PATCH KIT NAME: T64V51BB29AS0008-20100821 ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29103.00 PATCH ID: IOS540-103 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540-103 (25103.00), IOS540-103 (26103.00), IOS540-103 (27103.00), IOS540-103 (28103.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (94644, TKT337723) (PATCH ID: IOS540-002) ******** The kernel crash and hang-up in the asian tty were produced in a machine running multiple scripts that continuously log into a streams tty session with ikk on and off and then logging off repetitively for a very long time. This patch fixes the problem. FILES: ./sys/BINARY/jin.mod CHECKSUM: 14316 192 SUBSET: IOSJPBIN540 ./kernel/utx/utx_kkc.c,v RCS ID: ./sys/BINARY/strjin.mod CHECKSUM: 32260 196 SUBSET: IOSJPBIN540 ./kernel/tty/str_jin.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/kkcd CHECKSUM: 27706 41 SUBSET: IOSJPBIN540 ./usr/sbin/utxd/kkcd.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29106.00 PATCH ID: IOS540-106 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540-106 (25106.00), IOS540-106 (26106.00), IOS540-106 (27106.00), IOS540-106 (28106.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540-011) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540-008) ******** This patch corrects the problem that some of error messages for dtprintinfo and dtwm applications are displayed in English even though the system is running under the Japanese locale setting. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-010) ******** Update Japanese version of message and uil files to keep up with the English version. #i18nv51bsupportos-16-matumotn PROBLEM: (99074, 99639) (PATCH ID: IOS540-016) ******** Updates a Japanese message for dtlogin to keep up with a change for corresponding English message. FILES: ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/types/ja_JP.SJIS/uxstd.dt CHECKSUM: 43827 26 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/types/ja_JP.eucJP/uxstd.dt CHECKSUM: 28565 26 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ CHECKSUM: 46331 9 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ CHECKSUM: 61388 5 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ CHECKSUM: 59891 13 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 55528 9 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 12575 5 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 13374 13 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 03803 9 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 40365 5 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 24455 13 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 03803 9 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 40365 5 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/dt/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 24455 13 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 47452 6 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 47452 6 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 47452 6 SUBSET: IOSJPCDEDT540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29214.00 PATCH ID: IOS540-214 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540-214 (25214.00), IOS540-214 (26214.00), IOS540-214 (27214.00), IOS540-214 (28214.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96119, 96515) (PATCH ID: IOS540-009) ******** In the zh_CN.GB18030 locale, the display width of some of multibyte characters do not match the width values returned by the wcwidth() function. As a result, some applications may not behave correctly when multibyte characters are processed. For example, problems might be encountered when editing multibyte characters in a screen editor, such as vi. This patch fixes the display width mismatch problem. #i18nv51bsupportos-20-oyama PROBLEM: (100224) (PATCH ID: IOS540-020) ******** The iconv converter generates wrong results for Unicode surrogate pair. The problem has an impact on all programs which invokes the iconv converter. For instance, the file converted by the iconv command may contains wrong character codes when there are Unicode surrogate pair characters in input/output file. Another example is ASU, since ASU invokes the iconv converter for filename conversion. When an ASU share directory is mounted on a Windows Vista/Japanese system and a Kanji characters filename contains a surrogate pair in Unicode, ASU generates wrong filename on Tru64 UNIX file system. FILES: ./usr/i18n/shlib/ CHECKSUM: 05587 106 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/i18n/shlib/ CHECKSUM: 41620 46 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-15_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-15_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-15_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-15_cp1252 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp1252 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp437 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp850 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp860 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp861 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp863 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-1_cp865 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-2_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-2_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-2_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-2_cp852 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-3_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-3_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-3_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-4_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-4_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-4_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-4_cp775 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-5_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-5_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-5_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-5_cp855 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-5_cp866 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-6_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-6_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-6_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-7_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-7_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-7_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-7_cp737 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-7_cp869 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-8_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-8_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-8_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-8_cp862 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-9_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-9_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-9_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ISO8859-9_cp857 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/TACTIS_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/TACTIS_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/TACTIS_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/TACTIS_cp874 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-15 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-2 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-3 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-5 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-6 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-7 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_ISO8859-9 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_TACTIS CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1250 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1251 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1252 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1253 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1254 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1255 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1256 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1257 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp1258 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp437 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp737 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp775 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp850 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp852 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp855 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp857 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp860 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp861 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp862 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp863 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp865 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp866 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp869 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_cp874 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_dingbats CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_symbol CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-15 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-2 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-3 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-5 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-6 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-7 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_ISO8859-9 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_TACTIS CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1250 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1251 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1252 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1253 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1254 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1255 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1256 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1257 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp1258 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp437 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp737 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp775 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp850 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp852 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp855 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp857 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp860 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp861 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp862 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp863 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp865 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp866 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp869 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_cp874 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_dingbats CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_symbol CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-15 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-2 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-3 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-5 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-6 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-7 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_ISO8859-9 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_TACTIS CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1250 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1251 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1252 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1253 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1254 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1255 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1256 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1257 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp1258 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp437 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp737 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp775 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp850 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp852 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp855 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp857 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp860 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp861 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp862 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp863 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp865 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp866 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp869 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_cp874 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_dingbats CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_symbol CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1250_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1250_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1250_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1251_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1251_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1251_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1252_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1252_ISO8859-15 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1252_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1252_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1252_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1253_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1253_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1253_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1254_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1254_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1254_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1255_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1255_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1255_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1256_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1256_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1256_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1257_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1257_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1257_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1258_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1258_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp1258_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp437_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp437_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp437_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp437_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp737_ISO8859-7 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp737_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp737_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp737_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp775_ISO8859-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp775_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp775_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp775_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp850_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp850_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp850_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp850_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp852_ISO8859-2 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp852_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp852_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp852_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp855_ISO8859-5 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp855_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp855_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp855_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp857_ISO8859-9 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp857_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp857_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp857_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp860_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp860_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp860_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp860_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp861_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp861_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp861_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp861_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp862_ISO8859-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp862_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp862_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp862_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp863_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp863_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp863_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp863_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp865_ISO8859-1 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp865_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp865_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp865_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp866_ISO8859-5 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp866_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp866_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp866_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp869_ISO8859-7 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp869_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp869_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp869_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp874_TACTIS CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp874_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp874_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/cp874_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dingbats_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dingbats_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dingbats_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/symbol_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/symbol_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/symbol_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 17197 137 SUBSET: IOSWWBASE540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29215.00 PATCH ID: IOS540-215 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540-215 (25215.00), IOS540-215 (26215.00), IOS540-215 (27215.00), IOS540-215 (28215.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (94644, TKT337723) (PATCH ID: IOS540-002) ******** The kernel crash and hang-up in the asian tty were produced in a machine running multiple scripts that continuously log into a streams tty session with ikk on and off and then logging off repetitively for a very long time. This patch fixes the problem. FILES: ./sys/BINARY/aldtty.mod CHECKSUM: 29855 193 SUBSET: IOSWWBIN540 ./kernel/tty/uc_conv.c,v RCS ID: ./sys/BINARY/utx.mod CHECKSUM: 48222 145 SUBSET: IOSWWBIN540 ./kernel/utx/utx.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/utxd CHECKSUM: 08121 33 SUBSET: IOSWWBIN540 ./usr/sbin/utxd/utxd.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29256.00 PATCH ID: IOS540-256 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540-256 (25256.00), IOS540-256 (26256.00), IOS540-256 (27256.00), IOS540-256 (28256.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96119, 96515) (PATCH ID: IOS540-009) ******** In the zh_CN.GB18030 locale, the display width of some of multibyte characters do not match the width values returned by the wcwidth() function. As a result, some applications may not behave correctly when multibyte characters are processed. For example, problems might be encountered when editing multibyte characters in a screen editor, such as vi. This patch fixes the display width mismatch problem. #i18nv51bsupportos-17-iwasaki PROBLEM: (99434) (PATCH ID: IOS540-017) ******** Updates the Japanese and Chinese version of timezones.msg files to correspond to the modifications of timezone data files in the /etc/zoneinfo directory and the English version of timezones.msg. #i18nv51bsupportos-21-oyama PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: IOS540-021) ******** Updates the Japanese and Chinese version of timezones.msg files to correspond to the modifications of timezone data files in the /etc/zoneinfo directory and the English version of timezones.msg. FILES: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/ CHECKSUM: 00436 11 SUBSET: IOSZHCNBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg CHECKSUM: 08030 21 SUBSET: IOSZHCNBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/ucsloc/zh_CN.GB18030 CHECKSUM: 64794 105 SUBSET: IOSZHCNBASE540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29102.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-102 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-102 (25102.00), IOS540DX-102 (26102.00), IOS540DX-102 (27102.00), IOS540DX-102 (28102.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-007) ******** This patch provides newly updated Japanese message files for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. PROBLEM: (CFS.98441, TKT444874) (PATCH ID: IOS540-004) ******** The problem is that iconv converter often produces incorrect strings every 4,096 bytes of the output in the codeset conversion between Japanese mainframe codesets (ibmkanji/JEF/KEIS) and other supported Japanese codesets (eucJP, etc.). The patch prevents such broken outputs. PROBLEM: (96656) (PATCH ID: IOS540-006) ******** When an ASU share directory is mounted on a Japanese Windows system and a filename contains a double-byte hyphen, an underscore character ("_") automatically replaces the double-byte hyphen character. This patch fixes this filename corruption problem and other mapping inconsistencies with the Windows code page 932. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540-007) ******** Some messages for the general commands have been added and/or changed in the patch kits for the V5.1B release. Those messages have not been localized yet. This patch provides the Japanese localized messages for them. PROBLEM: (97226) (PATCH ID: IOS540-013) ******** The jsy2vjetxt, jsy2wxtxt, vje2jsytxt, and wx2jsytxt utilities convert dictionary file of Japanese input method from one format into another one. The problem is that unnecessary double quote is included in the Japanese messages for the utilities. This patch prevents being displaied unnecessary double quotes in the messages from converters. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540-014) ******** Update Japanese version of to keep up with the English version. PROBLEM: (97198) (PATCH ID: IOS540-012) ******** The jsy2vjetxt, jsy2wxtxt, vje2jsytxt, and wx2jsytxt utilities convert a dictionary file of Japanese input method from one format into another one. The problem is that the converters display their messages in English even under Japanese locale setting. This patch makes them possible to display the messages in Japanese. #i18nv51bsupportos-15-matumotn PROBLEM: (98526) (PATCH ID: IOS540-015) ******** Updates Japanese messages to keep up with the changes for corresponding English messages. #i18nv51bsupportdx-11-matumotn PROBLEM: (98526) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-011) ******** Updates Japanese messages to keep up with the changes for corresponding English messages. #i18nv51bsupportos-17-iwasaki PROBLEM: (99434) (PATCH ID: IOS540-017) ******** Updates the Japanese and Chinese version of timezones.msg files to correspond to the modifications of timezone data files in the /etc/zoneinfo directory and the English version of timezones.msg. #i18nv51bsupportos-18-iwasaki PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: IOS540-018) ******** Updates Japanese messages to keep up with the changes for corresponding English messages. #i18nv51bsupportdx-13-iwasaki PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-013) ******** Updates Japanese messages to keep up with changes of the corresponding English messages. #i18nv51bsupportos-21-oyama PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: IOS540-021) ******** Updates the Japanese and Chinese version of timezones.msg files to correspond to the modifications of timezone data files in the /etc/zoneinfo directory and the English version of timezones.msg. FILES: ./usr/i18n/bin/jsy2vjetxt CHECKSUM: 62449 25 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/local/jfeputil/jsy2vjetxt.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/bin/jsy2wxtxt CHECKSUM: 65367 25 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/local/jfeputil/jsy2wxtxt.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/bin/vje2jsytxt CHECKSUM: 00071 25 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/local/jfeputil/vje2jsytxt.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/bin/wx2jsytxt CHECKSUM: 21666 25 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/local/jfeputil/wx2jsytxt.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JEF_SJIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JEF_deckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JEF_eucJP CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JEF_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/KEIS_SJIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/KEIS_deckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/KEIS_eucJP CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/KEIS_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_JEF CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_KEIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_ibmkanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_JEF CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_KEIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_ibmkanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_JEF CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_KEIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_ibmkanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ibmkanji_SJIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ibmkanji_deckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ibmkanji_eucJP CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/ibmkanji_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_JEF CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_KEIS CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_ibmkanji CHECKSUM: 22598 113 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/dec_ibm_kanji/dec_ibm_kanji.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ipsec.msg CHECKSUM: 13635 76 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/ipsec.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ CHECKSUM: 14624 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/timezones.msg CHECKSUM: 55582 23 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/ipsec.msg CHECKSUM: 22997 85 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/ipsec.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 07004 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 53879 6 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 58867 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ipsec.msg CHECKSUM: 33907 76 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/ipsec.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 19950 1 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 27416 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 46486 21 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 29092 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 28683 2 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 23252 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 02885 13 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg CHECKSUM: 56639 23 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 16702 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 07004 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 53879 6 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 58867 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ipsec.msg CHECKSUM: 33907 76 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/ipsec.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 19950 1 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 27416 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 46486 21 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 29092 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 28683 2 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 23252 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 02885 13 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/timezones.msg CHECKSUM: 56639 23 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 16702 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 07004 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 53879 6 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 58867 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ipsec.msg CHECKSUM: 33907 76 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/ipsec.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 19950 1 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 27416 8 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 46486 21 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 29092 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 28683 2 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 23252 5 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 02885 13 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/timezones.msg CHECKSUM: 56639 23 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/timezones.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 16702 3 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX-UDC:GLGR_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX-UDC:GLGR_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0201-KANA:GR_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0201-KANA:GR_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0208:GL_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0208:GL_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0208:GR_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0208:GR_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0212:GL_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0212:GL_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0212:GR_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/JISX0212:GR_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/SJIS_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_SJIS CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_deckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_eucJP CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UCS-4_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_SJIS CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_deckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_eucJP CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-16_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX-UDC:GLGR CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX0201-KANA:GR CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX0208:GL CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX0208:GR CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX0212:GL CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_JISX0212:GR CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_SJIS CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_deckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_eucJP CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/UTF-8_sdeckanji CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/deckanji_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/eucJP_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_UCS-4 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_UTF-16 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/loc/iconv/sdeckanji_UTF-8 CHECKSUM: 35968 297 SUBSET: IOSJPBASE540 ./usr/lib/nls/ucsloc/iconv/UCS_jp_data.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29125.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-125 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-125 (25125.00), IOS540DX-125 (26125.00), IOS540DX-125 (27125.00), IOS540DX-125 (28125.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-005) ******** This patch contains the Japanese translation of new online helps for SysMan Filesystem GUI. The English version of the online helps were introduced as a result of re-organiizing of SysMan Filesystem applications. This patch provides the information about the new SysMan Filesystem GUI in Japanese. Additional updated translation of existing online helps is also included. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-007) ******** This patch provides newly updated Japanese message files for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-008) ******** This patch provides a newly updated Japanese message file for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflects the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-010) ******** Update Japanese version of message and uil files to keep up with the English version. #i18nv51bsupportdx-11-matumotn PROBLEM: (98526) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-011) ******** Updates Japanese messages to keep up with the changes for corresponding English messages. #i18nv51bsupportdx-12-iwasaki PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-012) ******** Added a few messages for Japanese locales to catch up with the corresponding English version. FILES: ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_df.sdl CHECKSUM: 44360 19 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_dismount.sdl CHECKSUM: 61861 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_domain_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 05656 208 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_file_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 01784 51 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_mount.sdl CHECKSUM: 14344 29 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_ufsmgr.sdl CHECKSUM: 64002 50 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_df.sdl CHECKSUM: 32132 19 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_dismount.sdl CHECKSUM: 16408 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_domain_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 03913 207 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_file_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 09502 51 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_mount.sdl CHECKSUM: 64079 29 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_ufsmgr.sdl CHECKSUM: 59456 50 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/DiskConfig.msg CHECKSUM: 63244 27 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/DiskConfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/EnvMon.msg CHECKSUM: 41972 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/EnvMon.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/STOFI_browse_dir.msg CHECKSUM: 48697 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_dir.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/STOFI_browse_fn.msg CHECKSUM: 30818 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_fn.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/STOFI_confirm.msg CHECKSUM: 08131 3 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_confirm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/STOFI_recover.msg CHECKSUM: 13846 15 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_recover.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/STOFI_results.msg CHECKSUM: 61553 1 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_results.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/ CHECKSUM: 12977 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/bttape.msg CHECKSUM: 44567 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/bttape.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/dns_server.msg CHECKSUM: 65216 36 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/dns_server.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_df.msg CHECKSUM: 13654 7 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_df.