Compaq Tru64 UNIX Tru64 UNIX 5.1A and TruCluster Server 5.1A Patch Summary and Release Notes for Patch Kit-0001 This manual describes the release notes and contents of Patch Kit-0001. It provides special instructions for installing individual patches. For information about installing or removing patches, baselining, and general patch management, see the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s . This document might contain lines too long to fit on an ordinary page; these lines will be truncated if the document is printed in portrait mode. Print this document using the _l_p_r command with its -_O_l_a_n_d_s_c_a_p_e option. __________________________________________________ Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas Copyright 2002 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ, the Compaq logo, AlphaServer, TruCluster, ULTRIX, and VAX Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Alpha and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Motif, OSF/1, UNIX, X/Open, and The Open Group are trademarks of The Open Group. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Contents About This Manual Audience ............................................ v Organization ........................................ v Related Documentation ............................... v Reader's Comments ................................... vi 1 Release Notes 1.1 Patch Process Resources ....................... 1-1 1.2 Required Storage Space ........................ 1-1 1.3 Inclusion of Base Level in tar File Name ...... 1-2 1.4 During Rolling Upgrade, Do Not Add or Delete OSF, TCR, or IOSWW Subsets .................... 1-3 1.5 depord Warnings and cat Errors ................ 1-3 1.6 Update to sys_check ........................... 1-3 1.7 Ignore Message About Missing File During Rolling Upgrade ........................ 1-4 1.8 clu_upgrade undo of Install Stage Can Result in Incorrect File Permissions .................... 1-4 1.9 When Taking a Cluster Member to Single-User Mode, First Halt the Member ................... 1-5 1.10 Additional Steps Required When Installing Patches Before Cluster Creation ............... 1-5 1.11 Problems with clu_upgrade switch Stage ....... 1-6 1.12 Missing Entry Messages Can Be Ignored During Rolling Patch ................................. 1-6 1.13 Relocating AutoFS During a Rolling Upgrade on a Cluster ....................................... 1-7 1.14 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 95.00 ...... 1-8 1.15 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 156.00 ..... 1-11 1.16 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patches 226.00 and 228.00 ........................................ 1-14 1.17 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 252.00 ..... 1-15 1.18 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 286.00 ..... 1-15 1.19 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 305.00 ..... 1-18 1.20 Release Notes for Tru64 UNIX Patch 309.00 .... 1-26 1.20.1 Updates to sh, csh, and ksh ............. 1-26 1.20.2 sh noclobber Option and >| , >>| Constructs Added ........................... 1-27 1.20.3 ksh noclobber Behavior Clarified ........ 1-27 1.20.4 csh noclobber Behavior Clarified ........ 1-27 1.20.5 Updated mkdir System Call and Command ... 1-28 1.21 Release Note for Tru64 UNIX Patch 325.00 ..... 1-28 1.22 Release Note for TruCluster Patch 9.00 ....... 1-29 1.23 Release Note for TruCluster Patch 92.00 ...... 1-31 1.24 Release Note for TruCluster Patch 84.00 ...... 1-32 2 Summary of Base Operating System Patches 3 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches iv Contents About This Manual This manual contains information specific to Patch Kit-0001 for the Tru64(tm) UNIX 5.1A operating system and TruCluster Server Software(tm) 5.1A products. It provides a list of the patches contained in each kit and describes the information you need to know when installing specific patches. For information about installing or removing patches, baselining, and general patch management, see the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s . _A_u_d_i_e_n_c_e This manual is for the person who installs and removes the patch kit and for anyone who manages patches after they are installed. _O_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n This manual is organized as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Contains the release notes for this patch kit. Chapter 2 Summarizes the Tru64 UNIX operating system patches included in the kit. Chapter 3 Summarizes the TruCluster software patches included in the kit. ______________________________________________________________________________ _R_e_l_a_t_e_d _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n In addition to this manual, you should be familiar with the concepts and mechanisms described in the following Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster documents: +o Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s +o Tru64 UNIX _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s +o dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh(8) Reference Page +o Tru64 UNIX _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e +o TruCluster Server _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n +o TruCluster Server _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n +o Release-specific installation documentation _R_e_a_d_e_r'_s _C_o_m_m_e_n_t_s Compaq welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this and other Tru64 UNIX manuals. You can send your comments in the following ways: +o Fax: 603-884-0120 Attn: UBPG Publications, ZK03-3/Y32 +o Internet electronic mail: rrrreeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss____ccccoooommmmmmmmeeeennnntttt@@@@zzzzkkkk3333....ddddeeeecccc....ccccoooommmm A Reader's Comment form is located on your system in the following location: ////uuuussssrrrr////ddddoooocccc////rrrreeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss____ccccoooommmmmmmmeeeennnntttt....ttttxxxxtttt +o Mail: Compaq Computer Corporation UBPG Publications Manager ZK03-3/Y32 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-9987 Please include the following information along with your comments: +o The full title of this document. +o The section numbers and page numbers of the information on which you are commenting. +o The version of Tru64 UNIX that you are using. +o If known, the type of processor that is running the Tru64 UNIX software. The Tru64 UNIX Publications group cannot respond to system problems or technical support inquiries. Please address technical questions to your local system vendor or to the appropriate Compaq technical support office. vi About This Manual Information provided with the software media explains how to send problem reports to Compaq. About This Manual vii Release Notes 1 This chapter provides important information that you need in order to work with the Tru64 UNIX 5.1A and TruCluster 5.1A Patch Kit-0001. _1._1 _P_a_t_c_h _P_r_o_c_e_s_s _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_s Compaq provides Web sites to help you with the patching process: +o To obtain the lastest patch kit for your operating system and cluster: hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////ffffttttpppp1111....ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttt....ccccoooommmmppppaaaaqqqq....ccccoooommmm////ppppuuuubbbblllliiiicccc////uuuunnnniiiixxxx//// +o To view or print the lastest version of the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s or the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s for a specific patch kit: hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....ttttrrrruuuu66664444uuuunnnniiiixxxx....ccccoooommmmppppaaaaqqqq....ccccoooommmm////ffffaaaaqqqqssss////ppppuuuubbbblllliiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh//// +o To visit Compaq's main support page: hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....ccccoooommmmppppaaaaqqqq....ccccoooommmm////ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttt////iiiinnnnddddeeeexxxx....sssshhhhttttmmmmllll +o To visit the Tru64 UNIX homepage: hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....ttttrrrruuuu66664444uuuunnnniiiixxxx....ccccoooommmmppppaaaaqqqq....ccccoooommmm//// _1._2 _R_e_q_u_i_r_e_d _S_t_o_r_a_g_e _S_p_a_c_e The following storage space is required to successfully install this patch kit: _B_a_s_e _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m +o Temporary Storage Space A total of ~250 MB of storage space is required to untar this patch kit. Compaq recommends that this kit not be placed in the ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, or ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems because doing so may unduly constrain the available storage space for the patching activity. +o Permanent Storage Space Up to ~61 MB of storage space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp may be required for archived original files if you choose to install and revert all patches. See the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s for more information. Up to ~62 MB of storage space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh may be required for original files if you choose to install and revert all patches. See the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s for more information. Up to ~495 KB of storage space is required in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////ddddoooocccc for patch abstract and README documentation. A total of ~160 KB of storage space is needed in ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh for the patch management utility. _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _S_e_r_v_e_r +o Temporary Storage Space A total of ~250 MB of storage space is required to untar this patch kit. Compaq recommends that this kit not be placed in the ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, or ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems because doing so may unduly constrain the available storage space for the patching activity. +o Permanent Storage Space Up to ~35 MB of storage space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp may be required for archived original files if you choose to install and revert all patches. See the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s for more information. Up to ~35 MB of storage space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh may be required for original files if you choose to install and revert all patches. See the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s for more information. Up to ~399 KB of storage space is required in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////ddddoooocccc for patch abstract and README documentation. A total of ~168 KB of storage space is needed in ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh for the patch management utility. _1._3 _I_n_c_l_u_s_i_o_n _o_f _B_a_s_e _L_e_v_e_l _i_n _t_a_r _F_i_l_e _N_a_m_e With this release, the name of the ttttaaaarrrr file containing the patch distribution has been expanded to include the baselevel for which this kit was built. This formerly internal baselevel number has become a common way of identifying kits. For complete information, see Section 1.3 of the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s. 1-2 Release Notes _1._4 _D_u_r_i_n_g _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e, _D_o _N_o_t _A_d_d _o_r _D_e_l_e_t_e _O_S_F, _T_C_R, _o_r _I_O_S_W_W _S_u_b_s_e_t_s During a rolling upgrade, do not use the ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssseeeettttlllldddd command to add or delete any of the following subsets: +o Base Operating System subsets (those with the prefix OOOOSSSSFFFF). +o TruCluster Server subsets (those with the prefix TTTTCCCCRRRR). +o Worldwide Language Support (WLS) subsets (those with the prefix IIIIOOOOSSSSWWWWWWWW). Adding or deleting these subsets during a roll creates inconsistencies in the tagged files. _1._5 _d_e_p_o_r_d _W_a_r_n_i_n_g_s _a_n_d _c_a_t _E_r_r_o_r_s This release note explains ddddeeeeppppoooorrrrdddd warnings and ccccaaaatttt errors displayed during a rolling upgrade with patches. These warnings are only encountered if a rolling upgrade has been performed on the lead member, followed by the installation of patches on the lead member. When the remaining members perform the roll operation using the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee roll command, a number of warning and error messages are displayed. The warning messages are from the ddddeeeeppppoooorrrrdddd command and state that the ....ccccttttrrrrllll file for patch subsets cannot be found. These ddddeeeeppppoooorrrrdddd warnings are followed by error messages from the ccccaaaatttt command stating that the ....iiiinnnnvvvv file for patch subsets cannot be opened. These warning and error messages are benign and can be ignored. The following is a sample of the warning and error messages that will be displayed: depord: warning, no .ctrl file for "TCRPAT00008600520" depord: warning, no .ctrl file for "TCRPAT00008400520" depord: warning, no .ctrl file for "TCRPAT00008200520" depord: warning, no .ctrl file for "TCRPAT00008000520" \&... additional messages skipped ... cat: cannot open /var/cluster/members/{memb}/adm/update/tmpstaydir/instctrl/OSFPAT00000032520.inv cat: cannot open /var/cluster/members/{memb}/adm/update/tmpstaydir/instctrl/OSFPAT00000500520.inv \&... additional messages skipped ... _1._6 _U_p_d_a_t_e _t_o _s_y_s__c_h_e_c_k In versions of ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk, prior to Version 123, you could terminate a running instance of ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk by typing the interrupt key (CCCCTTTTRRRRLLLL----CCCC). In ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk Release Notes 1-3 Version 123, the CCCCTTTTRRRRLLLL----CCCC signal will not kill ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk. To terminate ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk while it is running, you will need to manually kill all the ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk processes by using the ppppssss command to retrieve the process IDs of the ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk processes and then issuing the kkkkiiiillllllll ----9999 command to each running process. _1._7 _I_g_n_o_r_e _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _A_b_o_u_t _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _l_a_d_e_b_u_g._c_a_t _F_i_l_e _D_u_r_i_n_g _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e When installing the patch kit doing a rolling upgrade, you may see the following error and warning messages. You can ignore these messages and continue with the rolling upgrade. Creating tagged files. \&............................................................................... \&..... *** Error *** The tar commands used to create tagged files in the '/usr' file system have reported the following errors and warnings: tar: lib/nls/msg/en_US.88591/ : No such file or directory \&......................................................... *** Warning *** The above errors were detected during the cluster upgrade. If you believe that the errors are not critical to system operation, you can choose to continue. If you are unsure, you should check the cluster upgrade log and refer to clu_upgrade(8) before continuing with the upgrade. _1._8 _c_l_u__u_p_g_r_a_d_e _u_n_d_o _o_f _I_n_s_t_a_l_l _S_t_a_g_e _C_a_n _R_e_s_u_l_t _i_n _I_n_c_o_r_r_e_c_t _F_i_l_e _P_e_r_m_i_s_s_i_o_n_s This note applies only when both of the following are true: +o You are using iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, or nnnnhhhhdddd____iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll to perform a rolling upgrade. +o You need to undo the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll stage; that is, to use the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command. In this situation, incorrect file permissions can be set for files on the lead member. This can result in the failure of rrrrsssshhhh, rrrrllllooooggggiiiinnnn, and other commands that assume user IDs or identities by means of sssseeeettttuuuuiiiidddd. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command must be run from a non-lead member that has access to the lead member's boot disk. After the command completes, do the following: 1-4 Release Notes 1. Boot the lead member to single-user mode. 2. Run the following script: #!