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Modification Date:  22-SEP-1999
Modification Type:  Updated Kit:  Supersedes ALPTHREADS_04071

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998, 1999.  All rights reserved.

CAUTION:  Application of this update kit exposes a latent race 
          condition in MMOV V2.0.  When the MMOV IVP is run, 
          MMOV$ALPHAVCR will fall into an infinite loop and 
          never complete.  Users of MMOV should *NOT* install 
          this update kit.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha


SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPTHREADS_05071 
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPTHREADS_04071 
                                           ALPTHREADS_02071 (Not released in
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  3366 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, V7.1-1H1, V7.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_3
                           3 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed versions of OpenVMS which
                               are experiencing the problems described.

                           **** CAUTION ****

     The images provided in this kit will not fully take effect until
     the system is rebooted.  Compaq strongly recommends that you reboot
     your system immediately after installation of this kit.  Until a
     reboot is performed, the threads environment will be left in an
     an inconsistant state and threaded applications will fail with the
     following message:

       %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image CMA$TIS_SHR
       -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file 
       -SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image

     Other cluster nodes that share the same system disk will also need
     to be rebooted soon after installing this kit.  Until they are, the
     threads environments on those nodes will be in an inconsistent
     state and threaded applications may fail.  Although a rolling
     reboot is allowed, other nodes should be rebooted shortly after
     installing this kit.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:

         ALPDCL02_071 or later (if upcalls & multiple kernel threads 
           are enabled),
         ALPBASE02_071 (if upcalls are enabled),
         ALPSYSA02_071 or later (if upcalls are enabled)

Differences between ALPPTHR0n_071 and ALPTHREADS_0n071 remedial
kit streams:

  ALPPTHR0n_071 - These kits contain remedial fixes to images 
                  shipped with V7.1 only with no new support 
                  and no image identifications incremented.
                  Images linked against systems with these kits 
                  installed should activate on other V7.1 or 
                  later versions of OpenVMS Alpha.

  ALPTHREADS_0n071 - These kits are intended for users who wish 
                     to run Java and they contain new support for 
                     Java.  Because of new interdepencies between 
                     two of the images contained in these kits, the 
                     minor image identifications were incremented.  
                     As a result, images linked against Threads 
                     images on systems where these kits have been 
                     installed will require that some flavor of 
                     ALPTHREADS be installed in order to activate 
                     on a V7.1 system.  This restriction does not
                     allow the ALPTHREADS remedial kit to supersede
                     the ALPPTHR kit.

Installation order for the ALPPTHR and ALPTHREADS remedial kits:

     The ALPPTHR kits *cannot* be applied once any ALPTHREADS kit 
has been installed on the system.  The two kits are incompatible.  
Because the ALPTHREADS kits replace all of the threads images (instead 
of just a few), the *latest* ALPTHREADS kit can be installed on a 
system that has previously installed an ALPPTHR kit.  All fixes in 
the latest ALPPTHR kit are also contained in the latest ALPTHREADS kit, 
so there will be no image regression.


An ECO kit exists for DECthreads on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2.  

Problems Addressed in ALPTHREADS_05071 Kit:

  o  The ALPTHREADS_04071 kit contained a race condition when
     upcalls were disabled which could result in a hang with the
     manager thread ready to run, but not running.  Instead, the
     null thread is running.  This problem was primarily seen with
     Ada programs that used certain TEXT_IO functions, and has been

  o  The DECthreads library was modified to correct a race
     condition that could result in reduced performance or
     application hangs.  The problem occurred when threads 
     in the READY state would fail to run, due to a missed 
     wakeup on a quiescent VP.

  o  When a thread calls pthread_exit() the entire process is
     incorrectly terminated by a %CMA-F-EXIT_THREAD error instead
     of simply terminating the calling thread.

  o  Pagefault completions accumulate (as observed via the "pthread
     show -u" command to SDA), with the corresponding waiting
     threads having been apparently unblocked without consuming
     (i.e., freeing) the completions.  Also,threads are sometimes
     found waiting indefinitely for completions (although this
     effect was never successfully reproduced in-house), while
     other, mismatched completions remain pending.

  o  Reduced performance or all process threads hang.

  o  The PTHREAD$RTL.EXE image produces an UNALIGNRELO warning upon
     linking of the image.

Changes Contained in ALPTHREADS_04071 Kit:

  o  This kit updates the DECthreads environment for OpenVMS Alpha
     V7.1[-1Hn] with new support required to run the Java JDK kit.
     This support encompasses major structural changes to DECthreads,
     including fixes for performance issues.

  o  Because of new interdependencies between the PTHREAD$RTL and
     CMA$TIS_SHR images, the minor idents for both images have been
     bumped for this kit.  As a result, applications built against
     the updated images will NOT run correctly on OpenVMS V7.1
     systems unless this kit has been installed.  For this reason,
     Compaq recommends that applications intended for use on
     standard V7.1 systems NOT be built on systems where this kit
     has been installed.

  o  Previous ALPTHREADS_0n071 kits contained a regression where an
     incorrect exit status value would be returned by the process or
     image exit if any thread explicitly invoked the $EXIT system
     service (or the C RTL exit() function) or if the initial thread
     terminated by returning an error status value from the program's
     "main" function.  One effect of this regression is that the
     DEC Ada Compilation System (ACS) would always return SS$_NORMAL,
     regardless of whether errors were encountered in the compilation
     or linking.  The regression has been corrected in this kit.

  o  In previous ALPTHREADS_0n071 kits, the DECthreads bugcheck code
     was changed to no longer create the text file PTHREAD_DUMP.LOG,
     but instead generate a process dump.  Owing to difficulties
     analyzing threaded  process dumps on some OpenVMS V7.1 systems,
     the PTHREAD_DUMP.LOG file has been reinstated for this kit.

Side Effects of installing the ALPTHREADS_04071 Kit:

 o  Application of this  update kit exposes a latent  race condition
    in MMOV V2.0.  When the MMOV IVP is run, MMOV$ALPHAVCR will fall
    into an  infinite loop and never complete.  Users of MMOV should
    therefore NOT install this update kit.

Problems addressed in ALPTHREADS_03071:

  o  This kit updates the DECthreads environment for OpenVMS
     Alpha V7.1 with new support required to run the Java JDK     
     kit.  The  new support encompasses major structural          
     changes to DECthreads,  including fixes for performance      

  o  Because of new interdependencies between the PTHREAD$RTL and
     CMA$TIS_SHR images, the minor idents for both images have been     
     bumped for this kit.  As a result, threaded applications built     
     against the updated threads images will NOT run correctly on       
     standard V7.1 systems.  Therefore, Digital recommends that         
     threaded applications intended for use on V7.1 NOT be built        
     on systems where this kit has been installed.                      


Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the
SYSTEM account and typing the following at the DCL prompt:              
$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALPTHREADS_0471 [saveset location]              
The saveset location may be a tape drive, CD, or a disk directory
that contains the kit saveset.

The images provided in this kit will not fully take effect until
the system is rebooted.  Compaq strongly recommends that you reboot
your system immediately after installation of this kit.  Until a
reboot is performed, the threads environment will be left in an
inconsistant state and threaded applications will fail with the
following message:

  %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image CMA$TIS_SHR 
  -SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image

Other cluster nodes that share the same system disk will also need
to be rebooted soon after installing this kit.  Until they are, the
threads environments on those nodes will be in an inconsistent
state and threaded applications may fail.   Although a rolling
reboot is allowed, other nodes should be rebooted shortly after
installing this kit.

Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.

Modification Date:  22-SEP-1999
Modification Type:  ARCHIVED

CAUTION:  Application of this  update kit exposes a latent  race condition
          in MMOV V2.0.  When the MMOV IVP is run, MMOV$ALPHAVCR will fall
          into an  infinite loop and never complete.  Users of MMOV should
          therefore NOT install this update kit.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha


SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPTHREADS_04071 
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPTHREADS_03071
                                           ALPTHREADS_02071 (Not released in
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  3348 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, V7.1-1H1, V7.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Not Known
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_2
                           2 - To be installed on all systems running
                                the listed version(s) of OpenVMS and
                                using the following feature(s):
                                - Running Java JDK

                           **** CAUTION ****

     The images provided in this kit will not fully take  effect until
     the system is rebooted.  Compaq strongly recommends that you reboot
     your system immediately after installation of this kit.  Until a
     reboot is performed, the threads environment will be left in an
     an inconsistant state and threaded applications will fail with the
     following message:

       %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image CMA$TIS_SHR
       -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file 
       -SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image

     Other cluster nodes that share the same system disk will also need
     to be rebooted soon after installing this kit.  Until they are, the
     threads environments on those nodes will be in an inconsistent
     state and threaded applications may fail.  Although a rolling
     reboot is allowed, other nodes should be rebooted shortly after
     installing this kit.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:

         ALPDCL01_071 (if upcalls & multiple kernel threads 
           are enabled),
         ALPBASE02_071 (if upcalls are enabled),
         ALPSYSA02_071 (if upcalls are enabled)

Differences between ALPPTHR0n_071 and ALPTHREADS_0n071 remedial
kit streams:

  ALPPTHR0n_071 - These kits contain remedial fixes to images 
                  shipped with V7.1 only with no new support 
                  and no image identifications incremented.
                  Images linked against systems with these kits 
                  installed should activate on other V7.1 or 
                  later versions of OpenVMS Alpha.