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_dismount.msg CHECKSUM: 12068 8 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_dismount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 48776 70 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 39740 21 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_fsetmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 04086 32 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_fsetmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_mount.msg CHECKSUM: 26949 14 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_mount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/fs_ufsmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 20121 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_ufsmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/hw_check.msg CHECKSUM: 16583 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/hw_check.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 52644 39 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/mclUtils.msg CHECKSUM: 23650 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/mclUtils.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/nfs_export.msg CHECKSUM: 56993 12 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/nfs_export.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/pppconfig.msg CHECKSUM: 51924 81 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/pppconfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/qsetup.msg CHECKSUM: 51032 46 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/qsetup.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/setldload.msg CHECKSUM: 39078 9 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/setldload.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/storage_lsm_adm.msg CHECKSUM: 12306 110 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/storage_lsm_adm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/sysman_menu.msg CHECKSUM: 16950 43 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/sysman_menu.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.SJIS/wizard.msg CHECKSUM: 27187 102 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/wizard.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/DiskConfig.msg CHECKSUM: 13489 31 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/DiskConfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/EnvMon.msg CHECKSUM: 17261 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/EnvMon.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/STOFI_browse_dir.msg CHECKSUM: 53213 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_dir.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/STOFI_browse_fn.msg CHECKSUM: 42963 5 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_fn.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/STOFI_confirm.msg CHECKSUM: 43405 3 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_confirm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/STOFI_recover.msg CHECKSUM: 50877 17 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_recover.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/STOFI_results.msg CHECKSUM: 62205 1 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_results.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/ CHECKSUM: 41961 12 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/bttape.msg CHECKSUM: 40603 25 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/bttape.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/dns_server.msg CHECKSUM: 38613 40 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/dns_server.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_df.msg CHECKSUM: 28457 8 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_df.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_dismount.msg CHECKSUM: 22230 9 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_dismount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 33736 79 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 38970 24 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_fsetmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 12520 37 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_fsetmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_mount.msg CHECKSUM: 58134 16 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_mount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/fs_ufsmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 15269 23 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_ufsmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/hw_check.msg CHECKSUM: 59692 11 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/hw_check.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 01275 40 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/mclUtils.msg CHECKSUM: 47236 23 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/mclUtils.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/nfs_export.msg CHECKSUM: 42682 14 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/nfs_export.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/pppconfig.msg CHECKSUM: 43293 90 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/pppconfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/qsetup.msg CHECKSUM: 12002 53 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/qsetup.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/setldload.msg CHECKSUM: 58090 11 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/setldload.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/storage_lsm_adm.msg CHECKSUM: 47332 124 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/storage_lsm_adm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/sysman_menu.msg CHECKSUM: 59640 46 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/sysman_menu.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.UTF-8/wizard.msg CHECKSUM: 46046 117 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/wizard.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/DiskConfig.msg CHECKSUM: 25796 27 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/DiskConfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/EnvMon.msg CHECKSUM: 53032 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/EnvMon.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/STOFI_browse_dir.msg CHECKSUM: 41542 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_dir.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/STOFI_browse_fn.msg CHECKSUM: 38115 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_fn.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/STOFI_confirm.msg CHECKSUM: 61402 3 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_confirm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/STOFI_recover.msg CHECKSUM: 57109 15 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_recover.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/STOFI_results.msg CHECKSUM: 30917 1 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_results.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 14527 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/bttape.msg CHECKSUM: 35507 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/bttape.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/dns_server.msg CHECKSUM: 17570 36 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/dns_server.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_df.msg CHECKSUM: 60697 7 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_df.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_dismount.msg CHECKSUM: 37696 8 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_dismount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 25905 70 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 04158 21 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_fsetmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 59813 32 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_fsetmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_mount.msg CHECKSUM: 31197 14 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_mount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/fs_ufsmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 06394 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_ufsmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/hw_check.msg CHECKSUM: 17456 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/hw_check.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 33974 39 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/mclUtils.msg CHECKSUM: 32913 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/mclUtils.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/nfs_export.msg CHECKSUM: 13953 12 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/nfs_export.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/pppconfig.msg CHECKSUM: 00387 81 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/pppconfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/qsetup.msg CHECKSUM: 13683 46 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/qsetup.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/setldload.msg CHECKSUM: 43298 9 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/setldload.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/storage_lsm_adm.msg CHECKSUM: 57699 110 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/storage_lsm_adm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/sysman_menu.msg CHECKSUM: 41747 43 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/sysman_menu.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/wizard.msg CHECKSUM: 37959 102 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/wizard.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/DiskConfig.msg CHECKSUM: 25796 27 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/DiskConfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/EnvMon.msg CHECKSUM: 53032 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/EnvMon.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/STOFI_browse_dir.msg CHECKSUM: 41542 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_dir.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/STOFI_browse_fn.msg CHECKSUM: 38115 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_fn.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/STOFI_confirm.msg CHECKSUM: 61402 3 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_confirm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/STOFI_recover.msg CHECKSUM: 57109 15 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_recover.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/STOFI_results.msg CHECKSUM: 30917 1 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_results.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 14527 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/bttape.msg CHECKSUM: 35507 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/bttape.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/dns_server.msg CHECKSUM: 17570 36 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/dns_server.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_df.msg CHECKSUM: 60697 7 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_df.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_dismount.msg CHECKSUM: 37696 8 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_dismount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 25905 70 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 04158 21 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_fsetmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 59813 32 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_fsetmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_mount.msg CHECKSUM: 31197 14 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_mount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/fs_ufsmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 06394 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_ufsmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/hw_check.msg CHECKSUM: 17456 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/hw_check.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 33974 39 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/mclUtils.msg CHECKSUM: 32913 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/mclUtils.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/nfs_export.msg CHECKSUM: 13953 12 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/nfs_export.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/pppconfig.msg CHECKSUM: 00387 81 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/pppconfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/qsetup.msg CHECKSUM: 13683 46 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/qsetup.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/setldload.msg CHECKSUM: 43298 9 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/setldload.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/storage_lsm_adm.msg CHECKSUM: 57699 110 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/storage_lsm_adm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/sysman_menu.msg CHECKSUM: 41747 43 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/sysman_menu.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/wizard.msg CHECKSUM: 37959 102 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/wizard.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/DiskConfig.msg CHECKSUM: 25796 27 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/DiskConfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/EnvMon.msg CHECKSUM: 53032 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/EnvMon.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/STOFI_browse_dir.msg CHECKSUM: 41542 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_dir.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/STOFI_browse_fn.msg CHECKSUM: 38115 4 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_browse_fn.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/STOFI_confirm.msg CHECKSUM: 61402 3 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_confirm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/STOFI_recover.msg CHECKSUM: 57109 15 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_recover.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/STOFI_results.msg CHECKSUM: 30917 1 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/STOFI_results.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 14527 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/bttape.msg CHECKSUM: 35507 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/bttape.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/dns_server.msg CHECKSUM: 17570 36 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/dns_server.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_df.msg CHECKSUM: 60697 7 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_df.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_dismount.msg CHECKSUM: 37696 8 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_dismount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 25905 70 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 04158 21 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_fsetmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 59813 32 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_fsetmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_mount.msg CHECKSUM: 31197 14 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_mount.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/fs_ufsmgr.msg CHECKSUM: 06394 20 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/fs_ufsmgr.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/hw_check.msg CHECKSUM: 17456 10 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/hw_check.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 33974 39 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/mclUtils.msg CHECKSUM: 32913 22 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/mclUtils.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/nfs_export.msg CHECKSUM: 13953 12 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/nfs_export.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/pppconfig.msg CHECKSUM: 00387 81 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/pppconfig.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/qsetup.msg CHECKSUM: 13683 46 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/qsetup.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/setldload.msg CHECKSUM: 43298 9 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/setldload.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/storage_lsm_adm.msg CHECKSUM: 57699 110 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/storage_lsm_adm.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/sysman_menu.msg CHECKSUM: 41747 43 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/sysman_menu.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/wizard.msg CHECKSUM: 37959 102 SUBSET: IOSJPSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/ja_JP.eucJP/msg/wizard.msg,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29131.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-131 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-131 (25131.00), IOS540DX-131 (26131.00), IOS540DX-131 (27131.00), IOS540DX-131 (28131.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-007) ******** This patch provides newly updated Japanese message files for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-008) ******** This patch provides a newly updated Japanese message file for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflects the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. FILES: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 64360 7 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 34952 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 64503 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.deckanji/ CHECKSUM: 31939 5 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 64360 7 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 34952 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 64503 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.eucJP/ CHECKSUM: 31939 5 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 64360 7 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 34952 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 64503 4 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ CHECKSUM: 31939 5 SUBSET: IOSJPXADMIN540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29134.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-134 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-134 (25134.00), IOS540DX-134 (26134.00), IOS540DX-134 (27134.00), IOS540DX-134 (28134.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-005) ******** This patch contains the Japanese translation of new online helps for SysMan Filesystem GUI. The English version of the online helps were introduced as a result of re-organiizing of SysMan Filesystem applications. This patch provides the information about the new SysMan Filesystem GUI in Japanese. Additional updated translation of existing online helps is also included. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-007) ******** This patch provides newly updated Japanese message files for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-010) ******** Update Japanese version of message and uil files to keep up with the English version. FILES: ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/bindconfig.sdl CHECKSUM: 55073 63 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.SJIS/sysman_menu.sdl CHECKSUM: 04351 77 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/bindconfig.sdl CHECKSUM: 36601 63 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/dt/appconfig/help/ja_JP.eucJP/sysman_menu.sdl CHECKSUM: 45050 77 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/X11/ja_JP.SJIS/uid/Dxaccounts.uid CHECKSUM: 50018 1956 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 ./usr/i18n/lib/X11/ja_JP.eucJP/uid/Dxaccounts.uid CHECKSUM: 43832 1956 SUBSET: IOSJPXSYSMAN540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29248.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-248 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-248 (25248.00), IOS540DX-248 (26248.00), IOS540DX-248 (27248.00), IOS540DX-248 (28248.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (88397) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-003) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. FILES: ./usr/i18n/sbin/i18nsetup CHECKSUM: 49056 5 SUBSET: IOSWWSYSMAN540 ./sysman/i18nconfig/i18nsetup,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/i18nconfig/i18nwnn/i18nwnn.cb.tcl CHECKSUM: 43644 8 SUBSET: IOSWWSYSMAN540 ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/i18nconfig/wnnCI.tcl CHECKSUM: 64035 5 SUBSET: IOSWWSYSMAN540 ./sysman/i18nconfig/wnnCI.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/i18nconfig/wnnCIUtil.tcl CHECKSUM: 20421 5 SUBSET: IOSWWSYSMAN540 ./sysman/i18nconfig/wnnCIUtil.tcl,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29251.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-251 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-251 (25251.00), IOS540DX-251 (26251.00), IOS540DX-251 (27251.00), IOS540DX-251 (28251.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96120) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-002) ******** Cannot produce a correct character from Unicode value when Qu-Wei is selected as an input method for dxhanziim or dxim (selecting Qu-Wei is performed by pressing KP7). For example, character "A" should be produced by entering a Unicode value "u0041", but the current implementation does not work as expected. FILES: ./usr/i18n/shlib/ CHECKSUM: 32107 543 SUBSET: IOSWWX11540 ./motif/clients/dxim/zh_CN/gb_im.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29271.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-271 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-271 (25271.00), IOS540DX-271 (26271.00), IOS540DX-271 (27271.00), IOS540DX-271 (28271.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-009) ******** This patch provides a newly updated Chinese message file for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. FILES: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.UTF-8/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 39564 35 SUBSET: IOSZHSSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/zh_CN.dechanzi/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg CHECKSUM: 33983 35 SUBSET: IOSZHSSYSMAN540 ./sysman/localized/zh_CN.dechanzi/msg/i18n_motif_shared_text.msg,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29276.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-276 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-276 (25276.00), IOS540DX-276 (26276.00), IOS540DX-276 (27276.00), IOS540DX-276 (28276.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96827) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-009) ******** This patch provides a newly updated Chinese message file for the SysMan suitlets and others, which reflect the modifications in the English message files after the V5.1B release. FILES: ./usr/i18n/lib/nls/msg/zh_CN.dechanzi/ CHECKSUM: 35743 5 SUBSET: IOSZHSXADMIN540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29294.00 PATCH ID: IOS540DX-294 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00), OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: IOS540DX-294 (25294.00), IOS540DX-294 (26294.00), IOS540DX-294 (27294.00), IOS540DX-294 (28294.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96120) (PATCH ID: IOS540DX-002) ******** Cannot produce a correct character from Unicode value when Qu-Wei is selected as an input method for dxhanziim or dxim (selecting Qu-Wei is performed by pressing KP7). For example, character "A" should be produced by entering a Unicode value "u0041", but the current implementation does not work as expected. FILES: ./usr/i18n/bin/X11/dxhanziim CHECKSUM: 43496 410 SUBSET: IOSZHX11540 ./motif/clients/r5_rimp/zh_CN/zin_gb.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29001.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-001 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-001 (25001.00), OSF540-001 (26001.00), OSF540-001 (27001.00), OSF540-001 (28001.00), OSF540-069 (227.00), OSF540-248 (648.00), OSF540-348 (646.00), OSF540-368E (562.00), OSF540-525 (1106.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (95107) (PATCH ID: OSF540-248) ******** fwtmp displays invalid pid values for the following command. /usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmp |more This problem has been corrected now. PROBLEM: (81905, 74307) (PATCH ID: OSF540-348) ******** This submit request fixes following problems. 1)The difference in cpu time and connect time, seen in the output of accounting reports,when a ascii format report is converted to binary and again back to ascii format. 2)The difference in cpu time, seen in the output of 'acctcom' and 'acctmerg' commands for the same input file. PROBLEM: (37500) (PATCH ID: OSF540-368) ******** Patch makes start up scripts in /sbin/init.d world readable. PROBLEM: (87548) (PATCH ID: OSF540-389) ******** Accounting scripts have hardcoded paths in them that explicitly refer to member-specific files rather than the CDSLs pointing to them. PROBLEM: (93599, 87546) (PATCH ID: OSF540-525) ******** This patch corrects a) the display of the header from acctcom when accounting is first started. b) the typo in the script in PROBLEM: (88586) (PATCH ID: OSF540-069) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (83436) (PATCH ID: OSF540-778) ******** This patch corrects an error message during execution of runacct command. PROBLEM: (221-1-3582) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1168) ******** acctcom command was not reading the input files properly. This patch fixes the same. PROBLEM: (221-1-3680) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1196) ******** This patch fixes issues with acctcom with respect to reading inputs from pipe #v51bsupportos-1344-kvaneesh PROBLEM: (97585) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1344) ******** acctcom command was displaying BSD style ttynames even on system supporting unix98 ptys. This patch fixes the problem to display correct tty lines. #v51bsupportos-1284-rani PROBLEM: (97372, 97620, 221-1-3371, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1284) ******** This patch fixes two issues: -Accounting reports show wrong connect time for the users who remain logged in during the execution of runacct. The problem is that the connect time, for the users who remain logged in at the time of execution of runacct, is zero. Also such users login information is lost. -Command 'acctcon1' does not calculate the connect time for local logins in case of run level changes. The problem is that when there are some logins on the system console and system run level is changed to single user mode and brought it back to multi user mode, the connect time is not calculated for such local logins. #v51bsupportos-1843-roopali PROBLEM: (99418, 19277) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1843) ******** Dodisk was parsing the commented filesystems contained in the /etc/fstab file. The same has been fixed. #v51bsupportos-1673-roopali PROBLEM: (98804, 98811) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1673) ******** acctcom with -u and -g option should display information about the processes that are owned by specified user or group id. If an unknown user is specified, acctcom should exit after printing the error message. With the above options acctcom command was displaying the default details after printing error message. #v51bsupportos-1839-rani PROBLEM: (99393, 99425, 19266) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1839) ******** The file protections of /var/adm/pacct and ownership of /var/adm/wtmp were not set as expected by the accounting utilities. If the permissions of pacct file are not 664 then startup script,which enables accounting, exits with following error message. accton: file mode not 0664 If wtmp file is not owned by adm, the runacct script which generates accounting reports, fails when run as adm. # su adm $ id uid=10(adm) gid=19(adm) groups=4(bin) $ $ /usr/sbin/acct/runacct cp: /var/adm/wtmp: Permission denied chmod: /var/adm/wtmp: Not owner chgrp: /var/adm/wtmp: Not owner chown: /var/adm/wtmp: Not owner **** ACCT ERRORS:see /var/adm/acct/nite/active0116*** $ more /var/adm/acct/nite/active0116 Mon Jan 16 08:57:56 IST 2006 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root adm 34 Nov 5 14:32 /var/adm/wtmp-> ../cluster/members/{memb}/adm/wtmp -rw-rw-r-- 1 adm adm 0 Jan 16 08:55 fee -rw-rw-r-- 1 adm adm 8280 Jan 16 08:57 pacct -rw-r--r-- 1 adm adm 0 Nov 2 14:56 qacct files setups complete ERROR: wtmpfix errors see /var/adm/acct/nite/wtmperror0116 $ more /var/adm/acct/nite/wtmperror0116 safe_open: Permission denied $ FILES: ./sbin/init.d/acct CHECKSUM: 07728 2 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/bin/acctcom CHECKSUM: 56981 41 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctcom.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/acctlib/devtolin.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 37088 9 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctcon1 CHECKSUM: 19019 33 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctcon1.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/acctdusg CHECKSUM: 05818 25 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctmerg CHECKSUM: 28396 25 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctmerg.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/acctprc1 CHECKSUM: 49233 33 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctprc1.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/acctprc2 CHECKSUM: 15934 25 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/acctprc2.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/chargefee CHECKSUM: 14822 1 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/ckpacct CHECKSUM: 26764 2 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/dodisk CHECKSUM: 09248 2 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp CHECKSUM: 17874 17 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/acct/lastlogin CHECKSUM: 16084 2 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/monacct CHECKSUM: 09323 1 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/prdaily CHECKSUM: 55938 3 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/remove CHECKSUM: 38863 1 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/runacct CHECKSUM: 28493 11 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/shutacct CHECKSUM: 01567 1 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/startup CHECKSUM: 61448 1 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/turnacct CHECKSUM: 64644 2 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/wtmpfix CHECKSUM: 59835 25 SUBSET: OSFACCT540 ./usr/sbin/acct/wtmpfix.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29002.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-002 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-002 (25002.00), OSF540-002 (26002.00), OSF540-002 (27002.00), OSF540-002 (28002.00), OSF540-023 (201.00), OSF540-135A (14.00), OSF540-189 (349.00), OSF540-268 (803.00), OSF540-297 (490.00), OSF540-341 (795.00), OSF540-344 (735.00), OSF540-356G (838.00), OSF540-357 (685.00), OSF540-424 (813.00), OSF540-431 (811.00), OSF540-488 (1241.00), OSF540-586 (1172.00), OSF540-714C (1062.00), OSF540-735 (1221.00), OSF540-869 (1398.00), OSF540DX-021 (294.00), OSF540DX-034 (825.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (91074,) (PATCH ID: OSF540DX-021) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95703, 95704, 95705) (PATCH ID: OSF540DX-034) ******** Enhancement for SysMan File System Suitlet applications. PROBLEM: (91901, 93789) (PATCH ID: OSF540-001) ******** advscan can be fooled into thinking everything is OK, when it is not. If you create a domain and add a volumes to it. Say the domain is TEST and two volumes are ${DISK}a and ${DISK}b. Now do the following: mkdir /etc/fdmns/BAD mv /etc/fdmns/test/${DISK}b /etc/fdmns/BAD/ when advscan is run on ${DISK}, it will report everything as ok. : Actual partitions found: ${DISK}a ${DISK}b Now when you try to mount the domain, it will fail: mount TEST#TEST /mnt /etc/fdmns/TEST has 2 links. TEST#TEST on /mnt: I/O error The new behavior will yield: Actual partitions found: ${DISK}a ${DISK}b *** Incorrectly located in *** /etc/fdmns/BAD The mount will still fail, but it is now expected. The other issue will now print an error message like: AdvFS I/O error: Domain#Fileset: dombac#fsetbac Mounted on: /bac Volume: /dev/disk/dsk630c Tag: 0x000000c1.8001 Page: 548676 Block: 2431675264 Block count: 256 Type of operation: Write Error: 30 (see /usr/include/errno.h) <<<---NEW ... PROBLEM: (97063, 97101) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1019) ******** PROBLEM: This patch fixes a rare case were fixfdmn incorrectly fixed an extent map with data inconsistencies. PROBLEM: This patch fixes a rare case were fixfdmn incorrectly fixed the SBM, when the extent map had data inconsistencies. This is seen when fixfdmn tries to repair negative number of extent overlaps. Here is an example of the problem which shows up in the fixfdmn log file: Mcell (3,3,8) extent 0 for tag 59 in fileset 1, is being removed from volume /dev/disk/dsk20d. (-80 pages starting at LBN 72848) PROBLEM: On AdvFS domains with large amounts of metadata, fixfdmn used a large amount of memory which can slow down the time it takes to run to completion. This patch has shown dramatic speed improvements on these domains. PROBLEM: This patch fixes a rare case were fixfdmn would exit with out fixing anything, when it found extent maps with certain data inconsistencies. PROBLEM: (76346, 96353) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1025) ******** vdump/rvdump now reports, when all the hard link siblings cannot be archived through the specified path; vdump/rvdump now corrects the bytes to backup estimate calculation when hard links are archived. PROBLEM: (97279) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1034) ******** This patch enhances /sbin/advfs/tag2name to print out the name of the associated directory, given the tag of an index file. For example, # tag2name /mnt/.tags/406 406 is a directory index file The directory it indexes is /mnt/bigdir The last line in the example above is new. It will only be printed if the directory was opened prior to the invocation of tag2name. PROBLEM: (96657) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1038) ******** The AdvFS "stripe" command stripes only zero-length files. In a cluster, it's possible that, on a client, a write preceding the stripe command could actually be processed after it. This could appear to violate the documented behavior of stripe. The current patch addresses this problem. PROBLEM: (87802, 84422, 87576, 87802, 90472, 92015, 93597) (PATCH ID: OSF540-135) ******** This patch addresses one problem. When the system discovers a new device,it generates a new name for it to create the device special file (dsf). The instance part, a number, can get quite large when doing many disk backups using a clone-copy-delete procedure. Since the instance is always increasing, the names quickly become hard to manage. Also, the backup program must determine the new numbers each time it runs. To fix this problem, the dsfmgr program has added a new option that will minimize (or set) the instance numbers to the lowest possible value. If your system deletes and creates a large number of devices or deletes and creates devices often, this patch will help keep the values lower. For systems that have a fixed configuration except for the backup procedure, it will mean that each new set of cloned backup devices will always have the same new names. It can simplify the backup procedure. - an illegal input argument causes a core dump This usually occurs when no arguments are entered. - improper error handling by the stat function during boot dsfmgr fails with: dsfmgr: NOTE: creating device special files for system at / dsfmgr: ERROR: stat( "/dev/disk/dsk19a" ) = kernel database - duplicate device ID's +dsk19a /sbin/dn_setup: 1573120 Memory fault - core dumped - the move/exchange may cause data errors This occurs when it encountered a partial set of device nodes. - during boot the following message is seen: ============================= Problem occurred again while booting all nodes of the cluster. The problem occurred on two nodes: tcr6b: Checking device naming: ERROR : DEC_CHW_COMP : /etc/dec_hwc_cdb: invalid database size. Is 412648, sb 412408. ERROR : DEC_CHW_COMP : /etc/dec_hwc_cdb.bak: invalid backup size. Is 412648, sb 412408. bcheckrc: Device Naming failed initial check. Correct errors and then continue or reboot. ============================= This can be caused by a file update during the dsfmgr read of the file. Nothing is wrong and a ^D (ctrl D) will continue the boot again. This fix will detect this senerio and the system will boot without any operator intervention. PROBLEM: (94801, 94896) (PATCH ID: OSF540-189) ******** Corrections to fixfdmn to: - eliminate coredumps - avoid creating data inconsistencies - provide better messaging - perform better consistency checking in directories PROBLEM: (92556) (PATCH ID: OSF540-023) ******** For certain tyoes of metadata inconsistencies the verify utility would core dump. PROBLEM: (92731) (PATCH ID: OSF540-252) ******** Archive programs vdump and vrestore are modified to allow the user to request larger record sizes. Previously the maximum was 64k, now we allow 2048k. PROBLEM: (93192) (PATCH ID: OSF540-268) ******** Originally when you tried to migrate striped files without the -s option, the error EBAD_PARAMS was returned. When the migrate routine was enhanced, the routine mistakingly was returning E_BAD_PAGE_RANGE. The message is once again EBAD_PARAMS. PROBLEM: (91296, 76704, 78982, 79298) (PATCH ID: OSF540-324) ******** This submit request fixes the following problems. 