Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT: POLYCENTER Manager on Netview for Digital UNIX
OP/SYS: Digital UNIX[R]
SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation
ECO Kit Name: PNVECO01412
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 17240 Blocks
8826880 Bytes
Kit Applies To: POLYCENTER Manager on Netview for Digital UNIX V4.1B
Digital UNIX V3.2 through V4.0
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: No
An ECO kit exists for POLYCENTER Manager on NetView for Digital UNIX
V4.1B on Digital UNIX V3.2 through V4.0. This kit addresses the
following problems:
o c_arf2srf command would core
The c_arf2srf command would core dump whenever used.
o Events window would core when clearing selected events from a
The Events window (nvevents) would core when the menu item
"Edit->Clear Selected->From This Workspace" was selected.
o nvsecd would core when "Group list" popup was selected from nvauth
The nvsecd daemon would core when the "Group list" popup was
selected from the nvauth application
o Acknowledge propagation not working for open topology
When you acknowledged one interface for a node, the node would turn
green (even though there were other red interfaces for the node
which had not been acknowledged).
o EUI would core when doing "refresh" after double-clicking on
childless icon
The EUI would core when doing a "File->Refresh Map" on a read-only
map after double-clicking on an icon with no children.
o Automatic action for traps would sometimes not work
Under certain circumstances, an automatic action for a trap would
not be invoked and the error message which was displayed showed
garbage characters at the end of the action command.
o In the Events Window, "Suppress Traps From Unmanaged Nodes" would
not work
In the Events Window, "Options->Suppress Traps From Unmanaged Nodes"
would not work correctly, traps from unmanaged nodes were still
appearing in the Events window.
o Trap configuration updates not occurring immediately
After modifying a trap using the "Options->Event Configuration:
Trap Customization: SNMP..." window, the modification would not
take effect until the daemons were stopped and restarted.
NOTE: This problem only occurred on Digital UNIX V4.0.
o Cores fixed in nvserverd and nvlockd daemons
Under certain circumstances, the nvserverd and nvlockd daemons
would core.
The installation will only succeed if V4.1B of POLYCENTER Manager on
Netview is already installed. To verify that POLYCENTER Manager on
NetView V4.1B is installed type:
# setld -i | grep PNV | grep installed
To un-tar this ECO kit, type the following commands:
#cd [directory where you want to store the kit]
#tar xvf pnveco01412.tar
Install this kit with the setld utility by logging into the
root account, and typing the following at the system prompt:
#setld -l [directory in which you un-tared the kit]
The ECO kit checks to ensure that a valid license is installed before
proceeding. If one is not found, the installation aborts.
[R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other
countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
European Site
Files on this server are as follows: