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HP Services Software Patches - aacrtvaxe03060
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT:    DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX


COMPONENT:  Run-Time Components

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     Engineering Cross Reference:  AACRTVAXE03060
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  AACRTVAXE02060
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  7560 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Version 6.0
                      OpenVMS VAX V5.5, V5.5-1, V5.5-2, V6.0
     System Reboot Necessary:  No


An ECO (patch) kit exists for DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components V6.0
on OpenVMS VAX V5.5 through V6.0.  This kit addresses the
following problems:

Problems addressed in AACRTVAXE03060:

The purpose of this ECO kit is to allow the DEC C/C++ Run-Time
Components Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX kit to contain a DEC C++
Class Library component which is equivalent to the fixes released in
OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2.  It also contains some corrections to the
installation procedures.  Please see the Release Notes contained in
the kit for complete installation instructions.

  Known Problems Corrected in the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Version 
  6.0 for OpenVMS VAX kit CXXL V1.2 component and messages.

  o  An access violation or segmentation fault is no longer generated 
     when an application writes into an uninitialized ostream_withassign.
     The written text is simply ignored.

  o  The class library image supplied with the previous ECO for 
     DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components for VAX/VMS (AACRTVAXE02060 or
     CSCPAT_1150012) incorrectly believed that the size of a
     strstreambuf was several bytes larger than the header file
     defined.  So if your application declared a strstreambuf, the
     strstreambuf constructor and several other strstreambuf
     functions would write into the memory beyond that allocated
     your strstreambuf.  The consequences were unpredictable.

  o  An access violation no longer occurs when a null pointer is
     passed to the insertion (<<) operator within the ostream class.

  o  The dynamic expansion of strstream and ostrstream buffers has
     been corrected.  Previously, when data was inserted which
     overflowed the buffer, the expansion of the buffer could fail
     even if memory was available.  This resulted in the buffer
     contents being truncated.

  o  A file positioning problem for bidirectional fstreams has been
     corrected.  Previously if your application switched from reading
     an fstream to writing fstream, with or without an intervening
     seek operation, the necessary synchronization of the external
     file position with the get pointer was skipped.  This resulted 
     in the written data being placed incorrectly within the file.

  o  The real() function within the stopwatch class was incorrectly
     returning the CPU time.  Now it returns the clock time as

  o  The >> operator within the istrstream class now works correctly
     when the conversion base format is hex and hexadecimal values
     are read which begin with "0" but are not prefixed with "0x".

  o  The flush() function within the ostream class was incorrectly
     calling overflow().  Now flush() calls sync() as documented.

  o  The ignore() function within the istream class now works
     correctly.  Previously it would ignore two and only two

  o  The input functions within the stdiostream class no longer skip
     every other character.

  o  The sync_with_stdio() function within the ios class no longer
     causes subsequent istream operations to skip every other

  o  The SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR files are no longer opened during
     the initialization of cout and cerr, respectively.  Previously
     this behavior resulted in an empty file being created when
     SYS$OUTPUT or SYS$ERROR was defined to be a file and the
     application generated no output.

  o  The showpoint flag within the ios class now forces the decimal
     point to be displayed.

  Known Problems Corrected in the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components Version 6.0
  for OpenVMS VAX kit installation files:

  o  CRT$STARTUP.COM now allows each node starting up in a cluster
     to create its own version of check_id_results.txt, the file
     used to hold the results of any installation problems.  This
     will prevent more than two nodes in a cluster which start up at
     the same time from colliding in their use of this file.

  o  KITINSTAL.COM was corrected to check the last line of the
     control file for the DEC C/C++ Run Time Components installation
     kit for table parsing errors.  Previously the next to last line
     was checked, allowing table parsing errors to be missed.

  o  KITINSTAL.COM was also corrected to issue an error message when
     a table parsing error is encountered.  Previously no error
     message was generated.

  o  CRT$SPEC.DAT had its table entry for CMA$OPEN_LIB_SHR.EXE

Problems addressed in AACRTVAXE02060:

The DEC C/C++ Run-Time Component release notes contains a
complete explanation of the fixes that have been applied.  All of
the fixes are to the DEC C++ Class Library component of the kit.
The DEC C++ Class Library provided with this ECO is functionally
equivalent to the one provided with the Version 6.1 release of
OpenVMS VAX.  There have been no modifications to the C Run-Time
library or DECthread specific components.

  o  The seekpos and seekoff fstream member functions would not
     reset the file pointer and would not return an error.  This
     ECO correctly resets the file pointer and returns an error
     if the file pointer cannot be reset.

  o  There was a memory leak with the string concatenation
     operator ("+"), such that the previous string storage
     area was not released.

  o  There was a memory leak with the string substring operator
     ("()"), such that the previous string storage area was not

  o  A string assignment of one string to another resulted in
     subsequent assignments to one string incorrectly affecting
     the other.  Consequently, a constant string that was assigned
     to another (non-constant) string would be incorrectly changed
     when the non-constant string was modified through the += and
     >> operators.  This ECO prevents any string operation from
     affecting other string objects.

  o  In some cases, a socket device created prior to an ifstream
     object disappeared when the ifstream object was deleted.
     This ECO correctly limits the effect of an ifstream deletion
     to just its memory and associated file.

  o  EOF or other failures would not return any value.  Consequently,
     input operations that reused an input buffer without clearing
     it would appear to return the last valid input twice.  This
     showed up as a loop that read a file and returned the last
     line of the file twice.  This ECO correctly zeroes the input
     buffer if eof or another input error occurs.

  o  String input operations would return only the characters, but
     would fail to null-terminate them.  Consequently, input operations
     that reused an input buffer without rezeroing it would appear to
     return short strings appended to previously read longer strings.
     This ECO correctly terminates the input buffer after reading a
     string from a file.

  o  The fstream buffers would not have been cleared after a file had
     been closed and reopened.  Consequently, the first input operation
     on a previously closed and reopened file would have incorrectly
     returned the results of the last input operation prior to closing
     the file.  This ECO correctly resets all internal state of an
     fstream object when its associated file is closed, and correctly
     reopens files.

  o  A single zero in a file was incorrectly ignored when reading int
     values.  This ECO correctly reads single zero as zero.


The system does not need to be rebooted after installation.  The
installation procedure invokes the startup procedure


to install DEC C/C++ Run Time Component shareable and message images.
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