1) If vdump or vrestore are interrupted they will dump core. The expected behavior is to ask the user to confirm if the program should be aborted. 2) In some locales, vdump and vrestore programs displays some incorrect messages. This has been corrected now. 3) vrestore with -l option displays the saveset structure. Now this option has been enhanced to show bitfile attributes on files. Bit files attributes are usually set on files in advfs fileset using 'usr/sbin/chfile'. 4) vdump program makes some unneccessary calls to backup property list information, which consumes time. Now this has been corrected in vdump to make these calls only when required. PROBLEM: (95084) (PATCH ID: OSF540-340) ******** When the input to vrestore is from a remote system through a pipe, as in: % rsh remotemchine cat filearchive | vrestore -tf - vrestore *may* sometimes fail if the very first read from the pipe fails to provide the complete number of bytes requested in the read(). This patch fixes that problem. PROBLEM: (95270) (PATCH ID: OSF540-341) ******** This patch will correct a problem with advfsstat printing negative values for statistics that are over 10 decimal digits long. If values were over 10 decimal digits long, the values were being printed assuming they were signed values instead of unsigned values. These larger values would require more than 10 columns of text each. To avoid a messy display, values larger than 10 decimal digits are scaled to represent the number of terabytes that are being used. For example Disk Reads Writes Rglobs AveRglob Wglobs AveWglob ---- ----- ------ ------ -------- ------ -------- 1 730158 99852 -65072 0 -11615180 0 becomes Disk Reads Writes Rglobs AveRglob Wglobs AveWglob ---- ----- ------ ------ -------- ------ -------- 1 730158 99852 16777215T 0 16777215T 0 where T is 2 to the 40th power. PROBLEM: (94496) (PATCH ID: OSF540-344) ******** This patch will display a more informative error message if chfile fails while trying to enable data logging. The current error message when "chfile -L on path" fails is: Are you trying to activate atomic write data logging on a non-AdvFS file or on an AdvFS file which has been memory-mapped via mmap() or which ha a frag? The new error message depend upon the error that occurred: 1. If directio I/O has been enabled and you issue "chfile -L on path", you will see Atomic write data logging cannot be enabled with direct I/O 2. If directio I/O is not enabled and you issue "chfile -L on path", you will see the old message Are you trying to activate atomic write data logging on a non-AdvFS file or on an AdvFS file which has been memory-mapped via mmap() or which ha a frag? 3. If an error occurred while we were trying to determine is directI/O was enabled, you will see Are you trying to activate atomic write data logging on a non-AdvFS file, or on an AdvFS file which has direct I/O enabled, or on an AdvFS file which has been memory-mapped via mmap() or which has a frag? PROBLEM: (SSRT2275) (PATCH ID: OSF540-356) ******** This patch provides protection against a class of potential security vulnerabilities called buffer overflows. Buffer overflows are sometimes exploited in an attempt to subvert the function of a privileged program and possibly execute commands at the elevated privileges if the program file has the setuid privilege. This patch allows a system administrator to enable memory management protections that limit potential buffer overflow vulnerabilities. PROBLEM: (74390, 83663, 93668, 94171, 94771) (PATCH ID: OSF540-357) ******** The following corrections are made to the vrestore program: * A file/directory name is displayed along with the error message when vrestore command fails to set a property list * Does not dump core when a tape has a smaller blocksize than expected * Handles no-rewind tapes properly. * Reads environment variable for user defined device name. * Sets the attributes (protection codes and property lists) for the top level directory. Note that if this is not desired, we've added a user option (-I) and test for an environment variable (Vrestore_Old_Top_Level_Behaviour). Either can be used to indicate that old behavior is to be followed. PROBLEM: (95465) (PATCH ID: OSF540-424) ******** This patch fixes a problem were after running fixfdmn the domain is still not mountable, because the count of mcells are incorrect in the RBMT/BMT0. This patch also fixes a problem with fixfdmn were in a rare case it was incorrectly fixing mcell counts on a valid ODSv3 AdvFS domain. In this case the domain is still valid, but metadata will have been changed. The following messages from the fixfdmn log file will appear in this case: 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 log mcell. 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 vol/dom mcell. 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 misc mcell. 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 root tag mcell. 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 log mcell. 15:26:52 | FOUND | Found corruptions in RBMT/BMT0 misc mcell. Note these same log messages can also appear if fixfdmn finds actual inconsistencies. PROBLEM: (HPAQ515QT, DSATP0D9D, DSATL27V5) (PATCH ID: OSF540-431) ******** This patch fixes a problem where defragment can fail if it is not able to obtain enough memory. The error returned will be "ENO_MORE_MEMORY" and the following error message will be seen on the screen: "defragment: Can't allocate memory for expanded xtnt desc table" PROBLEM: (94841, 95664, 95665) (PATCH ID: OSF540-488) ******** This patch fixes three very rare cases where fixfdmn could either fail to correct a domain or incorrectly make changes to a valid domain. PROBLEM: (95642) (PATCH ID: OSF540-531) ******** This patch reports errors emerging from the failure of the close() call for devices/files which are on an NFS mount point. PROBLEM: (95493) (PATCH ID: OSF540-568) ******** Improves the secure handling of temporary file by fixfdmn. PROBLEM: (96066, 96083) (PATCH ID: OSF540-581) ******** In a rare case, does not correctly fix invalid extent records. PROBLEM: (86946, 78900, 90991) (PATCH ID: OSF540-582) ******** This patch fixes the following: - displays compression ratio for vdump -C option; - displays error message for end of tape during vrestore; - identifies non-tape target device during rvdump/rvrestore. PROBLEM: (95926) (PATCH ID: OSF540-586) ******** Currently nvbmppg displays all the data in a specified mcell. This is because the -v (verbose) option is currently always on. This patch corrects that behavior. You now need to specify the -v option to display all the data in a specified mcell. Sample output with the verbose (-v) option: # /sbin/advfs/nvbmtpg dsk5h -a ========================================================================== VOLUME "/dev/rdisk/dsk5h" (VDI 1) lbn 48 BMT page 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- pageId 0 megaVersion 4 freeMcellCnt 9 nextFreePg 1 nextfreeMCId page,cell 0,19 CELL 0 next mcell volume page cell 0 0 0 bfSetTag,tag 0,0 RECORD 0 bCnt 8 BSR_MCELL_FREE_LIST headPg 0 RECORD 1 bCnt 12 BSR_DEF_DEL_MCELL_LIST nextMCId page,cell 0,0 prevMCId page,cell 0,0 : : Sample output without the verbose option: # /sbin/advfs/nvbmtpg dsk5h -a ========================================================================== VOLUME "/dev/rdisk/dsk5h" (VDI 1) lbn 48 BMT page 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CELL 0 next mcell volume page cell 0 0 0 bfSetTag,tag 0,0 RECORD 0 bCnt 8 BSR_MCELL_FREE_LIST headPg 0 RECORD 1 bCnt 12 BSR_DEF_DEL_MCELL_LIST nextMCId page,cell 0,0 prevMCId page,cell 0,0 : : PROBLEM: (91654, 93118) (PATCH ID: OSF540-066) ******** This patch will fix a rmvol E_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED error seen as follows: rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk4b' from domain 'test' rmvol: Can't move file /test/FILE89 pages rmvol: Error = E_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED (-1035) rmvol: Can't move file /test/FILE89 metadata rmvol: Can't remove volume '/dev/disk/dsk4b' from domain 'test' This patch will also eliminate an ENO_MORE_BLKS error seen when COWing a to a clone file while a rmvol is in progress. The following error will be seen: WARNING: AdvFS cannot copy-on-write data to a clone file. WARNING: encountered the following error: ENO_MORE_BLKS (-1040) WARNING: encountered the following error: ENO_MORE_BLKS (-1040) WARNING: do not continue using the clone fileset. PROBLEM: (85978) (PATCH ID: OSF540-714) ******** Code that inspected the disklabel for overlapping partitions did not skip over null partitions as expected. PROBLEM: (96533) (PATCH ID: OSF540-735) ******** An uninitialized variable can cause erroneous "DMAPI" messages to be displayed when showfile is used. PROBLEM: (95982) (PATCH ID: OSF540-801) ******** Allows fixfdmn to repair a rare on-disk structure problem with directories. This condition only shows up on a domains with multiple volume, and then only if property lists are used. PROBLEM: (96099) (PATCH ID: OSF540-815) ******** The value nvbmtpg printed for fs_stat.st_unused_1 could be incorrect. The value was being printed as if it was a long; it is really a short. PROBLEM: (96912) (PATCH ID: OSF540-858) ******** This patch improves fixfdmn's ability to fix on disk structure version 3 storage bit maps (SBM). In a rare case, fixfdmn was not be able to find the start of the SBM so exited with out fixing the domain. PROBLEM: (QAR., DSATL19H4, STL641521, FR_G07516, DE_G07662, DK_G07671, FR_G07730, DSATL11Z9, AT_G07777, TKT506263) (PATCH ID: OSF540-869) ******** This patch fixes vdump/vrestore -to disallow block sizes greater than 64k (a new feature that was added in bl22/pk2 which caused forward compatibility problems) -to properly backup less than 512 byte files from cdrom -to avoid a cluster drd bandwidth problem which occurs when a restore is attempted via a private tape drive that is not on the current node -to avoid misinterpretation of archive version which would happen in certain locales, causing vrestore to abort. PROBLEM: (97154) (PATCH ID: OSF540-955) ******** Correct free RBMT mcell count displayed by nvbmtpg. Allow maximum lenght directory name entries for the vods tools. PROBLEM: (96512, 96513, 97184, 97185) (PATCH ID: OSF540-992) ******** PROBLEM: This patch fixes a problem in fixfdmn when an AdvFS file domain has multiple RBMT pages and mcell zero on subsequent pages is free. PROBLEM: This patch fixes a problem in fixfdmn when an AdvFS file domain has a symbolic link with a target path length of between 252 and 260 characters. PROBLEM: This patch fixes a problem where under certain rare extent map data inconsistencies, fixfdmn would core dump while attempting to fix the domain. PROBLEM: (221-2-290) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1146) ******** Modified the to avoid deleting the /dev/null accidentally when /tmp is full and error message is suppressed. PROBLEM: (221-2-287) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1205) ******** Enabling vfast to run on a standalone system. #v51bsupportos-1498-mulgund PROBLEM: (97687) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1498) ******** This patch fixes problems with vrestore which wrongly sets ownership/permissions on the top level directory. Vrestore changes the ownership/permissions of the top level directory for selective dir/file restoration. #v51bsupportos-1380-carlson PROBLEM: (93961) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1380) ******** Fixes the following: 1. vfast: cannot get frag list; 14 - Bad address 2. vfast will now remove all kernel lists from a domain when vfast is deactivated on that domain. 3. vfast: cannot get hot list; 14 - Bad address #v51bsupportos-1428-mulgund PROBLEM: (95808, 98273, 98265, 98266) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1428) ******** This patch fixes problems with vdump to resolve fileset mounted on a CDSL. Vdump was failing to resolve CDSLs due to improper use C library call. #v51bsupportos-1350-mulgund PROBLEM: (98123, STL785923) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1350) ******** This patch fixes problems with vrestore to restore appropriate ACLs on the directories and sub-directories. Vrestore was failing to set the property list on the directories and sub-directories due improper function call. This patch also fixes the display of restored files/dirs in verbose mode. #v51bsupportos-1066-marier PROBLEM: (86191) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1066) ******** Problem: Fixfdmn will continue to check and make changes to the domain after being told not continue when an invalid fileset name is supplied. ... fixfdmn: Unable to find the requested fileset 'not_a_fileset', Do you want to continue? ([y]/n) n fixfdmn: Checking the SBM. ... #v51bsupportos-1286-mulgund PROBLEM: (97286, 97411, CFS.105137, CFS.104233, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1286) ******** This patch fixes vdump/vrestore - to support autoloader or manual loader, when dump size exceeds single tape size; - to run as cron or batch jobs. #v51bsupportdx-124-blv PROBLEM: (96891) (PATCH ID: OSF540DX-124) ******** The sysman menu 'Manage AdvFS File Systems' application displayed the ‘preferred values’ of Read and Write blocks instead of actual values. Also, the value of ‘dirty blocks’ was always 16384. #v51bsupportos-1484-franks PROBLEM: (221-2-1103) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1484) ******** This patch fixes a problem where the salvage utility can segmentation fault when run on a domain with an erroneous virtual device index in its on-disk metadata. The following is the stack trace for this problem. 0 add_extents_to_tag 1 load_tag_from_mcell 2 build_tree 3 main #v51bsupportos-1189-padminir PROBLEM: (97607, TKT586378) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1189) ******** The salvage -d option does not validate time correctly. For example, if salvage -d 200102290000 is passed, it will try to recover files but fail due to the invalid date. This fix validates incorrect time values and returns appropriate errors. #v51bsupportos-1388-srinath PROBLEM: (98129) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1388) ******** When a directory containing symbolic links is dumped, vdump displays incorrect number of bytes and percentage dumped. #v51bsupportos-1288-chijang PROBLEM: (221-1-4073, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1288) ******** Running vfast -L extents option give incorrect statistics for a given domain. #v51bsupportos-1323-srinath PROBLEM: (97502) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1323) ******** When the file is striped across multiple volumes, vrestore displays incorrect number of volumes and when the striped file is restored on a single volume, the message being displayed is misleading. #v51bsupportos-1452-mulgund PROBLEM: (QXCM1000198585, QXCM1000198626, QXCM1000199639) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1452) ******** This patch fixes a situation in which vdump would exit with message "Not enough memory to generate link table". The problem is caused by introduction of hash table in PK4 vdump. The table is used to keep track of the hard links during dump. Vdump maintained inode structures for all the inodes encountered. Also, each inode structure maintained path_name which is of size 1024 byte. The problem is now fixed. However, the functionality of vdump to estimate correct bytes_to_backup in case of hard links, and report any missed hard links in case of directory level backup, is maintained. #v51bsupportos-1245-chijang PROBLEM: (221-1-3825) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1245) ******** To fix a race condition between two threads in defragment to prevent it from looping indefinitely. #v51bsupportos-1597-wiener PROBLEM: (97701) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1597) ******** This patch fixes a potential memory fault while running fixfdmn. fixfdmn: Can't allocate memory for storage map. Memory fault(coredump) #v51bsupportos-1661-craig PROBLEM: (99069) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1661) ******** On domains with multi-page RBMT files, fixfdmn reports errors like the following. These errors are not in the domain, they are fixfdmn's incorrect processing of the domain. fixfdmn: Loading subsystem extents. fixfdmn: Can't convert page 12 to an LBN, valid range is 0 to 12. fixfdmn: Can't convert [R]BMT page 12 to LBN. fixfdmn: Error collecting subsystem extents. #v51bsupportos-1571-wiener PROBLEM: (98151) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1571) ******** An incorrect number of tag pages can be returned by various AdvFS user commands. #v51bsupportos-1713-mulgund PROBLEM: (74172, 74391, 74392, 74393, 98717) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1713) ******** Vrestore restores the file/dir. attributes incorrectly. #v51bsupportos-1599-wiener PROBLEM: (93050, 98832) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1599) ******** This patch removes several memory leaks from the AdvFS salvage utility. #v51bsupportos-1651-srinath PROBLEM: (98679) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1651) ******** Fixes rare vdump/vrestore hang when the user is requested for the next tape. When vdump/vrestore requests for a new tape to write/read data (once the current tape is full), user has to insert the new tape and press return.vdump/vrestore could potentially hang at this point. #v51bsupportos-2032-gopalak PROBLEM: (99817) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2032) ******** Rmvol will fail if there is insufficient space to create metadata on the volume being removed. In such cases rmvol was not explaining the action to take to remove volume successfully. #v51bsupportos-1943-craig PROBLEM: (99620) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1943) ******** An AdvFS filesystem domain from a v51a system that has a multi-page RBMT can cause problems when the OS is upgraded to v51b. If the RBMT grows under v51b then the next time the domain is activated (mount fileset after all filesets unmounted), then the activation will fail. Mount will fail with: WARNING: file tag -6 in fileset "" has > 64K extent mcells. Fixfdmn can fix this problem before a failed domain activation or after mount fails. #v51bsupportos-1833-lisa PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: OSF540-1833) ******** This patch enables AdvFS's rmvol utility to accept more than one volume for removal on the command line. The utility also provides a new option, a -s flag, which will perform a check for available free space before starting the rmvol operation and will inform the user if more storage is need in order to remove the volumes requested. An example rmvol command to remove 3 volumes from a domain will look like the following: # rmvol dsk5b dsk3a dsk4a rmvol_dmn1 rmvol: Removing 3 volume(s) from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk5b' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removed volume '/dev/disk/dsk5b' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk3a' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removed volume '/dev/disk/dsk3a' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk4a' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removed volume '/dev/disk/dsk4a' from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' rmvol: Removed 3 volume(s) from domain 'rmvol_dmn1' #v51bsupportos-1822-aravihs PROBLEM: (18916, QXCM1000287274) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1822) ******** This patch fixes a memory leak in the defragment command which was leading to defragment command failing with an error message "defragment: Can't allocate memory" #v51bsupportos-1706-franks PROBLEM: (273, QXCM1000220805, 1206609375-122 ADVFS) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1706) ******** When fixfdmn encounters a domain with more than one root tag file, it exits with the message, "Unable to continue, more than one root tag file". #v51bsupportos-1972-ranjani PROBLEM: (99680, 99748) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1972) ******** Problem 1 --------- When using a multipage RBMT domain "dmn" during functional testing, fixfdmn on this particular domain,hangs like this: fixfdmn: Checking fileset fset's tag file. fixfdmn: Can't allocate 16 bytes. Check for other processes (besides fixfdmn) which are using large amounts of memory, and kill them if possible, or increase swap space. If neither of those options are available, you may need to increase max_per_proc_data_size, vm_maxvas, and max_per_proc_address_space. Do you want fixfdmn to try this allocation again? ([y]/n) n <=====Hanging here=====> Problem 2 --------- When only the -m frag option is used on domains If there are mcell loops on the domain,fixfdmn hangs when going through the bmt chains. cyberstorm> fixfdmn -v3 -m frag w_aussie ...... fixfdmn: 1K frag at slot 203127 is outside of frag file for fileset users. fixfdmn: 3K frag at slot 338285 is outside of frag file for fileset users. fixfdmn: 1K frag at slot 241904 is outside of frag file for fileset users. fixfdmn: 1K frag at slot 203072 is outside of frag file for fileset users. fixfdmn: Modifying SBM tag and set info for mcell (1,2167,19) from (34333,1) to (1537,1). fixfdmn: Modifying mcell (1,2167,19)'s tag and set tag. <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> #v51bsupportos-2029-craig PROBLEM: (99700, 99893) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2029) ******** The nvbmtpg -l option would only list the first mcell on the DDL. The nvlogpg -f option would not follow the transaction records across a log page boundary. The page offset on the -s or -e option could select a page off the end of the log file. The nvtagpg command could not handle "dmn -T # -t #" syntax. #v51bsupportos-1595-wiener PROBLEM: (93368, 98869) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1595) ******** Patch corrects return values from the vfast utility. We are now also shipping #v51bsupportos-2189-ranjani PROBLEM: (97828) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2189) ******** nvfragpg acts differently on empty DVN 3 Versus DVN 4 Advfs domain On a v4 domain which has a fileset and whose frag file is empty the following is the output: # nvfragpg -r trial tfset Set "tfset" has no frag groups allocated. On a v3 domain, which has a fileset and whose frag file is empty # nvfragpg -r v3dmn v3fset2 ======================================================= DOMAIN "v3dmn" -------------------------------------------------------- get_frag_grps: Not enough space #v51bsupportos-2337-anju PROBLEM: (SSRT080098) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2337) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been identified with HP Tru64 UNIX Operating system. The vulnerability might be exploited by a local, authorized user resulting in disclosure of information. #v51bsupportos-2316-mahesha PROBLEM: (100541) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2316) ******** For Commands vrestore(8)/rvrestore(8), the restore operation fails to set a time stamps while restoring the dump data over NFS directory. #v51bsupportos-2169-blv PROBLEM: (20090) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2169) ******** Fixfdmn does not report proper errors when open()/write() to the device fail. #v51bsupportos-2336-mahesha PROBLEM: (20625, 3602368824-363 cmds) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2336) ******** When data backup is performed on a non-autoloader tape, vdump(8) gets into an infinite loop after the end of the tape is reached. #v51bsupportos-2160-nirmalr PROBLEM: (100187) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2160) ******** vrestore tries to change the restored file ownership attributes though it has correct value. In some conditions it fails and logs following error message though the restored file have correct attributes. "WARNING: insufficient privilege to restore attributes" In addition to that vrestore fails to restore the rest of the attributes (file permissions, creation time ... etc). This patch fixes the above said problems. #v51bsupportos-2366-shilpa PROBLEM: (20776, QXCM1000917451, 1604593872-161 cmd_user) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2366) ******** Vrestore(8) displays an incomplete message, while restoring device files in verbose mode #v51bsupportos-2376-shilpa PROBLEM: (20917, QXCM1001004148, 4608815702-462 cmds) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2376) ******** ASU acls for symbolic links were not getting restored after vrestore. #v51bsupportos-2380-roopali PROBLEM: (20901, QXCM1000991178, 4606378827-461 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2380) ******** defragment utility fails for large stripe files. FILES: ./sbin/advfs/advscan CHECKSUM: 07492 49 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/advscan/advscan.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn CHECKSUM: 64274 402 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_bmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_cache.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_dir.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_frag.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_metadata.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_rbmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_sbm.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/fixfdmn/fixfdmn_utilities.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/mssh CHECKSUM: 62825 89 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/nvbmtpg CHECKSUM: 56453 177 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/bmt_edit.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/bmt_test.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/nvbmtpg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/print_mcells.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/nvfragpg CHECKSUM: 05988 161 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/nvfragpg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/nvlogpg CHECKSUM: 32104 153 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/nvlogpg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/print_log.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/nvtagpg CHECKSUM: 38317 129 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/nvtagpg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/tag_edit.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage CHECKSUM: 33041 323 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/salvage/salvage.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage/salvage_build.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage/salvage_fnames.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage/salvage_init.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage/salvage_recover.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/salvage/utility.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/savemeta CHECKSUM: 06849 6 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/tag2name CHECKSUM: 57919 113 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/tag2name/tag2name.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/verify CHECKSUM: 55780 137 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/verify/verify.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vfilepg CHECKSUM: 09483 113 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/vfilepg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vsbmpg CHECKSUM: 44794 129 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/advfs/vods/sbm_edit.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vsbmpg.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/chfsets CHECKSUM: 65343 33 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/chvol CHECKSUM: 09593 33 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/chvol/chvol.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/mkfdmn CHECKSUM: 58245 33 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/mkfset CHECKSUM: 26733 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/mount_advfs CHECKSUM: 29841 1147 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./kernel/io/common/dsfm.h,v RCS ID: ./usr/ccs/lib/libc/alpha/ldr_load.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/ccs/lib/libcfg/dsf_funcs.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/ccs/lib/libfilsys/overlap.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/ccs/lib/libmsfs/library.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/rmfdmn CHECKSUM: 33627 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/rmfset CHECKSUM: 00279 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/rvdump CHECKSUM: 12429 153 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/backup/shared/bufpool_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/lzw.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/msgqueue_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/tapeops.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumpoptr.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumprmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vdump/vdump.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/rvrestore CHECKSUM: 55391 217 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/backup/shared/bufpool_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/lzw.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/tapeops.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumpoptr.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumprmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/dirmgt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/inotbl.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/vrestore.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/vdump CHECKSUM: 30376 161 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/backup/shared/bufpool_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/lzw.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/msgqueue_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/tapeops.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumpoptr.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumprmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vdump/vdump.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/vrestore CHECKSUM: 47288 217 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sbin/backup/shared/bufpool_util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/lzw.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/tapeops.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/util.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumpoptr.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/shared/vdumprmt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/dirmgt.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/inotbl.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/backup/vrestore/vrestore.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/fs_domain_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 59767 200 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/fs_file_manager.sdl CHECKSUM: 33670 50 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 19924 3 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 48938 2 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 12383 6 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 60492 49 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_domain_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 10408 37 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_file_manager.msg CHECKSUM: 45939 15 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager.msg,v RCS ID: ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 36522 7 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 20426 6 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 36766 14 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 43896 1 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 44121 9 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 39846 7 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/ CHECKSUM: 44324 13 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/advfsstat CHECKSUM: 62232 65 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/advfsstat/advfsstat.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/balance CHECKSUM: 59868 41 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/chfile CHECKSUM: 04523 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/chfile/chfile.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/defragcron CHECKSUM: 03107 17 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/defragment/,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/defragment CHECKSUM: 59867 89 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/defragment/defragment.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/migrate CHECKSUM: 09865 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/rmvol CHECKSUM: 36643 73 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/rmvol/rmvol.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/showfile CHECKSUM: 04307 33 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/showfile/showfile.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/stripe CHECKSUM: 35709 25 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/sbin/stripe/stripe.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/vfast CHECKSUM: 14464 137 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c,v RCS ID: ./sbin/advfs/vods/vods.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/sbin/vfast/vfast.c,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager CHECKSUM: 07916 12 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager,v RCS ID: ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager.cb.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager.cb.tcl CHECKSUM: 05782 62 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/domain-manager/fs_domain_manager.cb.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/domain-manager/tclIndex CHECKSUM: 58144 3 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager CHECKSUM: 57610 3 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager,v RCS ID: ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager.cb.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager.cb.tcl CHECKSUM: 63656 20 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/file-manager/fs_file_manager.cb.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/file-manager/tclIndex CHECKSUM: 44749 2 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/recover-domain/fs_salvage.cb.tcl CHECKSUM: 43656 10 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/recover-domain/fs_salvage.cb.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/menu/tasks/filesystems/sysman_menu_definition_filesystems.tcl CHECKSUM: 06710 7 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/suitlets/filesystems/sysman_menu_definition_filesystems.tcl,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/sms/objects/advfs.smo CHECKSUM: 53522 10 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./sysman/sms/smd/datafiles/advfs.smo,v RCS ID: ./usr/share/sysman/web/suitlet_help/html/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_domain_manager.html CHECKSUM: 08750 247 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/share/sysman/web/suitlet_help/html/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_file_manager.html CHECKSUM: 37861 63 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/share/sysman/web/suitlet_help/text/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_domain_manager.txt CHECKSUM: 20872 139 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 ./usr/share/sysman/web/suitlet_help/text/en_US.ISO8859-1/fs_file_manager.txt CHECKSUM: 46423 34 SUBSET: OSFADVFS540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29003.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-003 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-003 (25003.00), OSF540-003 (26003.00), OSF540-003 (27003.00), OSF540-003 (28003.00), OSF540-297 (490.00), OSF540-476 (872.00), OSF540-947 (1414.