PROBLEM: (QAR 48474) (Patch ID: OSF410-400083) ******** This patch corrects the following: - Changes the encoding of IEEE floating-point Quiet NaNs returned by the math library by setting the sign bit. - Corrects inconsistency between the value returned by the math functions and the kernel encoding. A NaN is the floating-point representation of a result that is "Not a Number" (e.g. the floating-point result of zero divided by zero is a NaN). This change is only of interest to programmers who use IEEE floating-point math with the -ieee or the -ieee_with_inexact opion. It does not affect programs or libraries not using the full IEEE math support. For more information, o see the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic ANSI/IEEE (Std 754-1985). o about the Alpha AXP implementation - see the Alpha AXP Architecture Reference Manual (Second Edition) by ANSI/IEEE (Std 754-1985). - see the Alpha AXP Architecture Reference Manual (Second Edition) by Richard L. Sites and Richard T. Witek, DIGITAL Press, 1995. See the section on "Encodings" (4.7.4). Compile the following program using the -ieee and -lm options: #include #include #include #include main() { double a, b, c, d; int i; a = sqrt( -1.0 ); i = sscanf("0.0 0.0 0.0", "%lf %lf %lf", &b, &c, &d); a = sqrt( -1.0 ); i = sscanf("0.0 0.0 0.0", "%lf %lf %lf", &b, &c, &d); assert(i == 3); printf( "sqrt( -1.0 ) = %f\t\t0x%016lx\n", a, *(long *)&a ); d = b / c; printf( "0.0 / 0.0 = %f\t\t0x%016lx\n", d,*(long *)&d ); } Compile this program using the -ieee and -lm command line options. Results before installing new math library: sqrt( -1.0 ) = NaNQ 0x7fffffffffffffff 0.0 / 0.0 = -NaNQ 0xfff8000000000000 Results after installing new math library: sqrt( -1.0 ) = -NaNQ 0xfff8000000000000 0.0 / 0.0 = -NaNQ 0xfff8000000000000 PROBLEM: (QAR 52294, SDT-1335) (Patch ID: OSF410-400293, OSF410-400362) ******** There is a problem with the F_exp(), the fast exponentiation function, and the F_pow(), the fast math power function, in the way that they handle underflow arguments. For certain arguments, a calls to F_exp() and F_pow() result in a floating-point exceptions.