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HP Services Software Patches - vaxrms04_061
NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996.  All rights reserved.



SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VAXRMS04_061
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VAXRMS03_061
                                           VAXRMS01_061 (CSCPAT_1181)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  774 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS VAX V6.1
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes

NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that this kit be applied immediately
       after any system is upgraded to OpenVMS VAX V6.1 before
       production activity begins on the system.


An ECO kit exists for RMS/CONVERT on OpenVMS VAX V6.1.  This kit
addresses the following problems:

Problems addressed in VAXRMS04_061 kit:

  o  Fix for compressed primary key problem that occurs in the
     context of record deletes being done using sequential access
     rather than keyed access.

     Sequentially walking through (accessing) the primary data records
     in an indexed file (primary key is a string key with key
     compression enabled), a delete is done of one of the records.
     The following error may be returned when an attempt is made to
     sequentially access the next record:   

        RMS-F-BUG, fatal RMS condition, process deleted.

     The file is not left corrupted.  A convert of the file will
     leave the file in a consistent state.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Make last chance handler more robust when a process that has file
     opened with global buffers enabled is terminated with STOP/ID.
     STOP/ID invokes the RMS abort last chance handler (RM$LAST_CHANCE).  
     Problems addressed include:

      o  A potential deadlock in the RMS last-chance handler if the
         same file is open more than once within a process or
         subprocess and it has global buffers set on it.

      o  A potential fatal KRNLSTAKNV system crash due to nonfatal
         RMS bugchecks from failing $GETLKI calls which cause error
         rundown recursion until the stack fills up.

     These problems are fixed in the OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

     NOTE:  Until the system can be upgraded to OpenVMS  Alpha  V7.1
     or this remedial kit can be installed, these symptoms may be
     avoided by refraining from the use of the 'STOP/ID'  DCL command.   
     Instead, if a process needs to be terminated, (which should be 
     a rare event), use a program that does a $FORCEX, waits a few 
     seconds, and then does a $DELPRC.

  o  Fix for RMS bugcheck NOTLOCKED (R2=FFFFFFEF) on shared sequential file.

     Process is delivered blocking AST to release file lock.  Before
     releasing file lock, it has to release the lock it holds on EOF buffer.  
     NOTLOCKED bugcheck is returned if process is holding PW  (protected  
     write) rather than EX (exclusive) lock on EOF buffer.  The check 
     should be for either EX or PW lock.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Fix for loop when deleting network logical links.  Loop  occurs
     at EXEC-MODE AST level and the process cannot be deleted.  Process
     in loop will be an application that does network operations.

     RMS maintains a process cache of recent logical links for a
     period of time  in an attempt to reuse them and save on image
     and process activations.  When a link becomes inactive and is
     added to the cache, RMS deletes any links in surplus of three.
     In walking the link cache queue to delete these links, there is
     a potential race condition that could result in a stale pointer
     being used after a stall, which leads to the loop.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Autoextend fix for shared block I/O write which requires use of
     UPI option -- which disables any locking (file or EOF bucket).

     For this particular case with no locking synchronization, it is
     possible  if  two or more processes or two or more asynchronous
     streams are writing to a file, that two or more autoextends may
     occur concurrently.  Though the file system will do the extends
     synchronously, the processing of the extend result may complete
     out  of  sequence  and  result  in  RMS bugcheck FTL$_BADEBKHBK

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Fix for possible client/server hang in detached RU recovery
     server.   Given the right series of coincidences, both a client
     RMS process and the detached RU recovery server process can
     hang when the client accesses a file on which there is an open
     RU transaction.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Non-indexed file opened with an indexed file XAB may ACCVIO.
     If a non-indexed file (sequential or relative) is opened with
     one or more XABs specific to indexed files (XABKEY, XABSUM,  or
     XABALL) chained to the FAB, the process may either:

      o  Terminate (SYSGEN parameter BUGCHECKFATAL not enabled) with
         an access violation (ACCVIO); or

      o  Crash the system (BUGCHECKFATAL enabled) with a  SSRVEXCEPT

     A necessary condition for this to occur  is  that  the  virtual
     address  space  used  for  the program region (P0) must be more
     than half a gigabyte.  In other words, it requires both a  very
     large  application and one that has indexed XABs chained to the
     FAB  for  a  non-indexed  file.   We  are  aware  of  only  one
     application  that  this  problem  has  occurred  with  to date:

