PROBLEM: (IPMT C980306-4563) (Patch ID: OSF425-204) ******** 1. Fix kernel class scheduler race condition that could leave a thread stuck without getting anymore CPU time. This condition can be cleared by disabling and then re-enabling the class scheduler. This fix will eliminate the thread hang. 2. libclass.a: locking semaphore modified so that if an application (class_daemon) exits while holding the semaphore, the kernel will drop it in the exit code. This avoids class scheduler hangs. A system reboot is currently the only way to clear the lock. This fix will avoid the need to reboot since the kernel "will do the right thing" when the application holding the semaphore exits. PROBLEM: (QAR 72419, CLD BCSM51GL2) (Patch ID: OSF425-707) ******** This patch fixes a class_admin/class_daemon problem. When a PID had been added to a class it can not be removed from the class scheduler until the process terminates or the class_scheduler has been stopped.