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HP Services Software Patches - alplmf02_061
NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha

COMPONENT:  License Management Facility 

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPLMF02_061
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPLMF01_061
                                           NASAXPLMFA050 NAS V5.0 (CSCPAT_2057)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  198 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, V6.1-1H1, V6.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes

NOTE:  This ECO kit also contains the license support previously
       supplied by the following NAS kits:

       NASAXPLMFA050 NAS V5.0a 
       NASAXPLMF051 NAS V5.1
       NASAXPLMF052 NAS V5.2
       NASAXPLMFA060 NAS V6.0


An ECO kit exists for the License Management Facility on OpenVMS Alpha 
V6.1 through V6.1-1H2.  This kit addresses the following problems: 

Problems Addressed in ALPLMF01_061 for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, V6.1-1H1,

  o  The ALPLMF01_061 kit would not install on systems on which the 
     NASAXPLMFA050 (CSCPAT_2057) kit was installed.  This kit fixes
     that installation problem as well as including all fixes that
     were in the ALPLMF01_061 kit.

Problems Addressed in ALPLMF01_061 for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, V6.1-1H1,

  o  The OpenVMS Group Table ECO enables additional functionality
     for Concurrent Use License PAKs and Distributed Interactive
     User License PAKs.  This ECO may be duplicated and used with
     each valid OpenVMS Concurrent Use License or Distributed
     Interactive User License.  Customers are allowed to install and
     use the ECO under their existing license agreement.  The
     functionality enabled by this ECO is provided as a courtesy
     to our previously licensed customers.

     Functionality Enabled by the OpenVMS Group Table ECO

  o  The OpenVMS Group Table ECO will enable the OpenVMS
     Concurrent Use License (QL-MT3A*-3*) to run on OpenVMS VAX
     Version 5.5-2 through OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1.

     Without the ECO, the OpenVMS Concurrent Use License works
     on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version
     6.2 or greater.

  o  The OpenVMS Group Table ECO will enable the OpenVMS VAX
     Distributed Interactive User License (QL-09SA*-B*) PAK to
     run on:

      -  An OpenVMS Alpha system running OpenVMS Alpha
         Version 6.1 or greater

      -  A mixed OpenVMS VAX and Alpha cluster running
         OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or greater and OpenVMS
         Alpha Version 6.1 or greater

      -  An OpenVMS VAX system running OpenVMS Version
         5.5-2 or greater

      Without the ECO the OpenVMS VAX Distributed Interactive
      User License works on OpenVMS VAX systems running OpenVMS
      Version 6.0 or greater and will work on OpenVMS VAX and
      Alpha systems running Version 6.2 or greater.  

  o  The OpenVMS Group Table ECO will enable the OpenVMS Alpha
     Distributed Interactive User License (QL-MT3A*-B*) PAK to
     run on:

     -  An OpenVMS VAX system running OpenVMS VAX Version
        5.5-2 or greater

     -  A mixed OpenVMS VAX and Alpha cluster running
        OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or greater and OpenVMS
        Alpha Version 6.1 or greater.

     Without the ECO the OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Interactive
     User License works on OpenVMS Alpha systems running Version
     1.5 or greater and will work on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha
     systems running Version 6.2 or greater.

Problems Addressed in NASAXPLMFA050 (CSCPAT_2057) for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1:

  o NAS Packages V5.0 for OpenVMS AXP added a number of new licenses          
    to the NAS Base Server 200 package.  The previous version of the          
    NAS Packages LMF ECO kit did not properly enable all of the             
    licenses that were part of the package.                                   
  o NAS Packages V5.0 for OpenVMS AXP provided an advance license for         
    ObjectBroker V2.5 in the NAS Base Server 200, NAS Server 300,             
    NAS Production Server 400 and the NAS Client 250.  The license            
    for OBB-RT was not included in the previous version of the                
    NAS Packages LMF ECO kit.                                               


In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system
must be rebooted.  If the system is a member of an VMScluster, the 
entire cluster must be rebooted. 
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