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Fix to detect outlier XAB area on indexed file open.  RMS-F-AID
     error  (invalid  area  ID)  was  not reported on the open of an
     indexed file with an XABALL declaration that  has  an  area  ID
     that is exactly one greater than the maximum number of areas in
     that indexed file.  A check  has  been  added  for  record  I/O
     access.  Block I/O access is excluded from this check.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Fix for SDA-W-FAOERR when displaying RMS FWA (File Work  Area).
     The contents of a buffer (LOGNAM) are being displayed after the
     space have been returned and reallocated for some other use.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

  o  Statistics setting on a file is lost from the FDL  produced  by
     ANALYZE/RMS/FDL.  File monitoring is always set to 'no' whether
     it is enabled or not.  The problem is not  with  ANALYZE[/RMS],
     but with RMS's processing of an XABITM list.

     This problem is fixed in OpenVMS VAX V7.1.

Problems addressed in the VAXRMS03_061 kit:                                   
  o  Make last chance handler  more  robust  to  re-entry  to  avoid          
     potential  system  crash when process that has file opened with          
     global buffers enabled is terminated with STOP/ID.                       
     STOP/ID invokes the RMS last chance  handler  (RM$LAST_CHANCE).          
     The last chance handler was written with the assumption that it          
     will be called exactly once during  any  process  rundown.   An          
     example  of  this  assumption  is  the  dequeuing of the global          
     buffer header (GBH) lock, though  the  pointer  to  it  is  not          

     Evidence from several recent crash dumps suggests that  it  may          
     be  possible for a STOP/ID to result in the last chance handler          
     being entered more than once.  If this happens and the  process          
     being  stopped has global buffers enabled on one or more files,          
     a fatal KRNLSTAKNV system crash may result due to nonfatal  RMS          
     bugchecks  from failing $GETLKI calls which cause error rundown          
     "recursion" until the stack fills up.                             

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.                           
  o  If one of the files being  closed  by  the  RMS  abort  rundown          
     procedure  has  global  buffers  set  on  it  and  there  is an          
     end-of-file (EOF)  sublock  associated  with  the  system-owned          
     global  buffer  header  (GBH) parent lock, then the EOF sublock          
     should be dequeued as part of  rundown.   Without  the  fix  an          
     incorrect  branch  instruction  results in a $DEQ being done if          
     the  lock-id  is  zero  (SS$_INVLOCKID  returned)  rather  than          
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                           
  o  Quota borrowing implemented for RMS internal AST  to  avoid  an          
     RMS  bugcheck.   An  RMS  process that's operating at ASTLM may          
     bugcheck on an AST generated internally by RMS for rescheduling          
     execution.   This  extra  AST  is currently charged against the          
     user's ASTLM.                                                            
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                           
  o  This fix addresses several synchronization problems with  $WAIT          
     on a FAB:                                                                
     o  Status is currently cleared on the initial entry  to  $WAIT           
     o  $WAIT on a $CLOSE does not wait.                                      
     These problems are corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                        

  o  An update to the end-of-file for  a  sequential  file  with  an          
     undefined  (UDF) record format inappropriately rounds the first          
     free byte (FFB) up to an even number.  This results in the last          
     record,  if  an  odd  size,  containing  one  more byte than it          
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                           
  o  Add check of extend values returned in FIB by file system.               
     A check has been added to the RMS code to test  the  assumption          
     that  if  the  file  system  (XQP)  returns  no  error  for  an          
     autoextend, the values returned  in  the  FIB  (FIB$L_EXSZ  and          
     FIB$L_EXVBN)  result in an increase in the size of the HBK.  If          
     FIB$L_EXVBN)  result in an increase in the size of the HBK.  If          
     there is an increase (as expected), then the HBK in the IFAB is          
     updated.    If   there   is   no   increase,  an  RMS  bugcheck          
     (FTL$_BADEBKHBK) is returned and  the  process  is  terminated.          
     This  check  was  added  to guard against the possibility of an          
     infinite loop that might occur under the remote circumstance of          
     the  XQP  failing  to  update  the  FIB values for a successful          
     extend operation in the context of a process  in  an  overdrawn          
     quota state.                                                             
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                           
  o  Fix added to change dangling SIDR error status from RMS$_BUG to          

