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OpenVMS ALP_TH_Y2K01_062 Alpha V6.2 Y2K Fixes OpenVMS/Thai ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS ALP_TH_Y2K01_062 Alpha V6.2 Y2K Fixes OpenVMS/Thai ECO Summary
Modification Date:  13-JUL-98
Modification Type:  New Kit

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.



COMPONENT:  Y2K Fixes for:

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALP_TH_Y2K01_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This Kit **ONLY** for OpenVMS/Thai Alpha:

             ALPF11X02_062 (Files-11 XQP file system)
             ALPVERI02_062 (Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility)
             ALPLIBR06_062 (LIB$ Run-Time Library)
             ALPMTAA01_070 (Magnetic tape ACP)
             ALPY2K02_062 (Year 2000 enhancement kit)

     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  5922 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS/Thai Alpha V6.2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Not Known
     Installation Rating:  1 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed version(s) of OpenVMS.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for several components on OpenVMS/Thai Alpha V6.2.

  o  Conditions Addressed in This Kit

     This document identifies certain conditions you should be
     aware of when preparing your OpenVMS environment for the year
     2000. This kit contains minor modifications to several older
     components of the operating system; other conditions are simply
     noted here, but need no changes. 

     o  EXCHANGE 

        When the EXCHANGE utility is used to transfer files between
        OpenVMS and RT-11 or DOS-11 systems, date problems could occur
        starting in the year 2004 for RT-11 and in the year 2036 for

        This kit contains an enhancement to EXCHANGE that makes the RT-
        11 date format continue to function correctly until the year


            RT-11 volumes are also used as console storage media on
            certain older VAX systems.  DIGITAL transferred the RT-11 
            operating system, along with other PDP-11 software, to 
            Mentec in 1994.

     o  RSX-11 backwards compatible code:

        The following sections describe conditions you should be aware
        of if you interoperate with RSX-11 or if you use RSX-11 software
        on your OpenVMS system.

          +  File System $QIO Interface

             The file system $QIO interface supports several attributes 
             for RSX-11 compatibility. Of these, ATR$C_EXPDAT and 
             ATR$C_ASCDATES return the file creation date, revision 
             date, and expiration date using 2-digit years.

             These attributes are not normally used by native code and 
             can be replaced with the following documented, compliant 


             The file system $QIO interface is provided by the following file

               DIGITAL TCP/IP Network File System (NFS) client
               Distributed File System (DECdfs)
               Magnetic tape ACP
               OpenVMS ODS-1 file system 
               OpenVMS ODS-2 file system

          +  ODS-1 File Header Format and Utility Support

             For RSX-11 compatibility, OpenVMS VAX supports ODS-1 
             file format disk volumes. The ODS-1 file system uses 
             a 2-digit year format internally, and current implementations 
             have limitations for the year 2000.

             The magnetic tape ACP also returns an ODS-1 format file 
             header in response to an application request for the 
             ATR$C_HEADER attribute.

             ODS-1 data structures use a 2-digit year (ddmmmyy) in the 
             following items:

               *  ODS-1 file header:

          +  ODS-1 home block: HM1$T_CREDATE

             The OpenVMS VAX file system and the following OpenVMS 
             utilities that support the ODS-1 file system format 
             have been modified to correctly interpret these 2-digit 
             years until the year 2057:

               Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility
               Backup Utility
               Dump Utility
               Librarian (LBR) routines


            Even though the ODS-1 code is being updated for the year
            2000, DIGITAL strongly recommends that users of ODS-1
            formatted media move to a newer file format by the year

       o  LIB$ Run-Time Library 

          In the run-time library, the LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING routine
          allows the user to select a 2-digit year format (as well as
          many others). This routine interprets 2-digit years as belonging
          to the century in which the system is currently running (ac-
          cording to the system clock). For example, in the 1900s, 61 is
          interpreted as 1961, and starting January 1, 2000, 61 will be
          interpreted as 2061. If this behavior could produce unexpected
          results on your system, select one of the alternatives to the
          2-digit year format.

       o  TECO Editor 

          +  The date value in the TECO editor has been extended to a
             longword so that the year value returned by the Ctrl/B 
             function will not overflow on 01-JAN-2028.

          +  This kit also fixes a TECO problem that is unrelated to
             dates. The UIC value returned by the 2EJ function was incor-
             rect if the process UIC had a group or member number greater
             than 377.

             For compatibility reasons, the 2EJ value cannot be changed.
             However, the problem has been fixed by the following

               *  All group and member numbers that exceed a byte are 
                  now mapped to 377 (octal).

               *  A 3EJ function has been implemented to return the 
                  longword UIC.

                  The following TECO example demonstrates the change. 

                  NOTE: The ESCAPE () sequence can be entered on 
                        most keyboards by typing Ctrl/[.

                        $ SET UIC [1234,567]
                        $ TECO

  o  This kit also includes fixes unrelated to the year 2000 for
     the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility, the Backup Utility, the
     Files-11 XQP file system, and the LIB$ Run-Time Library. These
     fixes were released earlier in separate kits, but now have been
     incorporated into this kit *ONLY* for this OpenVMS/Thai Alpha 

     All Year 2000 enhancements shipped in this kit will be included
     in the operating system starting with the release that follows
     OpenVMS/Thai Alpha Version 7.1.


The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must 
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).  
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