____________________________________________________ DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS Release Notes These release notes describe new features, fixed problems, and known bugs in this version of DSNlink. February 25, 1999 Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual, which supersedes all previous versions. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Version 6.2 or higher. Software Version: DSNlink Version 2.2C ________________________________________________________________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1999. All Rights Reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Bookreader, DEC, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECsystem, DECwindows, Digital, OpenVMS, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXft, VAXstation, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: 3Com and U.S. Robotics are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. MNP is a registered trademark of Microcom, Inc. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MultiModem and Multi-Tech are trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. NCSA Mosaic is a trademark of the University of Illinois. MultiNet is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. OPTIMA is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. OSF, OSF/1, OSF/Motif, and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Practical Peripherals is a registered trademark of Practical Peripherals, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. Windows 95 and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. The MD5 software contained in this product is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 What's New in This Version 1.1 New Files and Images............................. 1-1 1.1.1 Before You Install ............................ 1-1 1.2 New Features..................................... 1-4 1.2.1 The Code Is Year 2000 Ready ................... 1-4 1.2.2 New Modem Scripts ............................. 1-4 1.2.3 New Options for the DSN TEST Command .......... 1-6 1.2.4 New Mail Parameters for Cross-Platform Consistency.................................... 1-7 1.2.5 Modem Scripts Have Been Changed and New Ones Added.......................................... 1-9 1.2.6 Pipeline Depth Can Be Adjusted for the Network Exerciser...................................... 1-10 1.2.7 Network Exerciser Shows Message Transfer Rate in Baud........................................ 1-10 2 Fixed Problems 2.1 Communications and Networking Fixes.............. 2-1 2.1.1 Route Map Regeneration Doubled Some Entries ... 2-1 2.1.2 Regeneration Operation Moved the Route Map .... 2-1 2.1.3 Username Length Affected Route Map Rebuilding..................................... 2-1 2.1.4 Incorrect Flags Might Appear in Learned Entries........................................ 2-2 2.1.5 TULIPS Errors Were Caused by Misplaced Route Map Entries.................................... 2-2 2.1.6 Language Attribute Can Be Negotiated Between Server and Client.............................. 2-2 iii 2.1.7 DSNlink Handshake Session Missed an Authentication Challenge....................... 2-2 2.2 File Copy Fixes.................................. 2-3 2.2.1 Transferred File Protections Caused a Renaming Error.......................................... 2-3 2.2.2 Server Log Files Had Debugging Information .... 2-3 2.2.3 The MPH Tool Did Not Submit Files for Processing Correctly........................... 2-4 2.2.4 Analysis Tools Required a Service Request Number......................................... 2-4 2.2.5 The Start Copy Button Remained Dimmed After File Copies.................................... 2-4 2.2.6 File Copy Warns About Missing Service Request Numbers Before Connecting to the Host.......... 2-5 2.2.7 File Copy Ignored the Local Authorizations File........................................... 2-5 2.3 Fixed ITS Problems............................... 2-5 2.3.1 ITS Produced a CMA Error After a Timeout ...... 2-5 2.3.2 ITS Ignored Settings for Pagination, View, and Highlight...................................... 2-5 2.3.3 JACKETMSGCORRUPT Errors Mostly Fixed .......... 2-6 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems............................. 2-6 2.4.1 Improved Messages ............................. 2-6 2.4.2 SYSTEM-F-ABORT Messages Appeared in the Daemon Run Log........................................ 2-7 2.4.3 A Modem's DTE Speed Was Ignored ............... 2-7 2.4.4 No Modem Line Access When Using the Mail Server......................................... 2-8 2.4.5 Modem Wire Test Generated Device Errors ....... 2-8 2.4.6 Modem Speeds Over 19200 Were Unstable ......... 2-9 2.4.7 Some Modem Line Hangups Were Not Detected ..... 2-9 2.4.8 Modem Scripts Could Loop ...................... 2-9 2.4.9 Interrupting the Modem Daemon Caused a CMA Error.......................................... 2-9 2.4.10 Modem API Trace on Applications Caused Errors......................................... 2-10 2.4.11 Modem Connections Failed ...................... 2-10 2.4.12 Line Daemon Failed with SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA Errors......................................... 2-10 2.4.13 Modem Links Were Stuck ........................ 2-10 2.5 Fixes to Multiple Applications................... 2-10 2.5.1 Missing Quotation Mark Caused a DsnBufferBase Index Error.................................... 2-11 iv 2.6 Remote Login Fixes............................... 2-11 2.6.1 SHOW CLUSTER/CONT Caused an ACCVIO During Remote Login................................... 2-11 2.7 Fixes to the Service Request Application......... 2-11 2.7.1 The Supportcenter Qualifier Was Ignored by Some Commands....................................... 2-11 2.7.2 Erroneous Mail Prompt After a Submitting Service Request................................ 2-12 2.7.3 Request for Unavailable Closed Service Requests Hangs the Window............................... 2-12 2.7.4 Service Request Application Ignored Local Authorizations File............................ 2-12 2.7.5 Service Request Application Stopped After Connection Errors.............................. 2-13 2.7.6 Improved Processing of Time Zone Differences .. 2-13 3 Known Problems and Restrictions 3.1 Restrictions..................................... 3-1 3.1.1 The Year Part of Dates Must Have Four Digits .. 3-1 3.1.2 The Modem Must Be Started from a Privileged Account........................................ 3-2 3.1.3 Mixed Architecture Clusters Require Separate Installations.................................. 3-2 3.1.4 Defining EDIT Prevents TPU from Displaying Files.......................................... 3-2 3.1.5 Lynx Requires DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX).......................................... 3-3 3.2 File Copy Problems............................... 3-3 3.2.1 File Copy Is Unable to Copy Beyond the EOF Marker......................................... 3-3 3.2.2 File Copies by Specialists from a Customer's System Are Not Supported....................... 3-4 3.2.3 History Log Does Not Have Outgoing File Copy Records........................................ 3-4 3.3 Networking Problems.............................. 3-4 3.3.1 The X.25 Transport Does Not Work with X.25-Routers................................... 3-4 3.4 Interactive Text Search (ITS) Problems........... 3-5 3.4.1 OPCOM Messages May Appear After Receiving an ECO............................................ 3-5 3.4.2 An ITS Timeout Causes TPU to Exit with an Access Violation .............................. 