PROBLEM: (QAR 39624) (Patch ID: OSF375-350213) ******** This patch fixes a problem on ASE systems where LSM volumes remain in SYNC state when no volume resync or volplex att command is running. This results in performance degradation. The volprint command shows that the state of the volume is SYNC, as in: # volprint -g oracledg -vl oracle Volume: oracle info: len=8379551 type: usetype=fsgen state: state=SYNC kernel=ENABLED assoc: plexes=oracle-01,oracle-02 policies: read=ROUND exceptions=GEN_DET_SPARSE flags: open rwback (offset=0) writecopy writeback logging: type=BLKNO loglen=1 serial=0/5 (enabled) device: minor=8 bdev=40/8 cdev=40/8 path=/dev/vol/oracledg/oracle perms: user=root group=system mode=0600 However, ps shows no volresync or volplex att command executing, as: # ps -e -o command | egrep 'volume|volplex' # The problem can be reproduced with the following scenario: 1) Create a volume by giving the two plexes in the same volmake. Thus the volume will contain the two plexes before it is started 2) Ensure the volume uses plexes having a log sub-disk, even if the volume log_type is not using the log sub-disks. 3) Once the volume is started by the 'volume start' command, abort the copy process by either: a) Shutting down the system. b) Deporting the disk group. c) Killing the volume start process. d) Restarting the ASE service utilizing that volume. e) Relocating the ASE service utilizing that volume. Now the volume will stay in SYNC state across reboots and ASE restart and stop/start sequences.