the  drive  itself.   They
     indicate COMPACTION.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSLIB]INIT$SHR.EXE

  o  An INIT/DEN=DEFAULT command to a local SCSI drive  fails  with
     an IVDENS error.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]INIT$SHR.EXE
         -  [SYSEXE]INIT.EXE

  o  ODS-1 tapes yield dates with years of 00 in 2000; the "proper"
     text string for year 2000 is ":0"

       Images Affected:

  o  %MOUNT-F-MEDOFL  and  %MOUNT-F-FILACCERR  errors  occur   when
     attempting  to  mount  the  second  volume of a two-volume RMU

       Images Affected:

  o  The  $Registry  system  service  will  return  an   error   if
     OPEN/CLOSE  key  operations  are  repeated  a  large number of

     The   following   sequence   will    produce    REG$_INVKEYID,
     REG$_INVPATH,   REG$_NOKEY   or   REG$_NOVALUE   errors   upon
     subsequent references to the registry key  or  its  associated

       o  Open and close the registry key 32k+ times.
       o  Exit the image.
       o  Open and close the registry key enough times to reach  the
          next multiple of 32k opens.
       o  Open and close the registry key 224k times without exiting
          the image.

     This does not require that the same key name be used each time.
     It  is,  however,  affected  by the number of keys opened at a
     given time and by the  order  in  which  keys  are  opened  or
     closed.   Repeating the operation with the same number of keys
     opened each time increases the likelyhood  of  incurring  this

     The exact error returned will depend on the type of reference.
     If  you  used  the  key  ID with a subkey name, you will get a
     REG$_INVKEYID or REG$_INVPATH error.  If you use  the  key  ID
     alone, you will get a REG$_NOKEY or REG$_NOVALUE error.

     The $Registry system service may allow  too  much  process  P1
     pool  to be allocated to Registry keys.  This can occur if the
     SYSGEN parameter CTLPAGES is set below  175  (the  default  is

     The  $Registry  system  service   intentionally   returns   an
     SS$_INSFMEM  error if you attempt to open so many keys that it
     would not leave enough process P1  pool  for  other  purposes.
     This  check  was  previously  applied when $Registry needed to
     expand its P1  pool  allocation,  but  was  not  applied  when
     $Registry is first initializing, which also results in P1 pool
     allocation.  Since it is possible to set CTLPAGES  below  175,
     an  additional  check has been added to verify that the number
     of remaining pages during initialization is at least  175  and
     return  an  SS$_INSFMEM  error  if  there  are  too  few pages

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$NTA.EXE

  o  Per-thread security rights handling needs to be modified.  The
     modifications  include  adding  sanity checks, re-writing some
     modules for simplification  and  maintainability,  eliminating
     erroneous  logic  and  ensuring  a more consistent handling of
     rights structures across routines.

       Images Affected:

  o  The F11CD routine READ_ATTRIBUTES does not properly return  an
     RSX-11  compatible  ASCII  date  string.  As per the RSX group
     request, years beyond 1999 are processed in  the  ODS-1  ASCII
     date  format  by continuing to increment the ASCII code of the
     decades digit.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYSEXE]F11CACP.EXE
         -  [SYSEXE]F11DACP.EXE

  o  Provide the capability to pre-fault pages into memory  without

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$VM.EXE
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$VM.STB

  o  The macro defined  in  the  PPP_LOG.C  module  for  outputting
     characters is not accounting for them.  Characters that should
     be counted are not counted.

       Images Affected:

  o  PPPP Connections fail.

       Images Affected:

  o  Modem signals do not drop when the line hangs up.

       Images Affected:

  o  When trying to write  to  a  full  AUDIT_SERVER  mailbox,  the
     AUDIT_SERVER hangs in exit loop (IPL 0) and other processes on
     the system hang in RWMBX state,

       Images Affected:

  o  If the target initiated negotiations, the driver would  reject
     the  negotiation  attempt by sending a reject message.  And if
     it did not successfully complete WDTR negotiations, the driver
     would reset to asynchronous data transfers.   

