PROBLEM: (Patch ID: OSF405-400331C) ******** When the /etc/passwd file is very large, a performance degradation may occur. When the number of passwd entries reaches up into the 30,000 to 80,000 range or greater, mkpasswd will sometimes fail to create a hashed (ndbm) database. Since the purpose of this database is to allow for efficient (fast) searches for passwd file information, failure to build it causes commands that rely on it to do a linear search of /etc/passwd. This results in a serious per- formance degradation for those commands. This patch allows the admin, cdc, comb, delta, get, lprsetup, prs, rmdel, sact, sccs, unget and val commands to work correctly when the customer builds a hashed passwd data- base using a non-default page file block size. For customers choosing to use the mkpasswd -s option to avoid this type of failure, a potential database/binary compatibility problem may arise. If a customer application that accesses the password database created by mkpasswd is built statically (non-shared), that application will be unable to read from or write to the password database correctly. This would cause the customer application to fail either by generating incorrect results or by possibly dumping core. Any statically linked application would be affected if it directly or indirectly calls any of the libc ndbm routines documented in the ndbm(3) man page and then accesses the password database. To remedy this situation, the customer would need to re-link the application. Customers who do not use the mkpasswd -s option will not see this database/ binary compatibility problem.