PROBLEM: (QAR 48194) (Patch ID: OSF375-350300) ******** When doing an ls in an ftp session and when current directory is under a directory with execute-only permissions, ftpd was core dumping while trying to generate a syslog entry. PROBLEM: (SSRT0448U, QAR 51211) (Patch ID: OSF375-350335) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Digital has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (QAR 51222) (Patch ID: OSF375-121) ******** This patch fixes a problem that occurs when using the ftpd command. When a user incorrectly logs in, a "Login incorrect" message is displayed and after ftpd exits, the system will core dump. # ftp localhost Connected to localhost. 220 FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Name (localhost:root): tttt 331 Password required for tttt. Password: 530 Login incorrect. Login failed. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> bye 221 Goodbye. # When the ftpd exits, it will produce a /core containing "signal segmentation fault" . PROBLEM: (SSRT0452U) (Patch ID: OSF375-123) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Digital has corrected this potential vulnerability.