       Images Affected:

  o  There are negotiation issues  found  with  the  KZPCA  on  the
     PKWDRIVER.  In particular, the KZPCA does not negotiate:

       1.  On a request sense or inquiry command to handle situations
           in which a disk may have been hotswapped.
       2.  On ULTRA speed, even if the SCSI bus is  single-ended,  if
           the adapter is ULTRA2-capable.

       Images Affected:

  o  Shutting down a node which  shares  cluster  system  files  on
     shadowed  disks  could  result  in a shadow merge operation at

       Images Affected:

  o  An  instruction  in   the   code,   which   enables   hardware
     synchronization, was in the wrong place.

       Images Affected:

  o  Using  a  combination  of  logical  names  and  dynamic  image
     activation   via  LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL,  it  is  possible  to
     erroneously activate more than one copy of an image.

       Images Affected:

  o  There is a syntax error in the  UINT32_PQ  typedef  statement,
     which  is  contained  in the FAR_POINTERS.H file.  A semicolon
     was omitted to terminate the statement, and during a C or  C++
     compilation, one of the following error messages displays:

       typedef unsigned __int64   VOID_PQ; /* 64-bit pointer to arbitrary data*/
       %CXX-E-EXPSEMICOLON, expected a ";" 
       at line number 107 in module FAR_POINTERS of text library 


       int   ioc_std$q_internal_irp(IRP *irp, UCB *ucb, IOSB_PQ iosb, VOID_PQ mbz);
       %CXX-E-UNDECLARED, identifier "VOID_PQ" is undefined
       at line number  in module IO_ROUTINES of text library

       SYS$STARLET_C.TLB and SYS$LIB_C.TLB are text libraries  either
       containing  FAR_POINTERS.H  or  referring to it and VOID_PQ is
       the typedef statement on the line following the  typedef  with
       the missing semicolon.

       Images Affected:

  o  TBK$SHOW_TRACEBACK calls may cause ACCVIOs.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]TRACE.EXE

  o  When installing the ELSA  Gloria  Syergy  Graphics  card,  the
     driver returns a value that set the device as UNAVAILABLE.

       Images Affected:

  o  The  size  of  the  direct  DMA  window  on  secondary  GALAXY
     instances was incorrectly returned.

       Images Affected:
         -  [SYS$LDR]SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_2208.EXE

  o  The TurboLaser, when booted using the serial console, does not
     configure the keyboard and mouse.

       Images Affected:

New Functionality Addressed in VMS721_DS20E_ES40-V0100:

  o  This kit provides OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 support for the Compaq
     AlphaServer DS20E.  The DS20E is a follow-on to the Compaq
     AlphaServer DS20.  This kit includes the following OpenVMS 
     support on the DS20E:

       +  Server management
       +  3X-DEPVD-AA PCI adapter
       +  IDE CD-ROM and boot and runtime

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  On Compaq AlphaServer DS20E systems, the following system routines
     cannot be used to perform I/O tribyte reads and writes:

       +  IOC$READ_IO
       +  IOC$WRITE_IO

     If a device driver calls any of these system routines with a
     length of three, you must use one of the following methods
     instead-depending on your I/O cards characteristics:


       +  Use a longword read, and mask out the byte.
       +  Do a combination of word and byte reads, and 
          append the Data.


       +  Read a longword, modify the tribyte, and rewrite the

     Note that AlphaServer 8200/8400 and GS60/140 systems with
     Alpha 21264 CPUs support tribyte reads and writes.

  o  TCP/IP for OpenVMS Version 4.2 does not support the new
     3X-DEPVD-AA PCI adapter on the AlphaServer DS20E.  Prior 
     to running UCX$CONFIG procedures, use the following command 
     to manually configure TCP/IP with the new ethernet adapter:


     Check with your Compaq support representative if you have
     further questions on TCP/IP and the 3X-DEPVD-AA PCI adapter.

  o  This change adds P2V chip support to the P2A code used on ELSA.

     This functionality is only used if you are using a P2V graphics

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  This Section describes the requirements and procedures for 
     creating an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment on an 
     AlphaServer ES40.

     For complete information about the Galaxy Software Architecture 
     on OpenVMS Alpha, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide (Order
     number:  AA-REZQB-TE).  The most recent version is always available


     For complete information about AlphaServer ES40 systems, see the
     AlphaServer ES40 Owners Guide (Order number:  EK-ES240-UG.A01).

     Image(s) Affected:
       -  [SYSEXE]GCU.EXE

     To create an OpenMVS Galaxy on an AlphaServer ES40 system:

       1.  Read the release notes chapter in the OpenVMS Alpha 
           Galaxy Guide.
       2.  Read the configuration and hardware requirements.
       3.  Perform the steps described below.

     Before you start:

       In addition to the information in the Release Notes chapter
       in the OpenVMS Galaxy Guide, you must also be familiar with 
       the following configuration and hardware requirements:

       +  Two-instance maximum

          You can run a maximum of two instances of OpenVMS on an
          AlphaServer ES40.

       +  Console firmware

          To create an OpenVMS Galaxy environment on AlphaServer
          ES40 systems, you must download the latest version of the
          V5.5-xx console firmware from the following location:


       +  AlphaServer ES40 clock

          An AlphaServer ES40 has one clock.  For an OpenVMS Galaxy,
          this means that you cannot run the two instances at
          different times.  Also, the SET TIME command affects both
          instances.   Note that this may not become evident until a
          number of hours have passed.

       +  Console ports

          COM1 (lower) is the console port for instance 0.
          COM2 (upper) is the console port for instance 1.

          Unlike creating an OpenVMS Galaxy on an AlphaServer 8400,
          you do not need additional hardware for the second
          console.  COM-2 is used for this purpose.

       +  CPUs

          CPU0 must be the primary for instance 0.
          CPU1 must be the primary for instance 1.
          CPUs 2 and 3 are optional secondary CPUs that can be 

       +  I/O adapters

          PCI Hose 0 (PCI0) belongs to instance 0 (upper 4 PCI slots)
          PCI Hose 1 (PCI1) belongs to instance 1 (lower 6 PCI slots)
          Note that PCI0 contains an embedded ISA controller.   

       +  Storage controllers

          You will need one storage controller (such as a KZPSA) per
          instance.   For each instance, this can go to a separate
          Storagework box or to the same box for running as a SCSI

       +  Network cards

          If each instance needs network access, a network card
          (such as a DE500) is required for each instance.

          One card each goes in PCI0 and PCI1.

       +  Physical memory

          Private memory must start on a 64 MB boundary.

          Shared memory must begin on an 8 MB boundary.

          All instances except the last must have a multiple of
          64 MB.

     Step 1.  Confirm the AlphaServer ES40 Configuration

     Use the SHOW CONFIG command to make sure that the AlphaServer
     ES40 you are using to create an OpenVMS Galaxy environment
     meets the requirements described.

     At the console prompt, enter the following command:

       P00>>>show config

     The console displays information similar to the following

       ARC Console:    v5.70
       PALcode:        OpenVMS PALcode V1.61-2
                     Tru64 UNIX PALcode V1.54-2
       Serial Rom:     V2.2-F
       RMC Rom:        V1.0
       RMC Flash Rom:  T2.0

       CPU 0           Alpha 21264-4 500 MHz  4MB Bcache
       CPU 1           Alpha 21264-4 500 MHz  4MB Bcache
       CPU 2           Alpha 21264-4 500 MHz  4MB Bcache
       CPU 3           Alpha 21264-4 500 MHz  4MB Bcache

       Core Logic
       Cchip           DECchip 21272-CA Rev 9(C4)
       Dchip           DECchip 21272-DA Rev 2
       Pchip 0         DECchip 21272-EA Rev 2
       Pchip 1         DECchip 21272-EA Rev 2
       TIG             Rev 10

