PROBLEM: (HPAQ210HY) (Patch ID: OSF415DX-400007) ******** When exiting the session from the DECwindows Session Manager's (dxsession) 'Close' button, the dxsession scratch file is stored in /tmp/smdb-:0.0.defaults. This exit is ungraceful, and inconsistent with the way that the dxsession 'End Session' handles it. Included in this fix is the solution, from CLD SSRT0432U. The ungraceful exit was fixed by making the window manager's 'Close' button behave in the same manner as dxsession's 'End Session' button does. Thus, both buttons are now consistent in providing a graceful exit of the session manager. Please remember to "setenv bypassAccessControl". (an internal debug switch) to bypass the access control of dxsession, if you're invoking dxsession from a remote host.