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DSNlink DSNLINKD022 DSNlink for OpenVMS V2.2D ECO Summary
TITLE: DSNlink DSNLINKD022 DSNlink for OpenVMS V2.2D ECO Summary
Modification Date:  28-SEP-1999
Modification Type:  Updated Kit Supersedes DSNLINKC022

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1999.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    DSNlink for OpenVMS

            OpenVMS Alpha

SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  DSNLINKD022
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  DSNLINKC022
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  20,088 Blocks
                    Saveset A - 20,088 Blocks

     Kit Applies To:  DSNlink for OpenVMS V2.2
                      OpenVMS VAX V6.2, V6.2-0HF, V7.0, V7.1, V7.2
                      OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, 
                                V6.2-1H3, V7.0, V7.1, V7.1-1H1, 
                                V7.1-1H2, V7.2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_UNKNOWN

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for DSNlink for OpenVMS V2.2 on OpenVMS VAX V6.2 
through V7.2 and OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 through V7.2.  The DSNlink 
Release Notes contain a complete explanation of this release.  Below 
is a brief description of problems addressed in this kit:

Problems Addressed in DSNLINKD022:

o Modem Fixes

        - Modem connection problems due to data overruns
          have been significantly reduced with a new error
          recovery protocol. Errors are detected and corrected.

        - The modem daemon stopped when making connections to
          Compaq on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and 7.2 VAX systems.

        - When a DSNlink modem line was stopped for any reason,
          the modem retained the type-ahead mode.

        - The DSNlink modem daemon could disappear without

        - The cause of data corruption messages has been fixed.

o Communications

        -  When the route map was rebuilt at the end of the
           installation process, the Customer Support Center (CSC)
           entries were appended to the learned entries section of
           the route map, causing the CSC entries to be doubled.

o File Copy Fixes

        -  When customers attempted to delete their copy of a file
           after copying it to Compaq, the /DELETE_AFTER qualifier
           was not recognized.

        -  If a host-to-customer or customer-to-host nonbinary file
           copy was interrupted and then restarted, an RMS error
           said the input was too large for the user's buffer,
           and the file copy failed.

        -  The DSN COPY command did not use the Support Center
           specified in the /SUPPORTCENTER qualifier.

o Installation Fixes

        -  During the installation procedure, customers are asked
           if they want to purge all the files that have been replaced
           by newer files provided in the DSNlink kit.  If they
           answered yes, not all files were purged.

o Interactive Text Search Fixes

        -  Some actions caused an inactive ITS session to timeout
           with an error.

        -  The host software caused JACKETMSGCORRUPT errors.

        -  When customers with access to many databases entered the
           SHOW DATABASE command and then quit the listing, the
           quitting process took a long time because the server
           continued to send the entire database list.

o Mail Fixes

        - When entering a mail message in the Message area of
          the DSNlink Mail window, no text appeared as you
          typed it.

o Network Exerciser

        - Host-to-customer Network Exerciser tests resulted in
          authentication failures when the Network Exerciser on
          the customer's system did not have sufficient privileges
          to access authentication keys.

o Remote Login Fixes

        - Remote logins to Alpha systems could cause the remote
          login server to fail with an ACCVIO error.  This happened
          mostly when using the modem protocol.

o Service Request Application Fixes

        -  Users without the privilege SYSPRV could not send service
           requests to DSN% addresses using OpenVMS mail.

        -  Defining the logical name MAIL$INTERNET_TRANSPORT caused
           the DSNlink mail to Compaq or reply mail from Compaq to fail.
           The workaround is to insert quotation marks around the
           routing code and service request number parts of DSNlink
           mail addresses.

        -  After customers submit a service request, the host responds
           with an acknowledgment mail message.  The From field
           had the address of the sender instead of the address
           for the service request number.  Customers could not
           use the Mail REPLY command to augment the service request.

        -  The process quota list was not passed to Alpha systems.
           It may have caused the modem daemon to fail because of
           insufficient quota values for the process. VMS EXQUOTA
           errors appeared in the modem daemon run log.