     This fix changes the handling of a dangling SIDR pointing to  a          
     nonexistent  record  from  an  RMS$_BUG  status  to a status of          
     RMS$_RNF.  Also a cleanup of the SIDR element is  done  if  the          
     process doing the $GET (or $FIND) has WRITE access to the file.          
     If a process has any modified buckets whose writeback  to  disk          
     has been deferred (deferred-write option) when a power failure,          
     system crash or a STOP/ID occurs, the indexed file may be  left          
     with  a  secondary  index  data  record  (SIDR)  pointing  to a          
     nonexistent primary data record.  This  can  happen  when  some          
     other  process has requested through the lock manager access to          
     a modified SIDR data bucket but not the  primary  data  bucket.          
     This  request  triggers  a  blocking  AST to writeback the SIDR          
     bucket to disk.  If  the  process  with  the  modified  buckets          
     closes   the  file  or  exits  normally  thereafter,  then  any          
     remaining modified buckets are written back to disk and now the          
     SIDR  points to a primary data record that exists in the "disk"          
     file.  It is the combination of  both  deferred-write  and  the          
     rare  event  of a power failure, system crash or a STOP/ID that          
     may leave an indexed file with this inconsistency.  (Note  that          
     enabling    RMS    RU    journaling    automatically    enables          
     If a subsequent $GET or $FIND via a secondary key  attempts  to          
     retrieve  a  nonexistent  primary  data  record pointed to by a          
     dangling SIDR, then without this fix an RMS$_BUG  status  (with          
     an   associated   RAB$L_STV  of  RMS$_RNF)  will  be  returned.          
     Although the text  of  the  message  associated  with  RMS$_BUG          
     indicates  the  process  has  been terminated, in the case of a          
     dangling SIDR, this is not true.  Even though  the  process  is          
     not  terminated,  a side-effect of handling this condition as a          
     bugcheck is that the internal context for the record  operation          
     (IRAB)  is  not  updated.   The  result  of  this is that it is          
     impossible for a process to recover from this error.                     

     RMS$_BUG  is  a  status  returned  for  a  broad  spectrum   of          
     conditions that RMS views as suggesting some risk in continuin           
     any further processing.  In its regular  use  of  RMS$_BUG,  it          
     identifies  the specific condition associated with the bugcheck          
     in R2 and does in fact terminate the process.  In the case of a          
     dangling SIDR pointing to a nonexistent record there is no risk          
     in continuing.                                                           
     The handling of the error status varies  depending  on  whether          
     the  dangling  SIDR  is  encountered  as part of an exact match          
     keyed access rather  than  either  a  sequential  access  or  a          
     NXTEQ/NXT keyed access:                                                  
     o  Exact match keyed retrieval                                           
        Status (RMS$L_STS) of  RMS$_RNF  is  returned.   RNF  is  a           
        status  routinely  checked  for by existing applications so           
        this change  will  not  require  modification  of  existing           
        applications.   In  addition  a  nonzero  status  value  is           
        returned in the status value (RAB$L_STV)  to  indicate  the           
        special  case  of  a  dangling SIDR pointing to a record-id           
        that is inconsistent with the information  in  the  primary           
        data bucket header.  Except for this condition, a status of           
        RMS$_RNF will continue to  have  a  status  value  of  zero           
        associated with it.                                                   
        This has the advantage of conveying the information to  the           
        user that this special case of a dangling SIDR has occurred           
        while allowing the application to  continue.   Applications          
        can build into the design of any exact keyed retrievals via           
        a secondary key, checking the associated status  value  and           
        signaling  it  when  it  is  nonzero, if they so choose, or           
        simply  displaying  an  informational  text   message   and           

  o  sequential access or NXTEQ/NXT (KGE/KGT) keyed retrieval              
     No explicit status will be returned to the user.  When this           
     condition  is  detected,  RMS silently advances to the next           
     SIDR  element  or  array  attempting  to  find   the   next           
     "non-deleted" primary data record via the secondary key.              
     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.                          

  o  Fix for relative file fixed record format file.

