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OpenVMS ALPY2K02_062 OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 Year 2000 ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS ALPY2K02_062 OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 Year 2000 ECO Summary
Modification Date:  29-JUN-98
Modification Type:  Updated Kit:  Supersedes ALPY2K01_062

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment	Corporation 1997, 1998.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:	    DIGITAL OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS/Japanese Alpha


SOURCE:	    Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPY2K02_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPY2K01_062
                                           ALPMTAA01_070 (V6.2 fixes *ONLY*)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  5850 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS/Japanese Alpha V6.2, 
                        V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, V6.2-1H3
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  1 - To be installed on all systems running
			       the listed version(s) of	OpenVMS.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



This kit provides Year 2000 enhancements for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS
Japanese/Alpha V6.2 through 6.2-1H3.

This document contains information regarding both the VAX and Alpha 
Year 2000 enhancements that ship in kits VAXY2K02_062 and ALPY2K02_062,


  Kits VAXY2K02_062 and ALPY2K02_062 supersede kits VAXY2K01_062 and 
  ALPY2K01_062. The new kits are identical to the superseded kits except 
  that kits VAXY2K02_062 and ALPY2K02_062 also correctly replace image 
  contains a fix that correctly installs F11BXQP.EXE in [SYSEXE].

Even though DIGITAL believes that few customer sites will need these 
enhancements, which affect only a few areas of the operating system, 
all customer sites running OpenVMS V6.2x should install the Year 2000 kit.  
The few Year 2000 enhancements in this kit result from a rigorous and 
comprehensive analysis of the entire OpenVMS operating system, including 
extensive OpenVMS testing.

For more information on the OpenVMS Year 2000 Initiative, please visit 
the OpenVMS Year 2000 web page:



  DIGITAL expects that most year 2000-related problems will occur 
  primarily in locally developed layered product applications.
  Therefore, it is important to start evaluating your applications 
  and environments as soon as possible. Even if DIGITAL's products 
  are ready for the year 2000, you must ensure that the environments 
  in which these products operate are also ready. The OpenVMS Year 
  2000 web page includes a link to testing instructions, including 
  how to set the system clock ahead to simulate the transition to
  the year 2000 or other future dates.

If you need additional help, contact your DIGITAL support representative 
to learn what information and tools are available to get you started.

The following release notes identify certain conditions	you should be 
aware of when preparing your OpenVMS environment for the year 2000. 
This kit contains minor modifications to several older components of 
the operating system; other conditions are simply noted, but need no 

  o  Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE)

     The CLUE history listing file contains a 2-digit year format in
     its file name, which has this format:


     This file format poses no year 2000 problem in itself, but
     the code that generates this date has been changed from using
     a subtract operation to using a modulo function so that the
     correct date will still be calculated in the year 2000. This
     change has no visible effect on the file name format.

  o  EXCHANGE Utility

     When the EXCHANGE utility is used to transfer files between
     OpenVMS and RT-11 or DOS-11 systems, date problems could occur
     starting in the year 2004 for RT-11 and in the year 2036 for DOS-11.


             RT-11 volumes are also used as console storage media
             on certain older VAX systems.

     This kit contains an enhancement to EXCHANGE that makes the RT-11
     date format continue to function correctly until the year 2099.


             DIGITAL transferred the RT-11 operating system, along
             with other PDP-11 software, to Mentec in 1994.

  o  File System $QIO Interface

     The following sections describe conditions you should be aware
     of if you interoperate with RSX-11 or if you use RSX-11 software
     on your OpenVMS system.

     -  The file system $QIO interface supports several attributes 
        for RSX-11 compatibility.  Of these, ATR$C_EXPDAT and 
        ATR$C_ASCDATES return the file creation date, revision date, 
        and expiration date using 2-digit years.

        These attributes are not normally used by native code and can be
        replaced with the following documented, compliant interfaces:


     The file system $QIO interface is provided by the following file

          DIGITAL TCP/IP Network File System (NFS) client
          Distributed File System (DECdfs)
          Magnetic tape ACP
          OpenVMS ODS-1 file system
          OpenVMS ODS-2 file system

  o  ODS-1 File Header Format and Utility Support

     For RSX-11 compatibility, OpenVMS VAX supports ODS-1 file format
     disk volumes. The ODS-1 file system uses a 2-digit year format
     internally, and current implementations have limitations for the
     year 2000.