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (91901, 93789) (PATCH ID: OSF540-001) ******** advscan can be fooled into thinking everything is OK, when it is not. If you create a domain and add a volumes to it. Say the domain is TEST and two volumes are ${DISK}a and ${DISK}b. Now do the following: mkdir /etc/fdmns/BAD mv /etc/fdmns/test/${DISK}b /etc/fdmns/BAD/ when advscan is run on ${DISK}, it will report everything as ok. : Actual partitions found: ${DISK}a ${DISK}b Now when you try to mount the domain, it will fail: mount TEST#TEST /mnt /etc/fdmns/TEST has 2 links. TEST#TEST on /mnt: I/O error The new behavior will yield: Actual partitions found: ${DISK}a ${DISK}b *** Incorrectly located in *** /etc/fdmns/BAD The mount will still fail, but it is now expected. The other issue will now print an error message like: AdvFS I/O error: Domain#Fileset: dombac#fsetbac Mounted on: /bac Volume: /dev/disk/dsk630c Tag: 0x000000c1.8001 Page: 548676 Block: 2431675264 Block count: 256 Type of operation: Write Error: 30 (see /usr/include/errno.h) <<<---NEW ... PROBLEM: (96922, 97247) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1004) ******** A race condition can cause some problems. Both of these problems could occur on a non-clustered system, but have only been seen on very fast clustered systems. Problem 1: Assume we have a file striped over two volumes. Now we do a rmvol and a migrate at the same time. It was possible for migrate to think that there were still two volumes, while rmvol knew there was only one. A kernel memory fault would occur. The small timing window for this situation to arise has been closed. Problem 2: This problem also involved a striped file. It involves setting up striped disks. Here is the trace of a dump that could occur: 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 trap 6 _XentMM 7 stg_set_alloc_disk 8 msfs_syscall_op_set_bf_next_alloc_vol 9 msfs_real_syscall 10 msfs_syscall 11 syscall 12 _Xsyscall PROBLEM: (96297) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1010) ******** This patch modifies the behavior CFS flushing during a rmvol. With this modification, any unexpected error while doing a flush during a rmvol will be gracefully handled. PROBLEM: (96554, SE_G07098) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1015) ******** This patch attempts to reduce the size of the extent map of a clone file, when the original file corresponding to the clone is modified using direct IO. Currently, the copy-on-write mechanism copied pages one at a time, so the clone ended up with a lot of 1-page extents. In a cluster using concurrent cached reads (CCR), since the extent map was modified very often, the client had to re-obtain the extent map very often as well, and since the extent map is big, read performance suffered. This patch copies as many pages as the active range covers. Provided that the active range is bigger than a page and that the storage allocator can find contiguous storage for the request, the extent map should be substantially smaller. By itself, this patch might be insufficient to prevent this problem from happening. For example, the storage allocator might not find contiguous storage, particularly if the disk is relatively full. Also, if the active ranges are smaller than a page, this patch is not going to help. It also might not shrink the extent map sufficiently to prevent the problem. In that case, a CFS patch (NEW TUNABLE TO BENEFIT CLIENT CLONE READS) allows the user to turn off CCR manually, in order to alleviate the problem. PROBLEM: (97279) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1034) ******** This patch enhances /sbin/advfs/tag2name to print out the name of the associated directory, given the tag of an index file. For example, # tag2name /mnt/.tags/406 406 is a directory index file The directory it indexes is /mnt/bigdir The last line in the example above is new. It will only be printed if the directory was opened prior to the invocation of tag2name. PROBLEM: (93501) (PATCH ID: OSF540-013) ******** There was improper synchronization between threads writing to files via directIO and the copy-on-write of that file's pages if it is cloned. This could allow a stale copy of data to be left in the UBC which would be returned on a subsequent read operation of that page. This would appear to the application as a read of stale data from the file, even though the data on disk was correct. PROBLEM: (94558) (PATCH ID: OSF540-015) ******** There was a race between the IO completion routine and the routine that waits for all IOs to be completed when removing a volume. Under certain conditions, the volume removal could occur before the IO completion routine was done touching the in-memory structure for the volume. This fix corrects that race. PROBLEM: (88114, 93775) (PATCH ID: OSF540-016) ******** The accounting for moving of buffers onto the device queue in AdvFS failed to include buffers being moved from the blocking queue. This would include metadata buffers and buffers for files opened for directIO. The result is that when monitoring IO via advfsstat, these buffers were not represented. In some cases, it appeared that IO was not happening. PROBLEM: (93075) (PATCH ID: OSF540-187) ******** Changed behavior of migrate_normal and migrate_stripe when migrating an original file that has a clone. If the clone was marked out of sync, migrate could come back with E_CLONE_OUT_OF_SYNC even though the migrate succeeded. Now this case is caught, and handled. PROBLEM: (94964) (PATCH ID: OSF540-190) ******** This problem can produce two distinct stack traces. "idx_lookup_node_int: bs_refpg failed" 4 domain_panic 5 idx_lookup_node_int 6 idx_lookup_node_int 7 idx_lookup_filename 8 seq_search 9 msfs_lookup 10 namei 11 vn_open 12 copen 13 syscall 14 _Xsyscall "bs_frag_dealloc: rbf_pinpg (4) failed, return code = -1035" 7 domain_panic 8 bs_frag_dealloc 9 fs_delete_frag 10 copy_and_del_frag 11 fs_write_add_stg 12 fs_write 13 msfs_write 14 vn_write 15 rwuio 16 write 17 syscall 18 _Xsyscall PROBLEM: (94231) (PATCH ID: OSF540-192) ******** When removing a volume from a domain, rmvol sometimes fails with E_BMT_NOT_EMPTY error. As a result a volume cannot be removed with no apparent reason. PROBLEM: (93869, 93585) (PATCH ID: OSF540-002) ******** This patch replaces the system panics caused by "Can't clear bit twice" with a domain panic. Panic strings include: "bad v0 frag free list" "get bf set attr failed." "invalid fragSlot" "bs_frag_alloc: invalid frag" "bs_frag_alloc: invalid frag group Also included in this path is some code clean up. There are times when a routine will only return success, yet we were checking return value for failure. PROBLEM: (BCGM5159Z) (PATCH ID: OSF540-024) ******** This patch forces a domain panic instead of a system panic if AdvFS metadata is discovered to be incorrect in frag_group_dealloc. PROBLEM: (94590) (PATCH ID: OSF540-242) ******** This rmvol hang is seen after a cluster node failure. If a node crashes while in the middle of migration of the frag file, when rmvol is attempted again, it will hang looping trying to remigrate the frag file. The hang has only been seen on cluster_usr frag file migration. The looping rmvol will look similar to the following if rmvol is run with the -v flag: vanhal1:/ (ROOT) > rmvol -v /dev/vol/rootdg/cluster_usrvol cluster_usr rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/vol/rootdg/cluster_usrvol' from domain 'cluster_usr' rmvol: Moving file file name: (setTag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001), tag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001)) no pages moved rmvol: Moving file file name: (setTag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001), tag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001)) no pages moved rmvol: Moving file prime mcell file name: (setTag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001), tag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001)) rmvol: Moving file file name: (setTag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001), tag: 1.32769 (0x1.0x8001)) no pages moved ... ... This hang may also be seen running volmigrate or volunmigrate, since both of these utilities perform rmvol. PROBLEM: (BCSM81VX7, GB_G01823, 89491) (PATCH ID: OSF540-025) ******** This fixes an invalid pointer access panic in AdvFS. This happens after AdvFS has encountered various I/O errors that cause AdvFS to put a filesystem into its domain panic state. AdvFS error handling was not properly initializing a fileset pointer variable to NULL. During cleanup, the non-null variable would falsely indicate a filesystem fileset needed to be closed and would panic due to a bad fileset pointer. PROBLEM: (BCSMM2J85, 94958) (PATCH ID: OSF540-250) ******** Fix a standards violation, as it causes ENOSPC for writes that previously returned EOK to their callers (standards require that writes that will fail due to ENOSPC should return such indication immediately to the caller). PROBLEM: (AT_G04801) (PATCH ID: OSF540-255) ******** This correction adds the following improvements to AdvFS: - checks for property list namelength to protect against having the kernel be confused by inconsistent values (which could lead to various crashes) - properly accesses reserved files, avoiding considering the possibility of property lists for them (which avoids an aliasing problem that could lead to file inconsistency OR kernel memory faults) PROBLEM: (94955) (PATCH ID: OSF540-263) ******** When setting gh_min_seg_size to a value of 4M, a message is printed at boot time stating: vm_configure: gh_min_seg_size too small or not aligned on 8meg boundary PROBLEM: (94382, 94807, FR_G04495, FR_G05021) (PATCH ID: OSF540-027) ******** This patch corrects a problem in AdvFS where it avoids a potential stranded log record in memory that doesn't get out to disk by fixing a race condition. PROBLEM: (93839) (PATCH ID: OSF540-270) ******** Internal testing uncovered a potential problem when a recent domain had paniced, and soon afterward the domain was rebooted. PROBLEM: (95021, ZPOQCA010) (PATCH ID: OSF540-290) ******** This patch prevents a panic that may occur in a cluster when a fileset mounted -o dual is failed over or unmounted during shutdown. Typical stack trace: > 0 stop_secondary_cpu src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 1339 1 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1296 2 event_timeout src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 2227 3 printf src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 981 4 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1353 5 cfs_stop_server_accept src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cfs_reloc.c : 1272 6 cms_handle_send_msg src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cms_kgs.c : 3728 7 cms_kgs_callback_thread src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cms_kgs.c : 3303 The panic string is: "cfs_stop_server_accept: error setting domain relocating flag" PROBLEM: (94050) (PATCH ID: OSF540-312) ******** Under a heavy system load, when vfast is working hard, it is possible that the "vfast stop" command, issued by the system during a system shutdown or reboot can hang. This resulted in administrators having to reset the system manually. No other consequences of this rare problem have been detected. PROBLEM: (95053) (PATCH ID: OSF540-313) ******** The maximum size of a property list name for files was inadvertently set to 245. This maximum name size has been increased to 255. PROBLEM: (94724) (PATCH ID: OSF540-318) ******** This patch will improve the performance of AdvFS under heavy I/O loads. This improvement was accomplished by rewriting a code path that was taking out a lock even if it was not needed. By only taking out the lock when it was needed, lock misses and lock contention is reduced. This reduces a large amount of wait time under heavy I/O loads. PROBLEM: (BCGMC1CKJ, FR_G03239) (PATCH ID: OSF540-033) ******** This correction avoids a silent infinite loop in vdump by correcting the AdvFS system call OP_GET_BKUP_XTNT_MAP. The call will now return the valid xtntCnt when it fails due to E_NOT_ENOUGH_XTNTS. PROBLEM: (95463) (PATCH ID: OSF540-330) ******** This patch adds defensive programming to stat.h to avoid stat.h getting confused if one of its internal temporary #defines is defined before stat.h is processed. PROBLEM: (95130) (PATCH ID: OSF540-342) ******** This patch corrects a function call made while running on a cluster. The old code tried to call a routine XXX() to verify that the system is configured in a cluster, but the code called XXX. This caused the call to XXX to always succeed. Specifying the call correctly as XXX() allows AdvFS to verify that the system is configured in a cluster. PROBLEM: (95134) (PATCH ID: OSF540-343) ******** This patch improves the scalabilty and performance of AdvFS. The patch accomplishes this by being smarter about when it needs a particular AdvFS lock and when it does not. PROBLEM: (94877) (PATCH ID: OSF540-345) ******** This patch allows AdvFS to record if a domain panic has occurred, even if a system panic results. Without this patch, the system logs would need to be searched to gather this information. PROBLEM: (95277) (PATCH ID: OSF540-346) ******** If an error is found while trying to reset the AdvFS on disk state, a panic would occur. Since this error is really a problem with one domain and not a system problem, AdvFS now panics the domain instead of crashing the system. PROBLEM: (95169, 95152) (PATCH ID: OSF540-351) ******** This patch helps improve scalability by o turning off the collection of some internal statistics o prefetching some data, by using locals to collect changes in two globals so that the globals only need to be modified once o rearranging the order of some instructions to get a better chance of being ready for our use when needed. PROBLEM: (94741) (PATCH ID: OSF540-371) ******** The AdvFS migration code, on a clustered system, needs to ensure that pages are flushed before they are invalidated following the migration. This fix ensures that this is done. PROBLEM: (95506) (PATCH ID: OSF540-385) ******** This patch fixes a deadlocking problem in the kernel where a file open on a clone could hang when ACLs are enabled. This problem is recognizable by a number of processes in the "U" state. PROBLEM: (DSATP26SZ, HPAQC000P) (PATCH ID: OSF540-393) ******** This patch fixes a problem where two threads can hang in a deadlock. One thread hangs during the rename of an AdvFS file, while another thread hangs during a defragment (or rmvol, or balance, or migrate) in the same AdvFS domain. The stack traces of the deadlocked threads are similar to the following. Thread A: > 0 thread_block 1 lock_wait 2 lock_read 3 msfs_rename 4 cfs_comm_rename 5 cfs_rename 6 rename 7 syscall 8 _Xsyscall Thread B: 0 thread_block 1 lock_wait 2 lock_write 3 migrate_normal 4 migrate_normal_one_disk 5 mig_migrate 6 bs_migrate 7 msfs_syscall_op_migrate 8 msfs_real_syscall 9 msfs_syscall 10 syscall PROBLEM: (94158) (PATCH ID: OSF540-399) ******** The existing freezefs displays an incorrect error message of "XXX is frozen" when "freezefs -q" is executed on a non-AdvFS filesystem XXX. This patch corrects this behavior by displaying "freezefs XXX: Function not implemented" instead. PROBLEM: (91222) (PATCH ID: OSF540-400) ******** No actual code modification is required. 0x10000000 and 0x20000000 need to be reserved for AUTOFS flags. These two are for di_flags bits in dinode.h and st_flags bits in fs_dir.h PROBLEM: (95073) (PATCH ID: OSF540-404) ******** The violation of the O_DSYNC semantics occurs when 1. User creates a new file. 2. Writes to it asynchronously, which allocates storage. 3. Closes file. 4. Vnode for file is recycled. 5. Reopens file with O_DSYNC flag. 6. Writes to file, overwriting already allocated storage 7. Write from step 5 returns to application. 8. System crashes. PROBLEM: (95547) (PATCH ID: OSF540-448) ******** This patch corrects the NFS server's handling of files open for direct I/O. Previously, the NFS server would use the buffer cache to read files that are open for direct I/O. There was no check in the AdvFS routine used to fill the buffer cache that would disallow cache-based accesses to files open for direct I/O. The new behaviour has AdvFS indicate that the operation is not supported, and the NFS server then retries the read using the read/write interface. N.B. This patch also changes how 3rd party filesystems that do not support the buffer cache are accessed. Previously, the NFS server would handle this on behalf of the underlying filesystem. Now, when an underlying filesystem does not support buffer cache operations, the NFS server will use the read/write interface. PROBLEM: (95711) (PATCH ID: OSF540-451) ******** This patch fixes an internal problem in the kernel's advfs, ufs and nfs filesystems where extended attributes with extremely long names, greater than 247 characters, could not be set on files. The new limit is 254 + a Null string terminator. PROBLEM: (BCGMD1WZP, 95753) (PATCH ID: OSF540-487) ******** This patch fixes a problem where on disk information can be lost. This can happen if while using clones a volume fills up. This situation also can happen when using rmvol on a domain with a full volume. A known behavior of this problem is that rmvol can go into an infinite loop while trying to move a file from a volume being removed to a new volume. The most common types of information lost are fs_stat records which contains information about the type of file, size and creation times; ACLs (property lists) and directory indexes. PROBLEM: (KAOQB0009, 96291, 96684, 97016, 96917) (PATCH ID: OSF540-502) ******** This patch fixes a problem where threads can hang in ms_malloc(). It's more likely to occur when many threads are mallocing large amounts of memory, such as when many defragment threads are migrating very large files. The hanging threads will have stack traces similar to the following. Victim threads: 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3223 1 lock_wait src/kernel/kern/lock.c : 855 2 lock_write src/kernel/kern/lock.c : 950 3 overlay_xtnt_map src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c : 3869 4 switch_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 3669 5 migrate_normal src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 1895 6 migrate_normal_one_disk src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 1336 7 mig_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 1111 8 bs_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 994 9 msfs_syscall_op_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c : 6078 10 msfs_real_syscall src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c : 3763 11 msfs_syscall src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_syscalls.c : 145 12 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 13 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1814 Culprit thread: 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3223 1 malloc_internal src/kernel/bsd/kern_malloc.c : 2309 2 _ms_malloc src/kernel/msfs/bs/ms_mode.c : 178 3 imm_extend_xtnt_map src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c : 644 4 imm_copy_xtnt_descs src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c : 1599 5 imm_overlay_xtnt_map src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c : 4723 6 migrate_normal_one_disk src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 1278 7 mig_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 1111 8 bs_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 994 9 msfs_syscall_op_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c : 6078 10 msfs_real_syscall src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c : 3763 11 msfs_syscall src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_syscalls.c : 145 12 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 13 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1814 PROBLEM: (DSATD03BH) (PATCH ID: OSF540-520) ******** This patch prevents a kernel memory fault panic in _OtsMove when going through the fs_read() routine. The panicing thread will have a stack trace similar to the following. 4 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1378 5 trap src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c : 2285 6 _XentMM src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 2219 7 _OtsMove src/kernel/arch/alpha/ots_move_alpha.s : 1592 8 uiomove src/kernel/bsd/kern_subr.c : 196 9 uiomove_frag src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 5486 10 fs_read src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 4651 11 msfs_read src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 3446 12 vn_pread src/kernel/vfs/vfs_vnops.c : 1149 13 msfs_strategy src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 6302 14 aio_rw src/kernel/bsd/kern_aio.c : 3225 15 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 16 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1864 PROBLEM: (95799) (PATCH ID: OSF540-521) ******** If a domain panic is encountered when in bmt_free_bf_mcells_i(), that is, AdvFS is freeing appropriate chained mcells, when you try to unmount the paniced domain, umount will hang. This path prevents that hang. > 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3102 1 thread_sleep src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 2691 2 _cond_wait src/kernel/msfs/bs/ms_generic_locks.c : 711 3 _ftx_start_i src/kernel/msfs/bs/ftx_routines.c : 974 4 quota_deactivate src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c : 3465 5 msfs_unmount src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vfsops.c : 3882 6 dounmount src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 2127 7 unmount src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 1934 8 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 713 9 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1785 PROBLEM: (95751) (PATCH ID: OSF540-535) ******** This patch provides a workaround for a domain panic when inconsistency in the deferred-delete list of an AdvFS filesystem is detected. Instead of panicking the domain, the DDL is truncated (potentially rendering some space on the disk unusable), but the system keeps running. The lost space can be recovered at a later time, when the domain is inactive, by running fixfdmn. PROBLEM: (95968) (PATCH ID: OSF540-572) ******** This patch corrects idle-wait time accounting within the advfs filesystem, as reported by "vmstat -w". PROBLEM: (TSTQD1FDK, 95752) (PATCH ID: OSF540-575) ******** command response degrades to over 30 seconds for long periods of time (15 minutes). PROBLEM: (93863) (PATCH ID: OSF540-584) ******** The function bs_bfdmn_flush_all is no longer used. It was previously only called from get_freebuf which was removed with the UBC integration work. The function has been removed. PROBLEM: (95871) (PATCH ID: OSF540-592) ******** It is possible that while searching through a directory, that kernel routines will be modifying the directory. That could cause an unaligned memory crash. To prevent this, we lock the directory before we search it. This will prevent the kernel from modifying the directory during our search. PROBLEM: (ZPO187963) (PATCH ID: OSF540-593) ******** This correction eliminates a panic, "lock_terminate: lock owned", called from the dqget routine. PROBLEM: (95899, HPAQF0ZTX, 96627) (PATCH ID: OSF540-595) ******** Some NFS clients bypass the normal system call interface and directly call the VOP_SETATTR routine to change file size. Growing the file size by calling VOP_SETATTR was not expected in AdvFS so the previously allocated file frag might be too small to contain the new file length. Data written to the file beyond the end of the frag would overwrite an area outside the file which might be unallocated space or space belonging to other files. PROBLEM: (94058, DSATL0KQN, 94312) (PATCH ID: OSF540-060) ******** Patch 1) This patch fixes an AdvFS asynchronous direct IO problem that could cause a thread to hang. The asynchronous IO completion handling by AdvFS did not always decrement the v_numoutput field in the vnode. When the vnode was eventually put on the free list it still had an non-zero count in v_numoutput. When another thread tried to get a new vnode, and happened upon this one, it would hang waiting for v_numoutput to go to zero during vclean(). A typical stack trace for the hung thread is: 0 thread_block() ["/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":3284, 0xfffffc00002e72e0] 1 vflushbuf_aged() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_bio.c":2149, 0xfffffc0000602d14] 2 vclean() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c":3231, 0xfffffc000060ca04] 3 vgone() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c":3496, 0xfffffc000060cdc0] 4 getnewvnode() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c":2120, 0xfffffc000060b6cc] 5 vdealloc() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c":1746, 0xfffffc000060af48] 6 vrele() ["/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c":2841, 0xfffffc000060c39c] ... Patch 2) This patch addresses an issue when truncating AdvFS files within a trailing fragment. If such a truncation was performed leaving a segment of valid data virtual memory-based accesses (e.g, mmap and NFS server) would erroneously see zeroes for the untruncated data. PROBLEM: (94989) (PATCH ID: OSF540-611) ******** There is a panic resulting in a Kernel Memory Fault in access_invalidate. The stack trace looks like the following. 4 panic(s = 0xfffffc0000aabae0 = "kernel memory fault") ["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":1378, 0xfffffc00002afe64] 5 trap(a0 = (...), a1 = (...), a2 = (...), code = 0x20, exc_frame = 0xfffffe04283f7140) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c":2285, 0xfffffc00005a97d0] 6 _XentMM(0x0, 0xfffffc0000345074, 0xfffffc0000a29c90, 0xfffffc0000bcb760, 0xc001014b00348f96) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":2219, 0xfffffc00005a3294] 7 access_invalidate(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c":3614, 0xfffffc0000345074] 8 bfs_dealloc(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, deallocate = 0xd1c0448) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":3811, 0xfffffc000034c520] 9 bfs_close(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, ftxH = struct { dmnP = (nil) hndl = 0x0 level = 0x0 }) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":4227, 0xfffffc000034cf18] 10 bs_bfs_close(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, ftxH = struct { dmnP = (nil) hndl = 0x0 level = 0x0 }, options = 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":4361, 0xfffffc000034d104] 11 del_clean_mcell_list(0x0, 0x20925ad3d932859, 0x800100000001, 0xfffffc0000000218, 0xfffffc0013bd7348) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_delete.c":2329, 0xfffffc0000363508] 12 bs_bfdmn_activate(0x100000001, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc0000000000, 0xfffffc00002ed280) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":3791, 0xfffffc0000367fc0] 13 bs_bfdmn_tbl_activate(0xfffffc0000a6d5e0, 0x1, 0xfffffc000038f87c, 0xfffffc000fe1e008, 0x1) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":2575, 0xfffffc00003661f0] 14 bs_get_dmntbl_params(0xfffffc000038f8d8, 0xfffffc000fe1e008, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":7695, 0xfffffc000036d254] 15 msfs_real_syscall(0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0xfffffc000fe1e018, 0x20001392c28) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c":3220, 0xfffffc000038f8d4] 16 msfs_syscall(0x1, 0xfffffc000fe1e018, 0x20001392c28, 0x3f1, 0xfffffc000059f7c4) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_syscalls.c":145, 0xfffffc00002ffce0] 17 syscall(0x390, 0x20001392fa8, 0x0, 0xfffffc0000000000, 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c":725, 0xfffffc000059f7c0] 18 _Xsyscall(0x8, 0x3ff8125d078, 0x3ffc054b4f0, 0x60008, 0x20001392c20) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1864, 0xfffffc00005a2fdc] The second problem there will be a domain panic message from bs_frag_dealloc or frag_group_dealloc. The exact message will vary because there are about a dozen different messages possible describing different inconsistencies. PROBLEM: (BCPM401BT, 96184) (PATCH ID: OSF540-615) ******** Performance improvement for CFS filesets mounted with the server_only option. A log sync for create transactions, normally required for data integrity across a failover, is not needed for server_only filesets because failover is not supported on such filesets. This log sync was removed. PROBLEM: (95437, DSATR08FF) (PATCH ID: OSF540-631) ******** This patch fixes a cluster panic where a long running defragment thread was hogging the CPU and not letting an ICS thread run. When the ICS thread finally runs, it checks that it has not run in a very long time and panics the system. The fix is to add preemption points to the routine that copies the migrating pages and to its subordinates as well. PROBLEM: (91654, 93118) (PATCH ID: OSF540-066) ******** This patch will fix a rmvol E_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED error seen as follows: rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk4b' from domain 'test' rmvol: Can't move file /test/FILE89 pages rmvol: Error = E_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED (-1035) rmvol: Can't move file /test/FILE89 metadata rmvol: Can't remove volume '/dev/disk/dsk4b' from domain 'test' This patch will also eliminate an ENO_MORE_BLKS error seen when COWing a to a clone file while a rmvol is in progress. The following error will be seen: WARNING: AdvFS cannot copy-on-write data to a clone file. WARNING: encountered the following error: ENO_MORE_BLKS (-1040) WARNING: encountered the following error: ENO_MORE_BLKS (-1040) WARNING: do not continue using the clone fileset. PROBLEM: (95997, 95975) (PATCH ID: OSF540-670) ******** This patch increases the number of pages that can be pinned at deletion time from 4 to 6. It also improves the informational messages returned by a few domain panic strings. PROBLEM: (96521, 96522) (PATCH ID: OSF540-736) ******** These two fixes can cause various crashes: 3 _XentMM 4 alloc_hole_stg 5 alloc_stg 6 add_stg 7 stg_add_stg_no_cow 8 stg_add_stg 9 rbf_add_overlapping_stg PROBLEM 4 domain_panic 5 bmt_unlink_mcells 6 alloc_hole_stg 7 alloc_stg 8 add_stg 9 stg_add_stg_no_cow 10 stg_add_stg 11 rbf_add_stg 12 frag_list_extend 13 bs_frag_alloc 14 fs_create_frag 15 bs_close_one PROBLEM 11 domain_panic 12 check_mcell_hdr 13 load_from_xtra_xtnt_rec 14 load_from_xtnt_rec 15 load_inmem_xtnt_map 16 x_load_inmem_xtnt_map 17 frag_list_extend 18 bs_frag_alloc 19 fs_create_frag 20 bs_close_one PROBLEM: (96532) (PATCH ID: OSF540-739) ******** There was a small race between setting an internal data structure and dereferencing the pointer in the structure. This submit closes that race which could result in a kernel memory fault on a multiprocessor system. PROBLEM: (96480) (PATCH ID: OSF540-782) ******** This patch will prevent a potential panic when AdvFS looks up a file name. The panic is caused by a partial creation of a vnode. This fix checks for this condition and corrects it. Below is a sample panic trace. 0 in stop_secondary_cpu 1 in panic 2 in event_timeout 3 in printf 4 in panic(s=0xffffffff008d4660="kernel memory fault") 5 in trap 6 in _XentMM() "../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":2237 7 in lock_read 8 in get_name 9 in get_name2 10 in msfs_syscall_op_get_name2 11 in msfs_real_syscall 12 in msfs_syscall() 13 in syscall() 14 in _Xsyscall() PROBLEM: (DEK105930, 96886) (PATCH ID: OSF540-786) ******** This patch corrects problems in advfs' write logic. One defect appears as a mismatch between the value reported by the write syscall and the number of bytes written. Another defect appears as unavailable, unused storage. PROBLEM: (96539) (PATCH ID: OSF540-807) ******** This patch deallocates preallocated storage that the caller is not using. If a caller is seeking out beyond the current end of file and writing, AdvFS sees if there is preallocated storage that the caller is skipping past. If so, AdvFS deallocates that storage. AdvFS was incorrectly eaving one page of preallocated storage in place. PROBLEM: (96391) (PATCH ID: OSF540-813) ******** The AdvFS log should flush every 8 pages. It is possible, because the log is circular, that when the log wraps, you will wait for 16 pages before the log is flushed. This has been corrected. The log will now flush after 7, 15, 23, 31, ... pages. PROBLEM: (96530, 96613, 96886) (PATCH ID: OSF540-828) ******** On a multivolume domain, when one volume runs out of storage, it's possible that ENO_MORE_BLKS could be returned even thought there is more free storage on other volumes. PROBLEM: (96798) (PATCH ID: OSF540-832) ******** This patch will be used in GS1280 hardware platform testing. PROBLEM: (94641, 96851) (PATCH ID: OSF540-836) ******** PROBLEM: kernel memory fault in bf_get_l() Stack trace is: (dbx) t > 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic() 2 event_timeout() 3 printf() 4 panic() 5 trap() 6 _XentMM() 7 bf_get_l() 8 msfs_lookup() 9 namei() 10 _F64_stat1() 11 syscall() 12 _Xsyscall() This fix corrects a problem that can lead to the following partial stack trace during fileset unmounting. 6 _XentMM 7 access_invalidate 8 bfs_dealloc PROBLEM: (96742/TKT493184, 96378, 96383, 96448, 96507) (PATCH ID: OSF540-866) ******** This patch fixes a system hang seen when rename is called with "." as the target. If rename is called with "." as the target, the system will be inaccessible and must be rebooted. A crash dump will show a hang similar to the following stack trace: > 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3211 1 lock_wait src/kernel/kern/lock.c : 855 2 lock_read src/kernel/kern/lock.c : 1292 3 msfs_rename src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 5170 4 rename src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 4995 5 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 6 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1814 PROBLEM: (80850, 95150, 95149) (PATCH ID: OSF540-878) ******** Advfs crashes during mount processing. This crash will reoccur on subsequent mount attempts for the offending filesystem unless fixfdmn is run on the domain. A stack trace points to the "page not mapped" error in bs_map_bf. The stack trace also shows that extend_rbmt_redo_opx called bs_map_bf. PROBLEM: (96917) (PATCH ID: OSF540-904) ******** There is a panic resulting in a Kernel Memory Fault in imm_remove_page_map. The stack trace looks like the following. 