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OpenVMS] ALPCPU0C09_062 Alpha V6.2-V6.2-1H3 CPU Diagnostics ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS] ALPCPU0C09_062 Alpha V6.2-V6.2-1H3 CPU Diagnostics ECO Summary 
Modification Date:  06-JUL-1999
Modification Type:  Documentation Update:
                    Removed reference to SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_1E05

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998, 1999.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    OpenVMS Alpha

COMPONENT:  CPU Diagnostic Routines
SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPCPU0C09_062
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPCPU0C08_062
                                           ALPCPU005_062 aka ALPCPUC05_062
                                           (Only Released Through Factory
                                            Installed Software - FIS)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  17172 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, V6.2-1H3
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Reboot Supported:  No
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_2
                           2 - To be installed on all systems running 
                               the listed version of OpenVMS and using
                               the following feature:
                                   Turbo-Laser systems


       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive the all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:

          ALPLAN05_062 - For RACOR and DE500-BA adapter support


An ECO kit exists for the CPU Diagnostic Routines on OpenVMS Alpha V6.2
through V6.2-1H3.  This kit addresses the following problems:

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPU0C09_062 Kit:

  o  A potential, but so far unseen data problem, was fixed. 
     Specifically, an extra read of the Scatter Gather (S/G) map was
     provided to correct this problem.

  o  On Turbo_Laser systems, the Scatter Gather (S/G) map was not
     visible in main memory since it was on the PCIA's RAM instead,
     which is just needed for debugging purposes.  A copy of the Scatter 
     Gather into main memory during shutdown was provided to aid in 
     debugging S/G register crashes.

  o  During shutdown, a copy of the Scatter Gather (S/G) map would
     require some Turbo-Laser users to modify their systems to contain
     more non-paged pool.  To avoid impact on users, changes were made
     to the copying of the S/G map. 

  o  If a Turbo-Laser crashes before the final executive initial
     breakpoint during a reboot, the user will see a kernel stack not
     valid error. 

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPU0C08_062 Kit:

  o  Add support for the DE500-BA adapter and the  Gigabit  Ethernet

  o  The RACORE (Token Ring) adapter was never  supported  in  V6.2.
     The  supported  adapter,  Thomas Conrad (Token Ring adapter) is
     being phased out so this new adapter must be supported.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC07_062 Kit:

  o  Crash due to TIOP soft corrected  adapter  error.   The  crash
     footprint is the following:

          **** OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System V6.2-1H3  -  BUGCHECK
          ****  **  Code=00000215:   MACHINECHK,  Machine check while in
          kernel mode ** Crash CPU:  00 Primary CPU:   00  Active  CPUs:
          0000000F  **  Current  Process  =  NULL  **  Image Name = ****
          Starting Memory Dump...  **** Memory Dump complete -  not  all
          processes saved

          The entry in the errror log would be similar to the  following
          sample entry:

          Logging OS                        1. OpenVMS
          System Architecture               2. Alpha
          OS version                           V6.2-1H3
          Event sequence number             8.
          Timestamp of occurrence              09-DEC-1997 09:42:29
          System uptime in seconds        184.
          Flags                         x0000
          Host name                            KRYPT2

          Alpha HW model                       AlphaServer 8400 Model 5/350

          Entry type                       28. Adapter Error

          SWI Minor class                   8. Adapter Error
          SWI Minor sub class               4. TIOP

          Software Flags            x00008000  Channel Subpacket Present

          * TLaser I/O Registers *
          Base Phys IO Addr         x000000FF8A000000
                                               TLSB Node 8
          TLDEV                         x2000  Turbo-Laser I/O Module

          TLBER                     x00140000  CORRECTABLE READ DATA ERROR
                                               DATA SYNDROME 0
          TLFADR0                   x00000000  Failing Adr<39:32>  x00000000
                                               Failing Command =  NOP
          LFADR1                   x00000000
          TLESR0                    x0020D9D9  ECC Syndrome 0  x000000D9
                                               ECC Syndrome 1  x000000D9
                                              CORRECTABLE READ ECC ERROR
          TLESR1                    x00000000
          TLESR2                    x00000000
          TLESR3                    x00000000
          CPU Interrupt Mask        x00000001  Cpu Interrupt Mask =   x00000001
          ICCMSR                    x00000000  Arbitration Control  Minimum
                                                               Latency Mode
                                               Supress Control  Suppress after
                                                                16 Transations
          ICCNSE                    x80000000  Interrupt Enable on NSES Set
          ICCMTR                    x00000008  Mbox Trans in Prog, Hose 3
          IDPNSE-0                  x00000000
          IDPNSE-1                  x00000000
          IDPNSE-2                  x00000000
          IDPNSE-3                  x00000006  Hose Power OK
                                               Hose Cable OK
          IDPVR                     x00000810
          ICCWTR                    x00000000
          TLMBPR                    x0000000000000000
          IDPDR0                    x00000000
          IDPDR1                    x00000000
          IDPDR2                    x00000000
          IDPDR3                    x00000000
          Channel Flags                 x0008  Adapter on Hose 4

          -- XMI Subpacket --
          Channel Number                    3. HOSE 3
          Valid Bits                x00000FFF
          XDEV                      x0208102A  Device Type  DWLMA
                                               Dev rev  x00000008
          XBER                      x00000202  More Protocol Disabled
                                               Disable XMI Timeout
                                               Failing Commander ID  x00000020
          XFADR                     x61880104  Failing Address  x21880104
                                               Length  x00000001