     The magnetic tape ACP also returns an ODS-1 format file header
     in response to an application request for the ATR$C_HEADER
     attribute. This feature is supported on both VAX and Alpha.

     ODS-1 data structures use a 2-digit year (ddmmmyy) in the following

       -  ODS-1 file header:


       -  ODS-1 home block: HM1$T_CREDATE

     The OpenVMS VAX file system and the following OpenVMS utilities
     that support the ODS-1 file system format have been modified to
     correctly interpret these 2-digit years until the year 2057:

       Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility
       Backup Utility
       Dump Utility
       Librarian (LBR) routines


         Even though we are updating the ODS-1 code for the year
         2000, DIGITAL strongly recommends that users of ODS-1
         formatted media move to a newer file format by the year 2000.

  o  LIB$ Run-Time Library

     In the run-time library, the LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING routine
     allows the user to select a 2-digit year format (as well as
     many others). This routine interprets 2-digit years as belonging
     to the century in which the system is currently running
     (according to the system clock). For example, in the 1900s, 61
     is interpreted as 1961, and starting January 1, 2000, 61 will be
     interpreted as 2061. If this behavior could produce unexpected
     results on your system, select one of the alternatives to the
     2-digit year format.

         This behavior has been documented in the OpenVMS RTL
         Library (LIB$) Manual since Version 6.0, so the code
         will not be changed.

  o  TECO Editor

     This kit includes two minor changes to the TECO editor.

       -  The date value in the TECO editor has been extended to a
          longword so that the year value returned by the Ctrl/B
          function will not overflow on 01-JAN-2028.

       -  This kit also fixes a TECO problem that is unrelated to
          dates. The UIC value returned by the 2EJ function was
          incorrect if the process UIC had a group or member number
          greater than 377.

          For compatibility reasons, the 2EJ value cannot be changed.
          However, the problem has been fixed by the following changes:

            o  All group and member numbers that exceed a byte are now
               mapped to 377 (octal).

            o  A 3EJ function has been implemented to return the longword UIC.

               The following TECO example demonstrates the change.
               NOTE: The ESCAPE () sequence can be entered on
               most keyboards by typing Ctrl/[.

                 $ SET UIC [1234,567]
                 $ TECO

Problems Addressed in the ALPVERI02_062 Kit:

  o  VERIFY does not flag files, which are directly back linked to
     themselves, as having invalid backlinks.

  o  VERIFY hangs in an infinite loop during its scan of the directory

Problems Addressed in the ALPVERI01_071 Kit:

  o  ANALYZE/DISK goes into an infinite loop.

     VERIFY has incorrectly 'fixed' the backlink of a lost directory to
     point to itself.  The next time VERIFY is run, it encounters the
     lost directory and goes into a tight loop following the directory's

Problems Addressed in the ALPVERI01_062 Kit:

  o  Errors similar to these may occur during execution of the
     'ANALYZE/DISK' DCL command:

          %ANALDISK-W-CHKALTHOME, invalid alternate home block, VBN 3,
           RVN 1

          %ANALDISK-W-CHKALTHOME, invalid alternate home block, VBN 4,
           RVN 1

          %ANALDISK-W-CHKALTHOME, invalid alternate home block, VBN 5,
           RVN 1

     This problem has been corrected in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0.

