PROBLEM: (QAR 55028) (Patch ID: OSF435DX-410004) ******** This patch corrects the following error message seen in the daemon.log file: svrSystem_mib[1434]:svrSystem_mib **ERROR esnmp_poll.c line 685: Method routine returned invalid status:2 PROBLEM: (QAR 57674) (Patch ID: OSF435DX-425012) ******** This patch corrects unnecessary warning messages from the svrServer_mib when it could not find the threasholds.dat file. Examples of these warning messages that gets written to the daemon.log are: WARNING svrMgt_persist.c line 364: eror m opening /etc/thresholds.dat WARNING svrMgt_persist.c line 127: error m linking /etc/thresholds.dat and /etc/thresholds.dat.bak The file /etc/thresholds.dat does not exist but /etc/thresholds.dat.bak does.