          XFAER                     x700000FF  Mask  x000000FF
                                               Address Extension  x00000000
                                               FCMD  x00000007
          LDIAG                     x81000000  Force Addr Bit <39> to 0
                                               XMI Timeout = 16 ms
                                               ARB Suppress Modes  6 Free Q
                                             locations remaining
                                             Force Parity Errors Normal
                                             Operation, correct parity
                                             Force Read Responses  Normal
                                             Lockout Deasserted
                                               XMI Node Asserting ARB Suppress
                                               DMA Loopback Length  Hexword
                                               XMI Node ID  x00000008
          IMSK                      x0BFFA070  Unknown Interrupt Value
          LEVR                      x00000800
          LERR                      x00000000  IVINTR Source ID  x00000000
                                               Failed Parity Bit(s),
                                             Val x00000000
          LGPR                      x00000000

          IPR1                      x00000000  Int Pending Node 1  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 2  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 3  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 4  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 5  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 6  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 7  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 8  x00000000
          IPR2                      x00000000  Int Pending Node 9  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 10  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 11  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 12  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 13  x00000000
                                               Int Pending Node 14  x00000000
                                               LAMB Err Int Pending  x00000000
          IIPR                      x00000000  IPL 14 Int in Prog Node
                                               IPL 15 Int in Prog Node
                                               IPL 16 Int in Prog Node
                                               IPL 17 Int in Prog Node
                                               Cmnd Node ID  x00000000

  o  Correctable read error logged as an individual error log entry
     as opposed to being logged as an extended correctable read

  o  Aborted 660 IBOX timeout machine check resulting in a
     CPUSPINWAIT crash.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC06_062 Kit:

  o  CRD errors on the Turbo Laser 4GB memory module (TMEM4) always
     contain zero in the failing string register.  A hardware
     problem in the TMEM4 causes a failure to report the correct
     failing string on CRD errors.  The inability to determine the
     correct failing string prevents DECEVENT from determining the
     failing memory SIMM.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC05_062 Kit:

  o  SMPSTART_MIXEDCPU has been added to the Turbo Laser Link file 
     so that it will link in the new SMPSTART_MIXEDCPU module which 
     contains code patches to allow mixing of EV5/EV6 and mixed CPU 

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC04_062 Kit:

  o  The message "***ERROR_ROUTINES_0C05 version 960424-2***" is
     displayed during the boot process.

  o  When a MachineCheck 660/670 occurs while in MachineCheck
     620/630 processing, the system will crash and not place the
     660/670 information in the errorlog.  This means that the
     crash dump is the only place that contains the 660/670
     information.  This fix separates buffers used for 620/630  
     and 660/670 processing to allow a 660/670 to process and 
     create an errorlog entry then crash the system as planned.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC03_062 Kit:

  o  When a MachineCheck 660/670 occurs while in MachineCheck
     620/630 processing, the system will crash with an INVEXCEPTN
     at SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_0C05_NPRO+07808 and not place the 660/670
     information in the errorlog.  This means that the crash dump
     is the only place that contains the 660/670 information.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC02_062 Kit:

  o  If a device's EISA configuration utility CFG file requests two or
     more IRQs, the device can crash an EISA-based system.  This problem
     can occur on Digital AlphaServer 2100 5/250, AlphaServer 8400 5/275,
     AlphaStation 600 5/266, Digital AlphaServer 1000 4/200 and DEC 
     2000-300 platforms.

Problems Addressed in the ALPCPUC01_062 Kit:

  o  Current CPU error routines on AlphaServer 8200 5/300 and AlphaServer
     8400 5/300 systems do not allow On-site Service Engineers to
     properly diagnose failing components. This ECO kit enhances those
     error routines.

     According to OpenVMS Engineering, this fix has been included in
     OpenVMS Alpha V7.0.


This kit cannot be booted from a user prompt because it contains a fix
for a problem that prevents OpenVMS from booting.  The problem occurs
when devices that use PCI-to-PCI bridged devices are used on Turbo-Laser
systems.  To correct this problem, perform the following steps:

   o  Remove the devices from the system.

      *  the PCI-PCI devices for a Turbo-Laser system are:

         -  ATM350

         -  KZPDA

   o  Reboot the system

   o  Use the the VMSINSTAL utility to install the TIMA kit.

      -  log into the SYSTEM account and type the following at the
         DCL prompt:

            @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALPCPU0C09_062 [saveset location]

         The saveset location may be a tape drive or a disk directory
         that contains the kit saveset. 
   o  Shut down the system.

   o  Re-install the PCI-PCI devices

   o  Re-boot the system

The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is rebooted.

The fix only applies to Turbo-Laser systems with PCI-to-PCI bridged
devices installed in them.  If you have other Turbo-Laser nodes with
these devices in your OpenVMS cluster, they must also be rebooted in
order to make use of the new image(s).  If the Turbo-Laser systems do
not use a shared system disk, before each system is rebooted, the above
installation procedure must be performed. 

As an alternative to removing the PCI-to-PCI bridged devices, you can
install the TIMA saveset to the destination disk from a working system. 
To do this, the destination disk must be a shared disk or be manually
relocated from the destination system to the working system for
installation purposes. 

The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is rebooted.
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