     This problem is restricted to a  relative  file  with  a  fixed
     length record format that has global buffers enabled on it.  An
     improper move instruction (MOVW  that  has  been  corrected  to
     MOVZWL)  was  used to move maximum record size (word in length)
     into a register for relative  file  with  fixed  length  record
     format.   This  register  has  always  been clear so to date it
     causes no problem on a VAX system.  To  ensure  that  it  never
     becomes a future problem, it was corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  A key-greater-than $get or $find to  a  newly  created  indexed
     file  that  has  not  had  a single record added to it (primary
     index is uninitialized) returns a RNF (record not found)  error
     to user.

     A key-less-than $get or $find to a newly created  indexed  file
     that  has not had a single record added to it (primary index is
     uninitialized) returns an IDX (index not initialized) error  to

     While strictly speaking the errors could be different  for  the
     two  cases,  this requires different handling by the user.  The
     error reported to the user for a key-less-than $get or $find in
     the case of a newly created file that has never had any records
     added to it (index is uninitialized) has  been  changed  to  be
     consistent with the error reported under the same circumstances
     for a key-greater-than $get or $find.  Specifically, the  error
     that  will  now  be reported for both cases will be RNF (record
     not found).

     This change was made in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  RMS-F-AID error (invalid area ID) is not reported on  the  open
     of  an indexed file with an XABALL declaration that has an area
     ID that is exactly one greater than the maximum number of areas
     in that indexed file.

     If FDL$GENERATE is used to generate an FDL from this file open,
     a bad area definition in the FDL will be created.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.

  o  An ISAM RMS nonfatal  bugcheck  is  returned  by  RM$EXPAND_KEY
     (module  RM3PCKUNP).   This bugcheck is forced if key expansion
     for the deletion of a secondary index data record (SIDR)  would
     overflow a SIDR data bucket.

     The current problem occurs in the context of  an  $UPDATE  that
     changes a secondary key value (with key compression enabled) if
     both the SIDR data bucket freespace is  exactly  equal  to  the
     bucket  size  minus  one and the key expansion of the next SIDR
     record (if any) results in a gain in bytes exactly equal to the
     number  of  bytes  to  be  deleted.   For both conditions to be
     satisfied makes the probability of  this  problem's  occurrence
     extremely rare.

     The update to the primary record will have been completed;  the
     problem  occurs  during  the delete operation to remove the old
     secondary key value after the new updated secondary  key  value
     has  been added.  The file is not left corrupted.  A convert of
     the file will rebuild the secondary indexes and leave the  file
     in a consistent state.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.

  o  Fix for a SIDR (secondary index  data  record)  compressed  key
     expansion problem that could result in a corrupted SIDR bucket.
     The conditions that are required make the  probability  of  its
     occurrence extremely rare.

     For this problem to occur requires both  (1)  the  presence  of
     many duplicate records for a secondary key, (2) a secondary key
     of string type that is 9 bytes or more in  length,  and  (3)  a
     very  particular key pattern which results in a number of bytes
     at the front of the key being compressed.  The  problem  occurs
     in  the context of a bucket split when the current design moves
     an entire SIDR array into a new bucket.  It  is  possible  that
     when  the  compressed  secondary  key  for  that  SIDR array is
     expanded in its position as the first record in the new bucket,
     it may grow larger than the bucket.

     ANALYZE/RMS_FILE will most likely report the  following  error:
     "Invalid  first  free  byte offset in bucket header." Since the
     problem is with a secondary key bucket, a convert will  recover
     all the data records in the corrupted file.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V7.0.

  o  Fix to $TRUNCATE for zero-byte  record  problem  for  STREAM_LF
     sequential file.

