PROBLEM: (SHGBS5101 & QAR 59405) (Patch ID: TCR150-016) ******** This patch fixes a problem that can cause a cluster member to panic in rcv_deqlk_msg() with the panic string set to: dlm_panic A typical stack trace would look like: 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic("event_timeout: panic request") 2 event_timeout() 3 xcpu_puts() 4 printf() 5 panic("dlm_panic") 6 dlm_panic() 7 rcv_deqlk_msg() 8 dlm_process_message() 9 dlm_recv() PROBLEM: (None.) (Patch ID: TCR150-022) ******** This patch provides performance enhancements that are required by Oracle v8.0.5. PROBLEM: (MGO103549, QAR 62607) (Patch ID: TCR150-025) ******** This patch fixes a system panic with the following message: snd_grantlk_msg: no memory for message PROBLEM: (MGO103933) (Patch ID: TCR150-047) ******** This patch fixes a problem when a system in a TruCluster panics with the following data: panic string: "dlm_panic" A typical stack trace would look like the following: 5 panic 6 dlm_panic 7 deq_granted 8 deq_one_lock 9 deq_lock 10 dlm_unlk 11 syscall 12 _Xsyscall PROBLEM: (QAR 58803) (Patch ID: TCR150-006) ******** This patch fixes a problem in TruCluster Production Server Software that can occur during multiple node failures. The distributed lock manager (DLM) may issue the following panic under rare conditions. dlm getch: illegal csid The conditions required are that two nodes must fail during the period of time that the DLM is rebuilding its lock database and that the connection manager is starting its update operation. One possible stack trace would be: 5 panic("dlm getch: illegal csid") 6 cnx_getch() 7 snd_grantlk_msg() 8 grant_lock() 9 grant_one_cvt() 10 grant_cvts() 11 convert_one() 12 convert_lock() 13 dlm_convert() 14 syscall() All stack traces would include the call to cnx_getch. PROBLEM: (MGO103894) (Patch ID: TCR150-041) ******** This patch fixes a deadlock condition between the DLM rebuild thread and the Connection Manager ping daemon (cnxpingd). The deadlock can cause users of DLM (e.g. Oracle) to hang. PROBLEM: (QAR 70143, BCGM60LQH) (Patch ID: TCR150-059) ******** This patch corrects a problem in the TruCluster DLM subsystem in which a node can panic with the panic string "convert_lock: bad lock state" and the stack trace as follows: 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic() 2 event_timeout(func = 0xfffffc000028ee80, arg = 0xfffffc00008ad630) 3 xcpu_puts() 4 printf() 5 panic() 6 convert_lock() 7 dlm_convert() 8 syscall() 9 _Xsyscall() PROBLEM: (DEKB70763) (Patch ID: TCR150-074) ******** This patch corrects a problem in the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) in the TruCluster Production Server product in which an error in the session layer on one member can result in sending a corrupted DLM message to the receiving member. The corruption in the packets will be random, however if the dlm_checksum_msg sysconfigtab parameter is set to 1, the receiving member will consistently panic with a panic string of "dlm_process_message: corrupt message" when a corrupt DLM message is received. Some other panic strings that were seen are: 1) "rcv_cvt: wrong lock" 2) "rcv_resp: manage lock: bad lock state" 3) "rcv_cvt: lk_txid mismatch" 4) "rcv_resp: bad response status" These indicate different corruptions in a DLM message.