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HP Services Software Patches - kzpsabb09_062

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:     OpenVMS Alpha

COMPONENT:   A09 Firmware Update for KZPSA-BB PCI to SCSI Adapter

             AS8000_V03.EXE   - Executable file for AlphaServer 
                                8200/8400 systems
             T43_GMUPDATE.EXE - Executable file for AlphaServer 
                                2100/2000 (SABLE) systems
             T43_SBUPDATE.EXE - Executable file for AlphaServer
                                2100 5/250 (GAMMA) systems

SOURCE:      Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  KZPSABB09_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  None
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  13,266 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V6.2
     System Reboot Necessary:  Yes - Refer to the INSTALLATION NOTES
                                     section for more details.


An ECO kit exists for the A09 Firmware Update for the KZPSA-BB PCI to
SCSI Adapter on OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.  This kit addresses the following

Problems addressed in the KZPSABB09_062 kit:

  o  The firmware update supplied with this ECO enables support of
     OpenVMS Alpha for the KZPSA-BB PCI to SCSI adapter in systems with
     memories of 1GB or greater.


These instructions describe how to install the A09 Firmware Update for
your KZPSA-BB PCI to SCSI Adapter.  The required files are included in
this ECO kit and can be used to update your AlphaServer 8400, 8200, 2100
or 2000.  The objective of this ECO is to enable support of OpenVMS
Alpha for KZPSA-BB in systems with memories of 1GB or greater. 

Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the SYSTEM
account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: 

   @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL KZPSABB09_062 [location of the saveset]

The saveset location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that
contains the kit saveset. 

VMSINSTAL will move the firmware update executable files to your Alpha
Systems's OpenVMS disk.  You then need to boot the update utility
directly from that disk. 

The procedure for the named Alpha Systems is as follows :

  o  After installing the kit, shutdown the system with
     SYS$MANAGER:SHUTDOWN.COM to get to the console prompt >>>. 

  o  Boot the update utility from the console as follows :

        >>>boot dka100 -flags 0,a0

        dka100 is the "system_disk" in this example

  o  After some printouts, the following will be displayed:


  o  Enter the directory path and the boot filename for your system.
     The directory and filename for each system is listed below:

        For 8200/8400 systems:

        At the BOOTFILE: prompt enter


        For 2100/2000 systems:(SABLE)

        At the BOOTFILE: prompt enter

        For GAMMA system :(2100 5/250)      

        At the BOOTFILE: prompt enter

        For example, using a SABLE system:


  o  After the bootfile is entered, you will see the following menu

               ***** Loadable Firmware Update Utility *****
        Function    Description

        Display     Displays the system's configuration table.
        Exit        Done exit LFU (reset).
        List        Lists the device, revision, firmware name, and update 
        Update      Replaces current firmware with loadable data image.
        Verify      Compares loadable and hardware images.
        ? or Help   Scrolls this function table.


  o  Enter the list command to see what adapters are present whose
     firmware can be updated.  This example indicates firmware for one
     KZPSA on a Sable (2100 4/200) 


        Device        Current Revision        Filename        Update Revision
        arcflash      4.1-32                  arcrom          4.36-0
        pkc0          A08                     kzpsa_fw        A09
        srmflash      4.0                     srmrom          4.1-42

  o  The KZPSA firmware is indicated by kzpsa_fw.  You must now update 
     the firmware for the KZPSA.  Please note that if the KZPSA firmware
     current revision is A09 or greater then follow the instructions in
     section A else go to section B. 


  Section A

  o  For firmware revision equal to or greater than A09, exit from the
     update utility by typing EXIT at the UPD> prompt. 


  o  At the following question enter N

        Do you want a manual update? [Y/(N)] N

  o  After your selection the following is displayed

        Please reset the system.

  o  To reset the system press the reset button on the operator         
     panel.  During the reset the following is displayed. 

        Starting console on CPU 0
        Starting console on CPU 1
        Starting console on CPU 2
        Starting console on CPU 3
        Configuring Memory modules,configured memory size=4000000
        probing hose 0, PCI
        bus 0 slot 0 -- ewa -- DECchip 21040-AA
        bus 0 slot 1 -- pka -- NCR 53C810
        bus 0 slot 2 --     -- Intel 82375EB
        probing PCI -to- EISA bridge, bus 1
        bus 1, slot 4 -- VGA -- CPQ3011
        bus 1, slot 5 -- pkb -- ADP0001
        bus 0, slot 8 -- pkc -- DEC KZPSA
        Initializing Keyboard
        Memory Testing and Configuration Status

        Module   Size   Base Addr   Intlv Mode  Intlv Unit  Status
        ------   ----   ---------   ----------  ----------  ------
        0        64MB   00000000      1-way        0        passed
        Total Bad Pages 0
        Testing the System
        Testing the disk (read only)
        Testing the Network
        Alphaserver 2100 Console T4.3-56, built on Sep 28 1995 at 12:14:35

  o  Reboot your system in the following manner.  At the console prompt
     P00>>, enter b -fl 0,0 dka100.  In this example the system disk
     used is dka100. 

        P00>>b -fl 0,0 dka100

  Section B

  If the KZPSA current revision firmware is less than A09 then update
  the firmware from the utility by the following procedure

  o  At the UPD> prompt enter UPDATE PKC0

        UPD> update pkc0

  o  At the following question enter Y to proceed:

        Confirm update on:
        [Y/(N)]  Y

  o  After your selection the following is displayed

     WARNING:  updates may take several minutes to complete for each
     device.  DO NOT ABORT!

  o  You will see the following output:

        pkc0              Updating to A09...    Verifying A09...     PASSED.

  o  You can now type list to see the updated version of the firmware on
     the device. 

        Device       Current Revision     Filename       Update Revision
        arcflash     4.1-32               arcrom         4.36-0
        pkc0         A09                  kzpsa_fw       A09
        srmflash     4.0                  srmrom        4.1-42

  o  Exit from update utility and answer N to the following question: 

        Do you want a manual update? [Y/(N)] N

  o  After you have answered the question the following will be

        Please reset the system.

  o  To reset the system press the reset button on the operator panel. 
     During the reset the following is displayed: 

        Starting console on CPU 0
        Starting console on CPU 1
        Starting console on CPU 2
        Starting console on CPU 3
        Configuring Memory modules,configured memory size=4000000
        probing hose 0, PCI
        bus 0 slot 0 -- ewa -- DECchip 21040-AA
        bus 0 slot 1 -- pka -- NCR 53C810
        bus 0 slot 2 --     -- Intel 82375EB
        probing PCI -to- EISA bridge, bus 1
        bus 1, slot 4 -- VGA -- CPQ3011
        bus 1, slot 5 -- pkb -- ADP0001
        bus 0, slot 8 -- pkc -- DEC KZPSA
        Initializing Keyboard
        Memory Testing and Configuration Status
        Module   Size   Base Addr   Intlv Mode  Intlv Unit  Status
        ------   ----   ---------   ----------  ----------  ------
             0        64MB   00000000      1-way        0        passed
        Total Bad Pages 0
        Testing the System
        Testing the disk (read only)
        Testing the Network
        Alphaserver 2100 Console T4.3-56, built on Sep 28 1995 at12:14:35

  o  You can now reboot the system in the following manner.  At the
     console prompt, P00>>, enter b -fl 0,0 dka100.  The boot device
     used in this example is dka100. 

        P00>>b -fl 0,0 dka100
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