       Array         Size       Base Address    Intlv Mode
       ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------
         0         4096Mb     0000000000000000    2-Way
         1         4096Mb     0000000100000000    2-Way
         2         1024Mb     0000000200000000    2-Way
         3         1024Mb     0000000240000000    2-Way
                    10240 MB of System Memory

       Slot  Option               Hose 0, Bus 0, PCI
         1   DAPCA-FA ATM622 MMF
         2   DECchip 21152-AA                        Bridge to Bus 2, PCI
         3   DEC PCI FDDI         fwb0.       00-00-F8-BD-C6-5C
         4   DEC PowerStorm
         7   Acer Labs M1543C                        Bridge to Bus 1, ISA
         15  Acer Labs M1543C IDE dqa.
                                  dqa0.      TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6302B
         19  Acer Labs M1543C USB

             Option               Hose 0, Bus 1, ISA
             Floppy               dva0.0.0.1000.0

       Slot  Option               Hose 0, Bus 2, PCI

         0   NCR 53C875           pkd0.7.0.2000.0    SCSI Bus ID 7
         1   NCR 53C875           pke0.7.0.2001.0    SCSI Bus ID 7
                                  dke100.1.0.2001.0  RZ1BB-CS
                                  dke200.2.0.2001.0  RZ1BB-CS
                                  dke300.3.0.2001.0  RZ1CB-CS
                                  dke400.4.0.2001.0  RZ1CB-CS
         2   DE500-AA Network Con ewa0.0.0.2002.0    00-06-2B-00-0A-58

       Slot  Option               Hose 1, Bus 0, PCI
         1   NCR 53C895           pka0.       SCSI Bus ID 7
                                  dka100.     RZ2CA-LA
                                  dka300.     RZ2CA-LA
         2   Fore ATM 155/622 Ada
         3   DEC PCI FDDI         fwa0.       00-00-F8-45-B2-CE
         4   QLogic ISP10x0       pkb0.       SCSI Bus ID 7
                                  dkb100.     HSZ50-AX
                                  dkb101.     HSZ50-AX
                                  dkb200.     HSZ50-AX
                                  dkb201.     HSZ50-AX
                                  dkb202.     HSZ50-AX
         5   QLogic ISP10x0       pkc0.       SCSI Bus ID 7
                                  dkc100.     RZ1CB-CS
                                  dkc200.     RZ1CB-CS
                                  dkc300.     RZ1CB-CS
                                  dkc400.     RZ1CB-CS
         6   DECchip 21154-AA                        Bridge to Bus 2, PCI

       Slot   Option              Hose 1, Bus 2, PCI
         4   DE602-AA             eia0.0.0.2004.1    00-08-C7-91-0A-AA
         5   DE602-AA             eib0.0.0.2005.1    00-08-C7-91-0A-AB
         6   DE602-TA             eic0.0.0.2006.1    00-08-C7-66-80-9E
         7   DE602-TA             eid0.0.0.2007.1    00-08-C7-66-80-5E

     Step 2:  Install OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1

       No special installation procedures are required to run OpenVMS
       Galaxy software.  Galaxy functionality is included in the base
       operating system and can be enabled or disabled using the
       console command and system parameter values described later in
       this chapter.

       If your AlphaServer ES40 is not part of a SCSI cluster, you
       must install OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 on two system disks-one
       disk for each instance.

       If your AlphaServer ES40 is part of a SCSI cluster with a
       cluster-common system disk, install OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 on
       one system disk.

       For more information about installing the OpenVMS Alpha
       operating system, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 Upgrade
       and Installation Guide.

     Step 3:  Upgrade the Firmware

       To upgrade the firmware, use one of the following procedures:
       Copy the firmware file to MOM$SYSTEM on a MOP-enabled server
       that is accessible to the AlphaServer ES40.  Enter the
       following commands on the console:

         P00>>> boot -fl 0,0 ewa0 -fi {firmware filename}
           UPD> update srm*

       Or, use the following commands:

         P00>>> BOOT -FLAGS 0,A0 cd_device_name
         Bootfile: {firmware filename}

     Set Environment Variables

       Configure the primary console for instance 0.

