PROBLEM: (QAR 59399) (Patch ID: TCR150-010) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the Memory Channel API whereby the function imc_asalloc did not allow a negative key (most significant bit of key being set). If the Memory Channel API function imc_asalloc is called with a negative key it returns a status of -2. If the status is passed to imc_perror it will print the following error message: ": invalid parameter specification" PROBLEM: (MANT50554) (Patch ID: TCR150-019) ******** This patch fixes a problem where errors in the resolver will cause the clumember script, which executes the mcm_init program at boot time, to core dump with a "Segmentation violation". PROBLEM: (65732) (Patch ID: TCR150-039) ******** This patch fixes a problem where errors in the resolver will cause the clumember script, which executes the mcm_init program at boot time, to produce unhelpful error message such as: . . . ONC portmap service started -> mcm_sysinit gethostbyname: not owner Cluster member started Starting ASE . . . PROBLEM: (none) (Patch ID: TCR150-040) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the Memory Channel API whereby the function imc_ckerrcnt was signifying an error had occurred when in fact no error had occurred. The following is the error code seen when running a Digital MPI code (Note Digital MPI uses the Memory Channel API): [5]MPI Die-ump2chck.c 91 "ump_wait failure" (-16)