3-5 v 3.5 Mail Problems.................................... 3-6 3.5.1 You Cannot Reply to Mail from DIGITAL ......... 3-6 3.5.2 A Mail File Cannot Be Restored from the Pulldown Menu.................................. 3-6 3.6 Maintenance or Multiple Application Problems..... 3-6 3.6.1 Notification of Incoming Files and Response Mail Is Restricted to the Submitter............ 3-7 3.6.2 History Log File Does Not Show Some Rejected Applications................................... 3-7 3.7 Network Exerciser Problems....................... 3-8 3.7.1 The Network Exerciser Does Not Support the LZW_DYN Compression Option..................... 3-8 3.7.2 Error Messages Overwrite Statistics Report .... 3-8 3.7.3 The Network Exerciser Has Not Implemented Mirror Options or Language Recognition......... 3-9 3.8 Service Request Application Problems............. 3-9 3.8.1 Process Privileges Are Disabled After Canceling a Service Request Submission in OpenVMS Mail... 3-9 4 Starting DSNlink and Getting Help 4.1 Starting DSNlink................................. 4-1 4.2 A Guide to the Documentation..................... 4-1 4.3 Getting Help..................................... 4-2 Tables 1 Document Conventions .......................... viii 1-1 New Files and Images ......................... 1-2 1-2 Modem Scripts ................................ 1-5 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface This document explains: o The new features of DSNlink Version 2.2C o Fixed problems in earlier versions o Restrictions o Known bugs o The documentation and how to start DSNlink Overview The DSNlink software is a service tool that provides electronic communication capabilities between customers' systems and a Customer Support Center. Using DSNlink, customers can send electronic service requests and receive help from DIGITAL specialists. Customers can also use DSNlink to search DIGITAL's technical support databases for information about products for which they have service contracts. Intended Audience The audience for this document is anyone who uses DSNlink. Conventions Used in This Document This document uses the conventions listed in Table 1. vii Table_1_Document_Conventions_______________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ DSNlink DSNlink is an abbreviated product name used for convenience to refer to DIGITAL DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS. bold Bold text used in examples indicates user input. UPPERCASE OpenVMS commands appear in examples as all uppercase. They can be typed in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case. lowercase Lowercase words or letters in italics indicates italic that you substitute a word or value of your choice. [ ] Brackets indicate that the enclosed item is optional. . . . A horizontal ellipsis indicates that part of the example, which is not pertinent, is missing. . A vertical ellipsis in an example indicates . that not all lines are shown. . ___________________________________________________________ viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ What's New in This Version DSNlink Version 2.2C is an engineering change order (ECO) kit. It contains bug fixes for DSNlink Version 2.2 for OpenVMS. It also has several new features. You must have DSNlink Version 2.2 for OpenVMS on your system to install DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS. 1.1 New Files and Images Table 1-1 shows the new files and images in DSNlink Version 2.2C. 1.1.1 Before You Install The DSNlink Version 2.2C installation replaces modem scripts with new scripts if the file names are identical. The installation replaces the scripts, which are in the directory DSN$DATA, as listed in Table 1-2. Because the installation replaces only DSNlink Version 2.2 for OpenVMS files that have the same name as files in DSNlink Version 2.2C, if you want to keep the files you have, rename or copy them to another directory before installing DSNlink Version 2.2C. For example, to prevent the Codex modem script from being replaced: $ RENAME DSN$ROOT:[DAT]CODEX.DDSF_SRC DSN$ROOT:[DAT]CODEX_KEEP.DDSF_SRC After the DSNlink Version 2.2C installation, rename the file to CODEX.DAT. What's New in This Version 1-1 What's New in This Version 1.1 New Files and Images Table_1-1_New_Files_and_Images_____________________________ Directory_________File__________________Comments___________ DSN$DATA CO2264.DDSF_SRC Codex modem CO2264HW.DDSF_SRC scripts. DSN_ROUTE_ Current route map. MAP.TEMPLATE DSNlink uses it if you regenerate your route map. HAYES.DDSF_SRC Hayes modem HAYESHW.DDSF_SRC scripts. KITINSTAL.COM MULTIMODEM.DDSF_SRC Multi-Tech modem MULTIMODEMHW.DDSF_ scripts for the SRC U.S. and Europe. MULTIMODEMHW_ EU.DDSF_SRC MULTIMODEM_EU.DDSF_ SRC USROBOTICS.DDSF_SRC U.S. Robotics modem USROBOTICSHW.DDSF_ scripts. SRC DSN$HELP HLP_xxx.HTML Online documentation files. DSN$SYSTEM DSNFILECOPYSERVER.EXE DSNFILESERVER.EXE DSNGENERATEROUTEMAP.EXE DSNK2SERVER.EXE DSNLOGINSERVER.EXE (continued on next page) 1-2 What's New in This Version What's New in This Version 1.1 New Files and Images Table_1-1_(Cont.)_New_Files_and_Images_____________________ Directory_________File__________________Comments___________ DSNMAILSERVER.EXE DSNMAIN.EXE DSNMAPQ.EXE DSNMODEMDAEMON.EXE DSNMODEMTEST.CLI DSNNETEX.CLI DSNNETEXSERVER.EXE DSNNSDSERVER.EXE DSNSHARE022.EXE DSN_MAILSHR.EXE DSN_MAILSHRP.EXE SYS$COMMON: DSNEMAIL.DAT Resource files in [DECW$DEFAULTS. DSNFILECOPY.DAT English. SYSTEM] DSNITS.DAT DSNMAIN.DAT DSNNETEX.DAT DSNSRAAUG.DAT DSNSRACREATE.DAT DSNSRAFETCH.DAT DSNSRAREVIEW.DAT SYS$COMMON: DSNEMAIL_JA_JP.DAT Resource files for [DECW$DEFAULTS. DSNFILECOPY_JA_ Japanese. See also SYSTEM.JA_JP] JP.DAT Section 1.2.7. DSNITS_JA_JP.DAT DSNMAIN_JA_JP.DAT DSNNETEX_JA_JP.DAT DSNSRAAUG_JA_JP.DAT DSNSRACREATE_JA_ JP.DAT DSNSRAFETCH_JA_ JP.DAT DSNSRAREVIEW_JA_ __________________JP.DAT___________________________________ What's New in This Version 1-3 What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features 1.2 New Features 1.2.1 The Code Is Year 2000 Ready Currently: DSNlink Version 2.2 for OpenVMS and subsequent kits are Year 2000 Ready. For further information and notices about Compaq's Year 2000 readiness, see this website: www.compaq.com/year2000/ 1.2.2 New Modem Scripts The modem scripts supplied in DSNlink Version 2.2 have been updated. Table 1-2 shows the changes. 1-4 What's New in This Version What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features Table_1-2_Modem_Scripts__________________________________________ DSNlink Version 2.2 DSNlink Version Modem_________Scripts______2.2C_Scripts______Change______________ Codex 2264 CO2264.DDSF_ CO2264.DDSF_SRC No changes. The SRC script for software flow control. CO2264HW.DDSF_ The script for CTS SRC /RTS hardware flow. DIGITAL DF196.DDSF_ DF196.DDSF_SRC No changes. DF196 SRC DIGITAL DF296.DDSF_ DF296.DDSF_SRC No changes. DF296 SRC Hayes HA288.DDSF_ HAYES.DDSF_ Scripts for Hayes SRC SRC and and Hayes-compatible HAYESHW.DDSF_SRC modems. The scripts are for software and hardware flow control. See also Section 1.2.5. Multi-Tech MT1432.DDSF_ MULTIMODEM.DDSF_ Individual scripts 1432 SRC SRC for Multi-Tech Multi-Tech MT1932.DDSF_ modems 1432, 1932, 1932 SRC and 2834 now have Multi-Tech MT2834.DDSF_ one script for 2834 SRC XON/XOFF software flow control. The scripts have several improvements. See also Section 1.2.5. MULTIMODEMHW.DDSF_The script for CTS SRC /RTS hardware flow control for Multi- Tech modems 1432, 1932, and 2834. MULTIMODEMHW_ Scripts for European EU.DDSF_SRC and Multi-Tech modems. MULTIMODEM_ EU.DDSF_SRC Null modem null.ddsf_ null.ddsf_src No changes. The src script is for testing purposes. U.S. none USROBOTIWhat'sFNewSiniThisfVersion 1-5 Robotics SRC and U.S. Robotics USROBOTICSHW.DDSF_modems, software SRC and hardware flow _____________________________________________control.