PATCH ID: ASUV51B3_ECO1_418 --------- ECO NUMBER: ASU 5.1B-3 ECO1 ----------- PRODUCT: Advanced Server for UNIX -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: Advanced Server for UNIX Version 5.1B-3 ---------------- RELEASE DATE: December 2005 -------------- The Advanced Server for UNIX (ASU) Version 5.1B-3 ECO1 kit provides enhancements and corrections for problems found in the ASU Version 5.1B-3 software, including earlier versions of the ASU software. This release note document has the following sections: - ASU General Changes - ASU General Problem Descriptions and Solutions - ASU and TruCluster Server Version 5.x Problem Descriptions and Solutions - ASU and Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Related Problem Descriptions and Solutions - Known Problems - ASU Installation Instructions -------------------- ASU General Changes -------------------- Change: The "acladm -M" command can now be used while the server is running to move ACLs from one UNIX directory path to another. Change: The "chacl" command has a new option, -E, that assigns explicit ACLs to the target file name to move ACLs from one UNIX directory path to another. For example, the following command assigns explicit ACLs to all the directories under directory /usr/users/myname: # find /usr/users/myname -type d | xargs chacl -E Change: The "lmstat -l" command has been enhanced to show additional locking statistics, such as the number of times an ASU process was blocked waiting for a read lock, as compared to waiting for a write lock. Change: The "net statistics server /clear" command has been enhanced to clear the locking statistics shown by "lmstat -l". This is useful for correlating locking statistics with SMB, API, and RPC statistics shown by "lmstat -n". Change: The "regcheck" command has a new option, -F, which can be used to specify the name of the registry file. This is useful for checking and dumping the contents of registry files that have been copied from other systems for diagnostic purposes. For example: # regcheck -D -F ./registry Change: The amount of time required to copy a tree of files from a Windows XP client to an ASU server has been significantly reduced. Change: When the UnixQuotas registry parameter is enabled and a client asked for the available disk space on a share, the ASU server would report the total available space on the disk. Now, if the UnixQuotas registry parameter is enabled, the ASU server will report the available disk space remaining in the user's disk quota. ---------------------------------------------- ASU General Problem Descriptions and Solutions ---------------------------------------------- Problem Addressed: From a command window, if a user asked for a directory listing of an ASU share using wildcards, and the specified filename included a dot, the ASU server would not list all the files in the directory. For example: Z:\>dir Volume in drive Z is WILDA Volume Serial Number is 96BC-5185 Directory of Z:\ 07/28/2005 10:17 12 test.ini 1 File(s) 12 bytes 0 Dir(s) 2,324,881,408 bytes free Z:\>dir *.ini Volume in drive Z is WILDA Volume Serial Number is 96BC-5185 Directory of Z:\ File Not Found This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: From a command window, running an executable from an ASU share without explicitly specifying the .exe file type would result in an error. For example: Z:\>pccheck 'pccheck' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Under rare conditions, the lmx.ctrl process would go into an infinite loop, trying to delete a client that has dropped its connection to the server. This would cause the following problems: o The "net share" command would return the following error: Error 1723 has occurred. The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation. o The "net start" command would return the following error: Error 121 has occurred. The semaphore timeout period has expired. o A "net use" command to an ASU share would return the following error: System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Under high client loads, the ASU server would occasionally reach the configured maximum number of readers for the ACL database (5). This limited total throughput, as the ASU server process was blocked until one of the readers of the ACL database finished its operation. This problem has been corrected. The configured maximum number of readers for the ACL database has been doubled to 10. Problem Addressed: If ASU was configured as a member server and the ASU SIA subset was installed and configured, the following problems occurred: o Users were unable to log in using ASU domain accounts o The UNIX "passwd" command would not prompt for ASU account password changes. These problems have been corrected. Problem Addressed: Windows clients could not find the ASU primary domain controller (PDC) if all of the following conditions existed: o The client was on a different subnet from the ASU domain controller o ASU was not configured to use WINS or an lmhosts file to resolve clients' IP addresses. This resulted in problems such as clients being unable to log in to the ASU domain. (Clients on the same subnet as the PDC had no problems.) This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: PCCHECK would report if a PDC or BDC was reachable based upon whether the PDC or BDC could be found in the browse list. However, the presence of a server in the browse list is not a guarantee that the PDC or BDC can be reached. This problem has been corrected. The test and message have been removed. Problem Addressed: Server names announced by the "browannc" command would disappear from the browse list after 1 second or so. This problem has been corrected. Server names will now stay in the browse list for as many seconds as specified by the "SrvAnnounce" registry parameter, which is found under the following registry key: SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/LanmanServer/Parameters The default value of "SrvAnnounce" is 180 seconds (3 minutes). Problem Addressed: If the Browser service was not running, the "net view" command would display the following unhelpful error message: The service has not been started. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2184. This has been corrected. The command now displays the following message: The BROWSER service is not started. Problem Addressed: If the browse list contained a large number of servers (in the thousands), the "net view" command would crash the lmx.srv process. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: If a file was deleted through a UNIX command or program and that file had an explicit ASU ACL (which happens if you change the default NT permissions on a file), and a new file was created with the same name from a Windows client, then the new file would get the ACL of the previously deleted file. This problem has been corrected. Note that if a file was deleted using a Windows client, this problem did not exist because the explicit ASU ACL was always deleted. Problem Addressed: If a trust was established between a Samba domain (trusting) and an ASU domain (trusted), then accessing resources on the Samba server with a user name from the ASU domain would fail with system error 59. For example: C:\>net use ? \\sambaserver\sharename /user:asudomain\username password System error 59 has occurred. An unexpected network error occurred. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: The "samcheck -F" command would fail if used with a relative pathname instead of an absolute pathname. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Renaming a file on an ASU share would not properly set the DOS Archive attribute. This problem would also occur when editing a Microsoft Word document, because Word renames its temporary file to the original file name when closing a document. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: The ASU server could not be restarted if the "lmx.ctrl" process terminated unexpectedly. This problem has been corrected. The "net start server" command now completely shuts down the ASU server before restarting if it detects that ASU processes other than "lmx.ctrl" are still running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASU and TruCluster Server Version 5.x Problem Descriptions and Solutions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Addressed: When ASU is configured as a member server in a multi-instance cluster, the following command should grant permission to the user: # net perms /grant : However, the command failed to grant the specified permission (even though the user account existed) and issued the following erroneous message: One or more user or group names were not found. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 6427. This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Occasionally the ASU server would incorrectly reject connections to the configured cluster alias IP address. This problem has been corrected. The default value of the transports.ini parameter "listenallaliases" has been changed to "yes", thereby allowing the ASU server to accept connections to any IP address, which avoids the problem of incorrectly rejecting connections to the configured cluster alias IP address. ------------------------------------------------------ ASU and Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Related Problem Descriptions and Solutions ------------------------------------------------------ Problem Addressed: The ASU server had a problem with UNIX groups in the Active Directory when Windows 2000 Single Sign-On (SSO) was installed. The error "Access is denied." occurred when accessing a file or directory, even when all of the following conditions existed: o The user had been granted permission to the file or directory through a UNIX group in the Active Directory. o The "UseActiveDirectory" registry parameter was set to 1. o More than "GroupUpdateTime" seconds had elapsed since the UNIX group in the Active Directory was modified. ("GroupUpdateTime" is a registry parameter that specifies the interval, in seconds, at which the ASU server checks for changes in UNIX group membership.) This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Joining a Windows 2003 SP1 client to an ASU domain would result in the following error message: remote procedure call failed and did not execute This problem has been corrected. Problem Addressed: Accessing a Microsoft Office document on an ASU share from a Windows 2003 SP1 system would take an excessive amount of time. This problem has been corrected. -------------- Known Problems -------------- Problem: If a WINS server has a multihomed static entry for an ASU server, then ASU may function incorrectly. If ASU uses that WINS server, then ASU will fail to start, and will log a "NetBIOS name in conflict" message in /var/adm/messages. If ASU does not use that WINS server, but its PDC or BDC does, then ASU will start, but will fail to establish a secure channel to the PDC or BDC. If ASU is a BDC, this will prevent replication of SAM database changes. If ASU is a member server, this will prevent domain users from being able to connect to the ASU server. The workaround is to remove the multihomed static entry for the ASU server. Problem: The Windows Explorer on Windows XP displays a long name for ASU shares, which makes it hard to see the drive letter. For example: sharename on 'Advanced Server for UNIX Systems (server name)' (Z:) Solution: The long name "Advanced Server for UNIX Systems" can be shortened or eliminated as follows: 1. On the ASU server, shorten the registry parameter "SrvComment" to the comment that you want. For example: # regconfig \ SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/LanmanServer/Parameters \ SrvComment REG_SZ "Tru64 ASU" Or to completely eliminate the comment, set the parameter to the null string: # regconfig \ SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/LanmanServer/Parameters \ SrvComment REG_SZ "" Restart the ASU server for the new value of the parameter to take effect. 2. On the Windows XP client, using the regedit or regedt32 utility, examine the entries under the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer ComputerDescriptions Delete any entries for the ASU server. 3. Restart the Windows Explorer. The new value should be displayed. ----------------------------- ASU Installation Instructions ----------------------------- This ECO kit is a complete software kit that includes the features and functionality of previous ASU software releases, and provides corrections for the problems described in this document. If you are installing the ASU software for the first time, change to the directory where the ECO software was downloaded, enter the following command, and follow the instructions on the screen: # setld -l . If you have ASU, ASDU, or PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX subsets installed, you must use the Tru64 UNIX setld command to deinstall those subsets before you install the subsets in this ECO kit. Follow these steps to use the setld command to deinstall ASU, ASDU, or PATHWORKS subsets and install the ECO software: 1. Display the installed ASU, ASDU, or PATHWORKS subsets. Enter one of the following commands depending on the software installed: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ASU | grep installed # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ASDU | grep installed # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep PATHWORKS | grep installed 2. Deinstall the ASU, ASDU, or PATHWORKS subsets. Enter the /usr/sbin/setld -d command followed by the name of each subset. For example, to deinstall the ASU Version 5.0 base, transport, and reference page subsets enter: # /usr/sbin/setld -d ASUBASE500 ASUTRAN500 ASUMANPAGE500 While subsets are being deinstalled, you are prompted to save configuration files and the user account and share databases. Save these files and databases if you want to reuse them with the ASU Version 5.1B-3 ECO1 software. 3. Install the ASU Version 5.1B-3 ECO1 software. Change to the directory where the ASU Version 5.1B-3 ECO1 software was downloaded, enter the following command, and follow the instructions on the screen: # setld -l . See the ASU Installation and Administration guide for more information on installing the ASU software. =============================================================== Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Company. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Hewlett-Packard Company. Possession, use, duplication, or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Hewlett-Packard Company.