4 imm_remove_page_map(0xfffffc000046afb0, 0xfffffc003266d008, 0xfffffe04505a77a0, 0xfffffe04505a77a8, 0xfffffc0000000000) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c":5524, 0xfffffc0000443a9c] 5 dealloc_stg(0xfffffc000cafc008, 0x1000d, 0x0, 0xfffffc0018912788, 0xfffffc0000be6f10) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c":9047, 0xfffffc000046b01c] 6 remove_stg(0xfffffc003266d308, 0xfffffc0004244988, 0x0, 0xfffffc000cafc008, 0x1000d) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c":8826, 0xfffffc000046aea0] 7 stg_remove_stg_start(0xfffffc000cafc008, 0x1000d, 0xfffffc000cafc008, 0xfffffc000cafc008, 0xd) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c":8676, 0xfffffc000046a8a0] 8 bs_fragbf_thread() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":1849, 0xfffffc0000405334] msg = 0xfffffc001cafa608 bfSetId = (unallocated - symbol optimized away) bfSetp = 0xfffffc0018912788 setAttrp = 0xfffffc0020460274 grpHdrp = 0xfffffc0022634000 grpPgRef = -4397089534200 grpPg = 0 nextFreeGrp = 521216 sts = (unallocated - symbol optimized away) done = (unallocated - symbol optimized away) delCnt = 0 delListp = (nil) ftxH = struct { dmnP = 0xfffffc000cafc008 hndl = 13 level = 0 } bfap = 0xfffffc003266d008 pinPgH = struct { dmnP = 0xfffffc000cafc008 hndl = 13 pgHndl = 1 } migtrunc_locked = 1 nullvp = (nil) PROBLEM: (96589, CFS.98402) (PATCH ID: OSF540-942) ******** Mmap dirty pages could be invalidated before being flushed to disk. A loop to check for completion has been placed in msfs_flush_and_invalidate between ubc_flush_dirty and ubc_invalidate to prevent races from page faults which are outside of CFS/ADVFS and can not be locked-out. PROBLEM: (97335, 97436, 97519, 97470, 97656, 97480, 97669, 97689, 97712) (PATCH ID: OSF540-975) ******** This patch improves the performance and scalability of the Unified Buffer Cache (UBC). This results in increased I/O performance, especially on large, multiprocessor machines. PROBLEM: (DE_G03592, 92540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-099) ******** This problem is an unaligned access from the kernel. The symptoms are a panic similar to the following: Unaligned kernel access va=0xfffffc0023aad1a3 pc=0xfffffc000047f460 ra=... panic (cpu 0): Unaligned kernel space access from kernel mode 0 boot src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c : 2644 1 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1401 2 afault_trap src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c : 3089 3 _XentUna src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 2278 4 seq_search src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_dir_lookup.c : 1685 5 msfs_lookup src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_lookup.c : 869 6 cfs_comm_lookup src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c :2922 7 cfscall_lookup src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_vnops.c : 4958 8 cfs_lookup src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_vnops.c : 4855 9 namei src/kernel/vfs/vfs_lookup.c : 1010 10 vn_open src/kernel/vfs/vfs_vnops.c : 783 11 copen src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 3487 12 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 13 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1814 This problem may show itself from advfs routines other than seq_search. The other routines include setup_for_glom_dir_entries, idx_convert_dir, new_parent, check_path_back, and remove_dots. This problem will continue to occur with each access of the bad data from the disk. So do not remount the filesystem causing the problem unless you wish a recurrence. PROBLEM: (95731) (PATCH ID: OSF540-952) ******** A domain panic on the cluster_root should result in a regular panic for the cluster node on which the domain panic occurs. Erroneous logic in this area has now been fixed. PROBLEM: (NO_G08534) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1086) ******** The symptom of this problem is a panic crash dump with a stack trace similar to the following: 0 boot src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c:2957 1 panic("mcs_lock: no queue entries available") src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c:1328 2 simple_lock_fault src/kernel/kern/lock.c:2874 3 mcs_lock_entry_violation src/kernel/kern/lock.c:3148 4 ubc_bigpage_release src/kernel/vfs/vfs_ubc.c:7512 5 ubc_page_release src/kernel/vfs/vfs_ubc.c:7821 6 bs_pinpg_put src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c:4066 7 msfs_putpage src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_misc.c:3443 8 ubc_flush_dirty_age 9 mntflushbuf src/kernel/vfs/vfs_bio.c:1920 10 boot src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c:2867 11 panic_thread src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c:1483 PROBLEM: (94211) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1024) ******** cp -p will not copy DMAPI managed region information to the copy. PROBLEM: (97386, 98041) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1123) ******** During vfexer testing, a KMF panic occurs with a stack trace like this: 3 _XentMM src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 2242 4 _domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1206 5 domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1131 6 bs_bf_out_of_sync src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 6641 7 bs_cow_pg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 8080 8 bs_cow src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 8506 9 bs_pinpg_direct src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 5086 10 fs_write_direct src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 3423 11 fs_write src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 2413 12 msfs_write src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 3747 13 cfs_comm_write src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c : 3759 14 rcfs_write src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c : 3648 15 svr_rcfs_write tnc_gen/icssvr_cfs_gen.c : 76 16 icssvr_daemon_from_pool src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_ics/ics_svr_mgmt.c : 803 This patch fixes a kernel memory fault panic problem during Advfs vfexer test. PROBLEM: (97384) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1118) ******** This patch fixes a system crash when running with lockmode=4. PROBLEM: (DJO355319, HPAQS0RHN) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1142) ******** This correction avoids two types of panics resulting from quotactl requests on advfs filesets: - kmf in dyn_hash_remove - panic "lock_terminate: lock held" the 2 different stack traces: 1) panic "lock_terminate: lock held" 4 panic() "lock_terminate: lock held") 5 lock_terminate() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/lock.c ":804 6 dqput() ["../../../.. /src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c":4920 7 advfs_get_quota() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c":4118 8 advfs_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vfsops.c":4938 9 cfs_comm_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c":8520 10 cfs_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_vfsops.c":4339 11 quotactl() ["../vfs/vfs_conf.c":436 12 syscall() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c":725 13 _Xsyscall() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1882 2) a KMF 6 _XentMM() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":2237 7 dyn_hash_remove() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/dyn_hash.c":497 8 dqput() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c":4919 9 advfs_get_quota() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c":4118 10 advfs_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vfsops.c":4938 11 cfs_comm_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c":8520 12 cfs_quotactl() ["../../../../src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_vfsops.c":4339 13 quotactl() ["../vfs/vfs_conf.c":436 14 syscall() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c":725 15 _Xsyscall() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1882 PROBLEM: (97385) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1139) ******** This correction eliminates a panic in AdvFS "neg refCnt" Stack trace: 2 advfs_sad() 3 free_acc_struct() 4 bs_close_one() 5 release_clu_clone_locks() 6 fs_setattr() 7 msfs_setattr() 8 cfs_comm_setattr() 9 crfs_setattr_0() 10 icstnc_rpc_dispatch() 11 icstnc_svr_rcall() 12 icssvr_daemon_from_pool() PROBLEM: (97708) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1187) ******** This patch fixes a potential panic during rmfset. The panic was caused by an uninitialized parameter. This problem will not been seen in released code. 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 advfs_sad 6 bs_access_one 7 bs_access 8 bfs_access 9 bs_bfs_clone 10 fs_fset_clone 11 msfs_syscall_op_fset_clone 12 msfs_real_syscall 13 msfs_syscall 14 syscall 15 _Xsyscall PROBLEM: (97548, 97504) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1218) ******** This patch fixes an infinite loop hang in msfs_flush_and_invalidate() that occurs under special circumstances. PROBLEM: Lots of processes hung in cms_cmsdb_dlm_lock_int. PROBLEM: Lots of processes waiting for lock_read(). PROBLEM: (97447) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1247) ******** Fixes a possible E_TOO_MANY_ACCESSORS error when deleting a clone fileset with rmfset "clonefilesetname". PROBLEM: (97948) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1256) ******** This patch fixes a kernel memory leak while vfast is in use. Problem: Memory being used at an unacceptable rate in bucket32 which can be viewed on a running system with "vmstat -M". PROBLEM: (96900, TKT510832) (PATCH ID: OSF540-985) ******** This fix eliminates a lock deadlock that can be recognized by the following stack traces: crash> tf -q crash> tf -q 0 thread_block 0 thread_block 1 lock_write ----------+ +------- 1 lock_read 2 cfs_cow_mode_enter | | 2 fs_read 3 bs_cow_pg | | 3 msfs_read 4 bs_cow | | 4 cfs_comm_read 5 bs_pinpg_clone | | 5 cfs_pfscacheread 6 bs_pinpg_ftx +--------------|------> 6 cfs_read 7 fs_setattr <------------------------+ 7 vn_read 8 msfs_setattr 8 rwuio 9 cfs_comm_setattr 9 read 10 cfscall_setattr 10 syscall 11 cfs_setattr 11 _Xsyscall 12 vtruncate 13 ftruncate 14 syscall 15 _Xsyscall #v51bsupportos-1485-craig PROBLEM: (221-2-954) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1485) ******** rcp (node 1) vdump (node 2): migrate (node 1): Ftx started. Holds clone token. Holds clu_clonextnt_lk. Waiting on clone token. Remote call to node 1 Waiting on log trim, is waiting on i.e. waiting on rcp to clu_clonextnt_lk. finish ftx and call reset_oldest_lsn(). After the token is taken the ftx can proceed and when finished the log will be trimmed. #v51bsupportos-1281-carlson PROBLEM: (HPAQ505DF, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1281) ******** This patch prevents a vfast thread from using too much of a cpu when scanning the advfs sbm. In a cluster only, if the offending vfast thread is operating from cpu 0, this could possibly lead to another cluster nodes panic: "ics_unable_to_make_progress: heartbeat checking blocked" #v51bsupportos-1366-carlson PROBLEM: (98007) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1366) ******** 1. Fixes a condition where umount is unable to continue and hangs because a vfast thread is in an infinite loop in ss_do_periodic_tasks. 2. Also fixes various slow advfs memory leaks. #v51bsupportos-1304-beltz PROBLEM: (97852, DE_G09758, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1304) ******** In certain paths, a possible I/O error would not be propagated up the stack and reported to the application. This was found to be the case when using direct I/O without AIO. #v51bsupportos-1269-beltz PROBLEM: (97922, 92950, HPAQ406GT) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1269) ******** This fixes the 'resid' value calculated when a 'trailing unaligned' write via directIO fails. This resid value is returned for AIO calls indicating the number of bytes that were actually written for a write that has only partially succeeded. This is most typically encountered when a domain is full and has no space left for storage allocation. #v51bsupportos-1502-skarthik PROBLEM: (98505) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1502) ******** This problem is a result of race between original file and clone fileset deletion, resulting in loss of original file's metadata and hence access to corresponding clone file is not possible. Problem can manifest with error message like Incorrect tag (0.0) in mcell. Expected 46c.8001 This problem is severe enough to generate crash dumps. Unless affected filesystem is root file system system would continue to operate. Stack trace of the thread which hit this problem will have following pattern: .... 11 domain_panic 12 check_mcell_hdr 13 bs_map_bf 14 bs_access_one 15 delete_clone_set_tags 16 bs_bfs_delete 17 fs_fset_delete .... The thread that hit the problem will be mostly be doing deletion of clone file or fileset. #v51bsupportos-1302-franks PROBLEM: (BCGM602JC, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1302) ******** This patch fixes an unaligned access panic in insert_seq(). A typical stack trace follows. > 0 stop_secondary_cpu src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 1339 1 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1296 2 event_timeout src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 2227 3 printf src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 981 4 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1353 5 afault_trap src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c : 3095 6 _XentUna src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 2278 7 insert_seq src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_dir_lookup.c : 718 8 fs_create_file src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_create.c : 1238 9 msfs_create src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 2139 10 cfs_comm_create src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_server.c: 4059 11 cfs_create src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/cfs_vnops.c : 5304 12 vn_open src/kernel/vfs/vfs_vnops.c : 765 13 copen src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 3579 14 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 732 15 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1814 #v51bsupportos-1291-skarthik PROBLEM: (221-2-358, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1291) ******** This patch fixes a panic that is a result of improper use of the AvdFS .tags interface by the NSR tool. The following is an example stack trace: 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3303 1 sleep_prim src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 5633 2 mpsleep src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 5539 3 kio_send_request src/kernel/io/common/kio.c : 919 4 kio_write src/kernel/io/common/kio.c : 684 5 live_write src/kernel/arch/alpha/dumpsys.c : 5024 6 live_dump_fwrite src/kernel/arch/alpha/dumpsys.c : 5348 7 dump_compress_chunk src/kernel/arch/alpha/ dump_compress.c : 1465 8 dump_compressed src/kernel/arch/alpha/ dump_compress.c : 1879 9 live_dump src/kernel/arch/alpha/dumpsys.c : 4825 10 _domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1285 11 domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1119 12 check_mcell_ptr src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bmt_util.c : 6881 13 tagdir_lookup src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_tagdir.c : 2197 14 bs_get_current_tag src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 6921 15 msfs_lookup src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_lookup.c : 695 16 cfs_fast_namei src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/ cfs_server.c : 9271 17 crfs_lookup_0 src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_cfe/alpha/ cfs_server.c : 2864 18 icstnc_rpc_dispatch src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_generic/ tnc_ics.c : 951 19 icstnc_svr_rcall src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_generic/ tnc_ics.c : 714 20 icssvr_daemon_from_pool src/kernel/tnc_common/tnc_ics/ ics_svr_mgmt.c : 795 The following may be seen in the system's message log file : tagdir_lookup: Invalid primary mcell (0, 1067, 27) for tag 0 in domain archive_domain, fileset archive_domain#archive. #v51bsupportos-1393-ranjani PROBLEM: (81092) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1393) ******** This patch fixes a problem where a read was being done past the last page of the BMT. Now we no longer read past the last page. This problem can only be seen by adding debug statements in the kernel. #v51bsupportos-1380-carlson PROBLEM: (93961) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1380) ******** Fixes the following: 1. vfast: cannot get frag list; 14 - Bad address 2. vfast will now remove all kernel lists from a domain when vfast is deactivated on that domain. 3. vfast: cannot get hot list; 14 - Bad address #v51bsupportos-1583-beltz PROBLEM: (98734) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1583) ******** This patch fixes a "u_map_delete failed while deallocating map" error. When forcing failovers during internal testing, we occasionally encountered a panic of the type: "u_map_delete failed while deallocating map" with the following stack trace: 0 boot src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c : 2725 1 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1616 2 u_map_deallocate src/kernel/vm/vm_umap.c : 1233 3 vm_map_deallocate src/kernel/vm/vm_map.c : 1050 4 task_deallocate src/kernel/kern/task.c : 914 5 waitf src/kernel/bsd/kern_exit.c : 2035 6 wait4 src/kernel/bsd/kern_exit.c : 1826 7 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 8 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1885 #v51bsupportos-1331-beltz PROBLEM: (98163) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1331) ******** This patch extends the seizing of the active range while writing to a file opened for directIO to include the storage allocation phase. This prevents the possibility of: 1) having a read operation see non-zerod data from disk (an object safety issue), or 2) obtaining an out-of-sync clone if the write forces COWing of data. #v51bsupportos-1439-smt PROBLEM: (98287) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1439) ******** When inconsistent metadata is read from disk, the data is not verified and a kernel memory fault occurs. The stack trace found during the problem is: > 0 stop_secondary_cpu src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 1416 1 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1509 2 event_timeout src/kernel/arch/alpha/cpu.c : 2430 3 printf src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1018 4 panic src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c : 1566 5 trap src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c : 2289 6 _XentMM src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 2242 7 load_from_xtra_xtnt_rec src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_extents.c : 3764 8 load_from_xtnt_rec src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_extents.c : 3609 9 load_inmem_xtnt_map src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_extents.c : 3046 10 x_create_inmem_xtnt_map src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_extents.c : 2762 11 bs_map_bf src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 4290 12 bs_access_one src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 5018 13 bs_access src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 4512 14 bs_bfs_get_info src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 7026 15 fs_fset_get_info src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_file_sets.c : 1256 16 msfs_real_syscall src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c : 3423 17 msfs_syscall src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_syscalls.c : 145 18 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 19 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s : 1885 #v51bsupportos-1229-carlson PROBLEM: (DE_G09509) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1229) ******** Fixes a kernel memory fault panic when recovering an advfs domain which was originally crashed for an unrelated reason during a rmfset clone fileset. The panic is characterized by a kernel memory fault in bs_close_one during recovery in ddl_complete_delete. #v51bsupportos-1062-scott PROBLEM: (97022) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1062) ******** A system panic could occur during the AdvFS log recovery procedure if the log has been damaged. Prior to this fix: (dbx) t 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic() 2 event_timeout() 3 printf() 4 panic() 5 malloc_internal() 6 _ms_malloc() 7 lgr_read() 8 ftx_bfdmn_recovery() 9 bs_bfdmn_activate() 10 bs_bfdmn_tbl_activate() 11 bs_get_dmntbl_params() 12 msfs_real_syscall() 13 msfs_syscall() 14 syscall() 15 _Xsyscall() On a cluster, all nodes would panic with "malloc: invalid size". This problem is more likely on a cluster due to additional log reads on recovery. #v51bsupportos-1477-beltz PROBLEM: (221-2-1013) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1477) ******** As part of the clonefset process, dirty buffers in the current domain are flushed to disk. The algorithm that waited for the flush to complete was indeterminate, meaning that racing reads and non-allocating writes could cause it to wait for an unspecified period of time. This presented the symptom of a temporary hang of the clonefset process, which would eventually resolve itself. The fix was to synchronize the clonefset with the read/write paths so that this indeterminacy was removed. #v51bsupportos-1213-katz PROBLEM: (DK_G09307) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1213) ******** This correction avoids a system panic due to a stale vdIndex found when writing to a file in an AdvFS domain. partial stack trace: 6 _XentMM() 7 simple_lock() 8 vd_htop_already_valid() 9 sc_select_vd_for_stg() #v51bsupportos-1354-craig PROBLEM: (98140) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1354) ******** A race between vfast and unmount can cause either of the following two stack traces: 2 simple_lock_fault 3 simple_lock_valid_violation 4 insmntque 5 bs_insmntque 6 bf_get_l 7 bf_get 8 ss_open_file 9 ss_do_periodic_tasks 10 ss_monitor_thread and 3 _XentMM 4 msfs_inactive 5 vrele 6 ss_close_file 7 ss_vd_migrate 8 ss_move_file 9 ss_work_thd_pool() #v51bsupportos-1293-jchang PROBLEM: (98309, DE_G09132, QXCM1000086540) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1293) ******** A node in a cluster hangs at boot time, generating the following stack trace: > 0 thread_block kern/sched_prim.c : 3303 1 streams_delay streams/str_env.c : 231 2 cms_mount_served_comm tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cms_server.c : 2247 3 cms_mount_served tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cms_client.c : 741 4 cms_do_mount_rpc tnc_common/tnc_cfe/cms_utils.c : 1240 6 mount1 vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 1908 7 syscall arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c : 725 8 _Xsyscall arch/alpha/locore.s : 1882 #v51bsupportos-1392-chethan PROBLEM: (221-2-442, QXCM1000086519) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1392) ******** The problem was that, file access time was not being updated by the NFS server, in certain cases, on the files it served. This patch fixes that problem. #v51bsupportos-1944-craig PROBLEM: (99620) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1944) ******** If the system crashes right when the AdvFS filesystem domain metadata file, RBMT, would grow, then after reboot, the first command that requires more RBMT room (eg any file growth) will fail. After the initial failure, the command will succeed. #v51bsupportos-2015-ranjani PROBLEM: (99720) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2015) ******** This problem could occur in a rare case where a clone fileset is being unmounted and there still are files in the original fileset whose stats need to be copied. The stack trace could be as below: crash> tf > 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 advfs_sad 6 hold_cloneset 7 bs_cow 8 bmtr_update_rec 9 fs_flush_saved_stats 10 bfs_flush_dirty_stats 11 bfs_close 12 bs_bfs_close 13 msfs_unmount 14 do_pfs_unmount 15 cfs_stop_server_accept 16 cms_handle_send_msg 17 cms_kgs_callback_thread #v51bsupportos-2030-craig PROBLEM: (99332) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2030) ******** Given an AdvFS file with a fragment and a clone of that file, writing new data to the fragment portion of the file can result in the clone seeming to contain the new data at the location of the frag vs the original data. If the original file is held open (clusters will do this) and the reading of the clone is done with direct IO then the clone data will come from the original file vs the clone #v51bsupportos-1863-ranjani PROBLEM: (18888, 18973, QXCM1000285526, QXCM1000290198) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1863) ******** The problem manifests as a deadlock on one member that held up both the members of the cluster. --------------------------------------- The error messages seen are of the form ---------------------------------------- WARNING: cfs_kgs_submit_join_proposal: Join of KCH set FS:ADVFS:cluster_root failing with 9 - retrying -------------------------------- Stack Traces will look as below -------------------------------- 0 thread_block 1 lock_read 2 cfscall_lookup <== needs recovery lock for cluster_root 3 cfs_lookup 4 namei 5 get_domain_major 6 get_domain_disks <== needs information from /etc/fdmns on cluster_root 7 bs_bfdmn_tbl_activate <== has DmnTblLock 8 bs_bfset_activate 9 advfs_mountfs 10 msfs_mount 11 cfs_do_pfs_mount 12 cfs_fo_handle_pfs_mounting 13 cfs_fo_handle_bid_accept 14 cfs_fo_thread <== has recovery lock for cluster_var stack trace 2 ------------- However, the cfs_fo_thread() for cluster_root is waiting for the DmnTblLock: 00:28:30 0 524288 fffffc0071410a80 [cfs_fo_thread] 0 thread_block 1 lock_write 2 bs_bfdmn_tbl_activate <== needs DmnTblLock 3 ss_change_state 4 advfs_mountfs 5 msfs_mountroot 6 cfs_do_pfs_mount 7 cfs_fo_handle_pfs_mounting 8 cfs_fo_handle_bid_accept 9 cfs_fo_thread <== has recovery lock for cluster_root #v51bsupportos-1702-craig PROBLEM: (9217, QXCM1000243441) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1702) ******** This problem is a single thread hang. Here is a stack trace: > 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3317 1 sleep_prim src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 5647 2 mpsleep src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 5553 3 insert_actRange_onto_list src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 7649 4 cow_get_locks src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 7982 5 bs_cow_pg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 8297 6 bs_cow src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 8782 7 bs_pinpg_clone src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 4254 8 bs_pinpg_ftx src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 4000 9 copy_and_del_frag src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 5361 10 fs_write_add_stg src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 4272 11 fs_write src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c : 2374 12 msfs_write src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 3764 13 vn_pwrite src/kernel/vfs/vfs_vnops.c : 1237 14 prwuio src/kernel/bsd/sys_generic.c : 2142 15 pwrite src/kernel/bsd/sys_generic.c : 2047 #v51bsupportos-1613-craig PROBLEM: (98958) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1613) ******** This fix eliminates a deadlock that can be recognized by the following stack traces: 0 thread_block 1 sleep_prim 2 mpsleep 3 insert_actRange_onto_list <== waiting for flush of other actR 4 msfs_flush_and_invalidate 5 cfs_comm_open <== CN_WRITE_LOCK held 6 cfscall_open 7 cfs_open 8 vn_open 9 copen 10 syscall 11 _Xsyscall 0 thread_block 1 lock_write <== waiting for CN_WRITE_LOCK 2 cfs_condio_cc_excl_mode_enter 3 migrate_get_clu_locks 4 migrate_normal <== insert_actRange_onto_list 5 mig_migrate 6 bs_migrate 7 ss_vd_migrate 8 ss_move_file 9 ss_work_thd_pool #v51bsupportos-1974-vivek PROBLEM: (99612, 19461, QXCM1000321519, WFM2207790815-221 w4_cfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1974) ******** When AdvFS DirectIO is given an invalid user buffer address, under certain conditions, it may lead to kernel panics because of errors being incorrectly handled. #v51bsupportos-1895-owens PROBLEM: (92889, 99238, 99484) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1895) ******** AdvFS directories with indexes (any directory over 8K size) cause incorrect values in quota.user and when the owner or group is changed. Only the main directory blocks are transferred to the new owner/group. The index blocks remain assigned to the original owner/group. Extracting a tar archive with a large directory might produce this disk space accounting error. The hidden indexes are not seen by quotacheck so if "quotacheck -v" is run (no owner change needed) it will do the block adjustments incorrectly and cause later underflow or "df" reports that there is more space available than there really is on a fileset. The hidden indexes also cause disk use reporting to be wrong with tools such as du and quot. A tree with indexed directories consumes more space than reported. The kernel has been changed to now report the blocks used by a directory (du) as the total of the main and index blocks. The reported size of the main directory (ls) is unchanged. Note that any disk quota space accounting errors from previous activity will not be corrected unless "quotacheck -v" is done on each fileset with this kernel update. This is not required. When writing on a fileset with enforced disk space quotas, one thread might be allowed to use more of the available quota than necessary, causing other threads to be unable to get the space they needed. Now a thread will be granted only the exact amount needed. AdvFS was passing EIO to CFS on a partial write instead of ENOSPC or EDQUOT, which caused false "CFS WRITE ERROR" reports. This has been corrected so CFS clients receive the correct error code. #v51bsupportos-1847-ranjani PROBLEM: (18889, QXCM1000285404) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1847) ******** When an unexpected system crash happens on a system that has a read-only & dual mounted filesystem, during the next boot up of the machine,advfs domain panic occurs on that filesystem which was previously mounted as read-only & dual. The panic messages will be as below: ftx_bfdmn_recovery: Bad domain ID in log (42f134f9.90ff8). AdvFS Domain Panic; Domain nc03_domain Id 0x42f1358b.0006e682 An AdvFS domain panic has occurred due to either a metadata write error or an internal inconsistency. This domain is being rendered inaccessible. Please refer to guidelines in AdvFS Guide to File System Administration regarding what steps to take to recover this domain. #v51bsupportos-1752-aravihs PROBLEM: (18870, QXCM1000284363, 1208358329-121 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1752) ******** This patch fixes a problem where two vfast threads try to migrate the extents of the same file at the same time, resulting in a system panic. One thread is holding a lock during the migrate while the other thread is not. The typical stack trace seen when we hit this panic is: 1 panic() 2 event_timeout() 3 printf() 4 panic() 5 trap() 6 _XentMM() 7 imm_page_to_sub_xtnt_map() 8 imm_get_alloc_page_cnt() 9 mig_pack_vd_range() 10 ss_get_n_lk_free_space() 11 ss_vd_migrate() 12 ss_move_file() 13 ss_work_thd_pool() #v51bsupportos-1942-aravihs PROBLEM: (18963, 19154, 18994, QXCM1000289801, QXCM1000302387, QXCM1000292080, 1208733137-122 advfs, 3212927789-321 advfs, 3212340831-321 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1942) ******** The backup process "vdump" takes a lot of time when dumping striped files. advfs thread hogging the cpu for long time results in system panic. The symptoms are a panic with the stack trace of the hogging thread similar to the following. 1 panic 2 rm_poll 3 hardclock 4 _XentInt 5 _OtsZero 6 _ms_malloc 7 imm_extend_xtnt_map 8 imm_copy_xtnt_descs 9 imm_merge_xtnt_map 10 bs_get_stripe_xtnt_map 11 bs_get_bkup_xtnt_map 12 msfs_syscall_op_get_cludio_xtnt_map #v51bsupportos-1892-owens PROBLEM: (99531) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1892) ******** Should an unusual error such as a domain panic occur after an AIO write has queued the I/O, but before the return from AdvFS to the AIO function, the error would cause a second completion of the I/O. This caused kernel memory in buckets 5, 16, and 22 to be improperly accessed and freed twice. #v51bsupportos-1612-beltz PROBLEM: (99010) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1612) ******** This patch fixes a hang between racing memory-mapping threads; the stack traces are: 0 thread_block AND 0 thread_block 1 lock_read 1 lock_write 2 cow_get_locks 2 msfs_mmap 3 bs_cow_pg 3 smmap 4 bs_cow 4 syscall 5 bs_pinpg_clone 5 _Xsyscall 6 bs_pinpg_get 7 msfs_getpage 8 u_vp_fault 9 u_map_fault 10 vm_fault 11 trap 12 _XentMM #v51bsupportos-1539-wiener PROBLEM: (98521) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1539) ******** If there is a problem with a domain's extents, just panic the domain. #v51bsupportos-2090-ranjani PROBLEM: (100024) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2090) ******** The problem can manifest as a hang, where in a thread is sleeping,waiting for the bfAccess state condition variable to come out of ACC_INIT_TRANS state. However,the bfAccess is already in ACC_VALID state, So, the thread sleeping will never be woken up. crash> set fffffc005a43f880 CONTEXT: CURRENT PID: 556511 COMMAND: "auditd" THREAD: fffffc005a43f880 CPU: 2 RAD: 0 EVENT: fffffc005342f48a STATE: WAIT crash> tf > 0 thread_block 1 thread_sleep 2 _cond_wait 3 _lk_wait_while 4 grab_bsacc 5 bs_access_one 6 bs_access 7 bf_get_l 8 msfs_lookup 9 cfs_comm_lookup 10 cfscall_lookup 11 cfs_lookup 12 namei 13 unp_connect 14 uipc_usrreq 15 soconnect 16 connect 17 syscall 18 _Xsyscall crash> *bfAccess 0xfffffc005342f408 struct { : stateLk = struct { hdr = struct { lkType = LKT_STATE nxtFtxLk = (nil) mutex = 0xfffffc005342f448 lkUsage = LKU_BF_STATE } state = ACC_VALID << state pendingState = LKW_NONE waiters = 0x1 cv = 0x0 } But the thread is still waiting in grab_bsacc() for the state to change from ACC_INIT_TRANS #v51bsupportos-1923-vivek PROBLEM: (19288, QXCM1000310549, WFM2207100162-221 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1923) ******** The problem happens because of a race condition which is caused by vfast reading potentially stale metadata in the xtnt map for a file. This may cause a kernel panic with the following stack trace. PANIC: "kernel memory fault" > 0 boot 1 panic 2 trap 3 _XentMM 4 imm_get_next_xtnt_desc 5 ss_get_most_xtnts 6 ss_get_most_xtnts 7 ss_vd_migrate 8 ss_move_file 9 ss_work_thd_pool #v51bsupportos-1562-wiener PROBLEM: (93965) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1562) ******** If you attempt to create a new fileset on an active domain that is doing heavy I/O and is nearly full, it is possible that there is not enough memory to create the new fileset. This fix prevents the system from panicing. Instead, the system will report that not enough space is available to create the new fileset. #v51bsupportos-1922-craig PROBLEM: (99462) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1922) ******** Racing mount -u -o extend against other threads can cause several different symptoms. One is: 7 domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1142 8 CANT_SET_TWICE src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_sbm.c : 488 9 alloc_bits_page src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_sbm.c : 906 10 sbm_alloc_bits src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_sbm.c : 824 11 sbm_remove_space src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_sbm.c : 1671 12 stg_alloc_one_xtnt src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 5846 13 alloc_from_one_disk src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 5308 14 stg_alloc_from_one_disk src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 4645 15 stg_alloc_from_svc_class src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 4263 16 alloc_append_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 3341 17 alloc_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 3169 18 add_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 2955 19 stg_add_stg_no_cow src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 2503 20 stg_add_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 2365 21 rbf_add_stg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c : 2290 22 frag_list_extend src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 2426 23 bs_frag_alloc src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 2653 24 fs_create_frag src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_file_sets.c : 1603 25 bs_close_one src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 6592 26 bs_close src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 6165 27 msfs_inactive src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_misc.c : 2815 28 vrele src/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c : 2907 Another manifestation is the following stack trace: 7 domain_panic src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1142 8 check_BMT_pg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bmt_util.c : 6818 9 bs_io_metacheck src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_qio.c : 1861 10 bs_osf_complete src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 1898 11 msfs_async_iodone_lwc src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c : 2052 12 lwc_schedule src/kernel/bsd/lwc.c : 198 13 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3120 14 thread_sleep src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 2890 15 _cond_wait src/kernel/msfs/bs/ms_generic_locks.c : 724 16 ss_block_and_wait src/kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c : 3638 17 bmt_get_vd_bf_inway src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bmt_util.c : 5872 18 mig_pack_vd_range src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c : 5061 19 ss_get_n_lk_free_space src/kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c : 4251 20 ss_vd_migrate src/kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c : 4775 21 ss_move_file src/kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c : 3986 22 ss_work_thd_pool src/kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c : 1009 #v51bsupportos-1627-skarthik PROBLEM: (98858) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1627) ******** This fix resolves the problem of rare simple lock timeout during domain deactivation. Panic string: simple_lock: time limit exceeded Stack trace: 0 boot 1 panic 2 simple_lock_fault 3 simple_lock_time_violation 4 bs_domain_access 5 bs_io_thread The simple lock required by above thread was acquired by an unmount thread: 0 thread_block 1 ss_dmn_deactivate 2 bs_bfdmn_deactivate 3 msfs_unmount 4 dounmount 5 unmount 6 syscall 7 _Xsyscall which in turn was waiting for a vfast thread to finish flushing. 