MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent and Application Program Interface, Version X3.0-6 for OpenVMS Alpha This Cover Letter lists the functional changes that have been introduced in Version X3.0-6 of MAILbus 400 MTA. Functional Changes ------------------ MTA Version X3.0-6 is based on MTA V3.0 and it includes the fix for the following IPMTs, ASN.1 Vulnerabilities and also a system wide logical to enable/disable STA. 1. IPMT CFS.95953 Fix for Missing Bodyparts problem with the CDIF converter. 2. IPMT CFS.96374 Modification has been done to read the value of the timer (ma_finish_delivery temporary failure) from a system wide logical, instead of taking the value from the compile time 'IR_K_RETRY_INT' parameter. The Retry Interval for Agent has been implemented by means of a System-wide logical, namely 'MTA$AGT_RETRY'. If this logical is not set, then the timer value would be taken from the default compile time parameter of TEN minutes. The logical 'MTA$AGT_RETRY' has to be defined system-wide before the MTA Startup. Command to be used for the same: $ DEFINE/SYS MTA$AGT_RETRY "" For Ex. $ DEFINE/SYS MTA$AGT_RETRY "20" would assign 20 minutes to the Retry Interval timer. 3. IPMT CFS.96741 Fix for Routing Instructions act on Agents/Gateways as CASE INSENSITIVE 4. IPMT CFS.101523 Incoming mail from Internet containing Message Bodypart without data was crashing the MTA when CDIF conversion was enabled for the recipient. 5. A system-wide logical, namely 'MTA$STA' has been introduced in the MTA which will allow the customer to turn ON/OFF the STA from the MTA at the time of MTA startup. The command to be used for the same: $ DEFINE/SYS MTA$STA "" For Ex. If STA needs to be enabled, then the logical has to be set to a value of "TRUE": $ DEFINE/SYS MTA$STA "TRUE" The creation of the STA threads in the MTA is dependent on the value "TRUE" assigned to the Logical. If ANY OTHER value is assigned or the logical has not been defined at all, then the STA threads would not get created in the MTA. 6. Fix for SSRT3624 X.400 potential security vulnerability via ASN.1 cross reference: NISCC (006489) A potential denial of service has been identified that may allow a remote initiated Buffer Overflow when malformed ASN.1 messages are submitted. This potential buffer overflow has been fixed in this version. Installation Prerequisites and Procedure: ----------------------------------------- Versions of OpenVMS Alpha that this patch should be installed on: This patch should be installed on all the OpenVMS Alpha machines that are running MAILbus 400 MTA V3.0 and X3.0-x versions. To install this kit follow the instructions in MAILbus 400 MTA In- stalling on an OpenVMS Alpha System or MAILbus 400 API Installing on an OpenVMS Alpha System with the following exceptions: o Make sure you install one of the following configurations of prerequisite software: - OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 or later DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS V7.2-1 with ECO2 or later, including the DECnet Application Interface component. Compaq X.500 Directory Service for OpenVMS V3.1 or V4.0-25 or OpenVMS Enterprise Directory V5.0 or later. - OpenVMS Alpha V7.3 DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS V7.3, including the DECnet Applica- tion Interface component. Compaq X.500 Directory Service for OpenVMS V3.1 or V4.0-25 or OpenVMS Enterprise Directory V5.0 or later. Following is a brief description about the Installation procedure: (For detailed installation procedure, refer the steps described in the Manual "MAILbus400 Message Transfer Agent Installing on an OpenVMS Alpha System " Version 2.0.) 1. Copy the MTA savesets to a directory. For example, device-name:[MTA030] 2. The command to install either the MTA or the API is: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MTA030 device-name:[MTA030] The image identification of the images in this kit is "MTA X3.0-6" The version number of the kit when displayed using NCL management is X3.0.6 Problem reporting: ------------------ Problems relating specifically to this kit should be reported through your normal HP support channel.