____________ What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features The scripts are in the directory defined by DSN$DATA. Note that new or modified scripts may become available in the future. The latest modem scripts are available from the following website: http://www.support.compaq.com/dsnlink/modem_scripts.htm 1.2.3 New Options for the DSN TEST Command Qualifiers have been added to the DSN TEST command. The DSN TEST command allows you to test your modem line. The new qualifiers are: o /LINE The /LINE qualifier gets values for the device, line type, location, node, port, script, and speed from the file DSN$DATA:DSN_MODEM_DEVICES.DAT so that you do not have to supply them in the command. You must specify the modem line's name, for example: $ DSN TEST HDLC/LINE=dsn-000 You can override individual values from the DSN$DATA:DSN_MODEM_DEVICES.DAT file by entering the qualifier and the value you want on the command line. For example, to use all the values for line dsn-000 but override the speed, enter this: $ DSN TEST HDLC/LINE=dsn-000/SPEED=38400 ... Note that most TEST commands require the dialed network address (DNA) qualifier. Because the DNA is not in the DSN$DATA:DSN_MODEM_DEVICES.DAT file, you must specify it. A complete command example follows: $ DSN TEST DIAL/LINE=dsn-000/DNA="m/719-555-1234" o /VERBOSE This qualifier displays the test parameters for confirmation before the test begins. For client tests of the WIRE, DIAL, HDLC, and API levels, a message reminds the tester to start the test server before doing the client test. Verbose is enabled by default. Disable it by entering /NOVERBOSE. 1-6 What's New in This Version What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features The DSN TEST WIRE command now accepts the /SPEED qualifier for the DTE speed. Also, /SPEED permits a flow control specifier. Append the letter H to the speed to specify RTS /CTS (hardware) flow control. For example: o To specify 19200 baud with XON/XOFF flow control: $ DSN TEST WIRE/SPEED=19200 o To specify 19200 baud with RTS/CTS flow control: $ DSN TEST WIRE/SPEED=19200H Note: The flow control type works for hardwired ports (direct attachments) only. Terminal server ports do not appear to accept the flow control change although they do accept the speed change. Therefore, for a terminal server (LAT), manually set the flow control type on the port. For more information on the DSN TEST command, use the HELP DSNLINK TEST command. 1.2.4 New Mail Parameters for Cross-Platform Consistency Customers who have DSNlink running on various operating systems can use the same parameters on each system to specify who gets communique mail from DIGITAL. The parameters are: o Mail.Flash o Mail.Informative o Mail.Marketing o Mail.Surveys These parameters appear in DSNlink Version 2.2 for Windows 95 and Windows NT in the DSNlink Control Panel, the Configuration Parameters tab, when the Configuration Parameter Type (the box appears at the top of the sheet) is DSNlink Mail. On OpenVMS systems, you can add the parameters to the configuration file, DSN$DATA:DSN_CONFIG.DAT. For example: What's New in This Version 1-7 What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features . . . # DSNlink Mail field defaults # #Mail.ReplyTo: none #Mail.SendTo: none #Mail.CC: none File.Mail.Signature: DSN$MAIL_SIGNATURE Mail.Flash s-gregory@sparkle.com,lincoln@sparkle.com Mail.Informative s-gregory@sparkle.com Mail.Marketing s-gregory@sparkle.com Mail.Surveys s-gregory@sparkle.com If you do not define the parameters in the configuration file, DSNlink uses the definitions of the logical names DSN$MAIL_FLASH_RECIPIENT, DSN$MAIL_INFORMATION_RECIPIENT, DSN$MAIL_MARKETING_RECIPIENT, and DSN$MAIL_SURVEY_RECIPIENT to send communique mail. On UNIX systems, add and define the parameters in the configuration file /usr/lib/dsn/config/.dsnrc. For example: . . . # DSNlink Mail field defaults # #Mail.ReplyTo: none #Mail.SendTo: none #Mail.CC: none #File.Mail.Signature: DSN$MAIL_SIGNATURE # OpenVMS #File.Mail.Signature: /usr/lib/dsn/config/dsn_mail_signature.txt # UNIX Mail.Flash s-gregory@sparkle.com lincoln@sparkle.com Mail.Informative s-gregory@sparkle.com Mail.Marketing s-gregory@sparkle.com Mail.Surveys s-gregory@sparkle.com If you do not define the parameters in the .dsnrc file, DSNlink uses the mail recipients you define using the DSNlink Setup utility, menu item l: Edit the mailing lists. Note that communique mail is only sent to the first system in ASCII sort order in the route map. To change the system that receives communique mail, see the DSNlink Installation Guide. 1-8 What's New in This Version What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features 1.2.5 Modem Scripts Have Been Changed and New Ones Added The following changes have been made to support additional Hayes and Hayes-compatible modems: o Previously there was one script for the Hayes OPTIMA 288 modem. In DSNlink Version 2.2C, there are two scripts: HAYES.DDSF_SRC, for software (XON/XOFF) flow control, and HAYESHW.DDSF_SRC for hardware (CTS/RCS) flow control. These scripts dial most Hayes modems. The scripts may require modifications for some Hayes and Hayes-compatible modems. o The command &K4 now specifies XON/XOFF flow control. Previously, the commands &K2 and &K4 could be used for XON/XOFF flow control, but some modems only accept &K4. The older DSNlink Version 2.2 script used &K2. o The scripts operate in verbose mode. This allows them to handle newer modems as they are developed without rewriting the scripts. o When dialing out there was a timing problem between the issuance of the CONNECT... message and the raising of the DCD signal, which caused the connect message to not be seen and dialing attempts failed. This problem is fixed in the current scripts. The Multi-Tech modem scripts have these changes: o Previous scripts for individual Multi-Tech modems have been removed. The new, generic, Multimodem scripts are for Multi-Tech 1432, 1932, and 2834 series modems. One script is for software flow control, the other for hardware flow control. o Scripts operate in verbose (word) mode. This allows them to handle newer modems as they are developed without rewriting the scripts. o Scripts have been added for European Multi-Tech modems. They are MULTIMODEMHW_EU.DDSF_SRC and MULTIMODEM_ EU.DDSF_SRC. Previously, European Multi-Tech modems required changes to the MULTIMODEM.DDSF_SRC modem script. What's New in This Version 1-9 What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features If you have a previous version of DSNlink and your Hayes or Multi-Tech script continues to function well, save them before installing DSNlink Version 2.2C. The new scripts will replace the DSNlink Version 2.2 for OpenVMS scripts if they have the same name. Scripts have been added for U.S. Robotics modems. The scripts are USROBOTICS.DDSF_SRC and USROBOTICSHW.DDSF_ SRC. 1.2.6 Pipeline Depth Can Be Adjusted for the Network Exerciser You can now adjust the pipeline depth in the Network Exerciser using the command DSN NETEX/DEPTH=n where n is 1 to 127. Pipeline depth is the maximum number of unacknowledged messages sent to the host. Adjusting the pipeline depth is useful for troubleshooting network congestion, which might occur if you run multiple DSNlink applications at the same time. This example makes the pipeline depth 49 messages: $ DSN NETEX/DEPTH=49 The default pipeline depth is 7. 