In 1992, the birth of Warner Bros. "Batman: The Animated Series" changed the Batman Universe forever. The series revamped the classic characters, casting a unique perspective on their origins and personalities. Now, enter the world of "Batman: The Animated Series."
Batman is the "Dark Knight" of Gotham who stops at nothing to restore order to the city and protect it's citizens.
A partner to Bruce Wayne's Batman, Dick Grayson dons his famed red & green cape when the need arises.
The Joker views every crime, infliction of pain, and murder as the ultimate joke -- mocking Batman.
Harley Quinn
Once a brilliant criminal psychologist, Harley joins the world of crime as The Joker's accomplice and lover.
Mr. Freeze
Unable to survive outside of a sub-zero environment, Mr. Freeze lives a life of crime and vengence against a cruel world.
Edward Nygma's twisted mind is obsessed with creating the ultimate riddle-related crime, which Batman can never solve.
Two Face
Harvey Dent is transformed to a state where right and wrong no longer hold any meaning; chance is everything to Two Face.