DOCUMENT:Q123221 06-FEB-2002 [sms] TITLE :DumpSend: Send Request File Formats PRODUCT :Microsoft Systems Management Server PROD/VER::1.0,1.1 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Systems Management Server versions 1.0, 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article describes how to use the DumpSend utility, explains the output generated, and shows the different record types and their meanings within the Systems Management Server system. THE DUMPSEND UTILITY -------------------- The DumpSend utility is accessed with the DUMPSEND command. It displays the binary Systems Management Server send request file in text format for review. It has the following syntax: DUMPSEND [/P] [send request filename, *.SRS, *.SRQ] These files reside in the \SMS\SITE.SRV\SENDER.BOX\REQUEST\ directories and can have either a "*.SRQ" (not processed yet) or "*.SRS" (processed but not completed) extension. A Sender monitors its associated outbox directory for the existence of a send request file. When this file is seen by the Sender, it parses the instructions and attempts to perform the operations requested. Some site to site communication problems can be resolved by using DumpSend to determine the contents of these files. A send request file is a variable length file composed of a series of records. This file contains, at a minimum, the INFO, STATUS, ADDRESS, and INSTRUCTION records. NOTE: Some record types are not parsed by DumpSend. The information in these record types is usually not needed for trouble-shooting. SEND REQUEST RECORD TYPES ------------------------- Following is a list of the various Send Request record types and their structures listed in the order that DumpSend displays them: Send Request RECORD (INFO, Record type 3): Priority: SMS Job priority; 1 high, 2 medium, 3 low Dest Site: SMS Site code; 3 character Job name: SMS Job ID; 8 characters Job request: Unique send request ID; 7 characters Outbox: UNC path to outbox directory Sender/Scheduler RECORD (STATUS, Record type 15): Sender status: Contains one of the following status flags: SREQ_STATUS_NONE SREQ_STATUS_STARTED SREQ_STATUS_CONNECTING SREQ_STATUS_SENDING SREQ_STATUS_ERROR SREQ_STATUS_INVALID SREQ_STATUS_CANCELLED SREQ_STATUS_SUSPENDED SREQ_STATUS_OK First sender started at: Date/Time of first send attempt Sender started at: Date/Time of last send attempt Sender ended at: Date/Time of when last send attempt stopped Sender gate heartbeat at: Date/Time interval for next attempt Scheduler to restart at: Date/Time of next send attempt Total bytes to send: Total bytes to send, including package file Bytes left to send: Total bytes left to send Sync point is: Total confirmed bytes sent and acknowledged File type is: 0 Sender only, 1 *.INS, 2 *.PKG Number of connects: Number of connection attempts Sender ID: ID of sender working on send request CANCEL RECORD (Record type 4): Cancel Status: Indicates if Send Request has been canceled. ACTION CODE RECORD (Record type 14): Code: This code is set by the Sender after a send failure. The Scheduler service processes this code: 0 do nothing, 1 retry, 2 delete send request. ADDRESS RECORD (Record type 5, multiple records allowed): Address: Contains the destination \\\SMS_SITE share and the encrypted account password to access this share. PACKAGE FILE RECORD (Record type 7): File: The universal naming convention (UNC) name of the package file to send. The package file contains a compressed copy of the original package which is to be sent to the despooler at the destination site. INSTRUCTION FILE RECORD (Record type 8): File: The UNC name of the instruction file to send. The instruction file contains the despooler instructions for the package. Other types of Sender records exist that DumpSend does not parse out at this time. Some of these are listed below: TRANSMISSION STATUS (Record type 1): Transmission status, errors etc., between sites. TRANSMISSION INFORMATION (Record type 2): Transmission statistics. CANCEL (Record type 4): Cancel mode. BOOTSTRAP (Record type 13): Contains information necessary to start the bootstrap process for installing a secondary Systems Management Server Site. SENDACTION (Record type 17): This record contains information that is specific to the individual types of Senders. ROUTING (Record type 18): This record contains routing information but is not implemented for Systems Management Server version 1.0. SAMPLE DUMPSEND OUTPUT ---------------------- Below is a sample command line and the subsequent output: d:\sms\site.srv\\requests\lan_defa.000>dumpsend 1_2zybpc.srs SMS DumpSend v1.0 - Dump Sender files Copyright 1994 by Microsoft Corp., All rights reserved SEND REQUEST DATA RECORD Length: 300 Priority: 2 Dest Site: CSL Job: BPC00434 Job request: _2ZYBPC Outbox: \\CNS-SMS\SMS_SHRD\site.srv\\requests \LAN_DEFA.000 Sender/scheduler RECORD Length: 80 ============================================== Sender status: SREQ_STATUS_OK First sender started at: (not set) Sender started at: Mon, Nov 21 1994 12:45 Sender ended at: Mon, Nov 21 1994 12:45 Sender gate heartbeat at: Mon, Nov 21 1994 12:45 Scheduler to restart at: Mon, Nov 21 1994 12:45 Total bytes to send: 1596 Bytes left to send: 0 Sync Point is: 504 File type is: 0 (No file) Number of connects: 0 Sender ID: ============= End of Dump ============== CANCEL RECORD Length: 4 Mode: Not cancelled ACTION CODE RECORD Length: 4 Code: 0 ADDRESS RECORD Length: 181 Address: {}{\\VERMONT\SMS_SITE 2DDEAF90293488DDD7427DB90B5AEB891C48F9 0CF52F68C273D919D3A338EC39B641AF2D2AFADD 9C493B13ABA1DED992959DDEA4A9ADAAFF67B25 E1DB3B75A584CD80F1F198907AE5D3544D39C9C} PACKAGE FILE RECORD Length: 59 File: \\CNS-SMS\SMS_SHRD\site.srv\ \tosend\BPC00434.P00 INSTRUCTION FILE RECORD Length: 59 File: \\CNS-SMS\SMS_SHRD\site.srv\\tosend\BPC00434.I00 UNKNOWN RECORD TYPE 18 Length: 544 UNKNOWN RECORD TYPE 17 Length: 61 Additional query words: sms prodsms ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbSMSSearch kbSMS100 kbSMS110 Version : :1.0,1.1 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.