1.2.7 Network Exerciser Shows Message Transfer Rate in Baud Previously: The Network Exerciser measured the message transfer rate in bytes per second (Bps). Currently: The message transfer rate is now closer to the baud rate. The change appears in the Network Exerciser window and in the command line interface for the DSN NETEX command in the Results of Test section. The label "Bps Average Transfer Rate" is now "baud Effective Transfer Rate" in the DECwindows Motif interface. In the command line interface, the label is e-baud. For example: $ DSN NETEX DSNlink V2.2C for OpenVMS VAX Network Exerciser Utility Copyright (c) 1989, 1998 by Digital Equipment Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Proprietary Service Tool All Rights Reserved 1-10 What's New in This Version What's New in This Version 1.2 New Features Connecting to target cscabc.digital.dsn. Please wait... Connection established. Connection path used: Encounter #0 . . . Testing complete. Messages Sent: 100 Messages Read: 100 Messages Good: 100 Messages Bad: 0 Bytes Sent: 50825 Bytes Read: 50825 Bytes Good: 50825 Bytes Bad: 0 e-baud: 92409 If you use DSNlink in Japanese, note that the Motif resource file for the Japanese DECwindows Motif interface has not been updated to have the new label. You can modify the label by editing the file SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM.JA_JP]DSNNETEX.DAT. Search for the entry *netex_stats_rate_label.labelString, and change its value to the Japanese translation of "Effective Transfer Rate." What's New in This Version 1-11 2 _________________________________________________________________ Fixed Problems The following problems existed in DSNlink Version 2.2. They have been fixed in this release. 2.1 Communications and Networking Fixes The following are fixes to the route map generator and other networking problems. 2.1.1 Route Map Regeneration Doubled Some Entries Previously: Regenerating the route map doubled the last learned entry if the last entry was not blank. Currently: This problem has been fixed. 2.1.2 Regeneration Operation Moved the Route Map Previously: On OpenVMS clusters, when you regenerate a route map that exists in DSN$DATA, the regeneration operation moved the new route map to the node-specific subdirectory, DSN$ROOT:[DAT.nodename]. Currently: Rebuilding the route map does not change its location. 2.1.3 Username Length Affected Route Map Rebuilding Previously: Rebuilding the route map from an account with a 12-character username produced a route map that was almost empty. Also, the original DSN_ROUTE_MAP.DAT was deleted rather than renamed to .OLD. Currently: This problem has been fixed to permit rebuilding the route map from accounts with usernames of 12 characters. Note that the route map is not renamed to .OLD after a rebuild except during the installation procedure. Fixed Problems 2-1 Fixed Problems 2.1 Communications and Networking Fixes 2.1.4 Incorrect Flags Might Appear in Learned Entries Previously: After making a host-to-customer connection using previously unused systems, DSNlink inserted incorrect flags into the learned route map entry. Currently: Extraneous flags are no longer added to learned destinations. There is no need to remove any existing entries with the incorrect flags from route maps. 2.1.5 TULIPS Errors Were Caused by Misplaced Route Map Entries Previously: If host route maps were rebuilt, some entries were placed in the wrong section of the route map. If you attempted to connect to the host before the entries were corrected, the result was TULIPS errors. Currently: This problem has been fixed on host systems. 2.1.6 Language Attribute Can Be Negotiated Between Server and Client Previously: The DSNlink natural language session attribute could not be negotiated during connection establishment. Currently: The client and server can negotiate a natural language and a code set during the connection handshake. This supports internationalization efforts. 2.1.7 DSNlink Handshake Session Missed an Authentication Challenge Previously: During a session handshake, DSNlink was not providing the second random challenge item in the message returned by the server. This is the challenge to the client by the server. The client saw it as a null challenge, which is permitted. The inadequate challenge was discovered during internal testing. No one has reported any suspicious activity during the handshake process. However, it left open an authentication vulnerability to a combined splice and replay attack against the server. Clients were not vulnerable. Currently: This bug has been fixed so that the handshake and challenge process works properly. 2-2 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.2 File Copy Fixes 2.2 File Copy Fixes The notes in this section are fixes to the File Copy application. 2.2.1 Transferred File Protections Caused a Renaming Error Previously: If a file transferred from the host to a customer's system had (RWED,RWED,RE,) protection, the file rename operation failed. For example: --- Creating file DSN$ROOT:[INCOMING_FILES.112125]DSN_ROUTE_MAP.Z980206-4 --- Transferred 5938 of 5938 bytes (100%) --- Transfer of file DSN$DATA:DSN_ROUTE_MAP.DAT to DSN$ROOT:[INCOMING_FILES.112125]DSN_ROUTE_MAP.Z980206-4 complete --- Closing file DSN$DATA:DSN_ROUTE_MAP.DAT --- Closing file DSN$ROOT:[INCOMING_FILES.112125]DSN_ROUTE_MAP.Z980206-4 --- Transfer job has failed - Error renaming file from DSN$ROOT:[INCOMING_FILES.112125]DSN_ROUTE_MAP.Z980206-4 to DSN$ROOT:[INCOMING_FILES.112125]_DSN_ROUTE_MAP.Z980206-4;1 - acp remove function failed - ACP remove function failed The resulting file was a temporary file with the wrong protection. Currently: Before sending the file, its protection is changed to include the SET FILE/PROT=(O:RWD) permission, if necessary, to ensure that the owner can delete the file. 2.2.2 Server Log Files Had Debugging Information Description: File Copy server log files, DSN$LOGS:DSN_ FILE_SERVER.LOG, contain debugging information in addition to the file copy records. The files are created when specialists copy files to your system. Currently: The log files no longer contain the debugging information. Fixed Problems 2-3 Fixed Problems 2.2 File Copy Fixes 2.2.3 The MPH Tool Did Not Submit Files for Processing Correctly Previously: The Monitoring and Performance History (MPH) analysis tool did not submit files for processing on the host. Messages similar to the following appear: % DSN COPY/TOOL=AMS filename . . . --- Error in file transfer job - Remote procedure call error - Failed to create session to server SRQ$AMS/cscabc/dsn_file - Authentication failure - Operation failed - Key file not found: DSN$KEYS:MD5-XR39-SRQ$AMS Currently: This procedure now works correctly and submits files for processing by MPH. MPH is a service offered by some Customer Support Centers. 2.2.4 Analysis Tools Required a Service Request Number Previously: The Analysis Tool option did not work unless you supplied a service request number. Currently: This problem has been fixed. You do not need a service request number to use analysis tools. 