0 thread_block 1 sleep_prim 2 mpsleep 3 bfflush_sync 4 log_flush_sync 5 lgr_flush 6 load_x_cache 7 sbm_find_space 8 ss_find_space 9 ss_get_vd_most_free 10 ss_vd_migrate 11 ss_move_file 12 ss_work_thd_pool #v51bsupportos-2008-gopalak PROBLEM: (99643, 99956) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2008) ******** With AdvFS vfast enabled, a "ss_work_thd_pool" thread can take too long in the mig_pack_vd_range() routine and cause a cluster member panic with a message "panic (cpu 3): cmn_err: CE_PANIC: ics_unable_to_make_progress: nodedown daemon stalled". #v51bsupportos-1585-wiener PROBLEM: (98764) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1585) ******** Internal testing of vfast exposed a potential hang when an exception occurred. This patch fixes that problem. One thread had 1 lock_write 2 bs_bfs_delete 3 fs_fset_delete 4 msfs_real_syscall while another thread, that held a lock the first thread wanted had 3 _ftx_start_i 4 bs_close_one 5 bfs_access 6 bfs_open 7 ss_insert_frag_onto_list 8 ss_list_thd_pool #v51bsupportos-2012-owens PROBLEM: (19710, QXCM1000346714, 3215279583-321) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2012) ******** A system can panic during a shutdown or reboot in an AdvFS storage allocation path with "dqsync()" on the stack similar to: 4 panic 5 trap 6 _XentMM 7 bs_pinpg_clone 8 bs_pinpg_ftx 9 rbf_pinpg 10 dqsync 11 chk_blk_quota 12 fs_write_add_stg 13 fs_write 14 msfs_write 15 vn_rdwr 16 vn_rdwr64 if the filesystem is already in a partially disabled state where the kernel quota structures are no longer valid. This occurs with another thread in "msfs_unmount()" with a stack similar to: 2 _cond_wait 3 _ftx_start_i 4 quota_deactivate 5 msfs_unmount 6 dounmount 7 boot 8 reboot 9 syscall #v51bsupportos-1976-owens PROBLEM: (19519, QXCM1000328199, 1210942935-121) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1976) ******** In several error paths where AdvFS detects an invalid UBC state, an AdvFS Domain Panic and live dump operation is attempted with a lock held. This causes a lock fault panic similar to: bs_pinpg_put: page fffffc8002504f00 unexpected bsbuf fffffc801a5ef988 state = 0 last line = 1737687936 page size = 1 AdvFS Domain Panic; Domain home_dmn Id 0x3ffd38a8.01079af8 An AdvFS domain panic has occurred due to either a metadata write error or an internal inconsistency. This domain is being rendered inaccessible. mcs_unlock: current lock not found pc of caller: 0xffffffff001e8cb0 lock address: 0xfffffc801a5ef9b0 lock info addr: 0xfffffc00024516d0 lock class name: bsBuf.bufLock current lock state: 0xc000014d00190007 (cpu=?,pc=?,busy) panic (cpu 0): mcs_unlock: current lock not found syncing disks... 1 panic 2 simple_lock_fault 3 mcs_unlock_found_violation 4 bs_pinpg_put 5 msfs_putpage #v51bsupportos-1628-skarthik PROBLEM: (576, QXCM1000237598) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1628) ******** Error message: Error from fs_udpate_stats in msfs_rename 2 N1 = 19 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 advfs_sad 6 msfs_rename 7 cfs_comm_rename 8 cfs_rename 9 rename 10 syscall 11 _Xsyscall #v51bsupportos-1881-franks PROBLEM: (99452) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1881) ******** On fragmented AdvFS filesystems, an ENOSPC error can be returned even when space is still available. On a cluster, this can lead to a CFS WRITE ERROR in the messages file. #v51bsupportos-1844-craig PROBLEM: (99387) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1844) ******** After extending (growing) the volume many times, mount -o extend can fail even though there is plenty of space on the volume. Here are the failure messages. hsg3-bigdomain#hsg3-fs01 on /hsg3-fs01: No space left on device mount: Extending AdvFS file system... The attempt to extend the virtual disk /dev/vol/hsg3-bigvolume failed. #v51bsupportos-1836-scott PROBLEM: (19011, QXCM1000292849) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1836) ******** The revoke operation can cause file region locks to not get released, resulting in possible resource leaks and unmount failures. #v51bsupportos-2014-ranjani PROBLEM: (99743) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2014) ******** The problem occurs on a V3 domain when a DIO write is issued to a file with a hole and also the fileset to which the file belongs has been cloned. The stack trace looks as below: crash> tf 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 advfs_sad 6 bs_pinpg_direct 7 fs_write_direct 8 fs_write 9 msfs_write 10 vn_write 11 rwuio 12 write 13 syscall 14 _Xsyscall #v51bsupportos-1834-aravihs PROBLEM: (99249) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1834) ******** This patch fixes delete failure due to EDQUOT issue. The user is trying to delete files because he wants free space. Failing the operation basically saying there is no enough space to free some space. This is not an ENOSPC ( No space left on device ) issue, but rather an EDQUOT ( Disc quota exceeded ) issue. Now changes are made to ensure that the delete operation does not fail because of EDQUOT issue. #v51bsupportos-1757-aravihs PROBLEM: (99248) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1757) ******** A CFS client caches data for a user write and returns success to the user. The client flushes this data later to the CFS server. This flush will result in a I/O request at the server which could fail due to exceeding the fileset quota.CFS has already approved this write and has already returned "success" to the caller and hence failing this I/O request could lead to data inconsistency. #v51bsupportos-2187-ranjani PROBLEM: (100277) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2187) ******** This fix corrects a problem in AdvFS which can cause the clonefset command to hang when the filesystem is full [all the data and the metadata blocks are used] and a clone fileset needs to be created. #v51bsupportos-2152-blv PROBLEM: (100210) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2152) ******** When vdump is used to backup an advfs striped file that is less than 8KB in size, the user process could consume lots of CPU time if the file was created with 'nofrag' fileset option. #v51bsupportos-2289-vivek PROBLEM: (20477, QXCM1000761211, WFM3600521896-362 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2289) ******** The problem is that a bfAccess structure with outstanding IO can be incorrectly reassigned to another file. This can happen only under certain conditions with AdvFS Asynchronous Direct IO. When the IO completes and the AdvFS IO completion routine runs, access to the bfaccess structure can result in a system panic. A possible stack trace is : > 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 trap 6 _XentMM 7 mcs_lock 8 bs_osf_complete 9 msfs_async_iodone_lwc 10 lwc_schedule 11 thread_block 12 xpt_callback_thread #v51bsupportos-2156-franks PROBLEM: (99301) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2156) ******** An error message reporting a bad AdvFS deferred delete list asks the user to contact "Compaq" rather than "HP". An error message during an AdvFS mount operation explains the recovery procedure recommended by "Compaq" instead of "HP". The error message also provides a Compaq website for more documentation instead of providing the HP website. #v51bsupportos-2232-jnsubbu PROBLEM: (20332, QXCM1000448282, WFM1216318355-121 AdvFS) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2232) ******** Access to an AdvFS fileset may temporarily hang while file operations (such as rm, unlink, close, etc.) that release a single frag are run. The hang would last for the duration of the frag processing. crash> foreach tf | grep -p rm PID: 91681 COMMAND: "rm" > 0 thread_block src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c : 3317 1 bs_refpg_newpage src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 3144 2 bs_refpg_int src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 3324 3 bs_refpg src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c : 2901 4 frag_group_dealloc src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 2107 5 bs_frag_dealloc src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c : 3093 6 fs_delete_frag src/kernel/msfs/fs/fs_file_sets.c : 1819 7 bs_close_one src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c : 6414 8 msfs_inactive src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_misc.c : 2845 9 vrele src/kernel/vfs/vfs_subr.c : 2911 10 msfs_remove src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c : 4394 11 unlink src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c : 4025 12 syscall src/kernel/arch/.../syscall_trap.c : 725 13 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/.../locore.s : 1885 #v51bsupportos-2284-ranjani PROBLEM: (20452) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2284) ******** The problem was seen on a cluster when the ics thread paniced as it was stalled. The ics thread was starved because the CPU was being used up by a vfast thread as seen below. crash> pri -c | head -5 CPU% CPU# PID THREAD COMMAND OR [KERNEL THREAD] 99.94% 0 1048576 fffffc01f2b63180 [ss_work_thd_pool] 82.67% 0 1048576 fffffc01ffe6b500 [reaper_thread] #v51bsupportos-2229-vivek PROBLEM: (20354, QXCM1000458097, WFM3219874164-322 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2229) ******** The problem shows up because the migrate(8) or defragment(8) thread may take a lot of time looking for contiguous blocks of storage in a heavily fragmented filesystems and reallocating storage. This can cause system panics if other threads such as the cluster heartbeat thread are starved. In this situation, the following panic string is seen: "cmn_err: CE_PANIC: ics_unable_to_make_progress: nodedown daemon stalled" #v51bsupportos-2261-ranjani PROBLEM: (100334) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2261) ******** A backup program could receive an incorrect sparseness map of an AdvFS file. #v51bsupportos-2310-vivek PROBLEM: (20534, QXCM1000786994, WFM1600249992-162) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2310) ******** The fs_cleanup_thread runs when a message is posted to it. A large number of messages may cause the thread to run continuously, thus monopolizing the cpu which may result in a system panic. On a cluster, should the heartbeat thread be prevented from running, the following panic stack trace would result: > 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 ics_mct_llassert_not_stalled 6 ics_assert_not_stalled 7 cnx_have_quorum 8 describe_config 9 cnx_get_info 10 syscall 11 _Xsyscall The panic string would be "panic: ics_unable_to_make_progress: heartbeat checking blocked" Further examination of the crash dump would reveal that the fs_cleanup_thread has been running on a CPU for an extended period of time. It should be noted the above panic string and stack trace is indicative of the heartbeat thread not being allowed to run on a CPU and only when the thread which is occupying the CPU is the fs_cleanup_thread is the problem the same as corrected in this patch. #v51bsupportos-2225-amardeep PROBLEM: (100333) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2225) ******** This fix corrects a problem in AdvFS which can cause CFS client to panic when it asks for file's extent information. Stack trace seen because of this problem - crash> tf > 0 boot 1 panic 2 trap 3 _XentMM 4 free 5 cfs_condio_get_extent_map 6 cfs_blkmap_directio 7 cfs_condio_rw #v51bsupportos-2164-anju PROBLEM: (20103, QXCM1000400708) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2164) ******** Live_dumps were not always collected for an AdvFS domain panic. Reproducer: - Create an AdvFS Domain on a volume and mount it. - Set the sysconfig attribute advfs: AdvfsDomainPanicLevel to 1 or 2. - Make the volume/disk inaccessible to the system to set up the domain for an AdvFS Domain Panic. - Attempt to touch a file on this fileset to trigger the AdvFS Domain Panic. - Note that there are no dump files captured in /var/adm/crash directory. #v51bsupportos-2226-amardeep PROBLEM: (100297) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2226) ******** This fix corrects a problem in AdvFS truncate routine where truncating a sparse file to a hole is making the file metadata inconsistent. #v51bsupportos-2170-ranjani PROBLEM: (20224, 20227, 20247, 20294, QXCM1000439518, QXCM1000429399, QXCM1000424467, QXCM1000423596) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2170) ******** The problem occurs on directories that are indexed and when there are multiple access by many different processes to this directory resulting in a race. Typical stack traces that can be seen as a result of this problem are as follows : 1. crash> tf > 0 boot 1 panic 2 trap 3 _XentMM 4 bs_get_bf_page_cnt 5 msfs_syscall_op_tag_stat 6 msfs_real_syscall 7 msfs_syscall 8 syscall 9 _Xsyscall The above stack was seen in multiple customer cases when running the diskusg command. 2. another fault that can happen crash> tf > 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 printf 4 panic 5 advfs_sad 6 free_acc_struct 7 bs_close_one 8 idx_close_index_file 9 msfs_inactive 10 vrele 11 namei 12 _F64_stat1 13 syscall 14 _Xsyscall #v51bsupportos-2133-blv PROBLEM: (20127, QXCM1000403431) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2133) ******** When the fcntl() call is issued with the F_GETMAP parameter on an advfs file greater than 8 GB in size, an incorrect extent map is returned to the caller. This results in the vdump command not backing up those files properly. #v51bsupportos-2367-sahanaj PROBLEM: (20756, QXCM1000908320, WFM2606237429-261 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2367) ******** Under certain conditions creation of sparse files resulted in more fragmentation with huge no of extents allocated per file resulting in performance degradation. The fix reduces the no of extents created and hence improving the performance. #v51bsupportos-2364-rajitha PROBLEM: (20871, QXCM1000975105, GCSS4604516652-462 advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2364) ******** When a file is being truncated using truncate(2) in such a way that the new EOF falls in a frag, it was inadvertently overwriting the last character at the new EOF with a null character. #v51bsupportos-2372-roopali PROBLEM: (20727, QXCM1000895448, 1603736745-161 H advfs) (PATCH ID: OSF540-2372) ******** Under certain circumstances, rmvol and cfsmgr causes kernel memory fault. This is seen when rmvol is under progress and at the same time file system is relocating, finally the thread race results in rmvol failure with Error = E_BMT_NOT_EMPTY. Later accessing that file system results in memory fault. FILES: ./sys/BINARY/advfs.mod CHECKSUM: 27025 1425 SUBSET: OSFADVFSBIN540 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.746.18 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.473.34 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bmt_util.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_buffer2.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.625.20 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_copy.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_create.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_delete.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.506.13 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_errlst.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_extents.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_index.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_init.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_inmem_map.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_migrate.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.442.16 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_msg_queue.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_params.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_qio.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.367.9 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_sbm.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_service_class.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stg.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.357.20 ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_stripe.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/bs_tagdir.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/ftx_recovery.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/ftx_routines.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/ms_logger.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/bs/vfast.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_create.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_dir_init.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_dir_lookup.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_file_sets.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_quota.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/fs/fs_read_write.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.468.29 ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_cfg.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_io.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_kdm.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_lookup.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_misc.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.597.13 ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_proplist.c,v RCS ID: ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vfsops.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.827.17 ./kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_vnops.c,v RCS ID: 1.1.528.22 ./usr/sbin/vfast/vfast.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29004.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-004 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-004 (26004.00), OSF540-004 (27004.00), OSF540-004 (28004.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: #v51bsupportos-1731-blv PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: OSF540-1731) ******** advfsd daemon starts up by default, whenever the system boots to multi-user mode. The user could not control its invocation through a rc.config variable. FILES: ./sbin/init.d/advfsd CHECKSUM: 36634 3 SUBSET: OSFADVFSDAEMON540 SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29007.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-007 REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (29009.00), OSF540-034 (29034.00), OSF540-065 (29065.00) CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-007 (25007.00), OSF540-007 (26007.00), OSF540-007 (27007.00), OSF540-007 (28007.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NONE FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (GB_G06851) (PATCH ID: OSF540-930) ******** This patch corrects a problem that causes a kernel memory fault panic in the routine event_queue_insert() on systems using ATM. The stack trace is: 5 panic 6 trap 7 _XentMM 8 event_queue_insert 9 process_arp_event_queue 10 la_arp_refresh_callback 11 timer_process #v51bsupportos-1550-velayuta PROBLEM: (221-2-1026) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1550) ******** The installation of PK4 causes the following ATM LANE problem. ES40: Intermittent ATM LANE connectivity problems. Stale arp cache. FILES: ./sys/BINARY/lane.mod CHECKSUM: 00118 437 SUBSET: OSFATMBIN540 ./kernel/net/if_lane/lec_arp.c,v RCS ID: SUPPORT NOTES: NONE ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW PATCHID: 29009.00 PATCH ID: OSF540-009 REQUIRED PATCHES: NONE CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED PATCHES: OSF540-055 (29055.00), OSF540-023 (29023.00), OSF540-050 (29050.00), OSF540-039 (29039.00), OSF540-038 (29038.00), OSF540-011 (29011.00), OSF540-084 (29084.00), OSF540DX-079 (29079.00), OSF540-114 (29114.00), OSF540-069 (29069.00), OSF540-002 (29002.00), OSF540DX-086 (29086.00), OSF540-035 (29035.00), OSF540-072 (29072.00), OSF540-020 (29020.00), OSF540-001 (29001.00), OSF540-045 (29045.00), OSF540-113 (29113.00), OSF540-070 (29070.00), OSF540-012 (29012.00), OSF540-051 (29051.00), OSF540DX-015 (29015.00), OSF540X11-085 (29085.00), OSF540-036 (29036.00), OSF540-010 (29010.00), OSF540-064 (29064.00), OSF540-054 (29054.00), OSF540DX-026 (29026.00), OSF540CDE-019 (29019.00), OSF540-004 (29004.00), OSF540-068 (29068.00), OSF540DX-100 (29100.00), OSF540-048 (29048.00), OSF540-115 (29115.00), OSF540-058 (29058.00), OSF540-047 (29047.00), OSF540-073 (29073.00), OSF540DX-028 (29028.00), OSF540-062 (29062.00), OSF540-106 (29106.00), OSF540CDE-014 (29014.00), OSF540DX-060 (29060.00), OSF540-021 (29021.00), OSF540X11-075 (29075.00), OSF540CDE-013 (29013.00), OSF540-007 (29007.00), OSF540-107 (29107.00), OSF540-102 (29102.00), OSF540-046 (29046.00), OSF540X11-095 (29095.00), OSF540-071 (29071.00), OSF540CDE-016 (29016.00), OSF540-052 (29052.00), OSF540X11-080 (29080.00), OSF540-022 (29022.00), OSF540X11-083 (29083.00), OSF540X11-094 (29094.00), OSF540-031 (29031.00), OSF540X11-110 (29110.00), OSF540-003 (29003.00), OSF540-077 (29077.00), OSF540DX-088 (29088.00), OSF540-049 (29049.00), OSF540X11-089 (29089.00), OSF540-053 (29053.00), OSF540DX-030 (29030.00), TCR540-001 (29001.00), TCR540-002 (29002.00), IOS540DX-102 (29102.00), IOS540-103 (29103.00), IOS540-106 (29106.00), IOS540DX-125 (29125.00), IOS540DX-131 (29131.00), IOS540DX-134 (29134.00), IOS540-214 (29214.00), IOS540-215 (29215.00), IOS540DX-248 (29248.00), IOS540DX-251 (29251.00), IOS540-256 (29256.00), IOS540DX-271 (29271.00), IOS540DX-276 (29276.00), IOS540DX-294 (29294.00), TCR540-001 (29001.00), TCR540-002 (29002.00), IOS540DX-102 (29102.00), IOS540-103 (29103.00), IOS540-106 (29106.00), IOS540DX-125 (29125.00), IOS540DX-131 (29131.00), IOS540DX-134 (29134.00), IOS540-214 (29214.00), IOS540-215 (29215.00), IOS540DX-248 (29248.00), IOS540DX-251 (29251.00), IOS540-256 (29256.00), IOS540DX-271 (29271.00), IOS540DX-276 (29276.00), IOS540DX-294 (29294.00) SUPERSEDED PATCHES: OSF540-009 (25009.00), OSF540-009 (26009.00), OSF540-009 (27009.00), OSF540-009 (28009.00), OSF540-010A (185.00), OSF540-020 (347.00), OSF540-029 (64.00), OSF540-030A (18.00), OSF540-032 (326.00), OSF540-034A (256.00), OSF540-037A (268.00), OSF540-038 (143.00), OSF540-039 (313.00), OSF540-041 (105.00), OSF540-043 (234.00), OSF540-059 (30.00), OSF540-061 (219.00), OSF540-067 (387.00), OSF540-068 (330.00), OSF540-070 (370.00), OSF540-072 (360.00), OSF540-079 (89.00), OSF540-105 (91.00), OSF540-112 (157.00), OSF540-113 (161.00), OSF540-115 (62.00), OSF540-128A (334.00), OSF540-129 (223.00), OSF540-130 (285.00), OSF540-135A (14.00), OSF540-137 (232.00), OSF540-140 (252.00), OSF540-154 (264.00), OSF540-158 (189.00), OSF540-166 (155.00), OSF540-186 (60.00), OSF540-215 (433.00), OSF540-220 (425.00), OSF540-221 (429.00), OSF540-249 (643.00), OSF540-258 (703.00), OSF540-259 (817.00), OSF540-260 (653.00), OSF540-262 (464.00), OSF540-269A (547.00), OSF540-275A (478.00), OSF540-280 (745.00), OSF540-282 (476.00), OSF540-288A (718.00), OSF540-298 (774.00), OSF540-299 (492.00), OSF540-302 (496.00), OSF540-308 (678.00), OSF540-309 (674.00), OSF540-311 (500.00), OSF540-316 (694.00), OSF540-328 (791.00), OSF540-329 (749.00), OSF540-347 (578.00), OSF540-349 (687.00), OSF540-355 (751.00), OSF540-359 (714.00), OSF540-361 (671.00), OSF540-362 (772.00), OSF540-363 (658.00), OSF540-368A (553.00), OSF540-370 (637.00), OSF540-372 (710.00), OSF540-379 (797.00), OSF540-380 (741.00), OSF540-381 (727.00), OSF540-384 (705.00), OSF540-392C (722.00), OSF540-395 (809.00), OSF540-405 (667.00), OSF540-420 (729.00), OSF540-432 (680.00), OSF540-438A (766.00), OSF540-461 (1225.00), OSF540-469 (1153.00), OSF540-476 (872.00), OSF540-477 (1219.00), OSF540-482 (1144.00), OSF540-483 (1141.00), OSF540-491 (1318.00), OSF540-493 (1108.00), OSF540-494 (1188.00), OSF540-498 (1126.00), OSF540-500 (1334.00), OSF540-501 (1270.00), OSF540-513 (1235.00), OSF540-519 (1363.00), OSF540-524 (1197.00), OSF540-528 (1294.00), OSF540-530 (1092.00), OSF540-533 (1284.00), OSF540-553 (851.00), OSF540-561 (867.00), OSF540-576 (874.00), OSF540-588A (1328.00), OSF540-605 (1322.00), OSF540-609A (1254.00), OSF540-628 (1203.00), OSF540-636 (1186.00), OSF540-637 (1168.00), OSF540-640 (1190.00), OSF540-652 (1184.00), OSF540-685 (1149.00), OSF540-690 (1162.00), OSF540-758 (1375.00), OSF540-759 (1326.00), OSF540-777 (1231.00), OSF540-804 (1237.00), OSF540-820 (1201.00), OSF540-861 (1391.00), OSF540-947 (1414.00), OSF540DX-076 (1355.00) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If you delete this patch kit, you MUST run the following script prior to rebooting your system: /etc/ The smmsp user and group and the /usr/var/spool/clientmqueue directory were created as a future requirement for sendmail in the previous patch release v5.1b-4. Since, sendmail is not smmsp enabled, the smmsp user and group and "/usr/var/spool/clientmqueue" will no longer be required. You are advised to remove these items if they are not being used for any other purpose on your system including alternate sendmail implmentation. You can delete the clientmqueue directory tree with the following command: # rm -rf /usr/var/spool/clientmqueue You can delete the "smmsp" user and group with the following commands: # userdel smmsp # groupdel smmsp NOTE:Please check the root directory and delete the clientmqueue directory and the user and group with respect to the root directory for the patch kit install as follows #chroot /sbin/rm -rf /usr/var/spool/clientmqueue #chroot /usr/sbin/userdel smmsp #chroot /usr/sbin/groupdel smmsp where is the alternate root directory FULL DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM: (96142) (PATCH ID: OSF540DX-076) ******** SysMan and SysMan Station will fail to start after Java 1.3.1-4 is installed. This is caused by a Java VM change that causes Java based daemons to fail on system boot. The smauthd daemon, used by SysMan and SysMan Station, is one of the daemons that fails to start on system boot. This patch fixes this problem PROBLEM: (86918) (PATCH ID: OSF540-010) ******** The problem is that addvol allows a HSG/HSZ disk partition to be added to an 'on-line' (or off-line), existing domain, when the disk partition can not access all the blocks that the disklabel indicates, and consequently, all the blocks added to the domain. This due to the disklabel no longer being valid. PROBLEM: (HPAQ60306) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1002) ******** Performance of Enhanced Security in TruCluster environments has been improved by reducing the amount of I/O done during authentications. PROBLEM: (93343) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1003) ******** Customers have seen ESUCCESS reported when the setup exchange of an rlogin or other rcmd operations fails due to security reasons. This is actually an error condition and should be reported as EPIPE instead. PROBLEM: (97333) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1007) ******** This patch enables the sysconfig command to use the cluster interconnect in a cluster. With this patch, the user can update, query, and reset sysconfig variables on a cluster member in a hung state, single user state, or in a normal state with no external network. The user can also view the sysconfigtab file settings, view operation codes, data types, and module status and type on the cluster member. PROBLEM: (94408) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1009) ******** If a dirty filesystem is mounted, current warning message says "Dirty file system". For UFS, it can be more verbose to suggest to run fsck and retry. For UFS, now the error message explictly mentions to run the fsck and the retry. PROBLEM: (96476) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1016) ******** Added the ability to remove Persistant Reservations on HSG60/HSV100/HP-XP enclosures. This allows the disks to be removed from a TruCluster environment and used on a standalone system. PROBLEM: (96976, 96575, DE_G07701) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1028) ******** PROBLEM: Kernel memory fault originating in dirpref() while trying to create a directory on a newly created large UFS file system. The problem can also occur after extending an existing UFS file system either from extendfs or mount. A sample stack-trace follows: 7 dirpref src/kernel/ufs/ufs_alloc.c 8 ufs_mkdir src/kernel/ufs/ufs_vnops.c 9 mkdir src/kernel/vfs/vfs_syscalls.c 10 syscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c 11 _Xsyscall src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s PROBLEM: Panic originating in vrele() while unmounting a file system on which extension was tried through "mount -u -o extend", which returned errors. A sample stack-trace follows: 5: vrele: panic("vrele: bad ref count") 6: ufs_unmount: vrele(0xfffffc00051cd200) 7: dounmount: ufs_unmount(0xfffffc001fc2af00) 8: unmount: dounmount(0x3, 0xfffffc001fc2af00, 0x2) 9: syscall: unmount(???, 0xfffffe04277978c0) 10: _Xsyscall: syscall(0x1300071) PROBLEM: (96212) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1035) ******** This patch fixes cron scheduling for Daylight Savings time event. Cron jobs scheduled to run at 2am and 3am were not run when switching from EST to EDT.( DST change over ). This patch fixes this problem. PROBLEM: (88496) (PATCH ID: OSF540-105) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: OSF540-1064) ******** This patch enables the -undo_switch option in the /usr/sbin/versw command to be used when deleting version switched patches. This command option is used after the completion of the installation or rolling upgrade. It cannot be run during a rolling upgrade. This option reverts the file and sysconfigtab version attributes. A complete cluster shutdown or single system shutdown, if not a cluster, is required for this change to take affect. After all systems are down reboot the systems and perform the patch deletion using the appropriate technigue for your environment. PROBLEM: (88578) (PATCH ID: OSF540-112) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (94735, TPO089035, 86294) (PATCH ID: OSF540-113) ******** This patch fixes the performance problem with cp with respect to the Change in the I/O buffer size from 64K to 8K that went to the support pools. This patch also fixes a problem in which cp(1) and cat(1) produce different file sizes when reading from a tape device The soultion was to change the I/O buffer size of cp to 64K and change the I/O buffer size of cat to 64K. PROBLEM: (88550) (PATCH ID: OSF540-115) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (88526, 88541, 88562, 87019, 88436, 88476, 88488, 88554, wc.sec.002.ssrt) (PATCH ID: OSF540-128) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (cfs.91538) (PATCH ID: OSF540-129) ******** This patch allows manual shared access coordination of open SAN accessable tape devices. The mt command has been enhanced to allow for tape devices to be reserved (via the scsi-2 reserve command) and released (via the scsi-2 release command). The new commands are: mt reserve mt release mt tur Reserve also includes modifiers: -t (force a target reset only on the active path before the reserve) -f (force a target reset on all available paths before the reserve) -l (force a lun reset only on the active path before the reserve) -r (force a lun reset on all available paths before the reserve) This command (mt reserve) should be used prior to the use of an application that is not shared tape aware. After completion, this command should be used again (mt release). The mt tur command can be used to determine if another application has already reserve the tape. The force options above should only be used when it is known that the device is NOT being used by another user and that user simply forgot to release the device after they had finished; any other use of the force options can lead to possible data inconsistencies by allowing multiple users to access the device at the same time. PROBLEM: (88455) (PATCH ID: OSF540-130) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (wik.envmon.0001.ePII) (PATCH ID: OSF540-131) ******** Prior to this change /usr/sbin/envmond did not issue EVM events to mark the transition of environmental sensor (PS, Fan & temp) sensor status changes. Theses updates will enable /usr/sbin/envmond to issue EVM events when environmental sensor change states. PROBLEM: (94686) (PATCH ID: OSF540-133) ******** This patch allows the auditing of login and su events based in part on what's in user profiles (for Enhanced Security), the prevailing auditing characteristics of the originating process, and the system-wide audit mask. Previously, only the system audit mask was referenced. HP has corrected this deficiency. For example, assume the following scenario. The system audit mask has login failures reported, but not login successes. The target user profile is set to add in the auditing of successful logins. Under these circumstances, only the login failures would previously have been found in the audit log. PROBLEM: (87802, 84422, 87576, 87802, 90472, 92015, 93597) (PATCH ID: OSF540-135) ******** This patch addresses one problem. When the system discovers a new device,it generates a new name for it to create the device special file (dsf). The instance part, a number, can get quite large when doing many disk backups using a clone-copy-delete procedure. Since the instance is always increasing, the names quickly become hard to manage. Also, the backup program must determine the new numbers each time it runs. To fix this problem, the dsfmgr program has added a new option that will minimize (or set) the instance numbers to the lowest possible value. If your system deletes and creates a large number of devices or deletes and creates devices often, this patch will help keep the values lower. For systems that have a fixed configuration except for the backup procedure, it will mean that each new set of cloned backup devices will always have the same new names. It can simplify the backup procedure. - an illegal input argument causes a core dump This usually occurs when no arguments are entered. - improper error handling by the stat function during boot dsfmgr fails with: dsfmgr: NOTE: creating device special files for system at / dsfmgr: ERROR: stat( "/dev/disk/dsk19a" ) = kernel database - duplicate device ID's +dsk19a /sbin/dn_setup: 1573120 Memory fault - core dumped - the move/exchange may cause data errors This occurs when it encountered a partial set of device nodes. - during boot the following message is seen: ============================= Problem occurred again while booting all nodes of the cluster. The problem occurred on two nodes: tcr6b: Checking device naming: ERROR : DEC_CHW_COMP : /etc/dec_hwc_cdb: invalid database size. Is 412648, sb 412408. ERROR : DEC_CHW_COMP : /etc/dec_hwc_cdb.bak: invalid backup size. Is 412648, sb 412408. bcheckrc: Device Naming failed initial check. Correct errors and then continue or reboot. ============================= This can be caused by a file update during the dsfmgr read of the file. Nothing is wrong and a ^D (ctrl D) will continue the boot again. This fix will detect this senerio and the system will boot without any operator intervention. PROBLEM: (88279) (PATCH ID: OSF540-137) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (94731) (PATCH ID: OSF540-138) ******** This patch adds an event which indicates that the soft or hard error count has changed on the device indentified in the event. PROBLEM: (94417) (PATCH ID: OSF540-140) ******** The audit_tool search algorithms did not differentiate between prived, non_prived, unset audit uids. PROBLEM: (88589) (PATCH ID: OSF540-153) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (88588) (PATCH ID: OSF540-154) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (94894) (PATCH ID: OSF540-156) ******** The script /usr/sbin/cleanPR did not support the MSA1000 controller. Support has been added. PROBLEM: (94097) (PATCH ID: OSF540-158) ******** This patch corrects a problem found wherein the rmtmpfiles script would leave empty directories in /var/tmp at system startup. These directories typically had names such as "stltmp10009", and were usually seen after installing additional software subsets. PROBLEM: (93526) (PATCH ID: OSF540-166) ******** This patch fixes the problem while encoding "$@" in bourne shell. PROBLEM: (95044) (PATCH ID: OSF540-186) ******** On systems running Perl 5.8.0 or newer, Perl will issue the following warning everytime /usr/sbin/siacfg is run: "Using an array as a reference is deprecated." This is only a warning, siacfg is working correctly. This patch will eliminate the warning message from Perl. PROBLEM: (95110) (PATCH ID: OSF540-196) ******** This patch fixes a potential floating point error in threaded applications. Without this solution, it is possible for a process to get different floating point values after a context switch. PROBLEM: (88465) (PATCH ID: OSF540-197) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (84839) (PATCH ID: OSF540-020) ******** When displaying unlinked references, output the reference flag to indicate the type of reference. This is helpful in the case of closed, unlinked, and mmapped references. PROBLEM: (93161) (PATCH ID: OSF540-021) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95204) (PATCH ID: OSF540-215) ******** This patch fixes the problem with csh redirection while redirecting standard input and standard output of a command to a file exist in home directory using tilde (~) operation. PROBLEM: (none) (PATCH ID: OSF540-220) ******** NHD6 installs failed to see new disk information PROBLEM: (81917, 95245) (PATCH ID: OSF540-221) ******** This patch address 2 issues. 