/usr/bin/ksh -p # # Script for restoring installed permissions # cd / for i in /usr/.smdb./$(OSF|TCR|IOS|OSH)*.sts do grep -q "_INSTALLED" $i 2>/dev/null && /usr/lbin/fverify -y <"${i%.sts}.inv" done 3. Rerun iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, or nnnnhhhhdddd____iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll, whichever is appropriate, and complete the rolling upgrade. For information about rolling upgrades, see Chapter 7 of the _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n manual, iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee(8), and cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee(8). _1._9 _W_h_e_n _T_a_k_i_n_g _a _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _M_e_m_b_e_r _t_o _S_i_n_g_l_e-_U_s_e_r _M_o_d_e, _F_i_r_s_t _H_a_l_t _t_h_e _M_e_m_b_e_r To take a cluster member from multi-user mode to single-user mode, first halt the member and then boot it to single-user mode. For example: # sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn ----hhhh nnnnoooowwww >>> bbbbooooooootttt ----ffffllll ssss Halting and booting the system ensures that it provides the minimal set of services to the cluster and that the running cluster has a minimal reliance on the member running in single-user mode. When the system reaches single-user mode, run the following commands: # iiiinnnniiiitttt ssss # bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc # llllmmmmffff rrrreeeesssseeeetttt _1._1_0 _A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_a_l _S_t_e_p_s _R_e_q_u_i_r_e_d _W_h_e_n _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _B_e_f_o_r_e _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _C_r_e_a_t_i_o_n This note applies only if you install a patch kit before creating a cluster; that is, if you do the following: 1. Install the Tru64 UNIX base kit. 2. Install the TruCluster Server kit. Release Notes 1-5 3. Install the Version 5.1A Patch Kit-0001 before running the cccclllluuuu____ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee command. In this situation, you must then perform three additional steps: 1. Run vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww, the version switch command, to set the new version identifier: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww----sssseeeettttnnnneeeewwww 2. Run vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww to switch to the new version: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww----sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh 3. Run the cccclllluuuu____ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee command to create your cluster: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////cccclllluuuu____ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee _1._1_1 _P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s _w_i_t_h _c_l_u__u_p_g_r_a_d_e _s_w_i_t_c_h _S_t_a_g_e If the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh stage does not complete successfully, you may see a message like the following: versw: No switch due to inconsistent versions The problem can be due to one or more members running ggggeeeennnnvvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx, a generic kernel. Use the command cccclllluuuu____ggggeeeetttt____iiiinnnnffffoooo ----ffffuuuullllllll and note each member's version number, as reported in the line beginning Member base O/S version If a member has a version number different from that of the other members, shut down the member and reboot it from vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx, the custom kernel. If multiple members have the different version numbers, reboot them one at a time from vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx. _1._1_2 _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _E_n_t_r_y _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s _C_a_n _B_e _I_g_n_o_r_e_d _D_u_r_i_n_g _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h During the sssseeeettttuuuupppp stage of a rolling patch, you might see a message like the following: Creating tagged files. \&............................................................................ \&............................................................................ 1-6 Release Notes \&............................................ clubase: Entry not found in /cluster/admin/tmp/stanza.stdin.597530 clubase: Entry not found in /cluster/admin/tmp/stanza.stdin.597568 An EEEEnnnnttttrrrryyyy nnnnooootttt ffffoooouuuunnnndddd message will appear once for each member in the cluster. The number in the message corresponds to a PID. You can safely ignore this EEEEnnnnttttrrrryyyy nnnnooootttt ffffoooouuuunnnndddd message. _1._1_3 _R_e_l_o_c_a_t_i_n_g _A_u_t_o_F_S _D_u_r_i_n_g _a _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _o_n _a _C_l_u_s_t_e_r This note applies only to performing rolling upgrades on cluster systems that use AutoFS. During a cluster rolling upgrade, each cluster member is singly halted and rebooted several times. The _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s direct you to manually relocate applications under the control of Cluster Application Availability (CAA) prior to halting a member on which CAA applications run. Depending on the amount of NFS traffic, the manual relocation of AutoFS may sometimes fail. Failure is most likely to occur when NFS traffic is heavy. The following procedure avoids that problem. At the start of the rolling upgrade procedure, use the ccccaaaaaaaa____ssssttttaaaatttt command to learn which member is running AutoFS. For example: # ccccaaaaaaaa____ssssttttaaaatttt ----tttt Name Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ autofs application ONLINE ONLINE rye cluster_lockd application ONLINE ONLINE rye clustercron application ONLINE ONLINE swiss dhcp application ONLINE ONLINE swiss named application ONLINE ONLINE rye To minimize your effort in the procedure described as follows, it is desirable to perform the roll stage last on the member where AutoFS runs. When it comes time to perform a manual relocation on a member where AutoFS is running, do the following: 1. Stop AutoFS by entering the following command on the member where AutoFS runs: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccaaaaaaaa____ssssttttoooopppp ----ffff aaaauuuuttttooooffffssss 2. Perform the manual relocation of other applications running on that member: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccaaaaaaaa____rrrreeeellllooooccccaaaatttteeee ----ssss _c_u_r_r_e_n_t__m_e_m_b_e_r -c _t_a_r_g_e_t__m_e_m_b_e_r Release Notes 1-7 After the member that had been running AutoFS has been halted as part of the rolling upgrade procedure, restart AutoFS on a member that is still up. (If this is the roll stage and the halted member is not the last member to be rolled, you can minimize your effort by restarting AutoFS on the member you plan to roll last.) 1. On a member that is up, enter the following command to restart AutoFS. (The member where AutoFS is to run, _t_a_r_g_e_t__m_e_m_b_e_r, must be up and running in multi-user mode.) # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccaaaaaaaa____ssssttttaaaarrrrttttaaaauuuuttttooooffffssss ----cccc _t_a_r_g_e_t__m_e_m_b_e_r 2. Continue with the rolling upgrade procedure. _1._1_4 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _9_5._0_0 This patch enables support for network Link Aggregation, or trunking. Link Aggregation can be used to provide increased network bandwidth and availability. Two or more physical Ethernet ports can be combined to create a link aggregation group, which is seen by upper-layer software as a single logical network interface. See the _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n: _C_o_n_n_e_c_t_i_o_n_s manual for information on configuring link aggregation groups. See llllaaaagggg(7) and llllaaaaggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg(8) for additional information about link aggregation. Known problem: Link Aggregation does not support Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo frames. This problem will be corrected in a subsequent patch. lag(7) lag(7) NAME lag - Link aggregation (also called trunking) introductory information DESCRIPTION Link aggregation, or trunking, enables administrators to combine two or more physical Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NICs) and create a single logical link. (Upper-layer software sees this link aggregation group as a single logical interface.) The single logical link can carry traffic at higher data rates than a single interface because the traffic is distri- buted across all of the physical ports that make up the link aggregation group. Using link aggregation provides the following capabilities: o Increased network bandwidth - The increase is incremental based on the 1-8 Release Notes number and type of ports, or Network Interface Cards (NICs), added to the link aggregation group. See the "Load Sharing" section for more information. o Fault tolerance - If a port in a link aggregation group fails, the software detects the failure and reroutes traffic to the other avail- able ports. See the "Fault Tolerance" section for more information. o Load sharing - Traffic is distributed across all ports of a link aggregation group. See the "Load Sharing" section for more informa- tion. You can use a link aggregation group virtual interface for the following point-to-point connections: server-to-server and server-to-switch. For server-to-switch connections, the switch must support link aggregation. See your switch documentation for information on configuring your switch. Link aggregation requires an optional kernel subsystem (lag.mod). You can verify the presence of the link aggregation subsystem by issuing the sysconfig -s lag command. If the lag subsystem is not loaded, you can load it using either of the following methods: o Dynamically load it using the sysconfig -c lag command. This method does not persist across system reboots. o Edit the system configuration file, add an options LAG entry to it, and build a new kernel by issuing the doconfig command. Then, reboot the system. This method loads the subsystem each time the system reboots. After the subsystem is loaded, you can configure a link aggregation group, Link Aggregation Configuration You can configure link aggregation groups either in multiuser mode or at boot time with the lagconfig command. When you configure the group, you can specify a virtual interface unit number, a key, and a Media Access Control (MAC) address. If none are specified, by default, the group is created with the following: o The next available unit number. For example, if lag0 exists, lag1 is created. o The next available key number, starting at 1. For example, if the first link aggregation group interface is assigned a key of 1, the next group interface is assigned a key of 2. o The MAC address of the first interface attached to the link aggregation group. After you create a link aggregation group, you can then enable ports (interfaces) for link aggregation. The enabled ports attach to the link aggregation group with the corresponding key. If the port fails in some Release Notes 1-9 way, the port detaches from the group and traffic is rerouted to the remaining port or ports. Any link aggregation configuration done in multiuser mode does not persist across system reboots. If you want link aggregation groups configured at boot time, you must include the appropriate lagconfig and ifconfig commands in the the /etc/inet.local file. See the Network Administration: Connections manual for an example. On platforms where I/O bandwidth may be a limiting factor, you might increase link aggregation performance by distributing the NICs across dif- ferent portions of the I/O infrastructure (for example, different PCI buses). Fault Tolerance The link aggregation subsystem monitors the link state of ports that are enabled for link aggregation. When the link aggregation subsystem detects that a port's link state is down, the subsystem detaches the port from its link aggregation group and redistributes traffic among the remaining ports. When the link aggregation subsystem detects that the port's link state is up, the subsystem reattaches the port to its link aggregation group. The port then starts handling part of the traffic load again. The amount of time it takes to detect a link state change and fail over depends on the device and driver in use. For DE60x devices using the ee driver, average failover times are on the order of 1 to 2 seconds. For DEGPA devices using the alt driver, average failover times are less than 1 second. Load Sharing A link aggregation group performs load sharing of both inbound and outbound traffic. Distribution of inbound packets is determined by the server or switch to which the link aggregation group is connected. When transmitting packets, the system uses a load distribution algorithm to determine on which attached port to transmit the packets. The following load distribution algorithm is supported: o For IP packets, the port is selected based on a hash of the destina- tion IP address. For non-IP packets, the port is selected based on a hash of the destination MAC address. All traffic addressed to a specific destination IP address uses the same port in the link aggre- gation group. This ensures that the packets arrive in order. This algorithm can utilize the combined bandwidth of a link aggregation group in environments where traffic is destined to a large number of dif- ferent IP addresses (for example, a web server). However, this algorithm might not produce the expected bandwidth utiliza- tion in environments where the majority of traffic is destined to a single IP address (for example, a private server-to-server interconnect). Traffic destined for a single IP address will use the same port in the link aggre- 1-10 Release Notes gation group. RESTRICTIONS The following restrictions apply: o Supports only DEGPA (alt) and DE60x (ee) network interface cards (NICs). o Supports only Ethernet (802.3 CSMA/CD) links. o Ports must be operating in full duplex mode. o Ports in the same link aggregation group must operate at the same data rate. o Ports in a link aggregation group must be attached to the same system, either server-to-server or server-to-switch. RELATED INFORMATION Commands: lagconfig(8) System Attributes: sys_attrs_lag(5) Files: inet.local(4) Technical Overview Network Administration: Connections _1._1_5 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _1_5_6._0_0 This release note updates the reference page for eeeennnnvvvvccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg(8). envconfig(8) NAME envconfig - Configures the Environmental Monitoring daemon SYNOPSIS /usr/sbin/envconfig -c var=value /usr/sbin/envconfig start | stop /usr/sbin/envconfig -q OPTIONS Release Notes 1-11 Environmental Monitoring provides a means of detecting system threshold conditions, that if exceeded, could result in a loss of data or damage to the system itself. To detect and notify users of critical conditions, the envmond daemon is used. This utility, envconfig, is used to customize the envmond daemon. This section describes the envconfig options you can use to configure the daemon. -c var=value Sets the variables that specify how the system environment is monitored. These variables are stored in the /etc/rc.config file and are read by the envmond daemon at system start-up. If a variable is not set, the default value of that variable is assumed. ENVMON_CONFIGURED Specifies the state of Environmental Monitoring. If this variable is set to zero (0), the Environmental Monitoring package is not started during the system boot. If this variable is set to 1, and Environmental Monitoring is supported by that platform, it is started during the system boot. The default value is zero (0). ENVMON_GRACE_PERIOD Specifies the time (in minutes) that can elapse between the detec- tion of a high temperature condition and the shutdown of the sys- tem. The default value is 15 minutes. ENVMON_HIGH_THRESH Specifies the threshold level that can be encountered before the envmond daemon broadcasts a warning and suggested action. ENVMON_MONITOR_PERIOD Specifies the frequency (in seconds) between queries of the system by the envmond daemon. The default value is 60 seconds. ENVMON_USER_SCRIPT Specifies the path of a user-defined script that you want the envmond daemon to execute when a high threshold level is encoun- tered. The envmond daemon continues to check the environment after the script has executed and proceeds as needed should the high threshold levels persist. If you set this variable, the envmond daemon directs output from the script to /dev/console. Output is not displayed on standard output or written to a file as this is not the behavior of the dae- mon. To display on standard output, explicitly specify the logger command within the user defined script ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT Specifies the path of a user-defined shutdown script that you want the envmond daemon to execute when a shutdown condition is encoun- tered. The envmond daemon will execute this script in place of /sbin/shutdown. If you want the system to be shut down and you configure a script for ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT you must execute /sbin/shutdown from within your script. If you do not specify 1-12 Release Notes anything for ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT envmond will, by default, run /sbin/shutdown when a shutdown condition is encountered. If you set this variable, the envmond daemon directs output from the script to /dev/console. Output is not displayed on standard output or written to a file as this is not the behavior of the dae- mon. To display on standard output, explicitly specify the logger command within the user-defined script. start | stop Turns the envmond daemon on or off after system startup. -q Displays the values of ENVMON_CONFIGURED, ENVMON_GRACE_PERIOD, ENVMON_HIGH_THRESH, ENVMON_MONITOR_PERIOD, ENVMON_USER_SCRIPT, and ENVMON_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT as specified in the /etc/rc.config file. If a specified entry is not found, the environmental variable is not displayed. DESCRIPTION The envconfig utility is used to customize the envmond daemon. You must have root privileges to use this utility. Using this utility, you can: + Specify whether or not Environmental Monitoring is turned on or off at system startup. + Specify how much time can elapse between the envmond daemon encounter- ing a critical condition and the daemon initiating an orderly shutdown of the system. + Specify how frequently the envmond daemon queries the system for information. + Start and stop the envmond after Environmental Monitoring has been turned on at system startup. + Display the settings of the environment variables as specified in the /etc/rc.config file. Note that the feature that you want to monitor must be supported on a given platform. For example, the AlphaServer 8400/GS140 supports reporting of power supply and fan status, the current system temperature, and the max- imum allowed system temperature. EXAMPLES The following procedure describes how you test for and start the environ- mental monitoring subsystem 1. In multiuser mode, check the status of the environmental monitoring subsystem as follows: # /sbin/sysconfig -q envmon envmon: env_current_temp = 35 Release Notes 1-13 env_high_temp_thresh = 40 env_fan_status = 0 env_ps_status = 0 env_supported = 1 2. If the value of env_supported is 0, configure the envmond daemon and reboot the system using either of the following methods: + At the command prompt, enter the following command: # /usr/sbin/envconfig -c ENVMON_CONFIGURED=1 + Use the rcmgr command as follows: # rcmgr set ENVMON_CONFIGURED 1 This command will enable the envmond daemon and export the variable, creat- ing the following two lines in the /etc/rc.configfile: ENVMON_CONFIGURED="1" export ENVMON_CONFIGURED You can use the /sbin/sysconfig command to view the system environment at any time. The envmond daemon will the print warning messages in the event of a power supply failure, abnormality, or high temperatures. Error logs are logged in the /var/adm/binary.errlog. In the following example, the system shuts down in 10 minutes if the tem- perature does not fall below the critical threshold. /usr/sbin/envconfig -c ENVMON_GRACE_PERIOD=10 FILES /etc/rc.config* Databases that contains the values of the environment monitoring vari- ables. Note that you must use the rcmgr comand to update the rc.config* files, particularly on clustered systems. SEE ALSO Commands: envmond(8) _1._1_6 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _2_2_6._0_0 _a_n_d _2_2_8._0_0 Patches 226.00 and 228.00 deliver version V2.0-094d of the lllliiiibbbboooottttssss3333 library. If your system has the Compaq FORTRAN Compiler, the Developer's Tool Kit (DTK) (OTABASE subset), or a patch that installs a newer version of this library, do not apply this patch. If a new revision of the lllliiiibbbboooottttssss3333 library is already installed on your system, and you install this patch, you will receive the following informational message: Problem installing: 1-14 Release Notes - Tru64_UNIX_V5.1A / Threads Patches Patch 00xxx.00 - Shared libots3 library fix ./usr/shlib/ is installed by: OTABASE212 and cannot be replaced by this patch. This patch will not be installed. To determine what version of the lllliiiibbbboooottttssss3333 library is installed on your system, execute the following command: # wwwwhhhhaaaatttt ////uuuussssrrrr////sssshhhhlllliiiibbbb////lllliiiibbbboooottttssss3333....ssssoooo lllliiiibbbboooottttssss3333....ssssoooo:::: libots3.a V2.0-094 GEM 27 Feb 2001 _1._1_7 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _2_5_2._0_0 The Essential Services Monitor (ESM) daemon, eeeessssmmmmdddd, improves the availability of essential system daemons by automatically restarting them if they terminate. The daemon monitors the Event Manager daemon, eeeevvvvmmmmdddd, and, in a cluster environment, the CAA daemon, ccccaaaaaaaadddd. Restart activity is reported in the ssssyyyysssslllloooogggg daemon.log file. _1._1_8 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _2_8_6._0_0 This release note contains updates to the wwwwoooollll(8) reference page. wol(8) NAME wol - Send network packet to power on target system (wake-on-LAN) SYNOPSIS /usr/sbin/wol [nw_interface] hw_address OPTIONS nw_interface Specifies the network interface to use in making the connection to the target system, for example: tu1. This argument is optional. OPERANDS Release Notes 1-15 hw_address Specifies the hardware network address of the target system, for exam- ple: 00-02-56-00-03-29. This argument is mandatory. DESCRIPTION The wol utility generates and transmits a network packet to power on a remote system. Before you can use the wol utility, you must enable the remote system management wake-on-LAN feature on the target system. You must specify the target system's hardware address. You may optionally specify the network interface to use in making the connection to the target system. If no network interface is specified, the wol utility locates the first configured network interface and prompts you for confirmation. To enable the wake-on-LAN feature, set the target system's wol_enable con- sole variable to on and reset the system so that the network controller can read the new state. Use one of the following methods to enable this feature on the target system: + From the target system's console prompt. enter the following commands: >>> set wol_enable on >>> init + From the target system's UNIX root prompt, enter the following com- mands: % consvar -s wol_enable on set wol_enable = on % consvar -a Console environment variables saved % reboot Use one of the following methods to disable the wake-on-LAN feature: + From the target system's console prompt. enter the following commands: >>> set wol_enable off >>> init + From the target system's UNIX root prompt, enter the following commands: % consvar -s wol_enable off set wol_enable = on % consvar -a Console environment variables saved % reboot Note You must reset the target system for the new setting to take effect. RESTRICTIONS You must be logged in as root or have superuser privileges to use the wol utility. 1-16 Release Notes The wake-on-LAN feature is only available on specific platforms. On plat- forms that support this feature, additional restrictions may apply. For example, the wake-on-LAN feature may be supported on specific network interface ports only. See your hardware documentation for additional infor- mation. EXIT STATUS 0 (Zero) Success. >0 An error occurred. ERRORS + Error detecting default interface Explanation: The wol utility cannot automatically detect a default network inter- face. User Action: -- Verify that a configured network interface exists on your system. -- Manually specify a configured network interface on the wol com- mand line. + Patterns must be specified as hex digits The Magic Packet address must be specified as 00-11-22-33-44-55 Explanation: The hardware network address entered was in the wrong format. This argument must be in the following format: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where x is a hexadecimal character (0 through 9 and A through F, inclusive). User Action: Specify the hardware network address correctly. EXAMPLES 1. The following example shows a simple use of the wol utility, where the host system detects the first configured network interface and prompts for confirmation: # /usr/sbin/wol 00-02-56-00-03-29 No sending device specified, using tu0, continue? (y/n) y 2. The following example shows the same use of the wol utility, where the user declines confirmation of the selected network interface: # /usr/sbin/wol 00-02-56-00-03-29 Release Notes 1-17 No sending device specified, using tu0, continue? (y/n) n Aborting... 3. The following example explicitly specifies a network interface: # /usr/sbin/wol tu1 00-02-56-00-03-29 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES wol_enable Enables or disables the wake-on-LAN feature on the target system. Valid values are on and off. Note This is a system console variable, not a UNIX environment variable. The DESCRIPTION section tells you how to enable the wake-on-LAN feature on the target system. You must enable this feature before you use the wol utility. FILES /usr/sbin/wol Wake-on-LAN utility. SEE ALSO Commands: consvar(8), halt(8), reboot(8), shutdown(8) New Hardware Delivery Release Notes and Installation Instructions System Administration _1._1_9 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _3_0_5._0_0 This release note updates the ssssyyyyssss____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk(8) reference page. NAME sys_check, runsyscheck - Generates system configuration information and analysis SYNOPSIS /usr/sbin/sys_check [options...] OPTIONS -all Lists all subsystems, including security information and setld inven- tory verification. This option may take a long time to complete. 1-18 Release Notes -debug Outputs debugging information to stderr (standard error output). -escalate [ xx ] Creates escalation files for reporting problems to your technical sup- port representative. This option produces one file, TMPDIR/escalate.tar unless there are crash dump files; if so, it also creates two other files: TMPDIR/escalate_vmunix.xx.gz and TMPDIR/escalate_vmcore.xx.gz. If you use the -escalate option, sys_check runs with the -noquick option and collects the output in the escalate.tar file. Optionally, you can specify a number (xx) with the -escalate option to define a crash number. See also the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES section for information on how you can set the value of TMPDIR. -evm Generates Event Manager (EVM) warnings. When EVM is configured, warn- ings are posted as EVM events identified by the string sys.unix.sys_check.warning. Six levels of priority ranging from 0-500 are used, as follows: + 0 - Information only. + 100 - Note + 200 - Tuning Note + 300 - Tuning Suggestion + 400 - Operational + 500 - Warning -frame Produces frame HTML output, which consists of three files: sys_checkfr.html, sys_checktoc.html, and sys_check.html (unless you specify a different file name with the -name option). This option cannot be used with the -nohtml option. The following options are available for use with the -frame option: -name name Specifies the name to use for the frame files output. The default name is sys_check. -dir name Sets the directory for the frames output. Used only with the -frame option. The default is the current directory (.). -help or (-h) Outputs help information. -nohtml Produces text output, consisting of one text file, instead of the Release Notes 1-19 default HTML output. This option cannot be used with the -frame option. -noquick Outputs configuration data and the setld scan. Excludes security information. -perf Outputs only performance data and excludes configuration data. This option takes less time to run than others. -v Displays the sys_check version number. -warn Executes only the warning pass. This option takes less time to run than other options. -nowarn Executes only the data gathering pass. DESCRIPTION The sys_check utility is a system census and configuration verification tool that is also used to aid in diagnosing system errors and problems. Use sys_check to create an HTML report of your system's configuration (software and hardware). The size of the HTML output that is produced by the sys_check utility is usually between .5 MB and 3 MB. The sys_check utility also performs an analysis of operating system parame- ters and attributes such as those that tune the performance of the system. The report generated by sys_check provides warnings if it detects problems with any current settings. Note that while sys_check can generate hundreds of useful warnings, it is not a complete and definitive check of the health of your system. The sys_check utility should be used in conjunction with event management and system monitoring tools to provide a complete overview and control of system status. Refer to the EVM(5) reference page for infor- mation on event management. Refer to the System Administration guide for information on monitoring your system. When used as a component of fault diagnosis, sys_check can reduce system down time by as much as 50% by providing fast access to critical system data. It is recommended that you run a full check at least once a week to maintain the currency of system data. However, note that some options will take a long time to run and can have an impact on system performance. You should therefore choose your options carefully and run them during off-peak hours. At a minimum, perform at least one full run (all data and warnings) as a post-configuration task in order to identify configuration problems and establish a configuration baseline. The following table provides guide- lines for balancing data needs with performance impact. ___________________________________________________________________________ Option Run time Performance Recommended At impact ___________________________________________________________________________ -warn, - 1-20 Release Notes perf Short. Minimal. Regular updates, at least weekly null - no options Medium, perhaps Some likely at Run at least selected. 15 to 45 minutes peak system use. once post- depending on pro- installation cessor. and update after major configuration changes. Update your initial baseline and check warnings regularly. -noquick, - all, Long, perhaps 45 Very likely at Use only when - escalate. minutes on fast, peak use. troubleshooting large systems to a system prob- hours on low- end lem or escalat- systems. ing a problem to your techni- cal support representative. ___________________________________________________________________________ You can run some sys_check options from the SysMan Menu or the /usr/sbin/sysman -cli command-line interface. Choose one of the following options from the Menu: >- Support and Services | Create escalation report [escalation] | Create configuration report [config_report] Alternatively, use the config_report and escalation accelerators from the command line. Note that the escalation option should only be used in con- junction with a technical support request. The runsyscheck script will run sys_check as a cron task automatically if you do not disable the crontab entry in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root. Check for the presence of an automatically generated log file before you create a new log, as it may save time. When you run the sys_check utility without command options, it gathers con- figuration data excluding the setld scan and the security information and displays the configuration and performance data by default. It is recom- mended that you do this at least once soon after initial system configura- tion to create a baseline of system configuration, and to consider perform- ing any tuning recommendations. On the first run, the sys_check utility creates a directory named Release Notes 1-21 /var/recovery/sys_check. On subsequent runs, sys_check creates additional directories with a sequential numbering scheme: + The previous sys_check directory is renamed to /var/recovery/sys_check.0 while the most recent data (that is, from the current run) is always maintained in /var/recovery/sys_check. + Previous sys_check directories are renamed with an incrementing exten- sion; /var/recovery/sys_check.0 becomes /var/recovery/sys_check.1, and so on, up to /var/recovery/sys_check.5. There is a maximum of seven directories. This feature ensures that you always have up to seven sets of data automatically. Note that if you only perform a full run once, you may want to save the contents of that direc- tory to a different location. Depending on what options you choose, the /var/recovery/sys_check.* directories will contain the following data: + Catastrophic recovery data, such as an etcfiles directory, containing copies of important system files. In this directory, you will find copies of files such as /etc/group, /etc/passwd, and /etc/fstab. + Formatted stanza files and shell scripts and that you can optionally use to implement any configuration and tuning recommendations gen- erated by asys_check run. You use the sysconfigdb command or run the shell scripts to implement the stanza files. See the sysconfigdb(8) reference page for more information. NOTES You must be root to invoke the sys_check utility from the command line; you must be root or have the appropriate privileges through Division of Privileges (DoP) to run Create Configuration Report and Create Escalation Report from the SysMan Menu. The sys_check utility does not change any sys- tem files. The sys_check utility is updated regularly. You can obtain the latest ver- sion of the sys_check utility from either of two sources: + The most up-to-date version of the sys_check kit is located on the sys_check tool web site, + You can also obtain sys_check from the patch kit, see You should run only one instance of sys_check at a time. The sys_check utility prevents the running of multiple instances of itself, provided that the value of the TMPDIR environment variable is /var/tmp, /usr/tmp, /tmp, or a common user-defined directory. This avoids possible collisions when an administrator attempts to run sys_check while another administrator is already running it. However, no guarantees can be made for the case when two administrators set their TMPDIR environment variables to two different 1-22 Release Notes user-defined directories (this presumes that one administrator does not choose /var/tmp, /usr/tmp, or /tmp). The sys_check utility does not perform a total system analysis, but it does check for the most common system configuration and operational problems on production systems. Although the sys_check utility gathers firmware and hardware device revi- sion information, it does not validate this data. This must be done by qualified support personnel. The sys_check utility uses other system tools to gather an analyze data. At present, sys_check prefers to use DECevent, and you should install and con- figure DECevent for best results. If DECevent is not present, the sys_check utility issues a warning message as a priority 500 EVM event and attempts to use uerf instead. In future releases, Compaq Analyze will also be supported on certain processors. Note that there are restrictions on using uerf, DECevent and Compaq Analyze that apply to: + The version of UNIX that you are currently using. + The installed version of sys_check. + The type of processor. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. LIMITATIONS DECevent or Compaq Analyze may not be able to read the binary error log file if old versions of DECevent are being used or if the binary.errlog file is corrupted. If this problem occurs, install a recent version of DECevent and, if corrupted, recreate the binary.errlog file. HSZ controller-specific limitations include the following: HSZ40 and HSZ50 controllers: The sys_check utility uses a free LUN on each target in order to com- municate with HSZ40 and HSZ50 controllers. To avoid data gathering irregularities, always leave LUN 7 free on each HSZ SCSI target for HSZ40 and HSZ50 controllers. HSZ70, HSZ80 and G80 controllers: The sys_check utility uses a CCL port in order to communicate with HSZ70 controllers. If a CCL port is not available, sys_check will use Release Notes 1-23 an active LUN. To avoid data gathering irregularities, enable the CCL port for each HSZ70 controller. The sys_check utility attempts to check the NetWorker backup schedule against the /etc/fstab file. For some older versions of Networker, the nsradmin command contains a bug that prevents sys_check from correctly checking the schedule. In addition, the sys_check utility will not correctly validate the NetWorker backup schedule for TruCluster services. EXAMPLES 1. The following command creates escalation files that are used to report problems to your technical support organization: # sys_check -escalate 2. The following command outputs configuration and performance informa- tion, excluding security information and the setld inventory, and pro- vides an analysis of common system configuration and operational prob- lems: # sys_check > file.html 3. The following command outputs all information, including configura- tion, performance, and security information and a setld inventory of the system: # sys_check -all > file.html 4. The following command outputs only performance information: # sys_check -perf > file.html 5. The following command provides HTML output with frames, including con- figuration and performance information and the setld inventory of the system: # sys_check -frame -noquick 6. The following command starts the SysMan Menu config_report task from the command line: # /usr/sbin/sysman config_report Entering this command invokes the SysMan Menu, which prompts you to supply the following optional information: + Save to (HTML) - A location to which the HTML report should be saved, which is /var/adm/hostname_date.html by default. + Export to Web (Default) - Export the HTML report to Insight Manager. Refer to System Administration for information on Insight Manager. + Advanced options - This option displays another screen in which you can choose a limited number of run time options. The options are equivalent to certain command line options listed in the OPTIONS section. In this screen, you can also specify an alternate temporary 1-24 Release Notes directory other than the default of /var/tmp. + Log file - The location of the log file, which is /var/adm/hostname_date.log by default. 7. The following is an example of a stanza file advfs.stanza in /var/recovery/sys_check.*: advfs: AdvfsCacheMaxPercent=8 8. The following is an example of a shell script apply.kshin /var/recovery/sys_check.*: cd /var/cluster/members/member/recovery/sys_check/ llist="advfs.stanza vfs.stanza " for stf in $llist; do print " $stf " stanza=`print $stf | awk -F . '{print $1 }'` print "/sbin/sysconfigdb -m -f $stf $stanza" /sbin/sysconfigdb -m -f $stf $stanza done print "The system may need to be rebooted for these changes to take effect" ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following environment variables affect the execution of the sys_check utility. Normally, you only change these variables under the direction of your technical support representative, as part of a fault diagnosis pro- cedure. TMPDIR Specifies a default parent directory for the sys_check working sub- directory, whose name is randomly created; this working subdirectory is removed when sys_check exits. The default value for TMPDIR is /var/tmp. LOGLINES Specifies the number of lines of log file text that sys_check includes in the HTML output. The default is 500 lines. BIGNUMFILE Specifies the number of files in a directory, above which a directory is considered excessively large. The default is 15 files. BIGFILE Specifies the file size, above which a file is considered excessively large. The default is 3072 KB. VARSIZE Specifies the minimum amount of free space that sys_check requires in the TMPDIR directory. The default is 15 MB and should not be reduced. The sys_check utility will not run if there is insufficient disk space. RECOVERY_DIR Release Notes 1-25 Specifies the location for the sys_check recovery data. The default is /var/recovery. The sys_check utility automatically cleans up data from previous command runs. The typical size of the output generated by each sys_check utility run is 400 KB. This data may be useful in recovering from a catastrophic system failure. ADHOC_DIR Specifies the location at which sys_check expects to find the text files to include in the HTML output. The default is the /var/adhoc directory. TOOLS_DIR Specifies the location at which sys_check expects to find the binaries for the tools that it calls. The default is /usr/lbin. FILES /usr/sbin/sys_check Specifies the command path. Note This file may be a symbolic link. /usr/lbin/* Various utilities in this directory are used by sys_check. Note These files may be symbolic links. The sys_check utility reads many system files. SEE ALSO Commands: dop(8), sysconfigdb(8), sysman_cli(8), sysman_menu(8) Miscellaneous: EVM(5), insight_manager(5) Books: System Administration, System Tuning _1._2_0 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _3_0_9._0_0 This section contains release notes for Patch 309.00. _1._2_0._1 _U_p_d_a_t_e_s _t_o _s_h, _c_s_h, _a_n_d _k_s_h The updated shells in this kit all implement the following changes when processing shell inline input files: 1-26 Release Notes +o File permissions allow only read and write for owner. +o If excessive inline input file name collisions occur, the following error message will be returned: UUUUnnnnaaaabbbblllleeee ttttoooo ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee tttteeeemmmmppppoooorrrraaaarrrryyyy ffffiiiilllleeee _1._2_0._2 _s_h _n_o_c_l_o_b_b_e_r _O_p_t_i_o_n _a_n_d >| , >>| _C_o_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_s _A_d_d_e_d A nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr option similar to that already available with ccccsssshhhh and kkkksssshhhh has been added to the Bourne shell. When the nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr option is used (sssseeeetttt ----CCCC), the shell behavior for the redirection operators >>>> and >>>>>>>> changes as follows: +o For >>>> with nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr set, sssshhhh will return an error rather than overwrite an existing file. If the specified file name is actually a symbolic link, the presence of the symbolic link satisfies the criteria ffffiiiilllleeee eeeexxxxiiiissssttttssss whether or not the symbolic link target exists and sssshhhh returns an error. The >>>>|||| construct will suppress these checks and create the file. +o For >>>>>>>> with nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr set, output is appended to the tail of an existing file. If the file name is actually a symbolic link whose target does not exist, sssshhhh returns an error rather than create the file. The >>>>>>>>|||| construct will suppress these checks and create the file. _1._2_0._3 _k_s_h _n_o_c_l_o_b_b_e_r _B_e_h_a_v_i_o_r _C_l_a_r_i_f_i_e_d For >>>> with nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr set, kkkksssshhhh will return an error rather than overwrite an existing file. If the specified file name is actually a symbolic link, the presence of the symbolic link satisfies the criteria ffffiiiilllleeee eeeexxxxiiiissssttttssss whether or not the symbolic link target exists and kkkksssshhhh returns an error. The >>>>|||| construct will suppress these checks and create the file. For >>>>>>>> with noclobber set, output is appended to the tail of an existing file. If the file name is actually a symbolic link to a nonexistent file, kkkksssshhhh returns an error. This is a behavior change. Becausekkkksssshhhh does not have a >>>>>>>>|||| redirection override, create the symbolic link target before accessing it via >>>>>>>> if you depend upon appending through a symbolic link. _1._2_0._4 _c_s_h _n_o_c_l_o_b_b_e_r _B_e_h_a_v_i_o_r _C_l_a_r_i_f_i_e_d For >>>> with nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr set, ccccsssshhhh will return an error rather than overwrite an existing file. If the specified file name is actually a symbolic link, the presence of the symbolic link satisfies the criteria ffffiiiilllleeee eeeexxxxiiiissssttttssss whether or not the symbolic link target exists, and ccccsssshhhh returns an error. The >>>>|||| Release Notes 1-27 construct will suppress these checks and create the file. For >>>>>>>> with nnnnoooocccclllloooobbbbbbbbeeeerrrr set, output is appended to the tail of an existing file. If the file does not exist, or the file name is actually a symbolic link whose target does not exist, ccccsssshhhh returns an error rather than create the file. The >>>>>>>>||||construct will suppress these checks and create the file. _1._2_0._5 _U_p_d_a_t_e_d _m_k_d_i_r _S_y_s_t_e_m _C_a_l_l _a_n_d _C_o_m_m_a_n_d This kit reverts the mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr system call, and thus the mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr command, to its Tru64 UNIX Version 4.n behavior with respect to symbolic links. For the unusual case where a symbolic link is used as the very last element of a mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr path, the mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr system call now returns an error than create the target. If you want mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr to follow the symbolic link you can do so by making the last character of the mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr pathname a slash. For example, if ////vvvvaaaarrrr////ttttmmmmpppp////ffffoooooooo is a symbolic link to ////uuuussssrrrr////xxxxxxxxxxxx, which does not exist, then ////mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr((((""""////vvvvaaaarrrr////ttttmmmmpppp////ffffoooooooo"""",,,,0000666644444444)))) will return an error but mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr((((""""vvvvaaaarrrr////ttttmmmmpppp////ffffoooooooo////"""",,,,0000666644444444)))) will create ////uuuussssrrrr////xxxxxxxxxxxx. The behavior of mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr can also be controlled systemwide by an addition to the ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg options for the vvvvffffssss subsystem. The new ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg option ffffoooolllllllloooowwww____mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr____ssssyyyymmmmlllliiiinnnnkkkkssss defaults to 0, specifying the secure symbolic link behavior. Changing this option to 1, which Compaq strongly discourages, will cause mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr to follow symbolic links. _1._2_1 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _3_2_5._0_0 This patch provides a script, ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////eeeevvvvmmmm____vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww____uuuunnnnddddoooo, that allows you to remove the EVM patch after the version switch has been thrown by running cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh. This script will set back the version identifiers and request a cluster shutdown and reboot to finish the deletion of the patch. Another rolling upgrade will be required to delete the patch with dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. _N_o_t_e Because the removal of a version-switched patch requires a cluster shutdown, only run this script when you are absolutely sure that this patch is the cause of your problem. This script must be run by root in multiuser mode after completing the rolling upgrade that installed the patch and before starting another rolling upgrade. The final removal of the patch can only be accomplished by rebooting the system or cluster after this script completes its processing. This script will offer to shutdown your system or cluster at the end of its processing. If you choose to wait, it is your responsibility to execute the shutdown of the system or cluster. Do not forget or wait for an extended period of time before shutting down the cluster. Cluster members which attempt to reboot before the entire cluster is shut down can experience panics or hangs. 1-28 Release Notes _1._2_2 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _P_a_t_c_h _9._0_0 This release note explains the relaxed CCCClllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr AAAAlllliiiiaaaassss:::: ggggaaaatttteeeedddd restriction. Prior to this patch, Compaq required that you use ggggaaaatttteeeedddd as a routing daemon for the correct operation of cluster alias routing because the cluster alias subsystem did not coexist gracefully with either the rrrroooouuuutttteeeedddd or static routes. This patch provides an aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd daemon that does not depend on having ggggaaaatttteeeedddd running in order to function correctly. The following is a list of features supported by this patch: +o The ggggaaaatttteeeedddd and rrrroooouuuutttteeeedddd routing daemons are supported in a cluster. In addition, static routing is supported (no routing daemons required). Because aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd is optimized for ggggaaaatttteeeedddd, using ggggaaaatttteeeedddd remains the default and preferred routing daemon. However, it is no longer mandatory, nor is it the only way to configure routing for a cluster member. For example, you could configure a cluster where all members use static routing, or some members run rrrroooouuuutttteeeedddd, or use a combination of routing daemons and static routes. However, the exisiting restriction against using ooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd still applies; do not use ooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd as a routing daemon in a cluster. _N_o_t_e Cluster members do not have to have identical routing configurations. In general, it is simpler to configure all cluster members identically, but in some instances, an experienced cluster administrator might choose to configure one or more members to perform different routing tasks. For example, one member might have CCCCLLLLUUUUAAAAMMMMGGGGRRRR____RRRROOOOUUUUTTTTEEEE____AAAARRRRGGGGSSSS====""""nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd"""" in its ////eeeettttcccc////rrrrcccc....ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg file and have a fully populated ////eeeettttcccc////rrrroooouuuutttteeeessss file. Or a member might run with nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd and rrrroooouuuutttteeeedddd ----qqqq. +o The alias daemon The alias daemon will handle the failover of cluster alias IP addresses via the cluster interconnect for either dynamic routing or static routing. If an interface fails, aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd reroutes alias traffic to another member of the cluster. As long as the cluster interconnect is working, there is always a way for cluster alias traffic to get in or out of the cluster. +o Interface IP aliases The cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr command supports two new ----rrrr options, iiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss and nnnnooooiiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss. These options control whether aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd on a member system monitors interface IP aliases. These options let an administrator determine whether a script or aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd manages these interface IP aliases. When iiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss is set, aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd monitors and manages interface IP aliases. When nnnnooooiiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss is set, aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd does not monitor or manage IP interface Release Notes 1-29 aliases. The default setting is nnnnooooiiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss. _N_o_t_e_s If you use scripts (for example, CAA action scripts) to configure and relocate interface IP aliases for some or all cluster members, run cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr ----rrrr nnnnooooiiiippppaaaalllliiiiaaaassss on those members. You cannot tell aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd to watch some interface IP aliases on a system but ignore others. +o Multiple interfaces per subnet (for network load balancing) Although ggggaaaatttteeeedddd does not support this configuration, because static routing is supported, an administrator can use static (nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd) routing for network load balancing. By default, the cluster alias subsystem uses ggggaaaatttteeeedddd, customized configuration files (////eeeettttcccc////ggggaaaatttteeeedddd....ccccoooonnnnffff....mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr), and RIP to advertise host routes for alias addresses. You can disable this behavior by specifying the nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd option to cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr, either by running the cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr ----rrrr nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd command on a member or by setting CCCCLLLLUUUUAAAAMMMMGGGGRRRR____RRRROOOOUUUUTTTTEEEE____AAAARRRRGGGGSSSS====""""nnnnooooggggaaaatttteeeedddd"""" in that members ////eeeettttcccc////rrrrcccc....ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg file. For example, the network configuration for a member could use rrrroooouuuutttteeeedddd, or ggggaaaatttteeeedddd with a site-customized ////eeeettttcccc////ggggaaaatttteeeedddd....ccccoooonnnnffff file, or static routing. For a cluster, there are three general routing configuration scenarios: +o The default configuration: aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd controls ggggaaaatttteeeedddd. - Each member has the following in its ////eeeettttcccc////rrrrcccc....ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg file: GATED="yes" CLUAMGR_ROUTE_ARGS="" # if variable present, set to a null string - If needed, static routes are defined in each member's ////eeeettttcccc////rrrroooouuuutttteeeessss file. _N_o_t_e Static routes in ////eeeettttcccc////rrrroooouuuutttteeeessss files are installed before routing daemons are started, and honored by routing daemons. +o Members run ggggaaaatttteeeedddd, but the cluster alias and aaaalllliiiiaaaassssdddd are independent of it. The administrator has total control over ggggaaaatttteeeedddd and its configuration file, ////eeeettttcccc////ggggaaaatttteeeedddd....ccccoooonnnnffff. This approach is useful for an administrator who wants to enable IP forwarding and configure a member as a full-fledged router. - Each member that will follow this policy has the following in its 1-30 Release Notes ////eeeettttcccc////rrrrcccc....ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg file: GATED="yes" CLUAMGR_ROUTE_ARGS="nogated" ROUTER="yes" # if this member will be a full-fledged router - If needed, configure static routes in ////eeeettttcccc////rrrroooouuuutttteeeessss. +o Static routing: one or more cluster members do not run a routing daemon. - Each member that will use static routing has the following in its ////eeeettttcccc////rrrrcccc....ccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg file: GATED="no" CLUAMGR_ROUTE_ARGS="nogated" ROUTED="no" ROUTED_FLAGS="" - Define static routes in that member's ////eeeettttcccc////rrrroooouuuutttteeeessss file. _1._2_3 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _P_a_t_c_h _9_2._0_0 This patch provides enablers for the Compaq SANworks(tm) Enterprise Volume Manager (EVM) Version 2.0. This patch uses the rolling upgrade version switch to ensure that all members of the cluster have installed the patch before it is enabled. Prior to throwing the version switch, you can remove this patch by returning to the rolling upgrade install stage, rerunning dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, and selecting the Patch Deletion item in the Main Menu. You can remove this patch after the version switch is thrown, but this requires a shutdown of the entire cluster. To remove this patch after the version switch is thrown, use the following procedure: _N_o_t_e Use this procedure only under the following conditions: +o The rolling upgrade that installed this patch, including the clean stage, has completed. Release Notes 1-31 +o The version switch has been thrown (cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh). +o A new rolling upgrade is not in progress. +o All cluster members are up and in multi-user mode. 1. Run the ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////eeeevvvvmmmm____vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww____uuuunnnnddddoooo command. When this command completes, it asks whether it should shut down the entire cluster now. The patch removal process is not complete until after the cluster has been shut down and restarted. If you do not shut down the cluster at this time, you will not be able to shut down and reboot an individual member until the entire cluster has been shut down. 2. After cluster shutdown, boot the cluster to multi-user mode. 3. Rerun the rolling upgrade procedure from the beginning (starting with the setup stage). When you rerun dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, select the Patch Deletion item in the Main Menu. For more information about rolling upgrades and removing patches, see the _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s. _1._2_4 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e _f_o_r _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _P_a_t_c_h _8_4._0_0 When the last member is rolled and right after the version switch is thrown, a script will run which will put CAA on hold and copy the old datastore to the new datastore. CAA will connect to the new datastore when it is available. The time required to do this depends on the amount of information in the datastore and the speed of each member machine. For 50 resources we have found the datastore conversion itself to only take a few seconds. To undo this patch the following command must be run: ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////ccccaaaaaaaa____rrrroooollllllllDDDDaaaattttaaaassssttttoooorrrreeee bbbbaaaacccckkkkwwwwaaaarrrrdddd You are prompted to guide the backward conversion process. One step of this command will prompt you to kill the ccccaaaaaaaadddd daemons on all members. A ccccaaaaaaaadddd daemon may still appear to be running as an uninteruptible sleeping process (state UUUU in the ppppssss command) after issuing a kkkkiiiillllllll ----9999 command. You can safely ignore this and continue with the conversion process as prompted, because ccccaaaaaaaadddd will be killed when the process wakes up. 1-32 Release Notes Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2 This chapter summarizes the base operating system patches included in Patch Kit-0001. Table 2-1 lists patches that have been updated. Table 2-2 provides a summary of patches. _T_a_b_l_e _2-_1: _U_p_d_a_t_e_d _B_a_s_e _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m _P_a_t_c_h_e_s ______________________________________________________________________________ PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh IIIIDDDDssss CCCChhhhaaaannnnggggeeee SSSSuuuummmmmmmmaaaarrrryyyy ______________________________________________________________________________ Patches 245.00, 259.00, 261.00, 269.00, 281.00, New 288.00, 290.00, 295.00, 300,00, 302.00, 307.00, 311.00, 319.00 Patches 2.00, 121.00, 241.00 Superseded by Patch 243.00 Patch 75.00 Superseded by Patch 252.00 Patches 162.00, 253.00 Superseded by Patch 255.00 Patch 164.00 Superseded by Patch 257.00 Patches 109.00, 110.00, 112.00, 282.00 Superseded by Patch 284.00 Patches 126.00, 127.00, 128.00, 129.00, 130.00, Superseded by Patch 286.00 131.00, 132.00, 134.00 Patch 179.00 Superseded by Patch 292.00 Patches 90.00, 218.00, 303.00 Superseded by Patch 305.00 Patch 125.00 Superseded by Patch 309.00 Patches 197.00, 262.00 Superseded by Patch 313.00 Patches 199.00, 267.00 Superseded by Patch 315.00 Patches 201.00, 265.00 Superseded by Patch 317.00 Patches 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, Superseded by Patch 325.00 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 20.00, 21.00, 22.00, 23.00, 24.00, 25.00, 26.00, 27.00, 28.00, 29.00, 30.00, 31.00, 32.00, 33.00, 34.00, 35.00, 36.00, 37.00, 38.00, 39.00, 40.00, 41.00, 42.00, 43.00, 44.00, 45.00, 46.00, 47.00, 48.00, 49.00, 50.00, 51.00, 52.00, 53.00, 54.00, 55.00, 56.00, 57.00, 58.00, 59.00, 60.00, 61.00, 102.00, 63.00, 104.00, 214.00, 236.00, 246.00, 247.00, 248.00, 250.00, 270.00, 271.00, 272.00, 273.00, 274.00, 275.00, 276.00, 277.00, 279.00, 296.00, 298.00, 321.00, 323.00 ______________________________________________________________________________ _T_a_b_l_e _2-_2: _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _o_f _B_a_s_e _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m _P_a_t_c_h_e_s ______________________________________________________________________________ PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh IIIIDDDDssss AAAAbbbbssssttttrrrraaaacccctttt ______________________________________________________________________________ 2-2 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 5.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: vdump command causes a core dump OSF520-034 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-027 (3.00) This patch corrects the following problems: Prevents a core dump from vdump when your message length is greater than MAX_MSG_SIZE. This is a very rare occurence. The problem was found by code inspection while working on internationalization of messages. Fixes problems in the vdump command: Failed to flag compressed extended attributes records that are split across a vdump BLOCK boundary. Corrects "Rewinding" message to avoid a segfault with Internationalized messages. Fixes problems in the vrestore command: Fails to properly handle extended attributes records in compressed archives. This results in malloc failures, proplist corruption, program abort, program crashes due to segfault or invalid memory access, and the display of the error message "error setting extended attributes". Fails to set extended attributes due to confusion over selective restore of the associated file or directory. Also results in display of the error message "error setting extended attributes". Selective restore of hardlinked files is incomplete when they exist in different directories (fails to create directory for second occurrence of file with same inode number). Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-3 Patch 65.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for Compaq C compiler and Compaq driver OSF520-046 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes the following problems in the Compaq C compiler and Compiler driver: A compiler problem that caused a runtime failure in specific code that involved floating point arguments and varargs. A problem in the driver that failed to produce an object file for a command such as "file.s -o file.o". A problem in the driver that would not allow a command line that contained only the -l library and no source or object files. A problem in the driver that failed to produce an object file when no output file was specified on the command line. Patch 67.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Enablers for Enterprise Volume Manager (EVM) product OSF520-105 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch provides enablers for the Enterprise Volume Manager product. Patch 69.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0743U, SSRT0743U) OSF520-040 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. 2-4 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 71.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-80U) OSF520CDE-001A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 73.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-80U) OSF520CDE-001B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 78.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for X server hang OSF520X11-007 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520X11-006 (76.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a problem that will cause the X server to hang on rare occasions. Except for the mouse, everything on the desktop appears frozen. Output from the ps command will show the X server using greater than 99% of the CPU time. Fixes a problem that can cause CDE pop-up menus to appear on the wrong screen when you are running a multi-head system with the PanoramiX extension enabled. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-5 Patch 80.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Added support for DECthreads V3.18-133 OSF520-085A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch installs DECthreads V3.18-133, which fixes problems that may affect threaded programs running on Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. The problems addressed with this patch were discovered during pre-release testing of Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. DECthreads V3.18-133 is the initial support version of the Compaq POSIX Threads Library for Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. Patch 82.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Support for Compaq POSIX Threads Library OSF520-085B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch installs DECthreads V3.18-133, which fixes problems that may affect threaded programs running on Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. The problems addressed with this patch were discovered during pre-release testing of Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. DECthreads V3.18-133 is the initial support version of the Compaq POSIX Threads Library for Tru64 UNIX V5.1A. Patch 84.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cluster interconnect interface problem OSF520-143 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where shutdown of the network would also shut down the cluster interconnect interface in a LAN cluster. Patch 86.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for Korn shell hang OSF520-054 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where the Korn shell (ksh) could hang if you pasted a large number of commands to it when it was running in a terminal emulator window (such as an xterm). Patch 88.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes problem with disklabel command OSF520-022 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem with the disklabel command. Disklabel was displaying large unsigned values as negative numbers. 2-6 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 92.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-45U) OSF520-023B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, users can clobber temporary files created by shell commands and utilities (e.g., under /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, and /etc). Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 95.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0740U) and enables Link Aggregation OSF520-084 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-079 (93.00) This patch corrects the following: A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in networking where, under certain circumstances, a remote system can take over packets destined for another host. Link Aggregation groups can be successfully created and configured but are unable to successfully transmit and receive packets over the resulting lag interface. Patch 97.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for vi editor core dump problem OSF520-001 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where the vi editor core dumps when it finds invalid syntax during a substitute operation. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-7 Patch 101.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for PanoramiX problem OSF520X11-001 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520X11-009 (98.00), OSF520X11-003 (99.00) This patch corrects the following: Provides NHD4 enablers for future hardware support of a graphics device. Fixes an Xserver crash when using the GTK on systems using the Oxygen VX1 graphics card. Fixes the Xserver problem where, when PanoramiX is enabled and using CDE, icons from dtfile cannot be seen while being moved on other than the left screen. Patch 106.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for sort command OSF520-026 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects the behavior of the sort(1) command which now checks for duplicates with -c, -u, and -k flags. Patch 108.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a potential race deadlock OSF520-015 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a potential race deadlock between vclean/ufs_reclaim and quotaon/quotaoff, when quota is enabled. 2-8 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 115.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for tar -F command OSF520-037 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-005 (113.00) This patch corrects the following problems: Corrects pax/tar/cpio to properly extract explicitly specified files. When an archive contained a file with extended attributes and a different file (occurring later in the archive) was specified to be extracted, improper buffer pointer management resulted in the following display (example uses tar): tar: /dev/nrmt0h : This doesn't look like a tar archive tar: /dev/nrmt0h : Skipping to next file... tar: Memory allocation failed for extended data while reading : Not enough space The directory option was similarly affected. In this case the information for the specified file was not reported Fixes a problem where the tar -F (Fasttar) option ignores files named err, but does not ignore files named errs or directories named SCCS and RCS. Patch 117.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for evmget command OSF520-038 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a situation in which the evmget command and the event log nightly cleanup operation may fail with an "arg list too long" message. Patch 119.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for AutoFS OSF520-091 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New An AutoFS intercept point for a direct map entry may no longer induce auto-mounts after an error has been detected during a previous auto-mount attempt. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-9 Patch 123.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Corrects a memory leak in the XTI socket code OSF520-056 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects a memory leak in the XTI socket code. Patch 136.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for incorrect POSIX 4 message queues behavior OSF520-010A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New POSIX 4 message queue behavior was not following the standard and was returning unique message descriptors. Patch 138.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Static librt library fix for POSIX 4 message queues OSF520-010B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New POSIX 4 message queue behavior was not following the standard and returning unique message descriptors. Patch 141.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0638U) OSF520X11-005A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520X11-004A (139.00) This patch corrects the following: Allows the dxsetacl utility to delete access ACLs. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of root directory compromise via lpr using X11. 2-10 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 143.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Allows dxsetacl utility to delete access ACLs OSF520X11-004B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch allows the dxsetacl utility to delete access ACLs. Patch 145.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0638U) OSF520X11-005B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of root directory compromise via lpr using X11. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-11 Patch 148.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Updates the EMX driver to V2.02 OSF520-071 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-118 (146.00) This patch corrects the following: Updates the EMX driver to vV2.02 and fixes the following problems: Fixes a panic of "can't grow probe list". Fixes a problem of an mcs_lock panic when an adapter experiences a h/w hang condition. Updates the EMX driver to V2.01. Fixes a problem of unexpected tape I/O aborts. Fixes a panic of "can't grow probe list". Fixes several kernel memory faults within the driver. Redundant adapter failures no longer panic the system. Corrects a problem of panicking with low memory resources. Corrects stalling I/O during reprobing when a cluster member goes down. 2-12 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 150.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for ld linker OSF520-004 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes two problems in the linker (/usr/bin/ld): A problem with the datatype of the linker- defined _fpdata symbol. A problem that causes a linker crash when certain data alignment directives are used in the link. Patch 152.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: System panics while performing CPU hotswap OSF520-119 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem in which the system could panic while performing CPU hotswap. Patch 154.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0682U) OSF520-061 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 156.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes problems which prevented ENVMONd from starting OSF520DX-004 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes problems which prevented ENVMONd from starting Patch 158.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for Spike post-link optimizer OSF520-042 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where Spike may fail to delete the low instruction of a pair of related instructions, causing it to abort with a runtime error. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-13 Patch 160.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cp command OSF520-008 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem in which cp(1) and cat(1) produce different file sizes when reading from a tape device. The solution changes the I/O buffer size of the cp command from 64K to 8K. Patch 167.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM OSF520-057 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-030 (165.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM. Corrects a problem which could result in ATM/lane connection requests being dropped. Patch 169.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem in latsetup OSF520-048 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem in latsetup when the directory /dev/lat is not found. Patch 171.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem in diskconfig OSF520DX-001 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This fixes a problem in diskconfig where partitions with an offset and size of zero cannot be selected. It also fixes a problem where overlapping partitions cannot be adjusted if the existing partitions are not in alphabetical order. 2-14 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 173.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for ELSA Gloria Synergy, PS4D10, JIB graphic card OSF520-076 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where, on the ELSA Gloria Synergy, PS4D10, and JIB graphic cards, the cursor position is not being updated properly. The placement of the cursor is one request behind. Patch 175.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: collect incorrectly reports network interface load OSF520-036 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes the Collect's collector (/usr/sbin/collect) to correctly report the network interface load percentage. Patch 177.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes several problems with the fixdmn utility OSF520-065 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes several problems with the fixdmn utility where, under extreme cases, it was possible for fixfdmn to core dump or to terminate without fixing the domain. Patch 181.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a class scheduler semaphore race condition OSF520-017A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a class scheduler semaphore race condition. Patch 183.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for class scheduler OSF520-017B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a class scheduler semaphore race condition. Patch 185.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Corrects a problem in the rdist utility OSF520-043 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects a problem in the rdist utility which was causing segmentation faults on files with more than one link. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-15 Patch 187.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a volrecover error OSF520-019 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a volrecover error of "Cannot refetch volume" when volumes exist only in a non-rootdg diskgroup. Patch 189.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for no rerouting problem on a CFS server OSF520-053 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where pulling the network cable on one node acting as a CFS server in a cluster causes no rerouting to occur. Patch 191.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem where logins appear to be hung OSF520-066 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where logins appear to be hung on standalone systems with Enhanced Security enabled. Patch 193.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Support for cleanPR script OSF520-094 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch supports the cleanPR script to clear Persistent Reservations on HSV110 device, continues to go through all of devices even if certain error(s) occurs to one or some of devices, and prevents a potential security hole from directly using /tmp directory. Patch 195.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: BPF default packet filter may cause system panic OSF520-058 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects a problem which could result in a system panic on close() if the BPF default packet filter is in use. 2-16 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 203.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a kernel memory fault from sth_close_fifo OSF520-102 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a kernel memory fault from sth_close_fifo() caused by a NULL pointer. Patch 206.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0664U) OSF520-068 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-045 (204.00) This patch corrects the following: Corrects a problem with the ftpd daemon which could result in PC ftp clients hanging when transferring some files in ASCII mode. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 208.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for problem of palette files not being read OSF520CDE-002 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes the problem of palette files not been read from /etc/dt/palettes. Patch 210.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes problems with X server X Image Extension (XIE) OSF520X11-002 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes problems with the X server X Image Extension (XIE). Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-17 Patch 212.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem of the ATM setup script failing OSF520-050 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem of the ATM setup script failing when configuring an elan if the lane subsystem is not loaded. Patch 216.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a kernel memory fault in procfs.mod OSF520-014 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a kernel memory fault in procfs.mod. Patch 220.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Corrects a problem with the NIFF daemon OSF520-104 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects a problem where the NIFF daemon (niffd) would exit if its connection to the EVM daemon (evmd) failed, as in the case of an EVM daemon restart. Patch 222.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for mv command OSF520-025 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where the mv command will not perform a move if the inode of the file is the same as the inode of the destination directory, even though the file and directory are on different file systems. Patch 224.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: joind may fail to clean up its lock files OSF520-049 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New The patch fixes a problem where joind may fail to clean up its lock files in /var/join. 2-18 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 226.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Shared libots3 library fix OSF520-114A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes the following problems in the /usr/lib/libots3.a and /usr/shlib/ libraries: The max threads clause for the SGI parallel interfaces is being ignored. An OpenMP thread may hang when reaching a critical region and all other threads are awaiting CVs. Patch 228.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Static libots3 library fix OSF520-114B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes the following problems in the /usr/lib/libots3.a and /usr/shlib/ libraries: The max threads clause for the SGI parallel interfaces is being ignored. An OpenMP thread may hang when reaching a critical region and all other threads are awaiting CVs. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-19 Patch 230.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for hwmgr -view devices command OSF520-083 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes two issues with hwmgr: An incorrect error message is displayed to the user when using hwmgr to offline a CPU that has only one bound process. The incorrect error message is unable to offline this component and the correct error message should report that there are bound processes on the component. The path to the scp device is missing when the hwmgr -view devices command is issued. Patch 232.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem in NetRAIN OSF520-012 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem in NetRAIN. NetRAIN interface creation now fails if any of the requested standby interfaces do not exist. Patch 234.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Adds support for Persistent Reserve for HSV110 OSF520-124 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch is an update to /sbin/scu, the SCSI CAM Utility Program. It adds support for Persistent Reserve for HSV110 as well as the display of 128-bit WWIDS. Patch 238.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for dxsetacl utility OSF520DX-002 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch allows the dxsetacl utility to delete access ACLs. 2-20 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 240.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for kernel memory fault in ip6ip4_input OSF520-087 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A system configured with the IPTUNNEL kernel option will crash if it receives a corrupted IPv6-in-IPv4 packet, even if the system is not running IPv6. The system will panic with the message "kernel memory fault in ip6ip4_input()". Patch 243.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes -ignore_all_versions and -ignore_version flags OSF520-176 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-011 (2.00), OSF520-088 (121.00), OSF520-173A (241.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes the -ignore_all_versions and -ignore_version flags for the run-time loader (/sbin/loader). Fixes a problem where strtod() was returning different outputs for the same input. Fixes a problem where the tan() function was returning the wrong results. Eliminates a libc memory leak that occurred when calling dlclose() in applications linked with the threads run-time environment. Changes the optional dynamic loader arguments -allocator_range and -allocator to -preallocated_range. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-21 Patch 245.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem in the strtod routine OSF520-173B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects the following: Fixes a problem where strtod() was returning different outputs for the same input. Fixes a problem where the tan() function was returning the wrong results. Patch 252.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Adds Essential Services Monitor daemon (esmd) OSF520-154 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-099 (75.00) This patch provides enablers for the Compaq Database Utility. Patch 255.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for Event Manager memory leak OSF520-159A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-103A (162.00), OSF520-153 (253.00) This patch corrects the following: Resolves a memory leak and a filtering issue in the Event Manager, and allows the evmwatch utility to reconnect automatically if evmd fails and is restarted. Provides enablers for the Compaq Database Utility. Fixes a problem in which binary error log (binlog) events posted by the EMX FibreChannel driver and the system console are reported incorrectly by the Event Manager, EVM. 2-22 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 257.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for Event Manager filtering issue OSF520-159B SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-103B (164.00) This patch corrects the following: Resolves a memory leak and a filtering issue in the Event Manager, and allows the evmwatch utility to reconnect automatically if evmd fails and is restarted. Fixes a problem in which binary error log (binlog) events posted by the EMX FibreChannel driver and the system console are reported incorrectly by the Event Manager, EVM. Patch 259.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Removes extraneous header comments OSF520-158 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch removes extraneous history edit comments from exported DECthreads header files. Patch 261.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes panic caused by SCSI bus resets with KZPCA HBAs OSF520-136 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a panic caused by SCSI bus resets with KZPCA HBAs. Patch 269.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Improves user control of clu_mibs OSF520-163 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New The control of the start and stop of the clu_mibs agent has been moved from /sbin/init.d/clu_max script to /sbin/init.d/snmpd script. Patch 281.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for NHD kit installations OSF520-136 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New During an install of an NHD kit, the file was not properly referenced, causing the install to fail. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-23 Patch 284.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a problem with the SysMan Station OSF520DX-008 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520DX-003 (109.00), OSF520DX-007 (110.00), OSF520DX-006 (112.00), OSF520DX-009 (282.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a problem with the SysMan Station which causes incorrect state information to be displayed after a CPU has been indicted. Fixes possible deadlock conditions in the SysMan station daemon that might occur at daemon startup or during failover. Provides enablers for the Compaq Database Utility. Objects in the Physical File system view do not have correct or updated properties. 2-24 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 286.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes time loss problem seen on DS systems OSF520-207 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-078 (126.00), OSF520-077 (127.00), OSF520-126 (128.00), OSF520-007 (129.00), OSF520-115 (130.00), OSF520-121 (131.00), OSF520-009 (132.00), OSF520-074 (134.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes problems seen with the loading and unloading of dynamic drivers. Fixes a problem where, when using VX1 graphics module, the mouse cursor disappears when moved along the left and topmost edge. Fixes a kernel crash dump generation problem which resulted in the wrong page(s) being compressed/written. Without this fix, postmortem debugging may be difficult or impossible. Fixes a "simple_lock timeout" system panic due to a bug between mcs_unlock and mcs_lock_try on the same CPU. Provides NHD4 enablers for future hardware support. Provides a new /usr/sbin/wol command that utilizes the Wake (remotely power) feature for a future platform through the network (Lan). Provides NHD4 enablers for future hardware support of a graphics device. Fixes a time loss problem seen on DS systems only when using console callbacks. The patch resynchronizes the clock when time loss is detected. Fixes a rare panic in the driver for the DE600/DE602 10/100 Ethernet adapter. Provides NHD4 enablers for future hardware support of a new platform. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-25 Patch 288.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for lpd parent daemon problems OSF520-187 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects the following problems: Corrects lpd parent daemon problems when EVM is stopped and started. Slows down event storm from remote host sending bad protocol information. Patch 290.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes SEL logging problem OSF520-189 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This fixes SEL logging problem where panic events were logged as misc events. It also adds new event types that can be logged. Patch 292.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Enabler for Compaq Database Utility OSF520-199 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch provides enabler support for the Compaq Database Utility. Patch 295.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes problem of failed open calls to KZPCCs OSF520-169 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-195 (293.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a problem where I/O greater than 4MB fails to KZPCC devices with error ENODEV. This patch fixes the problem of failed open calls to KZPCCs under heavy I/O. 2-26 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 300.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-48U OSF520CDE-004 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 302.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-45U OSF520-213 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 305.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-45U) OSF520-214 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-023A (90.00), OSF520-018 (218.00), OSF520-216 (303.00) This patch corrects the following: A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, users can clobber temporary files created by shell commands and utilities (e.g., under /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, and /etc). Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Provides the /usr/lbin/mkstemp program which allows the mechanism to create a secure temporary file. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-27 Patch 307.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-45U) OSF520-212 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 309.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for ksh hang OSF520-217 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch OSF520-028 (125.00) This patch corrects the following problems: Fixes a problem in which /usr/bin/ksh hangs for certain scripts that contain wait(1). A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. The following changes were also made: Shell inline input files are more secure. sh noclobber and new constructs added. Updated mkdir system call. Patch 311.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Quick Setup erroneously reports daemons do not start OSF520DX-012 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New On some systems, notably DS10, Quick Setup may erroneously report that some daemons did not start. When you then try again, other error messages appear that report duplicate host names. 2-28 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Patch 313.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Support for Enterprise Volume Manager OSF520-220A SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-069A (197.00), OSF520-149A (263.00) This patch provides enablers for Enterprise Volume Management. Patch 315.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Support for Enterprise Volume Manager OSF520-220C SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF520-069C (201.00), OSF520-149B (265.00) This patch provides enabler support for the Enterprise Volume Manager. Patch 317.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Support for Enterprise Volume Manager OSF520-220C SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches OSF520-069C (201.00), OSF520-149B (265.00) This patch provides enablers for Enterprise Volume Management. Patch 319.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT1-40U, SSRT1-41U, SSRT1- 42U, SSRT1-45U) OSF520DX-011 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-29 Patch 325.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Security (SSRT0742U, SSRT1-40U, SSRT1- 41U, SSRT1-42U) : OSF520-313 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: OSF520-097 (6.00), OSF520-081 (7.00), OSF520-116 (8.00), OSF520-044 (9.00), OSF520-020 (10.00), OSF520-021 (11.00), OSF520-138 (12.00), OSF520-089 (13.00), OSF520-128 (14.00), OSF520- 075 (15.00), OSF520-031 (16.00), OSF520-142 (17.00), OSF520-141 (18.00), OSF520-039 (19.00), OSF520-127 (20.00), OSF520-033 (21.00), OSF520- 024 (22.00), OSF520-120 (23.00), OSF520-029 (24.00), OSF520-051 (25.00), OSF520-052 (26.00), OSF520-131 (27.00), OSF520-055 (28.00), OSF520- 059 (29.00), OSF520-130 (30.00), OSF520-098 (31.00), OSF520-129 (32.00), OSF520-035 (33.00), OSF520-064 (34.00), OSF520-109 (35.00), OSF520- 100 (36.00), OSF520-101 (37.00), OSF520-062 (38.00), OSF520-106 (39.00), OSF520-117 (40.00), OSF520-125 (41.00), OSF520-063 (42.00), OSF520- 016 (43.00), OSF520-096 (44.00), OSF520-092 (45.00), OSF520-112 (46.00), OSF520-108 (47.00), OSF520-133 (48.00), OSF520-137 (49.00), OSF520- 067 (50.00), OSF520-032 (51.00), OSF520-086 (52.00), OSF520-111 (53.00), OSF520-147 (54.00), OSF520-080 (55.00), OSF520-047 (56.00), OSF520- 073 (57.00), OSF520-107 (58.00), OSF520-002 (59.00), OSF520-060 (60.00), OSF520-151 (61.00), OSF520-113 (102.00), OSF520-070 (63.00), OSF520-110 (104.00), OSF520-123 (214.00), OSF520-093 (236.00), OSF520-150 (246.00), OSF520-156 (247.00), OSF520-172 (248.00), OSF520-168 (250.00), OSF520-183 (270.00), OSF520-192 (271.00), OSF520-203 (272.00), OSF520-196 (273.00), OSF520-186 (274.00), OSF520-191 (275.00), OSF520-204 (276.00), OSF520-201 (277.00), OSF520-205 (279.00), OSF520-221 (296.00), OSF520-215 (298.00), OSF520-247 (321.00), OSF520-313 (323.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a domain panic pointing to quotaUndo, when a domain has a fileset with a clone, the clone is deleting, and a file in the fileset finds no space available in the domain. Corrects a problem where the network subsystem sometimes sends a null TCP packet when a connection is reset. Provides enabler support for Enterprise Volume Manager product. 2-30 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Fixes a system panic with "malloc_check_checksum: memory pool corrution". Fixes a problem in which issuing a quot -h command causes a memory fault when the /etc/fstab file contains a mount point that is not mounted. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in the kernel where, under certain circumstances, a race condition can occur that could allow a non-root user to modify any file and possibly gain root access. Fixes the problem with IPv6 raw socket creations. Corrects a CFS problem that could cause a panic with the panic string of "CFS_INFS full". Fixes a problem with erroneous data being returned from the DEVIOCGET ioctl if an error occurs while processing the ioctl. Fixes a problem in which a tcp socket can continue to receive data with no application running. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-31 Patch 325.00 continued Allows a single ddr.dbase entry to support a particular SCSI device on both parallel SCSI and FC busses. Previously, SCSI devices connected behind an FCTCII or MDR would not be properly associated with their ddr.dbase entry. Fixes a panic experienced while task swapping. Fixes a bug in virtual memory that can cause a kernel memory fault. Provides NHD4 enablers for future hardware support for an array controller. Fixes to some problems found with Raid Services that include: Raid services not acknowledging presence of CAM RAID device A hang The inability to prohibit a user from deleting a logical volume while it is in use A "malloc_check_checksum: memory pool corruption" system panic Fixes the following two problems. Threads can hang in x_load_inmem_xtnt_map(). The I/O transfer rate can suddenly drop when writing to a hole in an AdvFS domain, when a volume in that domain becomes full. New Barrier code will not reserve after a registration if new device or new cluster install. 2-32 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-33 Patch 325.00 continued Fixes the following Virtual Memory problems. The first three are seen on NUMA systems only, and the fourth problem can be seen on any system type: A "vm_pg_alloc: page not free" system panic that occurs during process migration. A "vm_pageout_activate: page already active" system panic that occurs if one thread is unlocking some pages in memory while another thread is migrating them. Memory inconsistencies caused by fault path for large shared memory regions prematurely releasing a hold on a page it just locked. This can cause a variety of problems including user program errors and system panics. A "simple_lock: time limit exceeded" system panic that occurs if very large (8 MB or larger) System V Shared memory regions are in use. Fixes a problem with the memory troller attempting to post an EVM event indicating that a particular PFN has been mapped out. Fixes lock time issues, UBC performance problems, and provides AdvFS and UFS performance improvments in platforms, (other than AlphaServer GSxxx) with low memory. Fixes several bugs related to shared memory (memory that can be accessed by more than one CPU) that could lead to panics, hangs, and performnace problems. Fixes a bug that can cause performance problems for certain applications when the sysconfigtab parameter ipc:sem_broadcast_wakeup is set to 0. A check for managed address may return an invalid value when called with the address of a gh region not on rad 0. Fixes a kernel memory fault in msg_rpc_trap. 2-34 Summary of Base Operating System Patches Fixes a potential problem with lost data after a direct I/O write with a file extension followed quickly by a system crash. Fixes a crash that occurs when disk controllers are restarted repeatedly. Fixes a "u_shm_oop_deallocate: reference count mismatch" due to a bug in locking mechanism when gh_chunks are in use. Provides the I/O barrier code that prevents HSG80 controller crashes (firmware issue). Corrects the problem of a thread deadlocking against itself under the following conditions: Running in a cluster. Opening (and then closing) a directory that has an index file. Trying to open the index file through .tags (e.g., defragment does that) and by coincidence getting the vnode that pointed to the directory that the index file is attached to. Fixes a kernel panic with the message "bs_invalidate_rsvd_access_struct: bad access struct". Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-35 Patch 325.00 continued Ensures that DMAPI region information maintains consistency across CFS server and client nodes in the case that an unexpected node failure occurs. Fixes a problem where additional HSZ70 control ports, /dev/cport/scpN, were created during HSZ70 controller failover operations. Prevents a crash seen while deleting SCSI devices using hwmg. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This could result in a panic with the string: "lock_clear_recursive: recursion not enabled". Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Fixes a problem where new devices could be created when following the HSZ70 controller failover procedure. Fixes the problem where reading a clone file that is still in the UBC after an rmvol may panic the system. Fixes a problem where a variable was used without being initialized, which could lead to a possible kernel memory fault. Provides the enabler for Enterprise Volume Manager Version 2. Corrects several CAM errors including the following: Passthru IOCTL fails with EIO (CAM_BUSY) problem. RESERVATION CONFLICT driver BUSY problem. Enforces super user-only access for SCSI passthru. Enables access to SCSI control ports 2-36 Summary of Base Operating System Patches (/dev/cport/scp??), allowing management of some types of RAID controllers. Eliminates unintended AutoFS auto-mount storms. Extraneous "This node removed from cluster" events cause panics of cluster nodes. Fixes a panic that occurs if DMAPI operations are erroneously executed on an NFS filesystem. Processes triggering stack growth with anon_rss_enforce set to 2, and exceeding the set resident memory limit, hang or panic. Fixes a kernel panic with the messages "xfer_hole_stg: unaligned kernel access" or "xfer_hole_stg: kernel memory fault". Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-37 Patch 325.00 continued Fixes a timing window where flushing data to disk can be incomplete when a system is going down, if more than one thread calls reboot() without first going through shutdown, /sbin/reboot, or /sbin/halt. Ensures that if an AdvFS file is opened for both O_DIRECTIO and O_APPEND, threads racing to append data to the file will be correctly synchronized, and all data will be appended to the file. Fixes several directIO problems seen when using the aio interface. The symptoms include a kernel memory fault, and an aio condition that causes a live_dump to be generated. Fixes a condition where the smoothsync thread, in attempting to flush dirty buffers for memory-mapped files, would also flush buffers for non-memory-mapped files. This did not cause any errors, but could cause more I/O than necessary to be done. Allows POSIX semaphores/msg queues to operate properly on a CFS client. Fixes the following problems: Running verify may panic the system. A kernel memory fault may occur while attempting to read a log record. Prevents a race in msfs_umount. Provides a fix to a deadlock situation that can occur when you invoke the hwmgr -show comp command while the devices on an HSZ70 are changing their names. The devices on an HSZ70 would change their name when you set nofailover or when you set failover on the HSZ70. Fixes a problem where network interfaces can appear unresponsive to network traffic. Do not print "path reduced" messages at boot 2-38 Summary of Base Operating System Patches time for devices that still have at least one valid path. Enables the quick reclaim and deallocation of a vnode. Under stress conditions where the DMAPI functionality is in use, a panic may occur. A fix is available for this problem. Fixes a problem where the setgid bit of a directory was not being set when created, if its parent directory has the setgid bit set. Corrects several problems in kernel routing: Fixes a panic when deleting an IP address. Fixes a panic when performing IP re- configuration. Fixes to add interface route on address configuration. Fixes the rpanic "ics_unable_to_make_progress: input thread stalled". Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-39 Patch 325.00 continued Addresses three UBC issues: Reinstates ubc_maxpercent hardlimit behavior. Allows the UBC to purge and steal pages under very low free memory conditions during page allocation. Removes memory mapping for NFS pages being invalidated and freed. Pages were being freed but still mapped the process Corrects a performance problem where NFS V3 I/O used larger than necessary buffers when writing to locked files resulting in lower throughput. Provides a script, /usr/sbin/evm_versw_undo, that will allow a user to remove the EVM patch after the version switch has been thrown by running clu_upgrade -switch. This script will set back the version identifiers, request a cluster shutdown, and reboot to finish the deletion of the patch. Another rolling upgrade will be required to delete the patch with dupatch. Provides an enabler for a version-switched patch. A SCSI Check Condition with NO SENSE status will now be treated by the disk driver as a conditon to retry the I/O. Fixes a panic that could occur if an illegal argument is passed to UFS mount by a root user. Fixes a kernel build failure when AdvFs is excluded from the build. Fixes a problem where the system may be hung or there are poor response times on systems with limited numbers of CPUs. Fixes a "RDG unwire panic" when running with RDG and GH chunks. Resolves a problem where duplicate attributes 2-40 Summary of Base Operating System Patches are registered for all CAM devices present in a system. This affects iostat output and any other application that relies on the attribute data. Adds fixes for additional firmware problems found in the HSx controller. Fixes the scheduler at high load averages and initial NUMA process placement. Fixes a rmvol failure that would be seen as an E_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED error when no more space is available for user data migration to another volume in the domain. Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-41 Patch 325.00 continued Fixes the following tape drive problems: Tape devices in multi-path configurations unexpectedly rewind or go offline. (Multi-path means that I/O can reach the device by an alternate data path, such as a redundant controller or bus.) Note that this patch reverts your tape drive configuration to single path mode. The vdump utility fails to close because the drive goes offline before the dump operation is complete. An error message similar to the following is displayed: vdump: unable to properly close device ; [5] I/O error Opening a disk partition sometimes fails when the disk is on shared bus. Fixes "kernel memory fault" panic on NUMA systems because of corrupt UBC LRU. Fixes poor interactive response including hanging commands and logins, and random drops in I/O rates when writing many large files. Fixes a potential problem in which stale data may be returned to an application running on a CFS client when it reads data from a file on a CFS server. Another possible symptom is incomplete flushing of user data when an fsync() is issued or an O_[D]SYNC write is performed. A potential security vulnerability has been discovered where, under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. Addresses a data inconsistency that can occur when a CFS client reads a file that was recently written to. 2-42 Summary of Base Operating System Patches ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Base Operating System Patches 2-43 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches 3 This chapter summarizes the TruCluster software patches included in Patch Kit-0001. Table 3-1 lists patches that have been updated. Table 3-2 provides a summary of patches. _T_a_b_l_e _3-_1: _U_p_d_a_t_e_d _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _P_a_t_c_h_e_s ______________________________________________________________________________ PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh IIIIDDDDssss CCCChhhhaaaannnnggggeeee SSSSuuuummmmmmmmaaaarrrryyyy ______________________________________________________________________________ Patches 68.00, 70.00, 86.00 New Patch 11.00 Superseded by Patch 62.00 Patch 41.00 Superseded by Patch 80.00 Patch 37.00 Superseded by Patch 82.00 Patches 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00, 53.00, 54.00, Superseded by Patch 84.00 55.00, 56.00, 57.00, 58.00, 60.00, 66.00, 71.00, 72.00, 74.00 Patch 64.00 Superseded by Patch 86.00 Patch 29.00 Superseded by Patch 88.00 Patches 30.00, 31.00, 32.00, 33.00, 35.00, 78.00 Superseded by Patch 90.00 Patches 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, Superseded by Patch 92.00 18.00, 19.00, 20.00, 21.00, 22.00, 23.00, 25.00, 76.00 ______________________________________________________________________________ _T_a_b_l_e _3-_2: _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _o_f _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _P_a_t_c_h_e_s ______________________________________________________________________________ PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh IIIIDDDDssss AAAAbbbbssssttttrrrraaaacccctttt ______________________________________________________________________________ Patch 9.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes networking issues within cluster environment TCR520-019 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches TCR520-008 (6.00), TCR520-037 (7.00) This patch fixes the following problems: Multiple networking issues within a cluster environment: Cluster member loses connectivity with clients on remote subnets. aliasd not handling multiple virtual aliases in a subnet and/or IP aliases. Allows cluster members to route for an alias without joining it. aliasd writing illegal configurations into gated.conf.memebrX. Default route not being restored after network connectivity issues. Fixes a race condition between aliasd and gated. Fixes a problem with a hang caused by an incorrect /etc/hosts entry. Fixes aliasd_niff to allow EVM restart. Provides enablers for the Compaq Database Utility. 3-2 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches Patch 27.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cluster wide wall messages not being received TCR520-028 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch allows the cluster wall daemon to restart following an EVM daemon failure. Patch 39.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a panic in dlm TCR520-034 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a panic in dlm when another node in the cluster is halted. Patch 43.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cfsstat -i command TCR520-003 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch allows the command cfsstat -i to execute properly. Patch 46.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for ICS_UNABLE_TO_MAKE_PROGRESS panic TCR520-023 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-021 (44.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a situation where ICS is unable to make progress because heartbeat checking is blocked or the input thread is stalled. The symptom is a panic of a cluster member with the panic string ICS_UNABLE_TO_MAKE_PROGRESS: HEARTBEAT CHECKING BLOCKED/INPUT THREAD STALLED. Fixes the problem of a cluster member failing to rejoin the cluster after Memory Channel failover. Summary of TruCluster Software Patches 3-3 Patch 48.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Provides enhanced clu_upgrade switch TCR520-009 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch corrects the following problems: Provides a warning to users who have installed a patch kit that includes a patch which requires a version switch. The warning informs the user that the installed patches include a version switch which cannot be removed using the normal patch removal procedure. The warning allows the user to continue with the switch stage or exit clu_upgrade. Provides additional user information after the user has decided to perform a patch rolling upgrade and has entered the pathname to a patch kit which contains one or more patches requiring a version switch. The additional user information identifies the patches containing the version switch and provides references to the appropriate user documentation. Patch 50.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cluster shutdown delay TCR520-025 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a situation where a cluster shutdown under load on a cluster using a LAN interconnect takes a very long time. Patch 52.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes smsd/caad performance problems TCR520DX-001 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch provides enablers for the Compaq Database Utility. 3-4 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches Patch 62.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cluster panic TCR520-055 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-013 (11.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a situation in which one or several cluster members would panic if a Memory Channel cable was removed or faulty. Fixes the following problems with Memory Channel in a cluster environment: A problem with the Memory Channel power off in LAN interconnect cluster which causes a cluster wide panic. A user is now allowed to kill a LAN interconnect cluster via Memory Channel. Supports Memory Channel usage in a LAN cluster. Patch 68.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for confusing panics on SMP systems TCR520-045 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a problem where node reboots during a cluster-wide shutdown would result in difficult to diagnose system panics. Patch 70.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes a panic in the kernel group services TCR520-042 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: New This patch fixes a panic in the kernel group services when another node is booted into the cluster. Summary of TruCluster Software Patches 3-5 Patch 80.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fixes cluster installation problem TCR520-057 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-024 (41.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes a cluster installation problem of having an LSM disk and a disk media with the same name. Normally, the install script would not let you install because it was looking at the disk name, not the disk media name. This has been fixed. Disks over 10 GB are unable to be used as member or quorum disks. This fix allows the user to use them as such. Patch 82.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Compaq Database Utility enabler TCR520-058 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-015 (37.00) This patch corrects the following: Provides the Compaq Database Utility enabler. Changes RDG wiring behavior to match VM's fix to wiring GH chunks. Patch 84.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Improved user control of the SNMP service TCR520-072 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches TCR520-029 (1.00), TCR520-035 (2.00), TCR520-022 (3.00), TCR520-032 (5.00), TCR520-054 (53.00), TCR520-047 (54.00), TCR520-048 (55.00), TCR520-051 (56.00), TCR520- 056 (57.00), TCR520-046 (58.00), TCR520-052 (60.00), TCR520-049 (66.00), TCR520-065 (71.00), TCR520-060 (72.00), TCR520-063 (74.00) This patch provides enabler support for the Compaq Database Utility. 3-6 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches Patch 86.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: TCR520-067 TCR520-067 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-053 (64.00) This patch corrects the following: Fixes panic "cmn_err: CE_PANIC: ics_unable_to_make_progress: netisrs stalled" in clua.mod due to wait for malloc when memory is exhausted. Fixes panic in clua_cnx_unregister where a tp structure could not be allocated for a new TCP connection. Patch 88.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for cluster hang during boot TCR520-076 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patch TCR520-027 (29.00) This patch addresses a situation where the second node in a cluster hangs upon boot while setting the current time and date with ntpdate. Summary of TruCluster Software Patches 3-7 Patch 90.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Fix for kernel memory fault panic TCR520-075 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches TCR520-033 (30.00), TCR520-017 (31.00), TCR520-006 (32.00), TCR520- 007 (33.00), TCR520-020 (35.00), TCR520-064 (78.00) This patch corrects the following: Provides the I/O barrier code that prevents HSG80 controller crashes (firmware issue). Fixes a situation in which a rebooting cluster member would panic shortly after rejoining the cluster if another cluster mamber was doing remote disk I/O to the rebooting member when it was rebooted. Allows high density tape drives to use the high density compression setting in a cluster environment. Fixes a kernel memory fault panic that can occur within a cluster member during failover while using shared served devices. Fixes the problem of cluster wide hang because of DRD node failover is stuck and unable to bid a new server for served device. Adds DRD Barrier reties to fixes for HSx firmware problems. Fixes a problem where CAA applications using tape/changers as required resources will not come ONLINE (as seen by caa_stat). 3-8 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches Patch 92.00 PPPPaaaattttcccchhhh:::: Enabler support for Enterprise Volume Manager product TCR520-100 SSSSttttaaaatttteeee:::: Supersedes patches TCR520-031 (12.00), TCR520-011 (13.00), TCR520-005 (14.00), TCR520- 002 (15.00), TCR520-004 (16.00), TCR520-039 (17.00), TCR520-014 (18.00), TCR520-016 (19.00), TCR520-018 (20.00), TCR520-010 (21.00), TCR520- 012 (22.00), TCR520-026 (23.00), TCR520-001 (25.00), TCR520-068 (76.00) This patch corrects the following: Makes AdvFS fileset quota enforcement work properly on a cluster. Corrects a "cfsdb_assert" panic which can occur following the failure of a cluster node. Corrects a problem which can cause cluster members to hang waiting for the update daemon to flush /var/adm/pacct. Prevents a potential hang that can occur on a CFS failover. Allows POSIX semaphores/msg queues to operate properly on a CFS client. Addresses a potential file inconsistency problem which could cause erroneous data to the returned when reading a file at a CFS client node. There is also a small possibility that this problem could result in a CFS panic ("AssertFailed: bp- >b_dev"). Addresses two potential CFS panics that might occur for a DMAPI/HSM managed filesystem. The first panic problem string is: Assert Failed: ( t)->cntk_mode <= 2" The second panic problem string is: Assert Failed: get_recursion_count( current_threa&CFS_CMI_TO_REC_LOCK(mi)) == 1 Addresses a possible panic which could occur if multiple CFS client nodes leave the cluster while a CFS relocate or unmount is occurring. Summary of TruCluster Software Patches 3-9 Addresses a possible KMF panic when executing the command cfsmgr -a DEVICES on a filesystem with LSM volumes. Corrects a CFS problem that could cause a panic with the panic string of "CFS_INFS full". Addresses a potential CFS panic that might occur when a file being opened in Direct I/O mode, while at the same time the file is being truncated by a separate process. Provides enabler support for Enterprise Volume Manager product. Fixes memory a leak in cfscall_ioctl(). Addresses a data inconsistency that can occur when a CFS client reads a file that was recently written to and whose underlying AdvFS extent map contains more than 100 extents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3-10 Summary of TruCluster Software Patches