2.2.5 The Start Copy Button Remained Dimmed After File Copies Previously: In the File Copy application after a successful file transfer, the Start Copy button is properly dimmed. However, if you start a second file copy operation by changing the Access Number field, the button remained dimmed when it should have become active. Currently: After a successful file transfer, the File Copy button changes from dimmed to active when you make a change in any field of the File Copy window. 2-4 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.2 File Copy Fixes 2.2.6 File Copy Warns About Missing Service Request Numbers Before Connecting to the Host Previously: When you used the command line interface to the File Copy application but did not include the service request number in the DSN COPY command, DSNlink did not notify you of the missing number until connections to the host were underway. Currently: When no analysis tool is specified, DSNlink notifies you if the service request number is missing before starting the connection process. 2.2.7 File Copy Ignored the Local Authorizations File Previously: File Copy ignored the local authorizations file and allowed all DSNlink users to use File Copy. Currently: File Copy processes the statements for its application ID, dsn_file, in the local authorizations file, DSN$DATA:DSN_LOCAL_AUTH.DAT. 2.3 Fixed ITS Problems The following problems with the Interactive Text Search application (ITS) have been fixed. 2.3.1 ITS Produced a CMA Error After a Timeout Previously: A CMA-F-USE_ERROR error occurred if the inactivity timer ended an ITS session while the Press Return to continue, q to quit prompt was displayed. This error occurred only in the command line interface to ITS. Currently: This error no longer occurs. 2.3.2 ITS Ignored Settings for Pagination, View, and Highlight Previously: ITS ignored the settings for pagination, view, and highlight. Pagination was always on, view could not be set so that articles always appeared in an editor, and highlight was always on, which highlights the query words in articles. Currently: You can change the default settings in the configuration file or during the ITS session. Fixed Problems 2-5 Fixed Problems 2.3 Fixed ITS Problems 2.3.3 JACKETMSGCORRUPT Errors Mostly Fixed Previously: The host software caused JACKETMSGCORRUPT errors such as these: Message not found: JACKETMSGCORRUPT Message not found: DsnIts::SESSION_FAILED Currently: The reasons for the messages and ITS session failures had many causes. Most have been fixed. 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems The following are fixes to the modem transport. 2.4.1 Improved Messages Messages from using the modem with DSNlink have been improved as follows: o The following debugging statement has been removed from the code: *** Delaying on VLDB open It would appear if the Virtual Line Database (VLDB) was locked for more than 0.1 seconds when the application or utility tried to find a line for use. o Some messages from running modem scripts were unclear or unnecessary. For example: --- dconn->Connect(): DsnModem::DIAL_LAYER_FAIL, Error from dialer layer - General or Undefined dial error: DsnModem::DIAL_ERROR, Error dialing modem, not retryable - Outgoing dial attempt: DsnDDSFError::DIALERR, Modem dialing error - Outgoing dial attempt: DsnDDSFError::ERRORINFO, Script line #0 Modem speed 0 Datalink protocol - ESUCCESS, Error 0 occurred. Misleading messages from ERRORINFO and ESUCCESS exceptions have been removed. o Time stamps with the date now appear every 12 hours in the modem daemon run log. Previously, the date never appeared. 2-6 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems o The modem daemon run log now lists process quotas, and important SYSGEN parameters at the top of the run log. The addition helps with troubleshooting, if that is necessary. o Additional messages appear when an application makes a connection. Messages have been added to indicate if the local daemon must idle the line, dial the modem, or if the dialing fails, how it failed. This is an example of a successful connection with new messages: Connecting to target doorknob.digital.dsn. Please wait... Attached to line line-000 for connection to m/pstn.719-592-9808/dsn_nsd Local modem line responding, waiting for remote connection Resetting (idling) the line. <=== New The line is not connected. Dialing now ... <=== New The dialup HDLC connection is established. <=== New Remote side responding, waiting for remote server Remote server responding Connection established. 2.4.2 SYSTEM-F-ABORT Messages Appeared in the Daemon Run Log Previously: The DSNlink Version 2.2 kit caused a smattering of SYSTEM-F-ABORT messages in the daemon run log. The errors causing the messages terminated the modem connection. Currently: Conditions have been fixed that lead to the SYSTEM-F-ABORT messages. They should not appear in the modem daemon run logs. 2.4.3 A Modem's DTE Speed Was Ignored Previously: The DTE speed you specify during the DSNlink installation was ignored. The DTE speed for a serial port, TTA0, should be provided by the DSN$DATA:DSN_MODEM_ DEVICES.DAT file, which lists the speed specified during the DSNlink installation. Currently: DSNlink nows uses the DTE speed specified in the DSN$DATA:DSN_MODEM_DEVICES.DAT file as the maximum speed for the modem. Fixed Problems 2-7 Fixed Problems 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems 2.4.4 No Modem Line Access When Using the Mail Server Previously: DSNlink could not lock the modem's virtual line database (VLDB) to send DSNlink mail using the OpenVMS MAIL$SERVER account. This occurred when the sending account did not have the SYSLCK privilege. This is an example of the error in the modem daemon run log with the logical name DSNMODEMLINEDB_TRACE set to R: . . . Reserve failed to load lines into memory: --- DsnModemLineDb::OPENFAIL, Unable to open line database dsn$data:dsn_modem_lines.dat - DsnResourceLock::LOCKFAIL, Failed to acquire lock on resource dsn_vldb - %SYSTEM-F-NOSYSLCK, operation requires SYSLCK privilege Currently: A lock on the modem's virtual line database is not required to send DSNlink mail via the OpenVMS MAIL$SERVER account. The lock is set if permitted. If it cannot be obtained, a warning message appears in the NETSERVER.LOG file for MAIL$SERVER. 2.4.5 Modem Wire Test Generated Device Errors Previously: The DSN TEST WIRE command generated a device error message such as the following: $ DSN TEST WIRE/DEVICE=LTA99/NODE=DSNLINK_9/ - _$ PORT=PORT_9/COUNT=10 . . . Test for DsnModem layers ======================== Establishing connection, please wait... Connection established Sending 10 loopback messages of size 0 to 4000... 0 messages, 2689/ --- DsnModem::DEVERR, Error on device - %SYSTEM-F-IVCHAN, invalid I/O channel Currently: This problem has been fixed. 2-8 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems 2.4.6 Modem Speeds Over 19200 Were Unstable Previously: Using a modem connection to a serial port on a system running OpenVMS Version 7.0, modem speeds over 19200 were unstable. Currently: Modem speeds cannot exceed 57600bps on a directly attached OpenVMS port due to OpenVMS port limitations. Higher speeds can be attained by using a terminal server. 2.4.7 Some Modem Line Hangups Were Not Detected Previously: Modem daemons could hang in an online state while attempting to process an additional incoming link. In this case, the hangup signal was not detected. Currently: Immediately upon getting HDLC synchronization and going online, the modem daemon starts a deferred hangup timer. If no application links are started within the timeout period (typically 90 seconds), the daemon hangs up and resets the line. This prevents the modem daemon from hanging in the online state. 