PROBLEM: (SHGBS5101 & QAR 59405) (Patch ID: TCR150-016) ******** This patch fixes a problem that can cause a cluster member to panic in rcv_deqlk_msg() with the panic string set to: dlm_panic A typical stack trace would look like: 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic("event_timeout: panic request") 2 event_timeout() 3 xcpu_puts() 4 printf() 5 panic("dlm_panic") 6 dlm_panic() 7 rcv_deqlk_msg() 8 dlm_process_message() 9 dlm_recv() PROBLEM: (None.) (Patch ID: TCR150-022) ******** This patch provides performance enhancements that are required by Oracle v8.0.5. PROBLEM: (MGO103549, QAR 62607) (Patch ID: TCR150-025) ******** This patch fixes a system panic with the following message: snd_grantlk_msg: no memory for message