  ALPTHREADS_0n071 - These kits are intended for users who wish 
                     to run Java and they contain new support for 
                     Java.  Because of new interdepencies between 
                     two of the images contained in these kits, the 
                     minor image identifications were incremented.  
                     As a result, images linked against Threads 
                     images on systems where these kits have been 
                     installed will require that some flavor of 
                     ALPTHREADS be installed in order to activate 
                     on a V7.1 system.  This restriction does not
                     allow the ALPTHREADS remedial kit to supersede
                     the ALPPTHR kit.

Installation order for the ALPPTHR and ALPTHREADS remedial kits:

     The ALPPTHR kits *cannot* be applied once any ALPTHREADS kit 
has been installed on the system.  The two kits are incompatible.  
Because the ALPTHREADS kits replace all of the threads images (instead 
of just a few), the *latest* ALPTHREADS kit can be installed on a 
system that has previously installed an ALPPTHR kit.  All fixes in 
the latest ALPPTHR kit are also contained in the latest ALPTHREADS kit, 
so there will be no image regression.


An ECO kit exists for Java JDK Support for DECThreads on OpenVMS
Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2.  

Changes Contained in ALPTHREADS_04071 Kit:

  o  This kit updates the DECthreads environment for  OpenVMS  Alpha
     V7.1[-1Hn] with new support  required to run the  Java JDK kit.
     This support encompasses major structural changes to DECthreads,
     including fixes for performance issues.

  o  Because of new interdependencies between  the  PTHREAD$RTL  and
     CMA$TIS_SHR  images, the minor idents for both images have been
     bumped for this kit.  As a result, applications  built  against
     the  updated  images  will  NOT run  correctly on  OpenVMS V7.1
     systems unless this kit has been installed.  For  this  reason,
     Compaq   recommends  that  applications  intended  for  use  on
     standard V7.1 systems  NOT be built on  systems where this  kit
     has been installed.

  o  Previous ALPTHREADS_0n071  kits contained a regression where an
     incorrect exit status value would be returned by the process or
     image exit if any  thread  explicitly  invoked the $EXIT system
     service (or the C RTL exit() function) or if the initial thread
     terminated by returning an error status value from the program's
     "main"  function.  One  effect of this  regression is  that the
     DEC Ada Compilation System (ACS) would always return SS$_NORMAL,
     regardless of whether errors were encountered in the compilation
     or linking.  The regression has been corrected in this kit.

  o  In previous ALPTHREADS_0n071 kits, the DECthreads bugcheck code
     was changed to no longer create the text file PTHREAD_DUMP.LOG,
     but  instead  generate a  process dump.  Owing to  difficulties
     analyzing threaded  process dumps on some OpenVMS V7.1 systems,
     the PTHREAD_DUMP.LOG file has been reinstated for this kit.

Side Effects of installing the ALPTHREADS_04071 Kit:

 o  Application of this  update kit exposes a latent  race condition
    in MMOV V2.0.  When the MMOV IVP is run, MMOV$ALPHAVCR will fall
    into an  infinite loop and never complete.  Users of MMOV should
    therefore NOT install this update kit.

Problems addressed in ALPTHREADS_03071:

  o  This kit updates the DECthreads environment for OpenVMS
     Alpha V7.1 with new support required to run the Java JDK     
     kit.  The  new support encompasses major structural          
     changes to DECthreads,  including fixes for performance      

  o  Because of new interdependencies between the PTHREAD$RTL and
     CMA$TIS_SHR images, the minor idents for both images have been     
     bumped for this kit.  As a result, threaded applications built     
     against the updated threads images will NOT run correctly on       
     standard V7.1 systems.  Therefore, Digital recommends that         
     threaded applications intended for use on V7.1 NOT be built        
     on systems where this kit has been installed.                      


Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the
SYSTEM account and typing the following at the DCL prompt:              
$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALPTHREADS_0471 [saveset location]              
The saveset location can be a tape drive or a disk directory that       
contains the kit saveset. Note that the installation will require       
a minimum of 10000 free blocks on the system disk.  Much of this        
space is needed only during the installation as system libraries        
are being updated.  Space can be recovered after installation by        
purging the system disk to remove files that are replaced by the        
installation procedure.                                                 
The system should be rebooted after the successful                      
installation of the update kit.  If you have other nodes                
in your OpenVMS Cluster sharing a common system disk, they              
should also be rebooted in order make use of the new                    
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