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OpenVMS ALPDDTM02_071 Alpha V7.1 - V7.1-1H2 ECO Summary

TITLE: OpenVMS ALPDDTM02_071 Alpha V7.1 - V7.1-1H2 ECO Summary NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file. The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which can be used to install the ECO. Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All rights reserved. Modification Date: 15-APR-99 Modification Type: Updated Kit - Supersedes ALPDDTM01_071 OP/SYS: DIGITAL OpenVMS Alpha COMPONENT: DTI$SHARE TPSERVE TRANSACTION_SERVICES SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: ALPDDTM02_071 ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: ALPDDTM01_071 ECO Kit Approximate Size: 1278 Blocks Kit Applies To: OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, V7.1-1H1, V7.1-1H2 System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes Rolling Re-boot Supported: Yes Installation Rating: 3 - To be installed on all systems running the listed versions of OpenVMS which are experiencing the problems described. Kit Dependencies: The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE installation of this kit: None. In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed: None. ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for TPSERV, Transactions services and DTI$SHARE on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2. This kit addresses the following problems: Problems Addressed in ALPDDTM02_071 o The TP_SERVER process hangs. o ACMS SI, Rdb SQL and/or DECdtm $ADD_BRANCH(W) calls fail with the error IPC-E-BCKTRNSFAIL. This problem occurs for DECnet PLUS, where a distributed transaction is being initiated. DECdtm was passing a node name to DECnet PLUS, requesting a DECnet PLUS equivalent node name. o A SSRVEXCEPT (ACCVIO) in SYS$TRANSACTION_SERVICES occurs when an RDB recovery process is killed after it is identified as stalling the system. o A machine crash occurred with a SSRVEXCEPT error at TPSERV+22800. Problems Adddressed in ALPDDTM01_071 o An RDB/ACMS application was ported from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha. When the full user load was on the nodes, they intermittently crashed about once a day due to nonpaged pool corruption of 128 byte packets. o System bootup cannot start TP_SERVER. Manually starting it with DECDTM$STARTUP failed with STR-F-ERRFREDYN. o Errors were returned by $START_TRANSW in a program compiled and linked with the symbolic debugger. This problem was most frequently seen when the calling program was (using debugger) stepped through. Some of the errors seen were ACCVIOs (PC was zero), $START_TRANSW returning SS$_BADPARAM, SS$_IVBUFLEN and/or the debugger signaling stack corruption in SHARE$LIBRTL_CODE0. This problem was not seen if the async form of the service ($START_TRANS) was used. INSTALLATION NOTES: The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is rebooted. If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s). If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.

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