Problems Addressed in the ALPF11X02_062 Kit:

  o  An XQPERR bugcheck occurs when trying to create a file.

  o  A bad FID (File ID) bugcheck occurs when trying to mark a  file
     header free in the index file bitmap.

  o  There are multiply allocated blocks and  file  headers  on  the

  o  Processes hang in an RWAST state while  trying  to  deaccess  a
     file during channel deassignment.

  o  The system hangs during cluster wide cache flushes.

  o  The contents of a header or bitmap  block  could  be  corrupted
     within the block buffer cache.

  o  Failure to take an allocation lock could be ignored.

  o  If a DEACCESS request  failed  with  a  SS$_DEADLOCK  error,  a
     process could be left in an RWAST state indefinitely.

  o  If a large file is created on a fragmented disk that has quotas
     enabled and the user needs to use EXQUOTA privilege to allocate
     the necessary disk space, an  internal  XQP  table  can  become
     corrupted.  This leads to the following bugcheck:

     SECAUDERR, Fatal error attempting to perform a security audit

  o  Attempting to queue a maximal length (39.39;5) filename to  the
     XQP  for  spooling to a symbiont would cause either an infinite
     CPU loop or the following bugcheck:

     FILCNTNONZ, Open file count nonzero after process rundown

Problems Addressed in the ALPF11X01_071 Kit:

  o  The problem occurs when a file is  deleted  while  still  being
     accessed  by someone.  This produces an XQPERR bugcheck when an
     attempt is made to access the deleted file.

  o  The problem may result in an XQPERR bugcheck which claims that:
     "all  the  index buffers are active" during the processing of a
     directory file.

     The problem occurs when no free directory index BFRD's are found
     on the first pass through MAKE_DIRINDX.  The thread then stalls
     to allow some of the BFRD's to be freed,  but  doesn't  release
     the cache lock which would allow others to do this.  This means
     that if no free BFRD was found on the first try then none  will
     be  found  on  subsequent  tries  either, and the bugcheck will

Problems Addressed in the ALPF11X03_070 Kit:

 o  BACKUP and SLS can cause WCBFCBMNG bugchecks when operating  on
     some  files.   These files are legal, uncorrupted files so they
     should not repeatedly cause a  crash  whenever  BACKUP  or  SLS
     tries to back them up.

  o  A  system  could  crash  with  a   SECAUD   bugcheck   whenever
     ANAL/DISK/etc  is  run on a corrupted disk with auditing turned

  o  The XQP bugchecks when a file is accessed for the  first  time,
     with  cathedral  windows, and the accessing process runs out of
     BYTLM quota.

  o  Window mapping code could incorrectly concatenate extents which
     ran from one volume to another in a volume set.

  o  XQPERR bugcheck in [F11X]DIRSCNuPDATE_INDEX()  when  trying  to
     insert   index   entry   into   directory   index   block  with
     DIR$W_TOTALCELLS equal to zero.

  o  Directory FCBs can become stale but invisible to the XQP.   The
     File  IDs can then be reused, and if the FCB in question was an
     extension FCB, the next time the new file is accessed  on  that
     node,  the XQP bugchecks with the fatal XQPERR 'wrong lockbasis
     with FCB present'.

  o  If a file is opened for exclusive  access  on  one  node  in  a
     cluster  and  a  BACKUP/IGNORE=INTERLOCK  command  is issued to
     backup the file on that node, after the  BACKUP  completes  the
     file can be successfully accessed from the other node(s) of the
     cluster.  The BACKUP destroys the exclusive access.

Problems Addressed in the ALPF11X02_070 Kit:

  o  The ALPF11X01_070 remedial  kit  did  not  install  on  systems
     running OpenVMS Alpha V6.2-1H1, as it should have.

Problems Addressed in the ALPF11X01_070 Kit:

  o  The system crashes with a BADFID bugcheck.

  o  File name appears twice in a directory block.

  o  System crashes with a BADDALRQSZ bugcheck

  o  Multiple allocated blocks being reported  after  the  defragger
     has been run

  o  UNXSIGNAL crash due to a corrupt Window Control Block

  o  File Access Control Lists are  corrupted  after  a  failure  to
     allocated  an  extension  File  Control Block due to disk quota
     being exceeded.

  o  The system crashes with 'BADFID, ACP file number out  of  range
     for this volume"

     The system crashes with 'Failed to allocate FID when expected'

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0

  o  On a disk with highwater marking enabled,  a  file  is  created
     with several extents, of which any extent, except the last one,
     exceeds 2 Gb in size.  When a write operation is performed on a
     block  in  the last extent of the file, the user may see blocks
     of a different file erased incorrectly.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0

  o  Lock Ranking Violation when using  EDIT/EDT.   The  problem  is
     caused under the following circumstances:

      -  User B does not have an entry in the quota file.

