AlphaServer SC patch kit: ========================== AlphaServer SC Version : SCv2.5 UK1 Kit Name: SCV25UK199961 Release Date: 05222003 PTR: 153-2-1076 IPMT Number: CFS.99961 Abstract:Patched script for BCPM402DR/CFS.99738 fails Description of Patch: ===================== This patch fixes a problem whereby ,on a heavily loaded system, the time to mount all of the members of a domain was exceeding the timeout parameter in the sc mount daemon Prerequisites: ============== Ensure that you have all mandatory patches for this release installed Kit checksum: ============= cksum SCV25UK199961.tar.gz 3997956876 19655 SCV25UK199961.tar.gz Updated files: ============== cksum usr/opt/srasysman/fsmgr/scripts/pfs_mount.tcl 1386487565 5479 usr/opt/srasysman/fsmgr/scripts/pfs_mount.tcl cksum usr/opt/srasysman/lib/tcl/sysman_fsmgr.tcl 1420103581 42345 usr/opt/srasysman/lib/tcl/sysman_fsmgr.tcl Dependencies: ============= None. Instructions: ============= This patch is provided as a setld installable kit. Unpack it into a directory that is NFS mounted on all domains e.g. /usr/kits/ and install it as follows: Before you iInstall the New Patch: ----------------------------------- This patch replaces the BAD patch SCV25UK199738 You need to verify if you have SCV25UK199738 installed - if you have, you should remove it before you install SCV25UK199961. Do this on the MS and all nodes as follows: First check if you have installed the bad patch. #setld -i |grep SCV25UK199738 If it is installed, remove it. #setld -d SCV25UK199738 On the Management Server (if Used): ----------------------------------- Install the patch using the following commands: # cd /usr/kits/ # setld -l /usr/kits/ To remove the patch, use the following commands: # setld -d On Domains: ----------- Install the patch using the following commands: # cd /usr/kits/ # scrun -d all setld -l /usr/kits/ To remove the patch use the following commands: # scrun -d all setld -d