         CPU0 is the primary for instance 0.
         CPU1 is the primary for instance 1.

       For descriptions of the Galaxy environment variables and
       common values for them, refer to Chapter 6 in the OpenVMS
       Alpha Galaxy Guide.

       The following example is for an AlphaServer ES40 with three
       CPUs and 512MB of memory divided into 256MB + 192MB + 64MB.

         P00>>> set  lp_count            2
         P00>>> set  lp_cpu_mask0        1
         P00>>> set  lp_cpu_mask1        6
         P00>>> set  lp_io_mask0         10
         P00>>> set  lp_io_mask1         20
         P00>>> set  lp_mem_size0        10000000
         P00>>> set  lp_mem_size1        c000000
         P00>>> set  lp_shared_mem_size  4000000
         P00>>> set auto_action halt

       If you have four CPUs and you want to assign all secondary
       CPUs to instance 1, the lp_cpu_mask1 variable will be E.  If
       you split the CPUs between both instances, CPU 0 must be the
       primary for instance 0, and CPU 1 must be the primary CPU for
       instance 1.

       The following example shows LP_CPU_MASK values for secondary
       CPU assignments with primary CPUs.

       Assign secondary CPU 2 with primary CPU 0 and secondary CPU 3
       with primary CPU 1.

         >>>set lp_cpu_mask0 5
         >>>set lp_cpu_mask1 A

         CPU Selection                       LP_CPU_MASK

         0(primary partition 0)                2^0 =   1
         1(primary partition 1)                2^1 =   2
         2(secondary)                          2^2 =   4
         3(secondary)                          2^3 =   8

       The mem_size variables depend on your configuration and how
       you want to split it up.

         lp_io_mask0 must be set to 1
         lp_io_mask1 must be set to 2

       You must set the console environment variable AUTO_ACTION to
       HALT.  This will ensure that the system does not boot and that
       you will be able to enter the Galaxy command.

     Step 5:  Initialize the System and Start the Console Devices

       1.  Initialize the system and start the Galaxy firmware by
           entering the following commands:

             P00>>> init
             P00>>> lpinit    ! same as galaxy command

             After the self-test completes, the Galaxy command will
             start the console on instance 1.

             Note that when the I/O bus is divided between the two
             Galaxy partitions, the port letter of a device might
             change.  For example, a disk designated as DKC300 when 
             the AlphaServer ES40 is a single system could become 
             DKA300 when it is configured as partition 0 of the 
             OpenVMS Galaxy.

       2.  Configure the console for instance 1.

       3.  Configure the system root, boot device, and other related

           The following example settings are from an OpenVMS
           Engineering system.  Change these variables to meet the
           needs of your own environment.

             Instance 0
                P00>>> set boot_osflags 12,0
                P00>>> set bootdef_dev dka0
                P00>>> set boot_reset off         !!! must be OFF !!!
                P00>>> set ewa0_mode twisted

             Instance 1
                P01>>> set boot_osflags 11,0
                P01>>> set bootdef_dev dkb200
                P01>>> set boot_reset off         !!! must be OFF !!!
                P01>>> set ewa0_mode twisted

       4.  Boot instance 1 as follows:

                P01>>> boot

             Once instance 1 is booted, log in to the system account
             and edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file to include the
             following line:


             Confirm that the SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID SYSGEN parameters
             are correct.  Run AUTOGEN as follows to configure instance
             1 as a Galaxy member, and leave the system halted:


       5.  Boot instance 0 as follows:

                P00>>> boot

             Once instance 0 is booted, log in to the system account
             and edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file to include the
             following line:


             Confirm that the SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID SYSGEN parameters
             are correct.  Run AUTOGEN as follows to configure instance
             0 as a Galaxy member, and leave the system halted:


       6.  Prepare the Galaxy to come up automatically upon
           initialization or power cycle of the system.  Set the
           AUTO_ACTION environment variable on both instances to

                P00>>> set auto_action restart

                P01>>> set auto_action restart

       7.  Initialize the Galaxy again by entering the following
           commands at the primary console:

                P00>>> init

           When the console displays the following confirmation
           prompt, type Y:

                Do you REALLY want to reset all partitions? (Y/N)

           Alternatively, you could power-cycle your system, and the
           Galaxy with both instances should bootstrap automatically.