1) When file system is full (/var) and crontab is issued to edit the crontab entries, earlier it use to truncate the entries. Now it performs check on whether the new entries are copied before replacing the existing entries 2) If a file system is full and we are editing a file in 'vi', then there is a possibility that file gets truncated upon write operation. Now vi has been modified to handle this scenario by reserving the blocks required ahead. If it fails in reserving the blocks, it comes out with error without truncating the existing file. PROBLEM: (95264) (PATCH ID: OSF540-245) ******** Ill-formed TCP connections can cause RPC-based services to hang in accept(2), waiting for the connection to be completed. The ill-formed TCP connections typically come as a result of portscanning activity on a network. PROBLEM: (94889) (PATCH ID: OSF540-246) ******** This patch allows mount(8) options that require values to be correctly processed on a cluster. Previously, all option values would be essentially ignored, accompanied by a warning message such as: "WARNING: bad value for wsize option". The new behaviour is to correctly parse the specified option, as on a single system. PROBLEM: (95011) (PATCH ID: OSF540-249) ******** The following corrections are made to the tar program - when a trailing slash is presented to the extract (-x) and list (-t) options the specified directory will be restored without its contents. - when a directory specification includes more than one trailing slash the create (-c) option will now strip extra slashes before writing the directory name to the archive. PROBLEM: (95126) (PATCH ID: OSF540-256) ******** This patch prevents segmentation faults when sia_ses_init is passed a malformed argument vector. This problem was discovered when dxchpwd was passed several -x arguments. The Motif libraries modified the argument vector during intialization. This modified vector eventually caused a segmentation fault in SIA initialization. PROBLEM: (88505) (PATCH ID: OSF540-258) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (88531) (PATCH ID: OSF540-259) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (92818, TKT361836, TKT376858) (PATCH ID: OSF540-026) ******** From patch 1) A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. From patch 2) This patch corrects the problem where a user may experience a core dump, when using csh from the Japanese locale. PROBLEM: (88529) (PATCH ID: OSF540-260) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (93161) (PATCH ID: OSF540-262) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95085, SSRT2384) (PATCH ID: OSF540-264) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in the HP Tru64 UNIX operating system that may result in a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. The following potential security vulnerability has been corrected: SSRT2384 rpc (Severity - High) PROBLEM: (95197, TKT399703) (PATCH ID: OSF540-267) ******** This security related patch fixes a problem where the Home Directory and login shell attributes for a user account were not suppled to the audit daemon for authentication failures. HP has resolved this problem. PROBLEM: (93806, FR_G04269, NL_G05189) (PATCH ID: OSF540-269) ******** Any threaded application that uses XTI/TLI could terminate or hang with an internal mutex locked if t_snddis() is called while another thread is receiving an event. Typical application error messages may include the following example from Visual Threads: Error: programmingError.missingUnlock in Thread _@ terminated while holding Mutex_@__init_xtilib. or a typical kernel stack trace of the hung/block thread: thread_block() sleep_prim mpsleep osr_sleep osr_getmsg_subr osr_getmsg . . . _Xsyscall PROBLEM: (92580, 95333) (PATCH ID: OSF540-275) ******** This patch installs DECthreads V3.20-029c, which contains a fix for a potential data inconsistency of the floating point registers in a threaded program running on Tru64 UNIX V5.1b. PROBLEM: (88576) (PATCH ID: OSF540-280) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95360) (PATCH ID: OSF540-282) ******** Fix a possible hang in the log command. It was possible for the log command to hang in some cases. The foot print for this would be that the command started by the log cammand would have terminated, but the log cammand would not exit and a ps would show two active log commands. PROBLEM: (83006) (PATCH ID: OSF540-288) ******** PROBLEM: audit subsystem utilities (audit_tool, auditmask) were printing out the wrong labels for mach events. PROBLEM: (117-1-20865) (PATCH ID: OSF540-029) ******** This patch corrects a problem in which "find -ls" displayed an incorrect number of blocks, due to a wraparound to zero of the value in this data field. PROBLEM: (SSRT2275) (PATCH ID: OSF540-296) ******** Chatr (Change Attribute) is a new tool which can enable or disable execution from data (stack or heap) by changing a binary's file attribute. This patch provides protection against a class of potential security vulnerabilities called buffer overflows. Buffer overflows are sometimes exploited in an attempt to subvert the function of a privileged program and possibly execute commands at the elevated privileges if the program file has the setuid privilege. This patch allows a system administrator to enable memory management protections that limit potential buffer overflow vulnerabilities. PROBLEM: (95294) (PATCH ID: OSF540-298) ******** For sites which have either the /tmp or /var/tmp filesystem as a separate AdvFS domain, the nightly dirclean entries in root's crontab file previously generated error messages for failures to remove these entries. The /usr/sbin/dirclean utility no longer attempts to remove the .tags directory or the and quota.user files. (For UFS filesystems, dirclean will still remove a .tags directory normally.) PROBLEM: (88589) (PATCH ID: OSF540-299) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (DE_G04979) (PATCH ID: OSF540-003) ******** In a non-C locale, extended regular expressions of the form "[a-z]{m,n}" and ".{m,n}" may be handled incorrectly, as if the interval expression is {m,n+1}. This patch fixes the problem. PROBLEM: (88559, 94472, 94255, SSRT2301, SSRT2275) (PATCH ID: OSF540-030) ******** Patch 1) and 2) A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. Patch 3) A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised when a buffer overflow occurs in the uucp utility. Buffer overflows are sometimes exploited in an attempt to subvert the function of a privileged program and possibly execute commands at the elevated privileges if the program file has the setuid privilege. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95001) (PATCH ID: OSF540-303) ******** Memory leaks are avoided in bourne shell. PROBLEM: (95121) (PATCH ID: OSF540-308) ******** This patch fixes a ksh problem related to cleaning the process associated with control terminal when a login session is abruptly stopped. This problem occurs when trap(1) defined either in a startup script or a script executed within the current shell process. PROBLEM: (90882) (PATCH ID: OSF540-309) ******** If a symbolic link exists pointing to a nonexistent file, an "ln -sf" command to change that link that defaults the name of the target to the name of the source will fail with the error "File exists". ln -s xxx yyy "yyy" points to a nonexistent file. ln -sf test/yyy "test" can be any path. The second "ln" command should remove "yyy" in the current directory and recreate it as a symbolic link pointing to "test/yyy". However, it does not remove "yyy" and instead fails with the error "File exists" PROBLEM: (92820) (PATCH ID: OSF540-031) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (85995) (PATCH ID: OSF540-316) ******** sed gives exit status 0 when the disk is full. There are two cases to be considered when the disk is full. (1) When target file itself cannot be created. (2) When target file can be created, but data cannot be written to it. The shell take care of the first case and exit with value 1. This fix, takes care of the second case. PROBLEM: (91547) (PATCH ID: OSF540-317) ******** When two concurrent process tries to move a file, only one process will be able to "unlink" the original file. In case, if both the process completes simultaneously, only one of the process can unlink the file after moving it to the specified destination. Since, the errno is not checked while unlinking the file, both the process return from "mv" command without any error. This fix takes care of this situation. PROBLEM: (BCSMB00Z8/221-1-457, 95332) (PATCH ID: OSF540-319) ******** The code for mktime() (and related time routines) in libc was updated in V5.0 to support more robust time transition rules and new time zones around the world. This update introduced a regression from the pre-V5.0 mktime() behavior in the handling of potentially ambiguous tm structs (ie: those that fall within a backward clock shift & which have an initially negative tm_isdst value). The pre-V5.0 mktime() would favor the later end of such transitions. The V5.0 (and later) mktime() varied as to which end of the transition it would favor, due to a lack of intentional constraints for such cases. This patch adjusts the algorithm to favor the later end of such transitions and restores mktime() behavior consistent with pre-V5.0 systems. PROBLEM: (94156) (PATCH ID: OSF540-032) ******** A recent patch to the linker (ld) introduced a regression where the linker no longer accepts /dev/null as a filename for the -update_registry flag. The error reported by the linker is: % cc -shared t.o -update_registry /dev/null ld: Cannot fflush, fseek, or ftruncate registry file /dev/null. This patch fixes the error, allowing the use of -update_registry /dev/null. PROBLEM: (66873, 80677, 80944, 89274, 89286, 91627, 93013, 94285) (PATCH ID: OSF540-320) ******** The getdate() function uses mktime() to normalize the tm struct being generated for it's input data. However, getdate() was not properly checking both the return value and errno for a potential out-of-range indication from it's mktime() call. This patch fixes this problem. The strptime() routine matches input incorrectly to the format string. According to the Single UNIX Spec for strptime(), "Any other conversion specification is executed by scanning characters until a character matching the next directive is scanned, or until no more characters can be scanned." Instead, the strptime() routine makes assumptions of how many characters to scan based on the number of digits in the maximum value for that particular conversion specification. This algorithm does not give consistent results and does not follow the Single UNIX Spec. This patch modifies the parsing algorithm to provide full compliance. The strptime() routine matches white space incorrectly to %n and %t. It matches white space up to the first tab character for %t and matches white space up to the first newline character for %n. The Single UNIX Spec for strptime defines both %n and %t as "is any white space". This patch fixes strptime() so it matches any white space to both %n and %t. The callrpc() routine tracks information related to an rpc call, including the socket used for communication and a valid field. If the valid flag is false, the code closes the socket. In some instances, this results in closing sockets not owned by the process. This patch modifies callrpc() to track whether or not the process has opened the socket. The socket is closed only if this field indicates that the socket is owned by the process. The fork() routine calls the internal routine, __common_fork(). Compiler optimizations in V5.1B added tailcall optimizations for __common_fork() which cause certain failures in the Visual Threads instrumentation tool (vti). This patch fixes this problem by removing the tailcalls for __common_fork(). The strncasecmp() and strcasecmp() routines did not check the input parameters for NULL. Attempts to access the data through the NULL parameters resulted in seg faults. This patch fixes this problem by handling NULL parameters as special cases. The header /usr/include/sgtty.h did not specify explicit return types for the gtty() and stty() function declarations. This omission results in inappropriate warnings from the compiler when this header is included. This patch fixes the problem by adding explicit 'int' return types to these declarations. The nacreate() routine in the libnuma library calls nmmap() and is supposed to return NULL if the call failed. The failure check was incorrectly coded and could result in a seg fault instead of the correct NULL return from nacreate(). This patch fixes the failure check from the nmmap() call in nacreate(), thus avoiding the potential seg fault. PROBLEM: (91618) (PATCH ID: OSF540-322) ******** When enhanced core file naming is on, an incorrect msg is printed when core umps. The message file has been modifed accordingly to correct this problem. PROBLEM: (STL526315) (PATCH ID: OSF540-326) ******** The runtime loader reports that it was trying to free a null pointer and displays the following message: "/sbin/loader: Attempt to free null pointer". This patch fixes this problem. PROBLEM: (88982) (PATCH ID: OSF540-328) ******** The more command dumps core when given both a non-existing file and a a non-empty file with long filename. Eg: Let 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX' be existant file with long file name( the filename should be long enough to cross the number of columns on the screen) under /tmp and 'text' be a non-existant file. $ more text /tmp/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX text:No such file or directory. /tmp/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX(PRESS RETURN)segmentation fault (core dumped). PROBLEM: (69689) (PATCH ID: OSF540-329) ******** /usr/opt/ultrix/usr/bin/make command was not checking for time stamps of archive member files. i.e while creating library archives, though there is no changes in archive member file ultrix/make was creating archive files again. This is due to improper checking of date on archive files. Hence modified afilescan() function for proper checking. PROBLEM: (57545, 77428, 81750, 81751, 83165, 84829, 89529, 90030, 90424, 91329, 92149, 92758, 93693, 93909, 95259) (PATCH ID: OSF540-332) ******** This patch corrects problems in the dbx and object file tools: dbx, ostrip, strip, mcs, dis, cord, file, and stdump. dbx - When reading an incomplete core file, dbx erroneously reports a "cannot attach to loader" error. With this patch, dbx now issues a warning when it detects an incomplete core file. - For some applications that use Fortran runtime libraries, dbx will core dump during initialization. (This problem was first seen with an application using Fortran V5.5-1877-48BBF runtime libraries, but it occurs infrequently.) This problem has been fixed. - After a debugged application has forked, dbx loses track of the breakpoints set by the user. These breakpoints can neither be listed nor deleted, but remain in effect. The patch corrects this problem by modifying dbx to restore the appropriate breakpoints when a process switch occurs. ostrip - ostrip -m reported a fatal error such as "aux_indice mapping nil...". This problem has been corrected. - A failure while processing an object prevented ostrip from processing additional objects on the link line. This problem has been fixed. - ostrip does not process all of the options on the command line. For example, "ostrip -cjtxz ..." processes only the -j option and ignores the remaining options. With this patch, these options are now processed in the following order: -j, -c, -x, -t, and -z. - ostrip terminates with the fatal error "File offsets overlap" for executables that have been instrumented by Atom-based tools such as pixie, third, or hiprof. This has been corrected. strip - For executables that have been instrumented by Atom-based tools such as pixie, third, or hiprof, strip terminates with the fatal error "File offsets overlap." This has been corrected. mcs - For executables that have been instrumented by Atom-based tools such as pixie, third, or hiprof, mcs terminates with the fatal error "File offsets overlap." This has been corrected. dis - The disassembly output source file name was incorrect for source lines occuring in header files. This has been corrected. - The disassembly output source file previously showed incorrect procedure names for object files with source lines occuring in header files. This has been corrected. - The "clrfen" pal call was disassembled as "0xae". With this patch, the disassembler will now display it as "clrfen". - Some nop (no-operation) instructions were incorrectly disassembled as "esr26" or "esr28" pseudo-ops. With this patch, the disassembler will display these nops as "lda" and "ldah" instructions. cord - Previously, the cord tool did not warn the user about unsupported object types such as OMAGIC and NMAGIC files. Users are now warned not to use cord on these unsupported object file types. - cord did not update file-descriptor addresses in the symbol table. This has problem has been fixed. - cord does not preserve segment padding for objects built with the linker's -disk_block option. This problem has been fixed. file - A memory leak caused the file command to fail and report "no aouthdr" error messages when ~300 or more objects were processed in one command. This problem has been fixed. stdump - A small memory leak caused stdump to occassionaly fail and report an "I/O error" message. If the heap size was limited to less than 100 mB, this error occurred when 1000 or more objects were processed in one command. This problem has been fixed. PROBLEM: (88548) (PATCH ID: OSF540-034) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (89117) (PATCH ID: OSF540-347) ******** Grep command was hanging while executing with '-w' and '-f' options, if a blank line is present in the pattern file. To resolve this problem, an additional check was included in the function check_list() to consider the pattern '\n'. PROBLEM: (89934) (PATCH ID: OSF540-349) ******** Removed compiler warnings addressing oustside of array bounds. PROBLEM: (89773) (PATCH ID: OSF540-353) ******** Fix addresses the compiler warnings caused by calling fetch() with too few arguments. PROBLEM: (80133) (PATCH ID: OSF540-355) ******** In a rolling upgradation if the /usr/skel/.login file already has the changes that the merge script .mrg...login tries to do, it will fail, without any informative error message. The script has been corrected, so that it doesn't fail in such cases. PROBLEM: (SSRT2275) (PATCH ID: OSF540-356) ******** This patch provides protection against a class of potential security vulnerabilities called buffer overflows. Buffer overflows are sometimes exploited in an attempt to subvert the function of a privileged program and possibly execute commands at the elevated privileges if the program file has the setuid privilege. This patch allows a system administrator to enable memory management protections that limit potential buffer overflow vulnerabilities. PROBLEM: (95334) (PATCH ID: OSF540-359) ******** On a system configured with sparsely numbered resource affinity domains (rad), vmstat will display incorrect free page counts for the -r, -R and -s options. To identify this problem, compare the free page counts displayed by the -P and -s options. If the system has sparsely configured rads, the free page count displayed by vmstat -s will be approximately one half of that displayed by vmstat -P. PROBLEM: (87975, SSRT0711U) (PATCH ID: OSF540-036) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (70547, 72606) (PATCH ID: OSF540-361) ******** PROBLEM: By default, mfs() assigns a mode of 1777 to the root directory (or mount point). In some instances, this provides an opportunity for a user to access the directory before an administrator changes the mode to a more secure one. A command line option (-M ) has been added to mfs() the will allow the mode of the root directory to be set at the time the mfs file system is mounted. PROBLEM: Event Manager support for UFS file systems has been turned on in this patch. PROBLEM: (95572, 90864) (PATCH ID: OSF540-362) ******** Fox corrects the find -links, -size, -i, -inum behaviour with respect to the + operations. Find + operations will match "Greater Than", rather "Greater Than or Equal To". PROBLEM: (72163) (PATCH ID: OSF540-363) ******** 'rm -r' does not scale for large directories. ie it takes more than 36 hr to delete a directory containing 1,000,000 files. PROBLEM: (67870) (PATCH ID: OSF540-364) ******** This patch eliminates the compiler warnings in ksh. PROBLEM: (63702, BRO101240) (PATCH ID: OSF540-365) ******** The crontab entry of kind " * * 31 * * " was scheduled on wrong days for the months having only 30 days. Now this problem is fixed. PROBLEM: (37500) (PATCH ID: OSF540-368) ******** Patch makes start up scripts in /sbin/init.d world readable. PROBLEM: (BCGMS0LJC) (PATCH ID: OSF540-369) ******** This change fixes client (login, su, rshd, edauth, and sshd2) hangs and long delays under Enhanced Security, as well as some intermittent errors or failures seen with prpasswdd or rpc.yppasswdd. Of particular note are the following externally-visible changes. In a TruCluster environment, the prpasswdd and rpc.yppasswdd daemons now watch to see whether the CFS service for the /var filesystem is moved. If so, the active instance of the daemon will also migrate to the appropriate cluster member. The prpasswdd and rpc.yppasswdd daemons now monitor whether their start-up portmapper registrations disappear or otherwise become unavailable to their clients. If this happens, they attempt to re-register with the portmapper. This is done by having the child ('worker') process exit, and the parent ('monitor') process re-start it. Some syslog messages for the LOG_AUTH facility have been clarified, and some additional ones have been added for monitoring whether the rpc.yppasswdd or prpasswdd daemon is unresponsive. [The clients will log intermittent messages at level LOG_NOTICE, approximately at 50-second intervals, if they can't get responses from the daemons.] The rpc.yppasswdd and prpasswdd daemons now make a syslog entry to the LOG_AUTH facility at level LOG_NOTICE when they become active and start trying to service client requests. This is most useful in a cluster, since it helps to identify the 'active instance' of the relevant daemon. The prpasswdd daemon no longer leaves core files in / (the root directory). If it leaves a core dump at all (which now normally should only happen in response to a SIGQUIT signal), it will be found in the /var/tcb/files directory. It is still true that any attempt to manage the rpc.yppasswdd and prpasswdd daemons with signals should only be done with the child ('worker') processes, and not with the parent ('monitor') processes. The child processes are the ones which write their pids in the (member-specific) /var/run/ and /var/run/ files. Delivery of SIGINT or SIGTERM to one of the child processes causes a graceful exit, also terminating the parent process. Delivery of SIGUSR2 causes a graceful re-start of the child process. A SIGQUIT causes a re-start after a core dump. Finally, a SIGHUP causes the child to terminate, and the parent to re-exec itself with the same argument vector, which will then cause a re-start of the child process. This last case is to minimize the down-time for the daemons should future patches to them or to the library be necessary. PROBLEM: (94614) (PATCH ID: OSF540-037) ******** Long running OpenMP C, C++ and FORTRAN programs might overflow a libost3 internal barrier counter. This barrier counter controls the synchronization of threads after the execution of a parallel region of code. A counter overflow would result in a breakdown of this synchronization. V2.1-120 includes a fix to avoid the barrier counter overflow. PROBLEM: (80132) (PATCH ID: OSF540-370) ******** In a rolling upgradation if the termcap file already has the changes that the merge script .mrg..termcap tries to do, it will fail, with error message. The script has been corrected, so that it doesn't fail in such cases. PROBLEM: (80783) (PATCH ID: OSF540-372) ******** Fix allows whitespace in header field with 'ps' option '-o'. Multiple headers with whitespace can be given with 'ps' option '-o'. PROBLEM: (82676, 83023, 89034, 83595, 86613, 87468, 90044, 90078, 92134) (PATCH ID: OSF540-373) ******** This submit request fixes the following problems 1)Now tar command displays error upon any write errors. 2)tar/pax/cpio now have option not to alter ctime of input files upon creating the archive. And displays a warning message in case if not able to preserve the time for pax/cpio. 3)pax -l option creates hard links whenever possible 4)cpio -m does not overwrite the destination file if it has same mtime as of source file. 5)tar -o option makes sure now that all files will be owned by current user and not the user from archive, even for symlinks. 6)cpio handles files owned by users with exteneded uids properly. 7)pax handles directories which has ACL on them properly now. 8)tar works fine now with long filenames. PROBLEM: (85342) (PATCH ID: OSF540-379) ******** This patch fixes /usr/bin/cut to handle incomplete lines correctly. PROBLEM: (92819) (PATCH ID: OSF540-038) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (70503) (PATCH ID: OSF540-380) ******** Earlier, certain default clean up cron jobs were scheduled for 2 a.m. These were skipped during the time change to DST. Now fixed this problem. PROBLEM: (63237) (PATCH ID: OSF540-381) ******** This patch fixes /usr/bin/which to take path information from environment rather ~/.cshrc if it is invoked from other than C shell. PROBLEM: (68013) (PATCH ID: OSF540-384) ******** This patch eliminates compiler warnings in 'mkdir'. PROBLEM: (88511, 92964/HPAQ3289N) (PATCH ID: OSF540-039) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. This fix also addresses the problem wherein Performing a sort on a large database using numerous keys fails during the consolidation phase of the temporary files. PROBLEM: (93561, 94348, 71400) (PATCH ID: OSF540-392) ******** Problem 1: This patch fixes the following error in mkcdsl: "To copy the file to the member-specific locations of each member when in a cluster **specifiy** the all (-a) option with the copy (-c) option. " Problem 2: When the cluster is first created, the NIS maps aren't properly updated to be served by the cluster alias, and are still served by the first cluster member. A ypwhich -m will list them as the original cluster member. This patch makes sure that the NIS maps are served by the alias. Problem 3: When shutting down a cluster (shutdown -c now), dhcp and named returned usage errors. This has been alieviated. Problem 4: Cdslinvchk does not correctly catch removed cdsl inventory files or missing targets. PROBLEM: (95526) (PATCH ID: OSF540-395) ******** This patch fixes a problem with bcheckrc that occurs when it is run multiple times. PROBLEM: (95442) (PATCH ID: OSF540-398) ******** This patch fixes a problem with non-U.S. USB keyboards used in non-U.S. locales in which the keyboards are treated as U.S. keyboards by the operating system. Because the layout differences associated with non-U.S. locales are ignored, the user might see unexpected characters on the screen when typing. For example, when using a Japanese keyboard, with SRM variable "language" set to "50" (Japanese), pressing Shift-2 should produce a double quote character ("). However, because of this bug, this keypress is seen by the operating system as it would if the keyboard were a U.S. keyboard and the language were set to "36" (U.S. English): the output is an ampersand (@). PROBLEM: (117-1-19737) (PATCH ID: OSF540-040) ******** This fix corrects a problem in which sh was using a high amount of CPU time. PROBLEM: (67726) (PATCH ID: OSF540-401) ******** Patch eliminates compiler warnings in 'ln'. PROBLEM: (89979) (PATCH ID: OSF540-402) ******** Patch eliminates compiler warnings in 'ksh' PROBLEM: (63460) (PATCH ID: OSF540-405) ******** The cron daemon was not logging the commands it runs on the request of users, even when the loglevel is set to 4 in /var/adm/cron/queuedefs. This is because there was no support for this feature in cron. Now we have this support. PROBLEM: (93321, 87630, 93320, 86058) (PATCH ID: OSF540-406) ******** This patch fixes following problems in sh. o Service denial problem when a quoted here doc script is executed. o Problem with handling ELF files. o The shell variable $- not holding -C set option when it is turned on. o Printing broken characters when type builtin utility of sh is invoked in Japanese locale. PROBLEM: (KAOB83087) (PATCH ID: OSF540-041) ******** This patch fixes a one byte gap/hole in the maximum size in the tar command before an extended header record is used (8589934591 (octal 77777777777)). PROBLEM: (83404, 89908, 95202, 117-1-21092) (PATCH ID: OSF540-420) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (88460, 88502) (PATCH ID: OSF540-043) ******** Patch 1) and 2) A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95440) (PATCH ID: OSF540-432) ******** PROBLEM: audit_tool when printing out execve audit events in brief mode (-B) may append nonsense characters to the output, example: # audit_tool `auditd -dq` -e execve -B AUID:RUID:EUID PID RES/(ERR) EVENT -------------- --- --------- ----- 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( /usr/sbin/auditmask M-4M-^?^C ) 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( /sbin/ls M-mM-^A ) 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( /usr/sbin/auditd ) 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( /usr/sbin/audit_tool M-1M-4M-|^C ) 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( ./audit_tool ) 0:0:0 697 0x0 execve ( /usr/sbin/auditmask M-4M-^?^C ) PROBLEM: (95280, 95571, 95333) (PATCH ID: OSF540-438) ******** This patch installs DECthreads V3.20-033, which fixes two potential problems with threaded applications on Tru64 Unix V5.1b: 1. Potential data inconsistency of a floating point registers 2. Potential divide by zero SIGFPE in DECthreads schPrioInit() routine PROBLEM: (95674) (PATCH ID: OSF540-442) ******** Some networking applications, especially X.25 and X.29, stopped working as expected with version V5.1B because of interactions with security-related fixes in V5.1B and how fstat(2) behaves on their sockets. HP has fixed this deficiency. In particular, x29logind would fail to answer incoming calls. The daemon.log syslog files would show lines with the following message from x29logind: Cannot read packet sizes from port: Socket operation on non-socket PROBLEM: (95682, 95733, SSRT2439, SSRT2341) (PATCH ID: OSF540-450) ******** In certain conditions a too-small buffer could be allocated. Similarly, under certain circumstances, pointers to a buffer within the RPC subsystem could be set beyond the buffer's bounds. This patch fixes these problems. PROBLEM: (95630) (PATCH ID: OSF540-455) ******** This patch fixes sh problem while executing a here document through command substitution. PROBLEM: (95675) (PATCH ID: OSF540-458) ******** Pixie, hiprof, third, spike, cord, uprofile and odump report a fatal assertion for some executables that have been linked at optimization level 2 (-O2) or greater. (Each tool reports the same error.) For example, pixie reports the following fatal assertion error: % pixie a.out pixie: info: instrumenting a.out ... Assertion failed: preloc_lookahead->r_size == R_IMMED_LO32 || preloc_lookahe ad->r_size == R_GPRELLOW, file ../../../../../../src/usr/ccs/lib/libmld/cmrl c_consume.c, line 1078 atom: Error: Command '/tmp/atomAAAadaBxa/a.out.tool' terminated with receipt of SIGABRT signal. atom: Error: A fatal error has occurred. This could be caused by a lack of space in /tmp, or an instrumentation code error. Check /tmp, or run atom with the -debug switch. pixie: error: exiting due to error instrumenting a.out This problem has been fixed. Pixie, hiprof, third, spike, cord, uprofile and odump now run without reporting this fatal assertion error. PROBLEM: (95743) (PATCH ID: OSF540-461) ******** Under some circumstances, the /sbin/rc2.d/S19security script run during system start-up could cause an unintended change in the system security configuration. This happens only when /usr/bin/perl has been removed. PROBLEM: (92087, 95809) (PATCH ID: OSF540-466) ******** This patch address the below problems with mv command. * mv fails when operated on running binaries. * mv doesn't allow a file rename even though directory permissions allows to rename. PROBLEM: (221-1-931) (PATCH ID: OSF540-467) ******** This patch fixes the problem encountered with the Bourne shell when a filename with trailing slash ("/") is used as an argument to the command. PROBLEM: (89000) (PATCH ID: OSF540-468) ******** mv will fail to move a directory properly if the source directory ends in a trailing '/'. Example: $ mv foo/ bar/ ( where foo and bar are empty directories) Unable to unlink bar/. PROBLEM: (62574) (PATCH ID: OSF540-469) ******** When an entry with the maximum possible UID exists in /etc/passwd, a call to adduser displays, as default uid, the maximum possible uid. # uname -a OSF1 X5.0 538.3 alpha # grep 65535 /etc/passwd Test3:SjpcE9Cv4IzyE:65535:15:Tester3:/usr/users/Test3:/bin/sh # /usr/sbin/adduser Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): test4 Enter a UID for (test4) [65535]: PROBLEM: (221-2-122, SSRT3469) (PATCH ID: OSF540-471) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been identified in the HP Tru64 UNIX operating system that may result in unaurhorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. The following potential security vulnerability has been corrected: SSRT3469 sendmail (Severity - HIGH) PROBLEM: (95536) (PATCH ID: OSF540-473) ******** This patch corrects a NIS client hang sometimes seen when trying to connect with some third party NIS servers that only support the V2 NIS protocol. PROBLEM: (81365) (PATCH ID: OSF540-477) ******** This patch fixes a situation, in which the header fields displayed by the output of 'ps' command are not aligned properly. The problem is that the headers displayed by the 'ps' command will not be aligned properly if the pid has more than 6 digits in it. PROBLEM: (95824) (PATCH ID: OSF540-480) ******** the class scheduler fails to restart with the error "class_open: allocate or access semaphore Invalid argument" After a sysadmin deletes system owned (class scheduler) semaphores vi ipcrm -s. PROBLEM: (82974) (PATCH ID: OSF540-481) ******** This patch fixes a situation, in which the 'mkpasswd' command dumps core when executed by a non privileged user. When users other than the root try to make the /etc/passwd file, by executing the command "mkpasswd /etc/passwd", the system dumps core displaying the message "Memory fault(coredump)". PROBLEM: (84414, 87419) (PATCH ID: OSF540-482) ******** awk is not processing the input files given in the BEGIN section. awk appears to be broken with pipes. PROBLEM: (64937) (PATCH ID: OSF540-483) ******** The ouput of cdvd had 2 minor errors. There was one line labeled incorrectly and one line that was duplicated. These lines have been corrected PROBLEM: (95791) (PATCH ID: OSF540-485) ******** In V5.1B, when linking kernel object files from an archive library, the linker adds references for the following four symbols to the linked image: __exc_add_gp_range __exc_remove_pc_range_table __exc_remove_gp_range __exc_add_pc_range_table These four symbol references then prevent a kernel from linking properly. This problem only occurs when one of the inputs to the link is an archive (.a) library. The problem exists only in the V5.1B release, and is corrected with this patch. PROBLEM: (95787) (PATCH ID: OSF540-491) ******** When the binlogd host authorization (/etc/binlog.auth) file content exceeds 513 characters, the binlogd daemon can potentially core dump or hostnames inconsistencies would occur in binlog.auth. The result is either binlogd would core dump, or binlog events being forwarded from remote hosts would be rejected even though its hostname has been included into the authorization file. PROBLEM: (76400) (PATCH ID: OSF540-493) ******** This patch removes the 250 variable limit for /usr/bin/env and /usr/bin/printenv. PROBLEM: (92397) (PATCH ID: OSF540-494) ******** This patch fixes the problem of race condition in rm command, where in two threads trying to delete a file. Two threads appear to be deleting the same file successfully. PROBLEM: (FR_G06298) (PATCH ID: OSF540-498) ******** The problem is that on the single-byte locales, like fr_FR.ISO8859-1, vi command does not show the content of the reading file correctly if it contains non-ASCII single-byte characters (e.g. accents (0xE9)). This does not happen on the multi-byte locales. The patch enables vi to show correctly in such a case. PROBLEM: (95732) (PATCH ID: OSF540-500) ******** When an FTP client connects to a Tru64 host and sends an ADAT command without first sending an AUTH command the FTP daemon process dies. PROBLEM: (79949) (PATCH ID: OSF540-501) ******** The evm configuration files contain definitions enclosed with braces to define configuration data specific to the evm functions. The evm parser in libevm which reads these configuration files fails to check for matching braces. This causes EVM user commands such as "evminfo -verify", which