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HP Services Software Patches - motdu_e0232d1
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    Digital UNIX [R] 

COMPONENT: Motif [R] 1.2.3

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  MOTDU_E0232D1
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  N/A
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:     6622 Blocks

     Kit Applies To:  Digital UNIX V3.2D-1
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No

     NOTE:  The MOTDU_E0232D1 is an accumulative kit which supercedes 
            the MOTDU_E0132D1 kit.


An ECO kit exists for Digital UNIX version 3.2D-1.  This kit addresses
the following problems:

    o The performance problem when the correct depth of the
      cached pixmap is not always stored in the image cache
      structure causing the cached image not to be found at
      the subsequent references.

    o A BadMatch X Error message occurs from X_CreateWindow when creating a
      dialog shell widget with an overlay plane visual.

         X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)


      Install this kit using the PATCH script found in the compressed
      tar file MOTDU_E0232D1.tar.Z.  To unpack the kit, create an
      empty directory and extract the contents of MOTDU_E0232D1.tar.Z
      into that directory.  For example:
      NOTE:  If this ECO is received on tape media, it will already
             be in an uncompressed .tar, MOTDU_E0232D1.tar, format.

      # mkdir /tmp/motifpatch
      # cd /tmp/motifpatch
      # zcat motdu_e0232d1.tar.Z|tar xpf -

      Then execute the PATCH script from this directory by typing
      "sh PATCH".  The following questions will be asked of the user.

      1.  "Do you wish to Install or Remove this patch (i or r)?  "
          The default is appropriate for installing.  This patch can
          later be removed by answering "r" to this question.

      2.  "What is the root-path? <.> "
          Normally, this should be "/" for DECwindows Motif on Digital UNIX.
          However, if for some reason the Motif was installed elsewhere
          (e.g. using setld -D flag or patching a DMS client area), the
          root-path should be specified here.

      3.  "What is the suffix for moving original files?  "
          Normally, the default is appropriate.  This is used to save
          the original files in an alternate location.  If this suffix
          has already been used on any files listed in this kit, another
          suffix should be used.  By doing this, no files will be lost
          and the environment can always be returned back to its original

      4.  "Install full developer's kit or runtime only (d or r)?  "
          If the runtime version of Motif (shared libraries, window 
          manager, and print widget .uid) was originally installed, r
          should be entered. The developer's kit includes the runtime
          components plus static libraries, UIL compiler, and any updated
          developer's include files. The default is d - developer's kit.

      5.  "Do you wish to execute the $task script (y or n)?  "
          The PATCH script actually created a PATCH.tmp script in 
          preparation for installing the files necessary for this
          specific kit.  Once this is completed, the user has the
          option of executing this script immediately, or deferring
          its execution (perhaps to review the commands that will
          actually be performed).  The default is "n" and instructions
          are displayed describing how to execute the script at a
          later date.  If "y" is entered, the kit is "installed" or
          "removed" depending upon the answer to question 1 above.

      There are some error conditions that may be reported during
      the installation (or removal) of this kit.  The INVENTORY file
      contains "checksum" information (see "man sum" for details) to
      ensure that the media exchange of these files were successful.
      If these checksum's do not match, then the kit has become
      corrupted in some way.  Please contact your DEC representative
      if this kit reports any errors of this type.
      The PATCH kit also reports errors if files cannot be found.  
      If this happens, verify that the root-path is defined correctly
      (see question 2 above).  Otherwise, contact your DEC
      representative for assistance. You cannot install the developer's 
      patch kit on a runtime-only system.


      # mkdir motifpatch
      # cd motifpatch
      # zcat /usr/public/patches/motdu_e0232d1.tar.Z |tar xpf -
      # sh PATCH
      Do you wish to Install or Remove this patch (i or r)? 
      What is the root-path?  /
      What is the suffix for moving original files? 
      Install full developer's kit or runtime only (d or r)? 
      The Script  has now been created to perform the installation.
      Do you wish to execute the installation script (y or n)?  y
      Executing PATCH.tmp...
      PATCH has completed successfully.

[R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries
    licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.

[R] Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc.
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