ECO NUMBER: VMS722_BACKUP-V0200 PRODUCT: OpenVMS Alpha OPERATING SYSTEM V7.2-2 UPDATE PRODUCT: OpenVMS Alpha OPERATING SYSTEM V7.2-2 COVER LETTER 1 KIT NAME: VMS722_BACKUP-V0200 2 KITS SUPERSEDED BY THIS KIT: None. 3 KIT DEPENDENCIES: 3.1 The following remedial kit(s), or later, must be installed BEFORE installation of this, or any required kit: VMS722_UPDATE-V0100 3.2 In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits, or later, should also be installed: None. 4 KIT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Version(s) of OpenVMS to which this kit may be applied: OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-2 4.2 Files patched or replaced: o [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE (new image) o [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE (new image) 5 PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN VMS722_BACKUP-V0200 KIT o When using the /EXCLUDE qualifier with a long list of exclusions, BACKUP fails with a %BACKUP-F-NOAPIARGS error. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE -- COVER LETTER -- Page 2 26 March 2003 - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o BACKUP ignores files with ^00 in the filename. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o When BACKUP operations are done on a system with many resources and where either the authorized privileges or SYSGEN PQL values are very large, an ACCVIO can occur. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o BACKUP fails when the input saveset is referenced via a searchlist. For example: $ DIR VDE$SYSTEM:*.BCK Directory SYS$COMMON:[VDE] VDE$UPLOAD.BCK;1 Total of 1 file. $ BACKUP VDE$SYSTEM:VDE$UPLOAD.BCK/SAVE/LIST Listing of save set(s) %BACKUP-F-OPENIN, error opening CLU$COMMON:[VDE.ALP_IMAGES]VDE$UPLOAD.BCK; as input -RMS-E-FNF, file not found Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o BACKUP fails with a %BACKUP-E-POSITERR, -SYSTEM-F-ILLIOFUNC error combination with RMT or INFOSERVER remotely accessed tape devices. Particularly when only a /LIST and no /DENSITY/MEDIA qualifiers are supplied in the BACKUP command line. -- COVER LETTER -- Page 3 26 March 2003 Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o Systems with a large amount of physical memory can have very large page file quota values. Specifying a small blocksize, such as BACKUP/BLOCK=2048, under those circumstances may result in an ACCVIO. Removing the blocksize qualifier from the BACKUP command line or reducing process values could bypass the problem. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o Doing a concurrent BACKUP/LIST with the /ENCRYPTION qualifier can result in BACKUP-E-INVATTSTR and/or BACKUP-E-INVATTSIZ error messages. Removing the /LIST qualifier while the saveset is being encrypted and doing a /LIST later on the encrypted saveset has no errors. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o When a backup fails part way through, if the set is remounted using the backup target disk, the backup target disk is wrongly chosen as the master member. The valid disk is added as a copy member and the data is lost. Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o BACKUP will create a tape volume label from the saveset name if no name is provided in the BACKUP command. When PARSE_STYLE = EXTENDED and the savset name is lowercase, BACKUP does not explicitly change the case to uppercase. When the tape is initialized the tape volume label in lowercase. Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE -- COVER LETTER -- Page 4 26 March 2003 o BACKUP never accounted for dates with a year greater than 2100. Any date that had a year greater or equal to 2100 was treated as a 21st century (2000s). Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o After a BACKUP/LIST of a save-set on a disk mounted /FOREIGN, further access to the disk fails with a %SYSTEM-F-VOLINV error. The disk is inaccessible until it is dismounted, or until BACKUP is used to create another save-set on it. Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o When using BACKUP to copy a directory tree, if the first file copied into the destination parent directory is a directory file which has a directory limit, then a directory version limit is improperly placed on the destination parent directory. Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o If an application repetitively makes calls to backup$start (greater than, say, 35,000) a %backup-f-insbufspace, insufficient buffer space error is received. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE}BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o If ODS-5 files are converted to ODS-2, the following problems can occur: o A BACKUP/IMAGE of the disk with the /NOALIAS switch will not pick up the directory structure of any of the files and directories which were created during the time when the disk was an ODS-5 structure. I.E., file and directories would be listed in a log file such as: %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]ODS5TEST.DIR %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]50AIPECO1NOTES.TXT %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]COMPAQ.TXT %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]DECEVENT_VMS_VAX.TXT %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]ESCALFMC.TXT %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]FATDIR.TXT %BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA100:[]FATDRIVE.TXT -- COVER LETTER -- Page 5 26 March 2003 o When trying to add ACL's to previously created ODS-5 files, the following error occurs: %SET-I-NOALIAS, $11$DUA431:[FMCDBS]SDBXD1.JIM;1 is an alias entry; file not modified. o Previously created ODS-5 directories with files still in them can be deleted with no error occurring. o An ANALYZE/DISK will report the following error on previously created ODS-5 files which have been deleted after the disk was converted. %ANALDISK-W-LOSTHEADER, file (18,1,1) JP.TXT not found in a directory Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o When BACKUP tries to save a shelved file, the QIO does not return and both BACKUP and HSM hang. Also, when using XABITM to tell RMS that no caching via the XAB$_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE and XAB$_CACHING_OPTIONS items was done, HSM does not work correctly if the order was XABITM -> XABPRO Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o Incremental restores of or to an ODS-5 disk may get the following error sequence: %BACKUP-E-INCENTERR, error creating directory entry, etc... -SYSTEM-W-DUPFILENAME, duplicate file name %RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE -- COVER LETTER -- Page 6 26 March 2003 o During an image save, BACKUP scans alias directories causing multiple copies of the primary files to be saved. This increases the time to do the image save and the size of the saveset. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o When multiple input specifiers are entered on the command line and wildcards are used for all file name parameters except the version (e.g. *.*;), it is possible that all files could be saved/copied instead of just the latest version. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o After an image backup, if the disk is re-mounted the following error may occur: %MOUNT-F-BADCHKSUM, bad file header checksum This can especially occur if the disk is mounted as a shadowset member. Images Affected: - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o Customers running BACKUPs to tape drives that support Fast Skip positioning commands (characteristic of most directly connected DLT tape drives), and who are running MME applications, such as MTI's MMSUBSYS, may experience problems restoring subsequent volumes of a multi-tape backup. If tape labels are provided on the BACKUP command line for each of the continuation tapes, then the continuation tapes are created correctly. However, if a 'scratch' tape is used, the continuation tape will be created with an incorrect HDR1 record, rendering it unsuitable for future restore operations. No errors or warning messages will be displayed during tape creation, but on restore, the following error will be seen: %BACKUP-I-WRONGVOL, ALPHA3$MKD0:[000000]SY2_IMG.; is not the next volume in the set Images Affected: -- COVER LETTER -- Page 7 26 March 2003 - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o A BACKUP/IGNORE=INTERLOCK command could result in intermittent READATTR/NOSUCHFILE errors. When using a /IGNORE=INTERLOCK switch with BACKUP, files are accessed with NOLOCK since the use of the qualifier implies target files will be open. A read operation with NOLOCK access (which causes the windows to be created/completed) will force the XQP to re-build the FCB chain. In order to do so, the extension FCB chain is deleted and then rebuilt. If, at the same time, another process comes along with a read attributes call, the XQP will find that the extension FCB chain is missing and not find the extension FCB for the header. The XQP assumes that the caller is trying to get to the extension header directly and returns a NOSUCHFILE error. There is nothing that the XQP can do in this case. Another process is forcing the FCB chain to be rebuilt and because of the nolock access, the XQP cannot trust the chain. BACKUP attempts recovery (retry) from a READATTR error, when a "no such file" error is returned from the XQP when reading an extension header, with open, fragmented files (/IGN=INTERLOCK is used). The fix is to retry the same extension header 3 times. If any of those access attempts are successful, continue to move forward through the file while logging the number of attempts. If the retry count is exhausted the file is no longer considered a target and the READATTR/NOSUCHFILE error will be reported. A new message has been added that reports the retry count. Following are a few examples of possible message sequences: o Success example 1: Recovered from the first and only error. %BACKUP-W-READATTRRETRY, 1 READATTR error occurred reading $4$DKA310:[READATTR]1XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 o Success example 2: 17 retries to save the file, though it was saved successfully. %BACKUP-W-READATTRRETRY, 17 READATTR errors occurred reading $4$DKA310:[READATTR]1XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 o Failure, example 1: A failing sequence where no successful retries occurred before eventually failing on the same extheader 3 times. %BACKUP-E-READATTR, error reading attributes for $4$DKA310:[READATTR]1XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file -- COVER LETTER -- Page 8 26 March 2003 %BACKUP-W-READATTRRETRY, 1 READATTR error occurred reading $4$DKA310:[READATTR]1XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 o Failure Example 2: A failing sequence of 3 successful retries while moving forward through the file on different EXTHDRS, but eventually, unable to recover from the fourth READATTR detected. %BACKUP-E-READATTR, error reading attributes for $4$DKA310:[READATTR]2XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file %BACKUP-W-READATTRRETRY, 4 READATTR errors occurred reading $4$DKA310:[READATTR]2XQPXR_FRAGMENT.DAT;1 The larger the size, more fragmented and interactive the open file, the lesser the chance of success. Use of /IGNORE=INTERLOCK implies open files are to be processed. If messages for files are paired (both READATTR/READATTRRETRY are reported) then the file did not get saved completely. Success is a READATTRRETRY message only. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o BACKUP may fail with BACKUP-F-GETCHN/SYSTEM-I-IVIDENT error while performing a /IMAGE operation on a disk that is mounted /FOREIGN. For example: SYSTEM>BACKUP/IMAGE/IGN=NOBACK DR8015 DR8016 %BACKUP-F-GETCHN, error getting device characteristics for $1$DGA8016: -SYSTEM-F-IVIDENT, invalid identifier format Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE o A BACKUP-F-CLUSTER error message can be received during a BACKUP/IMAGE/NOINIT operation. Particularly after pre-initializing a large output device with a small cluster value and a large/max header/ number of files. Images Affected: -- COVER LETTER -- Page 9 26 March 2003 - [SYSEXE]BACKUP.EXE - [SYSLIB]BACKUPSHR.EXE 6 KIT INSTALLATION RATING: The following kit installation rating, based upon current CLD information, is provided to serve as a guide to which customers should apply this remedial kit. (Reference attached Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement) INSTALLATION RATING: INSTALL_1 : To be installed by all customers. 7 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Install this kit with the {Installation Utility} utility by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: PRODUCT INSTALL VMS722_BACKUP /SOURCE=[location of Kit] The kit location may be a tape drive, CD, or a disk directory that contains the kit. Additional help on installing PCSI kits can be found by typing HELP PRODUCT INSTALL at the system prompt No reboot is necessary after successful installation of the kit. 7.1 Special Installation Instructions: 7.1.1 Scripting of Answers to Installation Questions During installation, this kit will ask and require user response to several questions. If you wish to automate the installation of this kit and avoid having to provide responses to these questions, you must create a DCL command procedure that includes the following definitions and commands: - $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP TRUE - Add the following qualifiers to the PRODUCT INSTALL command and add that command to the DCL procedure. /PROD=DEC/BASE=AXPVMS/VER=V2.0 -- COVER LETTER -- Page 10 26 March 2003 - De-assign the logicals assigned For example, a sample command file to install the VMS722_BACKUP kit would be: $ $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP TRUE $! $ PROD INSTALL VMS722_BACKUP/PROD=DEC/BASE=AXPVMS/VER=V2.0 $! $ DEASSIGN/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP $! $ exit © Copyright [2003] Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP and/or its subsidiaries required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Neither HP nor any of its subsidiaries shall be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THIS PATCH IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL HP OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFIT, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PATCH MADE AVAILABLE HERE OR TO THE USE OF SUCH PATCH.