checks syntax of the EVM configuration file, fail to recognize and report mismatch braces syntax error. PROBLEM: (95836) (PATCH ID: OSF540-513) ******** This is a buffer overflow problem. PROBLEM: (87313) (PATCH ID: OSF540-519) ******** This patch adds a CDSL (Context Dependent Symbolic Link) to the binlog archive directory. PROBLEM: (95798) (PATCH ID: OSF540-522) ******** When running Enhanced Security, an emergency login for the root account on the console would fail in TruCluster configurations with "Impossible to execute /sbin/sh". This could occur if the Enhanced Security databases are inconsistent, or if the root account is disabled. The accompanying messages to indicate such an 'emergency' login would say "However, root login at terminal console is allowed." PROBLEM: (92061) (PATCH ID: OSF540-524) ******** This patch removes the race security vulnerability in find utility. PROBLEM: (86874, 95828) (PATCH ID: OSF540-528) ******** Now sort gives exit value > 1 for all the error messages,in compilance with existing specs.Also sort does not dump core,when more than 50 sort keys are used. PROBLEM: (84854) (PATCH ID: OSF540-530) ******** This patch provides the feedback facility for dd in long copies. PROBLEM: (80993) (PATCH ID: OSF540-533) ******** The EVM user command evminfo supports an option "-verify", which checks for syntax error within the EVM configuration files. However, it does not support checking for syntax errors within the EVM authorization file. The user had no warning if there are errors in that file. This fix adds an option "auth" to the "-verify" option, which allows users to check for syntax errors in the EVM authorization file. PROBLEM: (95945) (PATCH ID: OSF540-558) ******** PROBLEM: After using extendfs(8), the number of cylinders listed in the last cylinder group may not be correct if only a small incremental extension was created. PROBLEM: (95992, FR_G06761) (PATCH ID: OSF540-559) ******** This patch fixes two problem where the dynamic runtime loader might cause an application to crash. The first problem incorrectly leaves some libraries loaded in memory after an application calls dlclose(). You might see this problem in the following situations: o The application could crash after subsequent calls to dlopen() and dlclose(). o The application might behave unexpectedly after a call to dlclose() does not unload a library with a specific symbol definition and a subsequent call to dlopen() for another library that contains a symbol definition with the same name. In this case, the loader incorrectly resolves the symbol references to the former symbol and not to the symbol in the newly loaded library. The second problem is a loader crash that occurs when using _RLD_ARGS with an application that closes file descriptor zero. The following is an example of this crash. % cat t.c main() { close(0); } % cc t.c -o a.out The following two commands will then cause the loader to crash. % ( setenv _RLD_ARGS -v ; a.out ) % ( setenv _RLD_ARGS "-v -log ./t.t" ; a.out ) The above two problems only exist in the V5.1, V5.1A, and V5.1B releases and both are fixed with this patch. The first one can only occur when libraries with a particular order of circular dependencies are loaded with dlopen(). PROBLEM: (96049, NO_G06678) (PATCH ID: OSF540-567) ******** The dbx debugger reports a segmentation fault for some Fortran programs when the user issues any command that references a symbol name. For example, for the Fortran program qtest, dbx reports the following fatal error: % dbx qtest dbx version 5.1 Type 'help' for help. qtest: 57 liw = nsize + 1 (dbx) stop in gtequal_adj_neighbor sendsig: can't grow stack, pid 19345, proc dbx, sig 11 Segmentation fault (core dumped) This problem has been fixed. PROBLEM: (TKT442453, 95186) (PATCH ID: OSF540-570) ******** If a regular expression contains multibyte Asian characters, the regular expression routine may not return the correct search result. This patch fixes the problem and allows the correct result to be returned. If a complex regular expression has many iteration metacharacters such as "*", the regular expression routine may appear to hang. This patch fixes this problem. PROBLEM: (96092, 3531) (PATCH ID: OSF540-576) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been reported that may result in unauthorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (94211) (PATCH ID: OSF540-577) ******** This patch fixes the possible data inconsistency that could have occured when copying files across DMAPI enabled file set using cp command PROBLEM: (95958) (PATCH ID: OSF540-578) ******** This patch fixes the possible data inconsistency that could have occured when moving files across DMAPI enabled file sets using mv command. PROBLEM: (94777) (PATCH ID: OSF540-580) ******** This patch addresses the problem with sh while using ulimit built-in command in displaying hard and soft resource setting values when -H (hard) and -S (soft) resource limits options are specified. PROBLEM: (96146) (PATCH ID: OSF540-589) ******** Logins in TruCluster environments using Enhanced Security could hang on any member other than the one serving /var to CFS. This was because the RPC portmapper registration for prpasswdd and rpc.yppasswdd wasn't always being seen by all the members. PROBLEM: (94494) (PATCH ID: OSF540-059) ******** When the Internet Express DLAP Authentication Module is configured onto the system and an LDAP group is created and a user assigned to that group, depending on the placement of LDAP in the /etc/sia/matrix.conf file, the user wouldn't be assigned to that group at login time. A "groups" or "id" would not have the user authorized for that group. PROBLEM: (95929, 72575, 93898, 84157) (PATCH ID: OSF540-591) ******** This patch fixes three issues: * A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. * Returns appropriate exit status when disk is full. * Accepts input records of length up to 5,119 bytes. PROBLEM: (92341) (PATCH ID: OSF540-597) ******** This patch fixes problem with vi internal command 'n' when used inside macro to repeat the last search for a pattern PROBLEM: (95834) (PATCH ID: OSF540-598) ******** When there are several active sessions, "last" command reports improper logout times. This is now corrected. PROBLEM: (89123) (PATCH ID: OSF540-600) ******** This patch adds support for recognizing ELF and HP-UX file format to the file command PROBLEM: (95996, CFS.98331) (PATCH ID: OSF540-605) ******** When a high priority event occurs, the evmlogger would invoke evmshow to provide a detailed content of the event and mail it to the root account. If the event is a binlog event, DECevent would be invoked to provide a detailed translation of the event. However, since DECevent is being invoked by a system process and not a user process, the HOME environment variable is not set. Hence the following error message would be included in the mail message instead of a detailed translation of the binlog event. binlogshow: DECevent handshake protocol error This error occurs due to failure with DECevent startup. PROBLEM: (95874, CFS.98473) (PATCH ID: OSF540-609) ******** munlockall() locks process memory. This can be seen with the ps -o state [pid] command, where [pid] is the pid of the process which invoked munlockall. PROBLEM: (88459) (PATCH ID: OSF540-061) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (94989) (PATCH ID: OSF540-611) ******** There is a panic resulting in a Kernel Memory Fault in access_invalidate. The stack trace looks like the following. 4 panic(s = 0xfffffc0000aabae0 = "kernel memory fault") ["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":1378, 0xfffffc00002afe64] 5 trap(a0 = (...), a1 = (...), a2 = (...), code = 0x20, exc_frame = 0xfffffe04283f7140) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c":2285, 0xfffffc00005a97d0] 6 _XentMM(0x0, 0xfffffc0000345074, 0xfffffc0000a29c90, 0xfffffc0000bcb760, 0xc001014b00348f96) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":2219, 0xfffffc00005a3294] 7 access_invalidate(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_access.c":3614, 0xfffffc0000345074] 8 bfs_dealloc(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, deallocate = 0xd1c0448) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":3811, 0xfffffc000034c520] 9 bfs_close(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, ftxH = struct { dmnP = (nil) hndl = 0x0 level = 0x0 }) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":4227, 0xfffffc000034cf18] 10 bs_bfs_close(bfSetp = 0xfffffc001242c788, ftxH = struct { dmnP = (nil) hndl = 0x0 level = 0x0 }, options = 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_bitfile_sets.c":4361, 0xfffffc000034d104] 11 del_clean_mcell_list(0x0, 0x20925ad3d932859, 0x800100000001, 0xfffffc0000000218, 0xfffffc0013bd7348) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_delete.c":2329, 0xfffffc0000363508] 12 bs_bfdmn_activate(0x100000001, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc0000000000, 0xfffffc00002ed280) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":3791, 0xfffffc0000367fc0] 13 bs_bfdmn_tbl_activate(0xfffffc0000a6d5e0, 0x1, 0xfffffc000038f87c, 0xfffffc000fe1e008, 0x1) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":2575, 0xfffffc00003661f0] 14 bs_get_dmntbl_params(0xfffffc000038f8d8, 0xfffffc000fe1e008, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_domain.c":7695, 0xfffffc000036d254] 15 msfs_real_syscall(0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0xfffffc000fe1e018, 0x20001392c28) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/bs/bs_misc.c":3220, 0xfffffc000038f8d4] 16 msfs_syscall(0x1, 0xfffffc000fe1e018, 0x20001392c28, 0x3f1, 0xfffffc000059f7c4) ["../../../../src/kernel/msfs/osf/msfs_syscalls.c":145, 0xfffffc00002ffce0] 17 syscall(0x390, 0x20001392fa8, 0x0, 0xfffffc0000000000, 0x0) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/syscall_trap.c":725, 0xfffffc000059f7c0] 18 _Xsyscall(0x8, 0x3ff8125d078, 0x3ffc054b4f0, 0x60008, 0x20001392c20) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1864, 0xfffffc00005a2fdc] The second problem there will be a domain panic message from bs_frag_dealloc or frag_group_dealloc. The exact message will vary because there are about a dozen different messages possible describing different inconsistencies. PROBLEM: (3471) (PATCH ID: OSF540-614) ******** This fix will improve a security vulnerability in setld. PROBLEM: (95636) (PATCH ID: OSF540-628) ******** Patch turns on environmental monitoring on Alpha Server ES47/ES80/GS1280 systems by default. PROBLEM: (96202) (PATCH ID: OSF540-630) ******** This patch corrects problem of excessive swapping resulting from mfs filesystem creation. PROBLEM: (88557, 89932, 96595, 96616) (PATCH ID: OSF540-636) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been reported that may result in unauthorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (88539) (PATCH ID: OSF540-637) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been reported that may result in unauthorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95483, BE_G05856) (PATCH ID: OSF540-640) ******** When using the sticky bit, mkcdsl will not carry the bit through the mkcdsl operation. After the operation, the sticky bit is no longer set on the file. This fix will correctly carry that bit through the whole mkcdsl operation. PROBLEM: (96232) (PATCH ID: OSF540-650) ******** The class scheduler will not handle processor sets (partitions) with an id greater than 100. The error generated is "invalid partition specified" when an attempt is made to set the partition (setp sub-command). The problem can be reproduced by creating a large number of processor sets such that the processor set id is greater than 100. An attempt to class schedule that processor set (partition) via the class_admin(8) "setp" subcommand will generate the above error. PROBLEM: (96172, ES_G06869) (PATCH ID: OSF540-652) ******** This patch addresses a ksh memory fault problem that occurs when a user is logging in. The problem symptom may be seen as a long time while logging in and the ksh process seems to take a lot of cpu time and then a memory fault message appears. PROBLEM: (83667) (PATCH ID: OSF540-654) ******** This patch corrects the failure of the edauth utility to write user-profile entries to the root partiion when required. Two examples are when using the -R option and when the UID of the user-profile is less than 100. PROBLEM: (94772) (PATCH ID: OSF540-656) ******** This patch corrects a problem with name resolution process when errors are encountered during the processing of the local host files. If the IP addresses listed in the local hosts files are not in correct format or are out of range of valid IP addresses, the processing of the local hosts files will stop which may result in failures for correctly listed entries. PROBLEM: (88465) (PATCH ID: OSF540-067) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (96370) (PATCH ID: OSF540-673) ******** This patch fixes a fatal error with the spike optimization command. The error is exhibited as follows: % spike a.out Error in a.out: Invalid image, invalid compact relocations, symndx mismatch for low relocations PROBLEM: (94865) (PATCH ID: OSF540-068) ******** This patch allows the Event Manager daemon, evmd, to stop listening on its default tcp port 619. This capability is available to single systems. This capability cannot be enabled on a system that is a member of a cluster. To prevent the Event Manager daemon from listening on its default tcp port, add the following line to /etc/evmdaemon.conf. port -1 You must stop and restart the Event Manager for the change to be effective. On a V51.B system, the Event Manager is controlled by the Essential Services Monitor daemon, esmd. Esmd will automatically restart the Event Manager if it is stopped. Perform the following steps. /usr/sbin/evmstop The Event Manager will be automatically restarted. A message will be written to /var/evm/adm/logfiles/evmdaemon.log indicating the status of the remote port. On a clustered system there will be a message indicating that the remote port cannot be turned off. PROBLEM: (CFS.93112) (PATCH ID: OSF540-682) ******** Users on Enhanced Security systems using C1crypt password encryption are unable to change their passwords. This patch corrects that condition. PROBLEM: (88507) (PATCH ID: OSF540-685) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (96449) (PATCH ID: OSF540-690) ******** This patch fixes the "Total memory" and "Total free" fields of kernel memory usage data when requested on a per-RAD basis via the -R option. Previously, they would cumulate, thus producing incorrect data. PROBLEM: (AT_G07243, 96354, CFS.100473) (PATCH ID: OSF540-694) ******** This patch fixes the following two types of problems caused by the strxfrm() function running on the fr_* locales: 1. dumps core because of the Segmentation fault if the input string to be transformed is null string (zero length). 2. transforms the string incorrectly concerning "backward accent ordering". PROBLEM: (87061) (PATCH ID: OSF540-070) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (95014) (PATCH ID: OSF540-706) ******** This patch fixes setld failures that generate the message: "rsh: Kerberos credentials not found, attempting normal rsh." This can occur when trying a ris install to a system that has kerberos/SSO (w2k authentication) configured. PROBLEM: (85978) (PATCH ID: OSF540-714) ******** Code that inspected the disklabel for overlapping partitions did not skip over null partitions as expected. PROBLEM: (96275, TKT452370) (PATCH ID: OSF540-716) ******** When mq_open() opens a message queue file, memory to that file is mapped. If several different messages queue files are opened (with several different mappings), only the last mq_close() will free the mapped memory for that mapping. This is faily begnign in that the memory is recovered when the process terminates. PROBLEM: (88466) (PATCH ID: OSF540-072) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (96606, 96814, 96854) (PATCH ID: OSF540-720) ******** Migrate from managing information lookups with the /etc/svc.conf file to using the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. In particular, this allows providing netgroup data with LDAP rather than only with NIS. This obsoletes the /etc/svc.conf file for normal system operation, leaving it as a legacy file for old statically-linked applications. The /usr/sbin/svcsetup utility has been updated to execute the /usr/sbin/nssetup utility automatically to ease in migration. The new /usr/sbin/nssetup utility invokes the /usr/sbin/nss2svc utility after a successful update to the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, as well. PROBLEM: (96405, 89776) (PATCH ID: OSF540-724) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been reported that may result in a local Denial of Service (DoS). HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (87827) (PATCH ID: OSF540-738) ******** When running class_admin(8) in the "non-interactive" mode (see below)for the first time and no class scheduler database exists, an error is reported and the class scheduler terminates: # class_admin en Class scheduling enabled and daemon /usr/sbin/class_daemon started. 6% class_daemon: class_open: Database created with default configuration Bad file number PROBLEM: (95795) (PATCH ID: OSF540-745) ******** This patch fixes the pattern substitution problem in ksh with respect to patterns ${parameter#pattern} and ${parameter%pattern} For example: $ foo='c(d)ef' $ echo $foo c(d)ef $ echo ${foo##*\(} d)ef $ echo ${foo##*\)} ef $ echo ${foo%?\)*} c( PROBLEM: () (PATCH ID: OSF540-746) ******** Updates the chatr utility to be able to tune binaries for properties different from the system-wide bigpage settings. This allows for more flexible performance tuning. PROBLEM: (95440, 96625, 96914) (PATCH ID: OSF540-758) ******** PROBLEM: The audit_tool usage message did not document available functionality. PROBLEM: (88589, SSRT1-45U) (PATCH ID: OSF540-759) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. This problem is identified by a message of the form: /etc/sysconfigtab._UPDATE_.514475: Permission denied when running sysconfigdb as a non-privileged user. PROBLEM: (BCPM4049F, 96576) (PATCH ID: OSF540-760) ******** This patch fixes a performance problem in libc's mktime() routine on all V5.* release streams. This is a regression from the V4.* streams. When measured under the very large usage load that the customer is reporting (ie: 5 million successive calls to mktime()), the V5.* code is ~8 times slower than it's V4.* counterpart. This patch fixes this problem, restoring performance to levels that meet or exceed that of the V4.* code. In addition, this patch fixes a problem where mktime() can alter the caller's tm struct, even though it returns with an error. This only occurs for times (tm structs) that result in time_t values that fall outside the bounds of a 32-bit time_t (ie: roughly times prior to year 1901 or after year 2038). This is not an issue for mktime64(). Both problems above exist on all V5.* releases and are fixed with this patch. PROBLEM: (96306) (PATCH ID: OSF540-771) ******** This patch fixes segfaults that occur when "nm -a" is used to dump symbol information in object files compiled by the C++ compiler. For example, with the V6.5 C++ compiler, a C++ source file containing the single line "#include " can result in an nm segfault: % cxx -c -g nmerr.C % nm -a nmerr.o >/dev/null Segmentation fault (core dumped) PROBLEM: (96659) (PATCH ID: OSF540-772) ******** dircmp has been fixed to display both the output columns. PROBLEM: (FR_G07216) (PATCH ID: OSF540-777) ******** This patch fixes the condition that cfgmgr still running in the system even the remote is gone. PROBLEM: (96658) (PATCH ID: OSF540-780) ******** The mfs(8) default behavior is to stripe allocated memory accross all RADs that have memory. This patch adds the "-R" switch to the command, which forces memory to be allocated on a single RAD. For some applications, a performance gain may be realized by the use of this switch. PROBLEM: (94406) (PATCH ID: OSF540-079) ******** With ACLs enabled, non-root users may be denied access to autofs indirect and special mounted filesystems. Non-root users may also be denied access to other filesystems that don't support ACLs (i.e. cdfs) as well. This patch corrects this problem. PROBLEM: (96688) (PATCH ID: OSF540-796) ******** The cchwtest tool is required for the Common Criteria security evaluation. The cchwtest tool tests the virtual memory protections on the system. PROBLEM: (96708) (PATCH ID: OSF540-803) ******** This patch fixes compress command to exit with new status (3) on I/O error as per man page descriptions. PROBLEM: (96747) (PATCH ID: OSF540-804) ******** Patch corrects the verification of sendmail's internal support files permissions and locations on a cluster. The helpfile path has been updated too PROBLEM: (TKT502230) (PATCH ID: OSF540-810) ******** This patch fixes 'at' jobs that apparently fail to execute when LANG is set to a locale with multibyte characters, such as Japanese, and a loader variable, such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set. PROBLEM: (49778) (PATCH ID: OSF540-817) ******** dc now takes care of scale while printing numbers in base 2. PROBLEM: (CFS.101562) (PATCH ID: OSF540-821) ******** tar was not restoring the permissions for the directories extracted with -p option. This patch fixes this problem and now the directories are extracted with its permissions preserved when extracted using -p option. PROBLEM: (58355, 83706) (PATCH ID: OSF540-823) ******** This patch fixes vi command with respect to handling of locales and +[subcommand]. PROBLEM: (96388) (PATCH ID: OSF540-824) ******** This patch corrects the behaviour of find command with respect to -size option PROBLEM: (84359, 96834) (PATCH ID: OSF540-834) ******** This patch fixes two issues: - corrects the behavior of 'ltf' for uid/gid > 4 digits. - eliminates compiler warnings. PROBLEM: (87534) (PATCH ID: OSF540-847) ******** Tru64, traditionally, had API's to create, manipulate, and destroy processor sets but API's to get information about them was lacking. This patch corrects this. PROBLEM: (96813) (PATCH ID: OSF540-860) ******** The rewind() function would not always re-position to the beginning of a file if the kernel's idea of the file position was changed outside of stdio handling. This also applied to re-positioning via stdio interfaces if that happened with shared file descriptors in another process, such as after a fork() call. HP has corrected this deficiency. PROBLEM: (CFS.101562) (PATCH ID: OSF540-861) ******** tar was not restoring the permissions for the directories extracted with -p option. This patch fixes this problem and now the files are extracted with its permissions along with set user id bits if any, preserved, when extracted using -p option. The patch also fixes the similar problem with pax utility also. So pax using -p option restores the files mode properly. PROBLEM: (96854, CFS.98402, CFS.101210, CFS.102007, CFS.99917) (PATCH ID: OSF540-862) ******** Under some circumstances, user authentication attempts under Enhanced Security in a TruCluster environment would block indefinitely. Analysis of the processes waiting for authentications would show them all blocking for "dlm_wait_on_event". This patch alleviates that problem. PROBLEM: (221-1-2464) (PATCH ID: OSF540-865) ******** This patch corrects a loader problem. Fatal load errors caused by shared library version mismatches, cannot be suppressed by the loader options -ignore_version or -ignore_all_versions. An example of a version mismatch load error is shown below: 92696:a.out: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: object from liblist in ./ has version "V1.0", which does not match the found object: ./ (with version "V2.0") Setting the loader switch "-ignore_all_versions" or "-ignore_version" in _RLD_ARGS should prevent the fatal load error shown above, but if the loader detects the mismatch after the offending library has already been loaded, neither switch prevents the failure. This patch will correct the shared library version mismatch handling when -ignore_version and -ignore_all_version switches are specified in _RLD_ARGS. With this patch, either switch can be used to prevent all fatal load errors caused by shared library version mismatches. PROBLEM: (96868) (PATCH ID: OSF540-867) ******** This patch corrects a documentation problem. In the case of SIA failing to initialize due to a inconsistent matrix.conf file, a list of suggested commands to correct the problem are displayed on the user's terminal. This patch adds an important additional command to that list. PROBLEM: (FR_G07946) (PATCH ID: OSF540-870) ******** This patch corrects a problem in fixso. Without this patch, fixso fails to repair quickstart for many executables and shared libraries, reporting that a new conflict for "__istart" has been detected. With this patch, fixso will no long fail to repair quickstart due to the "__istart" conflict. An example of this error is shown below for /usr/shlib/ % fixso -o ./ /usr/shlib/ fixso: Error: found new conflict symbol __istart between /usr/shlib/ and /usr/shlib/, new conflicts are unsupported PROBLEM: (73188) (PATCH ID: OSF540-882) ******** This patch kit corrects the behavior of 'w' command, when it is redirected or piped. PROBLEM: (93908) (PATCH ID: OSF540-090) ******** This patch corrects a failure in the safe_open() routine which caused symbolic links given by a relative path from the current working directory sometimes to give ENOENT errors incorrectly. This was specific to having no 'real' (non-".") leading components before the first symlink was found. PROBLEM: (94760, 94499, 92708, 94330, 94788) (PATCH ID: OSF540-091) ******** This patch, which installs DECthreads V3.20-029, fixes the following problems: Applications with a large number of frequently blocking PCS threads may experience a loss of parallelism as unblocked threads are queued behind running threads rather than onto idle CPUs. With symptoms similar to the above, OpenMP applications may not scale correctly. Threaded applications which use libaio, or which directly make changes to thread cancelability at runtime may encounter a DECthreads bugcheck similar to the following: %DECthreads bugcheck (version V3.20-018), terminating execution. % Reason: pthread_cancel: (os/kern) protection failure (2) Threaded applications using PCS threads may experience a live hang following topology updates (runon, CPU hotswap, etc). The application will become CPU bound, spinning in the DECthreads library code at the schFindTargetRad() routine. Threaded applications using PCS threads may hang following a topology update (runon, CPU hotswap, etc). When all compute resources within a RAD are offlined, the DECthreads library may neglect to evacuate that RAD in favor of another with available resources. PROBLEM: (96975, 95345) (PATCH ID: OSF540-910) ******** This patch fixes a problem where a filename is assigned incorrectly in a CDSL case. PROBLEM: (70-25-74, 96733, 97009, 70-25-90) (PATCH ID: OSF540-912) ******** This patch installs DECthreads V3.20-049 which fixes the following potential problems in threaded applications on Tru64 UNIX V5.1b: 1. memory leak in applications that use signals 2. premature termination of the display of ready threads in the Ladebug debugger 3. DECthreads deadlock bugcheck in applications which simultaneously signal and destroy condition variables 4. hang or SEGV in DECthreads krnLockThread routine, possible memory inconsistency 5. thread stacks being created with a smaller size than requested, possibly resulting in an overflow or inconsistent condition 6. unsupported compilers (such as gcc) were generating an "unrecognized compiler" error from pthread.h 7. newly created thread-specific data (TSD) keys were not always NULL, as specified by the POSIX 1003.1 standard PROBLEM: (96282, CFS.100024) (PATCH ID: OSF540-917) ******** When using the evmshow command to display detailed output of EVM binlog channel events, some events would be displayed with too many space characters. This problem occurs if DECevent is installed on the system, which by default would be used to translate binlog events for display. The user would have to interrupt the command in order to get back the command prompt. The command used to reproduce this problem is "evmget -C binlog | evmshow -d". PROBLEM: (93838) (PATCH ID: OSF540-918) ******** When issuing an rsh or an rlogin command to an unknown host, the error message printed is not very intuative. This patch corrects this problem and replaced the error message with the previous "Unknown host" error. PROBLEM: (97065, CFS.102226, CFS.102255) (PATCH ID: OSF540-928) ******** This patch corrects a delay seen when using /usr/bin/telnet with an IP address as a command line argument. PROBLEM: (95604) (PATCH ID: OSF540-934) ******** Previously, passing the malformed option "-o proto" would cause the "mount" command to coredump. Also, passing "-o vers" would cause the error "vers=-2 unsupported". This patch fixes the coredump problem and makes the error messages more appropriate. PROBLEM: (221-1-1233) (PATCH ID: OSF540-943) ******** In a nonclustered environment, mailsetup did not allow changes to the local user list. This update enables mailsetup to allow changes to the local user list. PROBLEM: (97118, SSRT3631) (PATCH ID: OSF540-945) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been reported that may result in unauthorized Privileged Access or a Denial of Service (DoS). This potential vulnerability may be in the form of local and remote security domain risks. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. SSRT3631 sendmail - (Severity - High) PROBLEM: (HPAQC1TZ5) (PATCH ID: OSF540-949) ******** Support for up to NEW_OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM (64K) file descriptors added to libaio. PROBLEM: (97159, BCSM503DN) (PATCH ID: OSF540-956) ******** Under certain circumstances, DNS resolver code in may experience an infinite delay, and cause applications using it to hang. This problem is particularly experienced when an application is very often interrupted by a signal. This patch corrects the infinite delay problem PROBLEM: (96863, TKT516456) (PATCH ID: OSF540-958) ******** pop3d was dumpping core when SSO (single sign-on) was configured. This would show up to the client as "connection closed". PROBLEM: (BMC-02882) (PATCH ID: OSF540-970) ******** Long-running programs using the Enhanced Security interfaces (such as getespwnam) directly would grow in memory use over time. HP has corrected this deficiency. PROBLEM: (82869) (PATCH ID: OSF540-979) ******** This patch provides a rfc3542 comformant implementation of IPv6 Advanced API. PROBLEM: (CFS.102797) (PATCH ID: OSF540-986) ******** This patch fixes a ksh core dump that occurs when too many files are opened, like when too many ksh scripts are spawned by a program simultaneously. PROBLEM: (94716) (PATCH ID: OSF540-988) ******** more command now handles multibyte character properly. PROBLEM: (FR_G08037) (PATCH ID: OSF540-994) ******** This patch fixes a non-concurrency issue for multithreaded applications calling popen() and certain "FILE *" routines (ie: fread()). While not strictly a deadlock issue, applications with one thread holding a FILE *'s mutex (ie: fread() waiting for input from a pipe) may be prevented from completing a popen() call, due to the "FILE *" locking/unlocking that occurs across popen()'s underlying fork() call. This fix addresses the problem by eliminating the unnecessary "FILE *" locking/unlocking across the underlying fork() call when called via popen(). PROBLEM: (97114) (PATCH ID: OSF540-996) ******** The /sbin/sulogin utility was not reading values correctly from the /etc/rc.config.common and /etc/ files. HP has corrected this deficiency. PROBLEM: (221-2-264) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1076) ******** This patch fixes a deadlock condition that can occur in multithreaded applications which call fork() (and similar libc routines such as popen(), which hold all libc mutexes), and other libc "callback" locations where user-defined __init_*, __fini_*, at* routines could be called, potentially calling back into libc & holding locks required by fork() (and similar routines). PROBLEM: (DSATR072R) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1096) ******** Eliminate spurious "dlm_tsl_set: abort: resource name changed" messages and the associated authentication failures when /var/tcb/files is no longer in the /var filesystem. This problem was only seen when using Enhanced Security in a TruCluster environment without running prpasswdd. PROBLEM: (221-2-264) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1075) ******** This patch installs DECthreads V3.20-049a for Tru64 UNIX V5.1b. This version of libpthread is to be used in conjuction with a patched libc from PK4. Together these changes fix a condition which may cause a threaded application to hang. PROBLEM: (CFS.104240) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1074) ******** This patch fixes a bug in find command when used with -follow option on symbolic links to a directory. PROBLEM: (97317) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1084) ******** Added support for newest version of bcm adaptors. PROBLEM: (BCGMS066R) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1097) ******** Multiple "Sorry" messages could be issued by the su command when multiple SIA mechanisms were in use (as when LDAP is configured for user accounts). This would only be seen when a wrong password was given, and the target account was handled by both LDAP and the /etc/passwd file, or when the target user had a different password in the two authentication mechanisms. This latter case could produce a "Sorry" message even when the authentication ultimately succeeded. PROBLEM: (77958, 92439, 93304, 95316) (PATCH ID: OSF540-931) ******** The current Mobile IPv6 code is not compliant with the latest Internet RFCs, this brings the code up to date. This also brings all the Mobile IPv6 data structure definitions up to the current Mobile IPv6 API draft specification. PROBLEM: (97353) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1087) ******** This patch delivers the script /usr/sbin/versw_enable_delete that can be used to enable the deletion of the most recently installed version switched patches. This script should be run before running dupatch or starting a rolling upgrade to delete the version switched patches. PROBLEM: (DSATP173Q) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1119) ******** This patch provides new functionality for audit_tool. A user can now specify a path to archived auditlogs that the audit_tool will follow for all logs instead of the path recorded in the audit_log_change events (which by default is /var/audit). PROBLEM: (97357) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1115) ******** This patch fixes a dbx error that occurs for all programs. When the debuggee process terminates, dbx prints an error as shown below: % dbx a.out dbx version 5.1 Type 'help' for help. (dbx) run PIOCTSTOP failed on thread stop Program terminated normally (dbx) This patch corrects dbx so that the PIOCTSTOP error message is not reported. PROBLEM: (97495) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1167) ******** PROBLEM: The evmshow command hangs when processing an invalid evm.buf file. Running # evmshow -d evm.buf The stack trace(without arguments) is: _evmuiGetVar EvmVarListGet EvmEventFormatAsDefault EvmEventFormatOpt EvmEventDump ... PROBLEM: The system hangs at boot due to evmd processing an invalid evm.buf file. Copy the invalid evm.buf file to /var/adm/crash. Boot the system. The system hangs during evmstart. The stack trace is: _evmuiGetVar() _evmuiFindVar() _evmuiItemGet() EvmItemGet() Application_c::StaticPostSavecoreEvents() Application_c::StaticSynchCompletionCB() ... PROBLEM: (CFS.103871, 97513, 97514) (PATCH ID: OSF540-1157) ******** This patch will provide some vold status in the form of an EVM event when processing a clusterwide plex detach. On I/O failure to an LSM device, the kernel will initiate a plex detach(s) on that cluster member, ensuring the kernel on each cluster member is aware of the associated disk failure(s). Each cluster member runs its own vold and the associated kernel will see that all vold's are notified to get up-to-date. While LSM's vold will report plex detaches (from one vold in the cluster), it does not report clusterwide processing, i.e. cluster members getting up-to-date. The timing for this entire process depends primarily on the underlying hardware failure(s) and number of volumes affected. To provide some status, vold will log an event to indicate it is processing plex detaches clusterwide. This event may be repeated depending on how much work LSM has to do. It is a status update, letting the administrator know LSM is busy processing. To see this EVM event, as with any other LSM event, can use the EVM commands evmget or evmwatch. evmget -f "[name *.volnotify]" -A -t "@timestamp @@" evmwatch -f "[name *.volnotify]" -A -t "@timestamp @@" The event syntax is as follows: