Special Instructions for Patch 398.00 - Inline Function Performance *** NOTE *** Applications using "inline" mutex operations, as described in the pthread.h header file, will need to RECOMPILE with the application of this patch. The instruction sequences for the pthread_mutex_unlock routine have changed. Please refer to the existing note in pthread.h entitled "NOTICE: inline function performance vs. binary compatibility" for more information. Special Instructions for Patch 398.00 - mkpasswd Fails To Create ndbm Database When the /etc/passwd files are very large, a performance degradation may occur. When the number of passwd entries reaches up into the 30,000to 80,000 range, mkpasswd will sometimes fail to create an ndbm database. Since the purpose of this database is to allow for efficient (fast) searches for passwd file information, failure to build it causes a serious performance degradation for commands that rely on it. Using the mkpasswd -s command to avoid this type of failure could cause a database/binary compatibility problem. If an application that is built statically (non-shared) accesses a password database created by mkpasswd, the application will be unable to correctly read from or write to that database. This would cause the application to fail either by generating incorrect results, or possibly by dumping core. Any statically linked application would be affected if it directly or indirectly calls any of the libc ndbm routines documented in the ndbm(3) reference page and then accesses the password database. To remedy this situation, the application would need to be relinked. Special Instructions for Patch 171.00 - TZS20 Device Recognition WARNING: This patch modifies /etc/ddr.dbase and /etc/ddr.db. A copy of the original files should be made before installing this patch. Please see the "Patch Summary and Release Notes" for further information on the TZS20 tape devices. Special Instructions for Patch 390.00 - syslogd Correction The following release note provides information for installing a new version of the syslogd command. If your system is configured to forward syslog messages from one host to another, become superuser (for example, root) and manually create a /etc/syslog.auth file. The /etc/syslog.auth file specifies which remote hosts are allowed to forward syslog messages to the local host. Each remote host name should appear in a separate line in the /etc/syslog.auth file. A line that starts with the '#' character is considered as a comment and is ignored. A host name must be a complete domain name for example, trout.nyc.com. If a domain host name is given, it must either appear in the local /etc/hosts file or be able to be resolved by the name server (for example, BIND) that is running on the system. Note that a host name can have at most as many characters as defined by the MAXHOSTNAMELEN constant in . However, each line in the /etc/syslog.auth file can have up to 512 characters. The /etc/syslog.auth file must be owned by root and have permissions set to 0600. Unless the domain host name of a remote host is given in the local file, the local host will not log any syslog messages from that remote host. If the /etc/syslog.auth file does not exist or it exists but is empty or has no valid remote host names in it, the system will assume no remote host is allowed to forward syslog messages to the local host.