     The RMS service $TRUNCATE does not properly handle a  zero-byte
     record  in a STREAM_LF file.  Truncating a STREAM_LF file after
     reading a zero-byte record will  fail  with  an  RMS-F-CUR  (no
     current  record)  error.   This  problem  is  restricted  to  a
     sequential file with a STREAM_LF record format.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  Running APL (which creates a system logical name that points to
     the  terminal)  and then stopping (STOP/ID) the process results
     in the terminal  being  unavailable.   Subsequent  attempts  to
     login  to  this  terminal fail.  This is due to the channel not
     being properly deassigned.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

Problems addressed in the VAXRMS02_061 kit:

  o  Under DECnet/OSI, an RMS process issuing $WRITEs to a remote node
     which encounters a non-continuable error  (such as, device-full)
     may hang along with the remote FAL.   An example is using BACKUP
     on a Phase V node to write a saveset to another node (which may be
     Phase IV or Phase V) when the remote device becomes full.

     NOTE:  This problem only occurs when the $WRITEs are issued on a
            Phase V node.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  Fix added to transparently recover a global buffer descriptor
     (GBD) if it becomes lost to the GBD queue associated with an RMS
     global buffer section.  A prerequisite of a GBD becoming lost
     is not only that a STOP/ID is done of a process that is "actively"
     doing something to a file that has global buffers set on it but
     also that the kernel-mode STOP/ID interrupts a very specific
     activity (between the removal and reinsert of a GBD into a queue),
     which occurs within a very small window.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  If the data bucket pointed to by the level 1 "high key" index value
     for a duplicate key (primary or secondary) has one or more
     continuation buckets chained to it and the last bucket is full,
     under rare conditions a race condition may occur when two processes
     are concurrently adding (putting) records to a duplicate key, each
     with a key value higher than the highest key value currently stored
     in the file.

     Symptoms of this problem are:

       +  If the index is compressed, an infinite loop will occur due to
          an attempt to add a duplicate entry to the level 1 index

       +  If the index is not compressed, a duplicate entry will
          successfully be added to the level 1 index bucket.

          NOTE:  An index bucket should never have a duplicate entry for
                 any index value.

     This can result in:

       +  Records in the level 0 data chain being out of sorted order.

       +  Records being hidden from a keyed lookup though visible
          with a sequential scan.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

  o  Heavy concurrent INSTALL and F$FILE_ATTRIBUTE usage may cause
     locking conflicts accessing the KFE (Known File Entry) list
     which can result in a bad KFE pointer being handed to RMS leading
     to an Access Violation (ACCVIO).

     This problem will be corrected in a future release of OpenVMS VAX.

  o  Incomplete security success audit information may be generated upon
     image activation of installed /OPEN images.

     This problem will be corrected in a future release of OpenVMS VAX.

  o  When converting a VFC-format file to a fixed-format file using the
     /PAD qualifier, the following error may occur:

        %LIB-F-BADBLOADR, bad block address

     The problem is restricted to a convert job that involves an input
     file with a VFC record format that is being converted to an output

  o  When trying to convert an input file with an "undefined" record
     format, the following error may occur:

        %LIB-F-BADBLOADR, bad block address or %FDL-E-INVBLK, invalid
           RMS control block at virtual address nnnnnn

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2

  o  If callable convert (CONV$CONVERT preceded by CONV$PASS_FILES and

     file with a fixed record format using the /PAD qualifier.

     This problem will be corrected in a future release of OpenVMS VAX.

  o  When trying to convert an input file with an "undefined" record
     format, the following error may occur:

        %LIB-F-BADBLOADR, bad block address or %FDL-E-INVBLK, invalid
           RMS control block at virtual address nnnnnn

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2

  o  If callable convert (CONV$CONVERT preceded by CONV$PASS_FILES and
     CONV$PASS_OPTIONS) is called multiple times with the FDL option
     enabled in an earlier call and disabled in a later call, the call
     may fail with the following error:

        %CONV-F-OPENOUT, error opening  as output
        -RMS-F-MBC, invalid multi-block count

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2

Problems addressed in the VAXRMS01_061 kit:

  o  Sometime after upgrading to OpenVMS V6.1, a user tries to
     access their mail file (named MAIL.MAI by default) and finds
     that it is corrupted.  Any of the following errors may be
     returned when the corruption is encountered:

       - RMS-F-IRC, illegal record encountered; VBN or record number = nn
       - MAIL-W-WRITERR, error writing 'file-spec'
       - MAIL-F-CODERR, internal coding error. Please submit an SPR.

