PROBLEM: (DEKQ80039,DEKB10155,QAR 51364/44646) (Patch ID: TCR100-012) ******** This patch fixes a problem in TruCluster Production Server Software that can cause a cluster member to panic during a shutdown. One of the following panics will be issued by the distributed lock manager (DLM) if it attempts to rebuild the member's lock database and the connection manager daemons were already killed before they were able to stop all DLM activity: rcv_credir_req: illegal state rcv_crelk_req: illegal state rcv_newlk_req: illegal state Two typical stack traces would be: 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic("event_timeout: panic request") 2 event_timeout() 3 xcpu_puts() 4 printf() 5 panic("rcv_credir_req: illegal state") 6 dlm_process_message() 7 dlm_recv() and: 0 stop_secondary_cpu() 1 panic("event_timeout: panic request") 2 event_timeout() 3 xcpu_puts() 4 printf() 5 panic("rcv_crelk_req: illegal state") 6 dlm_process_message() 7 dlm_recv()