The following are enhancements to DSNlink Version 2.2D:

o  The regenerate route map feature of the Configuration utility has
   a new menu item that sets up a single-port option for communications
   with Compaq.

o  The DSN SHOW LINE/STATISTICS command includes information about
   the HDLC (high-level data link control) component.

o  DSNlink Version 2.2D now contains a utility that checks the
   customer's modem setup.

o  When the customer creates or augments a service request using
   OpenVMS Mail, the mail is submitted to a batch queue for

o  Customers can mail themselves a copy of the confirmation
   message that appears when they augment a service request.

o  The ITS inactivity timer is suspended while customers are
   extracting an article to a file.

Problems Addressed in DSNLINKC022:

  o  These Remote Login problems have been fixed:

     - A remote login session could be terminated if a specialist 
       entered a commands that produce large, single-record output,
       such as the command SHOW CLUSTER/CONTINUOUS.
     - All reported causes of disconnecting have been resolved.
  o  Numerous conditions that could lead to a JACKETMSGCORRUPT error 
     while running the ITS application have been resolved.

  o  These File Copy application problems have been fixed:

     - If a file transferred from the host to a customer's system had 
       (RWED,RWED,RE,) protection, the file rename operation failed.
     - The Monitoring and Performance History (MPH) analysis tool did
       not submit files for processing on the host.

     - The Analysis Tool option did not work unless you supplied a 
       service request number.

     - File Copy ignored the local authorizations file and allowed all 
       DSNlink users to use File Copy.

  o  These modem transport problems have been fixed:

     - Modem dialing errors were occurring when some of the modem 
       scripts went into a loop between the script's last two sections.
     - Customer initiated connections were failing due to some
       incorrect script settings.

     - Conditions have been fixed that lead to SYSTEM-F-ABORT messages.

     - The DTE speed specified during the DSNlink installation was 
     - Modem connections failed when DSNlink could not lock the modem's 
       virtual line database (VLDB) to send DSNlink mail using OpenVMS 
       mail.  This occurred when the sending account did not have the 
       SYSLCK privilege.

     - The DSN TEST WIRE command generated a device error message, 
       which prevented the test from working.

     - Modem speeds over 19200 were unstable when using a modem 
       connection to a serial port on a system running OpenVMS 
       Version 7.0.

     - Modem daemons could hang in an online state if an incoming 
       modem connection was dropped before a link was started and 
       the hangup signal was not detected.

     - The modem daemon stopped with a CMA-F-IN_USE error due to an 
       abnormal DTE line termination.

     - DSNlink applications failed if you used the T trace flag on 
       the DSNMODEMAPI_TRACE logical name.

     - Line daemon could fail with SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA error without 
       giving enough information to identify the exhausted quota.  
       More information is now provided.

     - Numerous conditions have been resolved that could lead to line 
       daemon crashes.

  o  DSNlink could not start applications if there was a missing closing 
     quotation mark in the final entry the configuration file, remote 
     authorizations file, or local authorizations file.

  o  These are fixes to the Service Request Application:

     - You could not change Customer Support Centers using the
       /SUPPORTCENTER qualifier.

     - If you attempted to fetch a list of closed service requests 
       from a host that does not provide such lists, an error message 
       window appeared and the process hung.

     - In the local authorizations file, entries that allow access to 
       the Service Request application, dsn_sra, incorrectly produced 
       "You are not authorized to use this application" messages.

     - In the DECwindows Motif interface, when errors occurred 
       connecting to the host followed by the user clicking 
       anywhere in the window, the application stopped and 
       generated random application termination errors.
     - Time zone differences could cause clocks on the host system 
       and your system to appear to be as much as 23 hours different.


Before beginning the installation, customers should rename any
modem scripts they want to continue using.  The DSNlink installation
procedure overwrites current modem scripts with new scripts
if the script names are identical. For more information, see
the DSNlink Version 2.2D Release Notes.

The DSNlink Version 2.2D for OpenVMS kit is installed with the
following commands:

        $ @VMSINSTAL DSNLINKD022 ddcu:[dir]

Where ddcu:[dir] is the location of the DSNlink kit.

The installation procedure checks for the following:

        o  DSNlink Version 2.2 or DSNlink Version 2.2C

        o  OpenVMS Version 6.2, 7.1, or 7.2

        o  Sufficient disk space

           The save set, which contains files for both Alpha and VAX
           systems, is approximately 20,100 blocks.

        o  The account from which DSNlink is installed has SETPRV
           or at least the following privileges:

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