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OpenVMS VAXSCSI02_071 VAX V7.1 SCSI Driver ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS VAXSCSI02_071 VAX V7.1 SCSI Driver ECO Summary

Modification Date:  22-SEP-1999
Modification Type:  Updated Kit:  Supersedes VAXSCSI01_071

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1997, 1999.  All rights reserved.



SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  VAXSCSI02_071
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  VAXSCSI01_071
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  450 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS VAX V7.1
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes

     Installation Rating:  1 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed version(s) of OpenVMS.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for SCSI Devices on OpenVMS VAX V7.1.  This kit 
addresses the following problems: 

Problems addressed in VAXSCSI02_071 kit:

  o  If a TZ87 is powered off and on after system boot, a MOUNT
     command issued to the device will cause the process to hang.
     Hence the MOUNT never completes.

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  An attempt to mount a disk device can fail with an MEDOFL
     error if the device returns the minimum amount or required
     mode sense data.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYS$LDR]DKDRIVER.EXE

  o  The system can bugcheck with an ACCVIO.  The program counter
     of the crash is usually in the middle of the structure or some
     other unexpected address.

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYS$LDR]DKDRIVER.EXE

  o  The System can crash with an INVEXCEPTN in the DKDRIVER
     DK_CANCEL routine if a stale IRP resides in UCB$L_IRP when a
     cancel occurs.  (This problem can happen frequently with a
     product called ENTIA.)

     Image(s) Affected:  [SYS$LDR]DKDRIVER.EXE

  o  Disk drives with a capacity of greater than 8.6 GB have their
     capacity truncated to 8.6 GB upon Mount.

     Image(s) Affected:

  o  On the CATAMOUNT (VAX  4000-90) platform, for systems that
     allow up to 512MB of memory, PFN bits 18 and 19 are not mapped
     properly, causing single-byte incorrect data to another page.


       The PFN database is a portion of the nonpaged executive set
       aside for accounting data.  These memory management data
       structures include information about the available pages of
       physical memory.

       Image(s) Affected:

  o  A system crash occurs with an INCONSTATE bugcheck at
     PKBDRIVER+298C.  Also, the disk with a high error rate may end
     up with incorrect data.

     Image(s) Affected:

Problems addressed in VAXSCSI01_071 kit:

  o  Running HSZ10$STARTUP.COM (the startup file for the Raid110 box)  
     can hang and not complete.  Running SYS$ETC:SCSI_INFO would also 
     cause a hang condition to occur.

  o  An attempt to initialize an RX26 floppy device fails with MEDOFL 
     if a previously uninitialized floppy is used.

  o  Sending an illegal IO$_AUDIO function to DKDRIVER can result in
     a system crash, from user mode and without privilege.

  o  Fatal drive error during attempt to INIT the Exabyte 8200 tape

  o  An INVEXCEPTN bugcheck can occur in DEQUE_DEV_IO if a disconnected  
     command times out while a Request Sense is taking place.

  o  Under certain circumstances, targets can go into mount verification 
     without any error being logged into the errorlog.

  o  If a WFIKPCH times out instruction, stream code bits are modified.  
     Later, attempts to execute this modified instruction stream causes 
     system crashes and other problems.

  o  An attempt to initialize a tape device fails with DRVERR if the
     tape drive disconnects during a Mode Sense command.


The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).

If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at
this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.
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