PROBLEM: (QAR 51280) (Patch ID: OSF415-400177) ******** LEX rejects a quoted regular expression where the ending quote is preceded by a double backslash, as in: "\\"xxx. The following warning is produced by LEX: "lex: (Warning at line 10)Non-terminated string". The resultant lex.yy.c file may or may not compile cleanly. To reproduce the problem, use the following lex specification: %{ extern char cbuf[]; extern int clen; %} %% "\\\"" {cbuf[clen++] = '"';} "\\"n { cbuf[clen++]='\n'; } "\\"t { cbuf[clen++]='\t'; } "\\"b { cbuf[clen++]='\b'; } "\\"r { cbuf[clen++]='\r'; } "\\"f { cbuf[clen++]='\f'; } "\\\\" { cbuf[clen++]='\\'; } %% char cbuf[100]; int clen; int main() { clen = 0; yylex(); cbuf[clen] = 0; printf("%s\n", cbuf); } --------- sauron:test/qar/48948 [577%] lex yong.l lex: (Warning at line 8)Non-terminated string line 16: syntax error lex: (Warning) bad state 205 175 sauron:test/qar/48948 [580%] lex yong.l sauron:test/qar/48948 [599%] cc lex.yy.c -ll sauron:test/qar/48948 [600%] a.out abc def abcdef PROBLEM: (CLD STLQ62600, QAR 62099) (Patch ID: OSF415-405336) ******** There is a problem in lex that causes it to not recognize the end of a comment when the final "/" is preceded by more than one consecutive "*". This message may occur: lex: (Error) EOF inside comment. Also, some generated code may be missing since a later end-of-comment may be matched with an earlier start-of-comment.