Problems Addressed in VMS721_DS20E_ES40:

  o  The EXTENDED_ID flag in the SYS$CONFIG.DAT file is used to
     allow full 64-bit ID checking on PCI devices.  This will be
     used for LAN and ATM devices to ensure that the device is a
     qualified device.

     A problem in the LOOKUP_ID code causes the ID mask to be
     extended to 64-bits the first time the flag is seen, and 
     it is never reduced back to 32-bits for non-extended IDs.   
     This causes a failure to find some disk devices at boot, and
     prevents booting.

     The user sees an error that a device on the boot command line
     could not be found, and the system halts.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYS$LDR]EXEC_INIT.EXE

  o  When the 680 handler issued the code 22Bh to SYS$SMHANDLER it
     did not display a message.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYSEXE]SYS$SMHANDLER.EXE

Problems Addressed in the VMS721_FIBRECHAN-V0200 Kit:

  o  This change updates the configuration file to allow the LP8000
     version of the KGPSA adapter to be recognized by OpenVMS.
     Before this change, only the LP7000 is recognized.

     Images Affected:  [SYSEXE]SYS$CONFIG.DAT

  o  OpenVMS hangs if a system is booted with a loopback connector
     in place on an Emulex LP7000 or LP8000 adapter

     Images Affected:

  o  It is possible for data corruption to occur when removing a
     cable (or disabling a port) between switches in a fabric with
     cascaded switches.  Because the link which is disrupted has
     fabric-wide scope, it is impossible to predict which hosts or
     devices might see the corruption.  The pattern of corruption
     seen has usually been misplaced data, meaning that a portion
     of the data for a given I/O request has appeared in the
     correct buffer but at the wrong offset in that buffer

     Images Affected:
       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

  o  When removing a cable (or disabling a port) between switches
     in a fabric with cascaded switches, it is possible to hang a
     system which is doing I/O to a device in the fabric.  It is
     actually individual I/O requests which get hung, the result of
     the link not transitioning to the UP state correctly.  This
     can show up as the loss of one or more paths to a multi-path
     device (depending on how many links/paths are affected).  In
     the worst case, all paths to a FibreChannel system disk will
     be lost resulting in a system hang.

     Images Affected:
       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

  o  A system may hang during FibreChannel configuration when a 
     KGPSA is connected to a Pleiades-II switch.

     Images Affected:
       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

  o  When large I/O transfers are done under a heavy I/O load (e.g., 
     running Backup or doing a shadow set copy), excessive Medium 
     Offline and Mount Verify messages are seen on a Turbolaser 
     system.  Mount Verification is performed often enough to have 
     a serious impact on performance.

     Images Affected:
       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

  o  It is possible to cause a DOUBLEDEALO crash on a system when
     removing a cable (or disabling a port) between switches in a
     fabric with cascaded switches.  This crash can occur even if
     the system is idle at the time.  The crash will only happen if
     a particular LP7000 or LP8000 sees more than 10 other ports on
     the fabric.  The number of ports an adapter sees can be
     determined as follows:

       -  There is always one NULL port

       -  There are 2 ports on the switch to which the adapter is
          directly connected

       -  There is one port for each multi-bus HSG80 port connected
          to the same fabric (not necessarily the same switch)

       -  There is one port for each other FibreChannel adapter
          connected to the same fabric, even if these other adapters
          are in the same system.

     This same probelm can also cause an invalid exception system

     Images Affected:

       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

  o  An invalid exception system crash during boot can occur on a
     system with an adapter which has failed initialization.

     Images Affected:
       -  [SYSLIB]FC$SDA.EXE

Problems Addressed in the VMS721_FIBRECHAN-V0100 Kit:

  o  A system hang may occur after a FibreChannel switch unit is 
     removed or a FibreChannel switch port is disabled.

