PROBLEM: (QAR 49356) (Patch ID: TCR100-013) ******** This patch corrects a problem whereby the ASE agent daemon (aseagent), ASE director daemon (asedirector), the trigger-action server daemon (tractd), or the submon process fails and exits without a core file if a SIGPIPE or other stray signal occurs. PROBLEM: (HPAQ615S1,BRO101095,BRO101096,QAR 55182) (Patch ID: TCR100-019) ******** This patch fixes a problem that may occur in an ASE (either DECsafe ASE Version 1.3, TruCluster Available Server, or TruCluster Production Server) when the ASE encounters connection attempts from hosts whose IP addresses cannot be resolved to hostnames. Instead of printing a warning about a possible security breach, the ASE daemons will core dump with a segmentation violation. One cause of this problem may be unknown hosts on the network using public domain internet security software which scans all TCP ports on remote hosts. PROBLEM: (MCGM21LWR) (Patch ID: TCR100-020) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the message service routines used by the daemons in TruCluster Available Server and Production Server software. When the message queue fills, the following message is entered in the daemon.log file, but the queue is not emptied: msgSvc: message queue overflow, LOST MESSAGE! From this point on, no further messages will be received. PROBLEM: (BRO101102 & STLQ45901) (Patch ID: TCR100-025) ******** This patch fixes a problem where the Host Status Monitor (asehsm) incorrectly reports a network down (HSM_NI_STATUS DOWN) if the counters for the network interface get zeroed. PROBLEM: (DEKB31190) (Patch ID: TCR100-026) ******** This patch fixes a problem that caused the asedirector to core dump if asemgr processes were modifying services from more than one node in the cluster at the same time. PROBLEM: (QAR 69272) (Patch ID: TCR100-031) ******** This patch corrects a problem in which the asemgr can core dump when adding a member back into an ASE.