PROBLEM: (89300, BCGM70HRD) (PATCH ID: OSF510-427) ******** This patch corrects the problem with a mirrored LSM volume with dirty region logging (DRL) enabled still doing a full resynchronization during a recovery after an unclean shutdown. This full resynchronization will only occur the first time and then DRL will be properly enabled. To determine if any current volumes will need to have the DRL replaced to avoid this, execute the following command: volprint -v -a Check the field recover_checkpoint. If this field is 0, then a new DRL for the volume will need to be done if you wish to avoid this full resynchronization. NOTE: Ignore RAID5 volumes as this problem doesn't apply to them. Example of creating a new DRL for the volume after the patch is applied is: # volplex -o force dis vol01-03 # voledit -r rm vol01-03 # volassist addlog vol01 dsk6 # volprint -av The volume will now have the recover_checkpoint enabled.