      -  User A has CONTROL  access  to  user  B's  files.   CONTROL
         access  grants  the  accessor  all  the  privileges  of the
         objects actual owner.  User  A  can  have  this  access  by
            - being a member of the SYSTEM group
            - having the necessary entry in an ACL.

      -  User A edits one of user B's files using edit/EDT.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0

  o  On a large, very fragmented disk with  little  free  space  and
     heavy  usage,  an  XQP  lock  ranking  violation can occur on a
     regular basis

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR06_062 kit:

  o  DEBUG links LIBRTL.OLB into its DEBUG.EXE image.  The
     LIB$CALLING_STANDARD routines included can ACCVIO when
     trying to walk the call chain or write to a call's
     invocation context block on a corrupt stack.  These ACCVIOs
     have now been observed from DEBUG CALL commands from certain
     register frames.

     In order to receive this full fix the ALPDEBU01_062 or
     its supersedant remedial kit must also be installed.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR05_062 kit:

  o  Because multi-version kits are no longer being issued, the
     ALPLIBR05_070 kit, which was for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 through
     V7.0, has been broken down so that there is a kit for each
     version.  This kit, ALPLIBR05_062, is the V6.2 portion of

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR05_070 kit:

  o  The OpenVMS operating system has a documented delta-time
     restriction that may cause an error in some applications and
     OpenVMS components beginning on or around 19-MAY-1997.  This ECO
     corrects this potential problem by removing the delta-time limit.

     Applications and OpenVMS components most likely to experience
     errors are those that pass delta-time arguments with values
     exceeding 9999 days on system-supplied date routines.  The most
     likely date that these errors will occur is 19-MAY-1997:00:00,
     which is 10,000 days after the common UNIX time origin of

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V7.1.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR04_070 Kit:

  o  Heaps that are removed from the heap pending list are only
     merged with the most recently returned heap.  This can lead to
     heap fragmentation.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR03_070 kit:

  o  LIBRTL.EXE was not replaced in IMAGELIB.OLB.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR02_070 kit:

  o  The 10,000 day limit in LIB$CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME causes problems
     for DECthreads since it is using this routine to convert UNIX
     times to VAX time.  It will fail to work on 19-May-1997.

  o  LIB$STAT_TIMER produces incorrect results.  Elapsed time jumps
     significantly from the initial value to the next returned value.

  o  Problem noticed using OTS$DIV_PK_LONG or OTS$DIV_PK_SHORT LIBRTL
     routine.  Packed value 11259 divided by 1, yielded 1125.90083841.
     Only a handful of numbers cause bad results.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR01_070 kit:

  o  The multiplication algorithm for delta time was faulty.  This
     is a regression in V7.0.

Problems addressed in the ALPLIBR03_062 kit:

  o  When setting host into a DECnet PhaseV system, the logical name
     SYS$REM_NODE is incorrectly set.  When the code was originally
     written, there was no support for node synonyms.  The code
     does not get the right values from the system call.

Problems addressed in the ALPMTAA01_070 kit for OpenVMS Alpha V6.2,
V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, and V6.2-1H3:

  o  MTAACP can hang during multivolume copy operations.

NOTE:  According to OpenVMS Engineering, the fixes discussed
       below have been included in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0.  There
       are some fixes that have been included in previous
       versions of OpenVMS and those versions are specified in
       text following the problem descriptions.

Problems addressed in the ALPMTAA01_062 kit:

  o  The system crashes with NOBVPVCB bugcheck when performing a test
     for an empty queue with a DO_CANCEL function in ACPCTR.B32.

  o  The system crashes with an XQPERR bugcheck while dismounting a MAD


In order for the corrections in	this kit to take effect, the system must
be rebooted.  If the system is a member	of an OpenVMS cluster, the
entire cluster should be rebooted.

During the kit installation you	will be	prompted with options to print
and/or display the release notes.
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