2.4.8 Modem Scripts Could Loop Previously: Several of the modem scripts went into a loop between the script's last two sections when the value 0 was not returned by the modem after receiving the modem- specific commands. Currently: This problem has been fixed in the affected modem scripts, which are for the Multi-Tech, Hayes, and Codex modems. 2.4.9 Interrupting the Modem Daemon Caused a CMA Error Previously: An abnormal DTE line termination sometimes resulted in the modem daemon stopping with a CMA-F-IN_USE error. The following is an example of the error message in a modem daemon run log such as DSN$LOGS:DSN_RUN_PSTN_LINE_ 000.LOG: Fixed Problems 2-9 Fixed Problems 2.4 Fixed Modem Problems «ks» 40000002.09:38:13 Link (33,31) on line 'dsn_000' state change from DONE to ----. «ks» 40000002.09:38:15 Link (37,35) on line 'dsn_000' state change from REFUSED to ----. %CMA-F-IN_USE, object referenced is already in use %CMA-F-IN_USE, object referenced is already in use Currently: This problem has been fixed. 2.4.10 Modem API Trace on Applications Caused Errors Previously: The T trace flag on the DSNMODEMAPI_TRACE logical name caused DSNlink applications to fail. The following example shows a command that caused the problem: $ DEFINE DSNMODEMAPI_TRACE T $ DSN MAIL X.TMP SMITH@CSCABC.DIGITAL.DSN/SUBJ=TEST Currently: The T trace flag no longer causes this problem. 2.4.11 Modem Connections Failed Previously: Modem script errors caused modem connections to fail. Currently: The reasons for the connection failures have been fixed in the DSNlink Version 2.2C modem scripts. 2.4.12 Line Daemon Failed with SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA Errors Previously: Insufficient quotas resulted in SYSTEM-F- EXQUOTA errors. Currently: When the problems that result in YSTEM-F-EXQUOTA errors occur, DSNlink displays the necessary quotas. 2.4.13 Modem Links Were Stuck Previously: Links sometimes stuck on a modem line in the DONE or ABORT state. This happened when the line was in the ONLINE or LISTENING states. Currently: This has been fixed. 2.5 Fixes to Multiple Applications The following fixes applied to more than one DSNlink application. 2-10 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.5 Fixes to Multiple Applications 2.5.1 Missing Quotation Mark Caused a DsnBufferBase Index Error Description: DSNlink could not start applications if there was a missing closing quotation mark in the final entry of any of the following files: o DSN_CONFIG.DAT, the configuration file o DSN_REMOTE_AUTH.DAT, the remote authorizations file o DSN_LOCAL_AUTH.DAT, the local authorizations file Currently: Missing end quotation marks no longer cause applications to fail. 2.6 Remote Login Fixes The following are fixes to the Remote Login application. 2.6.1 SHOW CLUSTER/CONT Caused an ACCVIO During Remote Login Previously: During a remote login session, if a specialist entered the command SHOW CLUSTER/CONTINUOUS or other commands that produce large, single-record output, an ACCVIO error occurred. This would then terminate the session. Currently: This has been fixed with new images. 2.7 Fixes to the Service Request Application The notes in this section are fixes to the DSNlink Version 2.2 Service Request Application. 2.7.1 The Supportcenter Qualifier Was Ignored by Some Commands Previously: The following commands ignored the /SUPPORTCENTER qualifier when you included it on the command line: o DSN AUGMENT o DSN COPY o DSN CREATE o DSN FETCH o DSN REVIEW Fixed Problems 2-11 Fixed Problems 2.7 Fixes to the Service Request Application Currently: When you enter a command, such as DSN FETCH /WINDOWS/SUPPORTCENTER=cscabc.digital.dsn, the DSNlink Fetch window appears with cscabc.digital.dsn entered in the Support Center field. 2.7.2 Erroneous Mail Prompt After a Submitting Service Request Previously: After successfully submitting a service request to the host, a prompt appeared asking you to Click Mail for a confirmation message. However, in the command line interface, there is nothing to click on. This is an example of the message: --- Connecting to target cscaui.digital.dsn, please wait... --- Connection established --- Submitting request to host... --- Waiting for response from host... --- Response received by host --- Request accepted by host. Your new service request number is 77777773333NNN --- Click Mail to have a confirmation message sent to: Currently: The prompt to Click Mail no longer appears. 2.7.3 Request for Unavailable Closed Service Requests Hangs the Window Previously: If you attempted to fetch a list of closed service requests from a host that does not provide such lists, an error message window appeared and the process hung. The process had to be stopped from the command line. Currently: This is fixed. The message explaining that the list is not available disappears when you acknowledge it, and there are no further errors. 2.7.4 Service Request Application Ignored Local Authorizations File Previously: In the local authorizations file, entries that allow access to the Service Request application, dsn_sra, incorrectly produced "You are not authorized to use this application" messages. Currently: This has been fixed. 2-12 Fixed Problems Fixed Problems 2.7 Fixes to the Service Request Application 2.7.5 Service Request Application Stopped After Connection Errors Previously: In the DECwindows Motif interface, when errors occurred connecting to the host followed by the user clicking on something in the window, the application stopped and generated random application termination errors such as the following: DECthreads Last Chance handler: thread 1 exiting on status exception 0x177db005 Exception: Invalid memory address (dce / thd) Currently: This problem has been fixed. 2.7.6 Improved Processing of Time Zone Differences Previously: In DSNlink Version 2.2, when dates were processed that included time zone specifications, there was no compensation for differences in time zones. There could be as much as 23 hours difference between your system's clock and the host's clock. Currently: Although time zone handling has been improved, time zone discrepancies might still occur. If there is a time zone difference between your site and your Customer Support Center, or if you specify a time zone such as GMT (Greenwich mean time) with dates, be aware that the host may not always compensate for the differences. Fixed Problems 2-13 3 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems and Restrictions 3.1 Restrictions 3.1.1 The Year Part of Dates Must Have Four Digits Restriction: To ensure that DSNlink does not misinterpret dates beginning in the year 2000, you must enter all years with four digits. Previously, you could enter either two or four digits for the year. Without this requirement, DSNlink might interpret the date Jan 01, 01 as January 01, 1901 when the intended date was January 01, 2001. You enter dates in the following places: o ITS, when you search for articles based on their last technical review date o Service requests, when you fetch lists of open or closed service requests based on their dates o The local and remote authorizations files when you allow or disallow access to DSNlink applications and include the year in the date o Configuration file parameters that specify a date, such as Its.BeginDate Some date formats without the year imply the current year. The date formats dd month (01 January), dd-month (01-Jan), and month dd (Jan 01) force the application to use the current year. If you do not enter a four-digit year, DSNlink displays an error message. Known Problems and Restrictions 3-1 Known Problems and Restrictions 3.1 Restrictions 3.1.2 The Modem Must Be Started from a Privileged Account Restriction: You must start the modem from a privileged account. The account you use must have at least these privileges: DETACH, LOG_IO, NETMBX, OPER, SYSPRV, TMPMBX, and WORLD. Without sufficient privileges, when you attempt to start the modem daemon, the modem daemon does not start and messages list the necessary privileges. DSNlink developers recommend starting the modem daemon from the SYSTEM account. 