PROBLEM: (QAR28740) (Patch ID: OSF375-350243) ******** When voldisk is used to init/define simple disks, the disklabel is modified to add LSMsimp disklabel tag for the partition. This is currently being done in vold. On failure to update the disklabel vold does not return proper messages. PROBLEM: (QAR31374) (Patch ID: OSF375-350243) ******** When a sliced LSM disk is removed from LSM, the disklabel is not updated to show that LSM is no longer using the disk. PROBLEM: (QAR42417) (Patch ID: OSF375-350243) ******** The voldisk command fails when attempting to 'init' a disk that has been previously initialized but is no longer in use by LSM. The voldisk command will update the disk label but will not add the disk into LSM. PROBLEM: (QAR 44567, QAR 46976) (Patch ID: OSF375-350244) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which an LSM configuration database becomes corrupted when it grows beyond 128 KB. The LSM daemon displays an error message similar to the following when it starts up: bad magic number Attempting to create 1019 LSM volumes also corrupts the LSM configuration database (since the size grows beyond 128KB). Once the LSM configuration database is corrupted, it will have to be re-created.