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HP Services Software Patches - alpsys23_061
NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:     DIGITAL OpenVMS Alpha 


SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPSYS23_061 
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPSYS22_061 
                                           ALPSYS03_062 (for Alpha V6.1 only) 
                                           AXPSYS03_061 (AXPSYS)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  1908 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, V6.1-1H1, V6.1-1H2 
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  3 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed versions of OpenVMS which
                               are experiencing the problems described.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for various SYSTEM components on OpenVMS Alpha V6.1
through V6.1-1H2.  


  o  OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 through V7.0 systems using the SYS$SET_SECURITY
     or the SYS$CHANGE_ACL system service to protect File Objects
     are inconsistent.

  o  OpenVMS Alpha systems might crash when cleaning up pending
     ASTs during rundown, with the address of the next packet
     pointing to an incorrect value.

  o  OpenVMS could create processes in the same group UIC with the
     same process name.  On OpenVMS VAX systems, SS$_NOSLOT could
     be returned when one process entry slot is left, the last one

  o  A potential problem exists when a batch job process termination 
     message is sent to the JOB_CONTROL process.  If the Job Controller's 
     mailbox is full at the time the message is sent, the message could 
     be dropped and lost.  The result could be that SHOW QUEUE shows 
     "executing" jobs with no associated process on the system.

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS22_061:                                           
  o  The ALPSYS03_062 kit, which applied to V6.2 and V7.1, is being          
     re-issued  as separate version kits.  There are no new fixes in          
     this kit.  If you have installed the ALPSYS03_062 remedial kit,          
     you do not need to install this kit.                                     
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS03_062:                                           
  o  A DCL 'SHOW SECURITY/CLASS=DEVICE' command will generate an              
     access violation (ACCVIO) and cause the system to crash.                 
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.                         

  o  Occasional crashes may occur in IOC$DISMOUNT with an INCONSTATE          
     or SSRVEXCEPT bugcheck.                                                  
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0.                         

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS03_061:                                           
  o  A process will loop in kernel mode, holding the IO Database              
     mutex.  The problem can be reproduced by sending mail to                 
     yourself on a workstation after creating and deleting the                
     message window.                                                          
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.                         

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS19_061:                                           
  o  Remove previous fix for spurious SS$_SUBTRACED errors with               
     protected subsystems.  Images linked with DEBUG cannot be run            
     using this modification.                                                 
     The problem is fixed in OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.                              

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS15_061:                                           
  o  Spurious SS$_SUBTRACED errors with protected subsystems, if the          
     image was installed with an INSTALL/HEADER_RESIDENT command.             
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.                         

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS17_061:                                           
  o  Although the ALPSYS11_061 documentation states that the system          
     must be rebooted, some customers are not doing so immediately.          
     This causes a problem when using DEBUG.  A BADVECTOR error is          
     issued and the system crashes.  The problem does not occur if          
     the system is rebooted.  The crash occurs because the kit does          
     an INSTALL/REPLACE on the SYS$SSISHR.EXE image which results in          
     image mismatch problems if the system is not rebooted.          
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS11_061:                                           
  o  The common idle loop counters have a severe performance          
     degradation on Alpha SMP configurations.                                 

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS10_061:                                           
  o  A process hangs and is often impossible to kill or stop.                   
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS09_061:                                           
   o  Because installation of the AXPSYS06_061 ECO kit will         
      exacerbate problems corrected by the AXPRMS02_061 ECO kit,         
      after installation of the AXPSYS06_061 kit users should also         
      install the AXPRMS02_061 kit.                                           

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS06_061:                                           
   o  The PROCESS_MANAGEMENT.EXE image included in remedial kit         
      AXPSYS04_061 did not fix the problems listed.                           
PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS04_061:                                           
   o  A process may hang in LEF state, with an outstanding I/O         
      operation and a kernel mode AST queued to the process.  Kernel         
      mode ASTs are disabled.                                                 

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS02_061:                                           
   o  Applications that call the wait form of system services cause a         
      hang.  The cause is that the service has finished asynchronously 
      but the application is still waiting in LEF.             
      The problem has been found to be generally  applicable  to  all         
      system services that have a wait form counterpart.                      

PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN AXPSYS01_061:                                           
   o  On systems running OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, when a process with a         
      non-zero CPU limit SPAWNs one or more subprocesses, each SPAWN         
      halves the CPU limit (as expected), but on returning from the         
      SPAWN the unused CPU time is not credited back to the parent         
      process.  After some number of successful SPAWNs the process         
      will receive a %SYSTEM-F-EXCPUTIME error and will not allow the         
      user to continue.  The user will have to log out and log back         
      in to start another process.                                            


The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must 
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).  

If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at 
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