ECO NUMBER: FORRTLAVE01070 ----------- PRODUCT: Digital Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: Digital Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 7.0 ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 7600 ---------------- DIGITAL Cover Letter for Digital Fortran Run-Time Library for OpenVMS Alpha Systems ECO 01 ECO Kit FORRTLAVE0170 Description -------------------------------- This ECO is an update to the Digital Fortran Run-Time Library V7.0-1 as supplied as part of the Digital Fortran product. It can be installed on any OpenVMS Alpha (OpenVMS AXP) V6.1 through V7.0 system, whether or not Digital Fortran is installed. The Digital Fortran Run-Time Library Release Notes contain a complete explanation of this release. Problems corrected are summarized below: o For Fortran 90 programs only, the default value of BLANK= for preconnected units (not explicitly opened) has been changed from 'ZERO' to 'NULL'. This is consistent with the default on Digital UNIX and other platforms, as well as with the default for explicitly opened units and internal I/O. Fortran 77 programs will continue to see BLANK='ZERO' as the default for preconnected units and internal I/O. o The RTL for F90 incorrectly failed to release previously allocated memory when padding F90 input. o The RTL would incorrectly go into an infinite loop when an embedded NULL character value was found while performing a list directed read operation. o The RTL would incorrectly treat an end-of-record marker as a value separator while performing a list-directed read operation. o The RTL would not properly perform RTL I/O clean-up during an unwind operation. This resulted in the user possibly receiving a "recursive I/O operation" error if I/O was pending on the unit before the unwind and then I/O was attempted after the unwind operation. o The RTL for F90 would incorrectly fail to return an End-of-record error for certain non-advancing I/O operations. This occured when attempting to read into successive array elements while running out of data. Installation Overview --------------------- To install this kit on an OpenVMS Alpha system, follow these steps: 1. Log into the SYSTEM account or another account that has the CMKRNL, SYSLCK and SYSPRV privileges. Make sure these privileges are enabled by typing the command: $ SET PROCESS /PRIVILEGES=(CMKRNL,SYSLCK,SYSPRV) 2. Locate the ECO installation kit file. If the file name is DEC-AXPVMS-FORRTL-V0700-2-1.PCSI, skip to step 3. If the file type ends with "DCX_AXPEXE", for example, FORRTLAVE01070.PCSI-DCX_AXPEXE, it is in a self-expanding compressed format. To expand the kit, RUN the kit as an executable image. (You must do this on an OpenVMS Alpha system.) For example: $ RUN FORRTLAVE01070.PCSI-DCX_AXPEXE Press return at the prompt to use the original filename. The expansion process will create DEC-AXPVMS-FORRTL-V0700-2-1.PCSI 3. Begin the installation process by typing the command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL FORRTL /SOURCE=disk:[dir] where "disk:[dir]" is the disk and directory containing the kit file. Respond to the prompts as directed by the Digital Fortran Installation Guide. 4. If you are installing this update on a VMScluster with other Alpha nodes, the following command must be executed on all other Alpha cluster nodes: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DEC$FORRTL.EXE This command requires CMKRNL privilege. 5. Read the release notes, which are provided in the following file: SYS$HELP:FORRTL.RELEASE_NOTES Inform users on the system of the release notes location. A reboot is not required after installation. If you have problems installing this ECO kit, please report the problem to your local Digital support center or send Internet mail with details (and a log of the installation attempt) to Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. This ECO has not been through an exhaustive field test process. Due to the experimental stage of this ECO/workaround, Digital makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection and back-up data used in conjunction with this ECO/workaround.