     An ANALYZE/RMS of the mail file returns the following errors:

       ***  VBN nn:  Data record spills over into free space of bucket.
       Unrecoverable error encountered in structure of file.

     Prior to noticing the corruption a CONVERT/RECLAIM has been
     performed on the mail file via one of the following methods:

       +  If AUTO_PURGE is enabled or a PURGE command issued and more
          than 32767 bytes of deleted messages have accumulated, Mail
          will automatically perform a CONVERT/RECLAIM on the user's

       +  The user issues a PURGE/RECLAIM in Mail.

       +  A CONVERT/RECLAIM MAIL.MAI command is issued at DCL.

     Any new mail messages received after the corruption occurs may
     be orphaned.  This occurs because the external mail file
     (MAIL$xxx.MAI) is created before the entry into the mail file
     (MAIL.MAI) fails.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2

  o  The CONVERT/RECLAIM Utility 1 may cause a secondary index data
     (SIDR) bucket to be left in a state which may subsequently
     cause the file to become corrupted.  This occurs only under
     certain circumstances.

     An attempt to read or add another record to an indexed
     sequential (ISAM) file returns the following error:

       RMS-F-IRC, illegal record encountered; VBN or record number = nn

     An ANALYZE/RMS of the above file or another ISAM file reports
     the following errors:

      ***  VBN nn:  Data record spills over into free space of bucket.
      Unrecoverable error encountered in structure of file.

     The file has multiple keys with at least one of the secondary
     keys allowing duplicates.  Prior to these errors, a
     CONVERT/RECLAIM has been performed on the file.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2

  o  When converting a record from any record format without FORTRAN
     carriage control (in any type of file organization) to a
     fixed-length record format with FORTRAN carriage control, the
     last character from the input record may be overwritten by the
     pad character if the record is short and requires padding.

     This problem is corrected in OpenVMS VAX V6.2


In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system
must be rebooted.  If the system is a member of a VAXcluster,
the entire cluster should be rebooted.

It is strongly recommended that this kit be applied immediately
after any system is upgraded to OpenVMS V6.1 before production
activity begins on the system.  Once the kit is applied, no data
files thereafter using Convert/Reclaim will be left with unreclaimed
buckets with a freespace of hex '0E'; therefore, the Convert/Reclaim
problem listed above will not occur.

If this kit is applied after there has been some production activity on
a V6.1 system, the remedial images in this ECO will not correct any
files that already contain any buckets with a freespace of hex '0E'.  A
full convert (CONVERT infile outfile) is needed to take care of this.
In other words, once this kit is applied, a file can experience the same
corruption thereafter if Convert/Reclaim was used on it prior to
applying this kit and it was not converted after the kit was applied.
Users should not rely on an ANALYZE/RMS revealing an error since the
right conditions leading to the corruption may not have occurred yet.

For those who are already using OpenVMS V6.1, once the remedial kit
has been applied, they should recommend to all their users that
performing a full convert at a convenient time is advisable on any
MAIL.MAI files or any other data files with which Convert/Reclaim
may have been directly used since upgrading to OpenVMS V6.1.  A
precautionary convert will preclude the possibility of an untimely
occurrence at some future time.

NOTE:  If the previous version of this ECO, VAXRMS01_061 (CSCPAT_1181),
       was applied and if necessary, the recommendation listed about
       was followed, it should not be necessary to follow this
       recommendation again after this ECO is installed.  The issue
       with CONVERT/RECLAIM was initially addressed with
       the VAXRMS01_061 ECO.
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