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ZDNet's Games area provide "Serious Ammunition for Gamers", whether those gamers play on the PC, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo 64, or Sega Saturn. We do this by offering the web's most comprehensive, timely and authoritative gaming information.
We know what game players really want.
Our coverage includes daily news, exclusive previews, and critical reviews, including the Web's most extensive collection of player reviews. We also offer special features such as strategy guides for hit games such as Diablo, Red Alert and Quake, and extensive coverage of multiplayer online gaming and the newest gaming hardware.
But we also know you want to do more than just read about games.
You want to play them. So, of course, we have all the latest game demos, updates and patches in our continuously updated file library. All this, plus our monthly X-Marks-the-Spot contests, which feature $20,000-$35,000 in game software and hardware giveaways each and every month.
ZDNet's Games area is filled with information, expertise, commentary and advice from the biggest names in gamers.
We are the names you know: GameSpot, VideoGameSpot, and GameSpot News are just for starters. We also feature the online homes of the world's leading game magazines, Electronic Gaming Monthly and Computer Gaming World.