PROBLEM: (81295, 81296, 81562, 81563) (PATCH ID: OSF510-026) ******** This patch fixes following problems with the collect command and it adds sysloging when collect suspends, resumes, or receives a signal. - Collect always returns 0 for tape status, - Collect does not display proper PID and PPID on heavily loaded system, - Collect displays warning msg when a HSG80 controller installed, - Collect does not display proper Net status on heavily used network, - Collect does not align MessageQ data properly when the ID field is large, and - Collect does not compute Usertime and Systemtime correctly for processes whose pids are recycled. PROBLEM: (85209) (PATCH ID: OSF510-247) ******** This patch fixes the Collect's collector (/usr/sbin/collect) to correctly report the network interface load percentage. PROBLEM: (90403, 80735, 89378) (PATCH ID: OSF510-433) ******** Reporting on AutoFS, File-on-File Mount, and PROC file system entries is useless, with this patch applied Collect filters these entries out. PROBLEM: (85136, 88227, 87480, 85699, 83921, grow, 85121, within, 85138, than) (PATCH ID: OSF510-416) ******** This patch enhances and fixes the following problems with the collect command: - Add support for Mylex KZPAC RAID controller - Add the missing hardware ID field for regular SCSI disks - Fix core-dumping problem when running with the -i0 flag - Reword some of the help messages in the Help() function - Add support for processes whose RSS and/or VSZ grow beyond 4.3G and fix misalignment problem when the RSS/VSZ fields grow beyond 10G. - Fix Swap, InAc, SW, and HIT fields within the Memory subsystem. (The ALL and PP fields are still unavailable) - Detect errors in datafile whose data version is less than 14 and whose recordlen is greater than 65535.