     The problem was caused by not restarting the driver's Queue
     Manager after setting STDT state to SS$_MEDOFL.

  o  A single-CPU system may hang or a CPUSPINTWAIT crash (SMP)
     may occur when a heavy I/O load is running to FibreChannel 

  o  A single-CPU system hang and an SMP-system CPUSPINWAIT crash
     may occur when a QUEUE FULL is seen while a target is paused and
     the target times out.

  o  An INCONSTATE crash may occur after a FibreChannel link disruption 
     such as rebooting or power cycling the FibreChannel switch.

  o  An INCONSTATE bugcheck or corruption may occur, most often on 
     Turbolaser, but potentially on any FibreChannel transfer which 
     requires the use of map registers.

     Black Hole and Erase Pattern pages are not being mapped into
     the Direct DMA window properly, and are not being mapped with
     map registers when necessary.

  o  Machine check crashes can occur while running FibreChannel

     The FibreChannel adapter CSRs need to be mapped into PCI
     memory space instead of PCI I/O space.

  o  Under heavy load, FC disks enter mount verification, then exit
     mount verification after a short delay.   This can reduce
     performance, and disrupt the desired path selection.

     Multipath polling is done with an ordered SCSI command.  This
     unnecessarily requires the issuing node to single-stream its
     I/O to the device, and for all outstanding I/O from other
     nodes to complete before the polling I/O completes.  This
     causes commands to timeout.  The solution is to use an
     unordered SCSI command for multipath polling.

Problems Addressed in VMS721_PTHREAD-V0100:

  o  A customer's application, when run with upcalls enabled, can die
     with an ACCVIO.  This is the result of a stack overflow while
     running the application's exit handling routine. 

  o  When a thread calls pthread_exit() the entire process is incorrectly
     terminated by a %CMA-F-EXIT_THREAD error instead of simply
     terminating the calling thread. 

  o  Pagefault Completion Errors

     Pagefault completions accumulate (as observed via the "pthread show
     -u" command to SDA), with the corresponding waiting threads having
     been, apparently, unblocked without consuming (i.e., freeing) the
     completions.  Also, sometimes threads are found waiting indefinitely
     for completions (although this effect was never successfully
     reproduced in-house), while other, mismatched completions remain

  o  Reduced performance and/or process threads hang.

Problems Addressed in VMS721_F11X-V0100:

  o  An XQPERR bugcheck in LOCKERS can occur when the retry limit
     on the F11B$x lock is reached.

     This problem can occur when the owner of the $x lock is
     running at a high process process priority and a number of
     processes that are in a clustered system are also trying to
     validate this lock, but at a lower process priority.

     Image(s) Affected  -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  After releasing the current process's IPL/Fork lock, a
     system can crash with an SPLACQERR bugcheck

     Image(s) Affected  -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  A directory file becomes "corrupt" and DUMP/DIRECTORY
     displays a block similar to the following:

       Virtual block number 3574 (00000DF6), 512 (0200) bytes
       0000  Directory Entry:
       0000    Size:             508

       0002    Version limit:    32767
       0004    Type:             0  (FID)
       0005    Name count:       24
       0006    Name:             COSLR1201_01_JUPICC2.LIS
       001E    Version:  7859    FID:  (40993,5,0)
       0026    Version:  7858    FID:  (40990,1,0)
       002E    Version:  7857    FID:  (40988,3,0)
       01E6    Version:  7802    FID:  (40455,1,0)
       01EE    Version:  7801    FID:  (40454,1,0)
       01F6    Version: 32767    FID:  (16744447,65535,0)
       01FE  End of records (-1)

     The directory shuffle code creates the above erroneous
     directory entry for the following reasons:

       1.  So that a new directory buffer will have a valid
           structure (this allows VALIDATE_DIRBLK to write
           the block to disk); and

       2.  The entry will be spotted as incorrect (via VERIFY)
           if the system crashes in the middle of this shuffle.

     After the directory block (with the erroneous directory entry)
     is written to disk, the bad entry is removed.  A subsequent
     call to READ_BLOCK assumes that the block comes from the
     buffer cache and not from disk.  Under heavy load, this
     assumption may not be true as the directory block may have
     been kicked out of the cache.

     Image(s) Affected  -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  XQP DELETE code accepts an FCB (File Control Block) off the
     limbo queue if not IO$V_DELETE.  This prevents the
     invalidation of VIOC cache blocks as the result of a RENAME
     operation.   This causes a large amount of XQP (FCB) and VIOC
     (CFCB) non-paged pool usage as well as XQPERR bugchecks.

     Image(s) Affected - [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

  o  Under the following circumstances,

       1.  A directory with multiple headers (e.g., from a large ACL)
           is deleted on one node (A) in a cluster; and

       2.  the directory had been previously accessed on another node
           (B) in the cluster,

     The files created with the previously deleted headers in step
     1 would show up on node B with the error:

       %SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHFILE, no such file.

     Image(s) Affected  -  [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

New Functionality Contained in VMS721_GRAPHICS-V0300:

  o  This change adds P2V chip support to the P2A code used on
     PowerStorm 4D10T.  This functionality is only used if you 
     are using a P2V graphics adapter

     Image(s) Affected:

Problems Addressed in VMS721_GRAPHICS-V0300:

  o  A reboot on a DPWS 5/500, 5/600 or 5/433 system with a
     PowerStorm 4D10T card will crash.  The system, must be shut
     down, a console init done, and the booted.

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  The PowerStorm 4D10T card displays video "noise".  This noise
     is most visible on certain backgrounds, such as the root weave
     pattern that is drawn on secondary heads.

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  When using a large window, the screen can become corrupted,
     especially when moving large windows.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYSLIB]DECW$SERVER_DDX_GZ.EXE

  o  When using text editing (DECW$NOTEPAD as an example), the
     I-bar text cursor would corrupt text when moved with the
     cursor keys.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYSLIB]DECW$SERVER_DDX_GZ.EXE

  o  A number of problems have been reported on the TGA2:

     1.  The cursor would occasionally not display on any head
         beyond the second screen when using 24-planes, and moving
         the cursor between screens.

     2.  When switching screens, a stale cursor occasionally was
         left behind on the last screen.

     3.  A warm restart after a halt or crash would bugcheck in

     4.  When switching screens quickly, the cursor would
         occasionally be mis-positioned on the wrong screen.

     5.  DMA was not disabled for systems with > 1GB or when behind
         a bridge.

     Image(s) Affected:

Problems Addressed in VMS721_UPDATE-V0100:

  o  When a copy operation that interrupts a merge operation is
     terminating, it finds that there are no members marked for the
     merge and the thread crashes the system with a SHADDETINCON
     bug check.

     Images Affected:

  o  SHOW DEVICES shows zero percent merged status although the
     shadow set status does not indicate that a merge is required.

     Images Affected:

  o  Bit 16 in SHADOW_SYS_DISK can be set by the user to eliminate
     using remote members of the shadowset for reads.  Occasionally, 
     use of bit 16 fails to eliminate remote members from being used.

     Images Affected:

  o  A CPUSPINWAIT bug check can occur if the read of the SCB of
     a shadow set member cannot pass the checksum test.

     Images Affected:

  o  DCD (Disk Copy Data) will not always be initiated properly.
     During an assisted copy operation, if the source member was
     dismounted or otherwise removed from the shadow set, the
     connection to the controller would not clean up correctly.

     Images Affected:

  o  A full copy operation that is interrupted for a mini-merge
     will not complete the full copy operation correctly.

     Images Affected:

  o  Typing incorrect commands results in a system crash.

     Images Affected:

  o  When two disks are added to a shadowset in the same mount
     command, the copies are done sequentially instead of in
     parallel.  This causes the copies to take twice as long as
     they should.

     Images Affected:


This kit requires a system reboot.  Compaq strongly recommends that
a reboot be performed immediately after kit installation to avoid
system instability.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must 
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).  

If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at 
this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.

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