3.1.3 Mixed Architecture Clusters Require Separate Installations Restriction: You cannot run the installation procedure once to install DSNlink on clusters of both Alpha and VAX systems. In clusters of both Alpha and VAX systems, you must apply this ECO kit, DSNlink Version 2.2C, to one node in each group that shares a common disk. For example, in a mixed cluster of five nodes, A, B, C, D, and E, if nodes A, B, and C are VAXes that share a common disk, you must install DSNlink Version 2.2C on either node A, B, or C. If nodes D and E are Alpha systems that share a common disk, you must install DSNlink Version 2.2C on either node D or E. Important: When installing on a cluster of both Alpha and VAX systems, you must install the kits on separate disks. 3.1.4 Defining EDIT Prevents TPU from Displaying Files Restriction: In the DECwindows Motif interface, if you define the EDIT command, it prevents the TPU editor from displaying these files on the Utilities menu: Local Authorizations, Remote Authorizations, History Records, and the Systemwide and User Configuration files. This message appears in the window where you start DSNlink: %DCL-W-IVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement \INTERFACE\ If you see the above error message, look for definitions such as the following, which may appear in your LOGIN.COM file: $ EDIT :== EDIT/EDT/COMMAND=EDTINI.EDT 3-2 Known Problems and Restrictions Known Problems and Restrictions 3.1 Restrictions Workaround: Deassign the symbol for the DSNlink session. For example: $ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL EDIT Note: The EDIT definition does not interfere with the ITS view command, which invokes TPU. | | 3.1.5 Lynx Requires DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) | | Restriction: The Lynx browser, which is included in | the kit to display the online help for the command line | interface, requires DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX). | Lynx uses UCX to make Internet connections. Without the | file UCX$ACCESS_SHR.EXE, the DSNlink online help is not | displayed. | 3.2 File Copy Problems The following are problems found in the File Copy application. 3.2.1 File Copy Is Unable to Copy Beyond the EOF Marker Description: The File Copy application does not copy any part of a file beyond the end-of-file (EOF) marker. Usually, the part of the file beyond the EOF marker contains unused bytes that do not need to be copied. However, if the EOF is misset due to a file corruption problem, the entire file might need to be copied to DIGITAL for repair, which includes the bytes beyond the EOF marker. Workaround: If you need to copy a file to DIGITAL and include the data beyond the EOF marker: 1. Enter this command, which sets the EOF to the end of the file: $ SET FILE/END_OF_FILE filename where filename is the name of the file to copy. 2. Use the File Copy application to send the file to DIGITAL. Known Problems and Restrictions 3-3 Known Problems and Restrictions 3.2 File Copy Problems 3.2.2 File Copies by Specialists from a Customer's System Are Not Supported Description: The feature that allows specialists to copy files from your system to the host was not implemented. However, the kit still contains the directory DSN$ROOT:[OUTGOING_FILES], which was intended to be the directory where customers placed files for specialists to copy to the host. Also, there is a configuration file parameter, FileServer.Root.Path, which defines the outgoing files directory. The directory has no function. Workaround: No action is required. 3.2.3 History Log Does Not Have Outgoing File Copy Records Description: The history log file, DSN$LOGS:DSN_ HISTORY.LOG, does not have records for files you copy to the host with the File Copy application. The history log file does record host-initiated file copies. Workaround: None. 3.3 Networking Problems 3.3.1 The X.25 Transport Does Not Work with X.25-Routers Description: The X.25 transport does NOT work with DSNlink if you use an X.25 router. If you configure X.25 and a router is involved, the connection to the host appears to work. However, the host cannot connect back to your system to reply to communications, and, therefore, several functions will not work. Warning: Do not configure X.25 for use with DSNlink Version 2.2C if your X.25 network includes an X.25 router. The X.25 transport does work if the X.25 nodes are local. When all the X.25 nodes are local, the host can use X.25 to respond to your communications. Because X.25 communications do not work if the host uses a router node, verify that your Customer Support Center does not use X.25 router nodes before using X.25 for DSNlink communications. 3-4 Known Problems and Restrictions Known Problems and Restrictions 3.4 Interactive Text Search (ITS) Problems 3.4 Interactive Text Search (ITS) Problems The following are problems in the Interactive Text Search (ITS) application. 3.4.1 OPCOM Messages May Appear After Receiving an ECO Description: After you successfully receive an engineering change order (ECO) and its accompanying confirmation mail messages, OPCOM messages may appear if OPCOM is enabled on the system. For example: 1. This message is related to using MultiNet instead of DIGITAL Services for TCP/IP (UCX) and is not a problem that DSNlink can address: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 5-JAN-1998 00:06:00.67 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on WINTER MultiNet Server: DSN_NSD (accepted) from [,5555] (dsnlink.support.compaq.com) 2. This message is also a normal notification message: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 30-JUL-1997 09:17:30.99 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user INTERnet on SPRING INTERnet ACP DSN_NSD Accept Request from Host: Port: 1179 3. Messages about sockets indicate a DSNlink application's completion: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JAN-1998 10:54:22.95 %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JAN-1998 10:54:22.95 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user INTERnet on FALL INTERnet ACP detected DSN_FILE exiting before 'socket' Workaround: Consult your TCP/IP implementation documentation to disable the messages. 3.4.2 An ITS Timeout Causes TPU to Exit with an Access Violation Description: In the ITS command line interface, if you are reading an article in the editor when the session time limit expires, TPU exits with an access violation message. Workaround: None. This problem does not affect future ITS sessions. Known Problems and Restrictions 3-5 Known Problems and Restrictions 3.5 Mail Problems 3.5 Mail Problems The errors in this section pertain to DSNlink mail. 3.5.1 You Cannot Reply to Mail from DIGITAL Description: When you receive mail from DIGITAL, such as Flash mail, surveys, marketing information, and responses to your service requests, if you reply to the mail, DSNlink appears to send the reply, but it is not delivered. Workaround: Contact your Customer Support Center by telephone or with a new service request to respond to mail. To respond to replies to service requests, use the Augment Service Request function of the Service Request application. 3.5.2 A Mail File Cannot Be Restored from the Pulldown Menu Description: If you include a file name when you invoke the DSNlink Mail window, the specified file properly appears in the Message Body window. For example, this command displays the DSNlink Mail window and enters the file TEXT.TXT in the window: % DSN MAIL/WINDOWS TEST.TXT However, if you erase the file from the window and then try to restore it by choosing its name from the pop-up menu (where the file name is listed), only the file name appears in the Message Body area. Workaround: Instead of including the file name in the DSN MAIL/WINDOWS command, in the DSNlink Mail window, use the Include File... menu item to choose the file to include. 3.6 Maintenance or Multiple Application Problems The following are problems that apply to DSNlink maintenance or to multiple applications. 3-6 Known Problems and Restrictions Known Problems and Restrictions 3.6 Maintenance or Multiple Application Problems 3.6.1 Notification of Incoming Files and Response Mail Is Restricted to the Submitter Limitation: When DIGITAL specialists copy files to your system, mail notification is sent to the person who submitted the service request associated with the file copy. When engineering change orders (ECOs) are copied to your system, the person requesting the ECO receives the confirmation mail. DIGITAL sends responses to service requests to the person specified for the reply. There is currently no way to set up DSNlink to notify anyone else. Workaround: To see what files DIGITAL has copied to a system, check the history log file, DSN$LOGS:DSN_ HISTORY.LOG, on each node. To have a list of all service requests and DIGITAL's responses, periodically fetch the lists of your service requests for each access number. Then save the responses for each service request. Contact your Customer Support Center to find out how long the information for closed service requests remains on the system before it is archived. 3.6.2 History Log File Does Not Show Some Rejected Applications Description: The history log file, DSN$DATA:DSN_ HISTORY.LOG, does not have failure records when the host rejects the Network Exerciser, fetches of lists by the Service Request application, and File Copy jobs. Rejection occurs when the host system disallows access by applications, usually because the service contract has expired. When you run the application, such as the Network Exerciser, a message appears that the application is rejected. However, the history log file has this information: o Network Exerciser-the record's status is CANCEL followed by the test results o File copy-no record o Create service request-a failure record o ITS-a failure record Known Problems and Restrictions 3-7 Known Problems and Restrictions 3.6 Maintenance or Multiple Application Problems o Fetch service requests-two records, one for failure, one for success o Review service requests-a failure record o Service request augmentations-a failure record A failure record should appear for the application. Workaround: Contact your Customer Support Center if the application is rejected even if the history record does not show a failure. 3.7 Network Exerciser Problems The following are bugs in the Network Exerciser application. 3.7.1 The Network Exerciser Does Not Support the LZW_DYN Compression Option Description: When you specify the LZW_DYN (dynamic Lempel- Ziv-Welsh) compression algorithm when using the Network Exerciser, a message tells you the operation failed and the LZW_DYN compression option is unsupported. Workaround: Use the Network Exerciser compression option None to test the effects of compression. If you then click on LZW, DSNlink compresses the Network Exerciser messages the same way it compresses all transferred data. 3.7.2 Error Messages Overwrite Statistics Report Description: If an error occurs when using the Network Exerciser in the command line interface with the modem transport, the error message overwrites the statistics line. For example, --- DsnTransport::MODEMERR, Modem error982/39982/0 C726 - DsnModem::LINK_ABORT, Data link aborted by session entity Workaround: If possible, perform the test in the DECwindows Motif interface. If modem errors appear there or when you use other applications, contact your Customer Support Center. 3-8 Known Problems and Restrictions Known Problems and Restrictions 3.7 Network Exerciser Problems 3.7.3 The Network Exerciser Has Not Implemented Mirror Options or Language Recognition Description: The mirror clarity items for the Network Exerciser utility are not implemented, except for Pure, which returns bytes without any manipulations. The unimplemented mirror options are: Invert, Reject Always, Reverse, Rotate, and Scratched. Tests with those items selected run as Pure tests. There are no error messages that the items are not implemented. The Language field is also ignored. Workaround: None. 3.8 Service Request Application Problems 3.8.1 Process Privileges Are Disabled After Canceling a Service Request Submission in OpenVMS Mail Description: Process privileges are disabled if you use Ctrl/C to cancel a service request submission and then enter QUIT at the MAIL> prompt. This problem only happens if you use OpenVMS mail to submit the service request. Workaround: None. You must reinstate the process privileges. Known Problems and Restrictions 3-9 4 _________________________________________________________________ Starting DSNlink and Getting Help 4.1 Starting DSNlink To display the DSNlink main window, use this command: $ DSN/WINDOWS To use DSNlink in the command line interface, see the online help. To display the online documentation, enter this command: $ DSN HELP 4.2 A Guide to the Documentation DSNlink has no hardcopy documentation. The documentation consists of PostScript and text files you can print and embedded online documentation that is displayed by the Mosaic or Lynx browsers. The files you can print are: o DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS Service Tool Description o DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS Quick Reference Card o DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS Installation Guide o DSNlink Version 2.2C for OpenVMS Release Notes - this document o The Readme file For the location of the files, see the Postinstallation chapter of the DSNlink Installation Guide. Starting DSNlink and Getting Help 4-1 Starting DSNlink and Getting Help 4.3 Getting Help 4.3 Getting Help In the DECwindows interface, use the Help menus or Help buttons to access the online help. It is displayed by the Mosaic browser, which is included in your kit. The Help menu includes the DSNlink Getting Started, which shows you how to use the DSNlink applications. In the command line interface, the DSN HELP command displays a list of documents you can access. The information is displayed in the Lynx browser, which is included in the kit. 4-2 Starting DSNlink and Getting Help