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OpenVMS ALPSCSI05_071 Alpha V7.1 - V7.1-1H2 SCSI ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS ALPSCSI05_071 Alpha V7.1 - V7.1-1H2 SCSI ECO Summary
Modification Date:  19-NOV-98
Modification Type:  Updated Kit:  Supersedes ALPSCSI04_071 

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1997, 1998.  All rights reserved.

                       ****< CAUTION >*****

   **** AlphaServer 8400 and 8200 (TURBOLASER) INSTALLATION WARNING ****

   If you are installing this remedial kit on an AlphaServer 8400 or 8200
   you MUST make sure your console is at Rev 4.0 or later.  Rev 4.0 is
   available on the Alpha Firmware Update CDrom V3.7.  Installing this kit
   on a system that has a console revision earlier than 4.0 WILL RESULT IN
   AN UNBOOTABLE SYSTEM.  To recover from this situation you will need to
   back out the new drivers by either booting from an alternate system disk
   then deleting the drivers off your regular disk, or by rebuilding your
   regular system disk.



SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPSCSI05_071
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPSCSI04_071
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  2052 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, V7.1-1H1, V7.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes 
     Rolling Reboot Supported:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_1
                           1 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed version(s) of OpenVMS.

                               Also should be installed on:

                               Systems requiring Ultra SCSI support to  
                               multihost configurations with a maximum of  
                               three hosts, using the KZPBA-CB adapter.

                               Systems using single-host UltraSCSI support 
                               for the Digital Personal Workstation 433au.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



and PKZDRIVER) on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2.  This kit
addresses the following problems:


  o  The major change in this kit is to prevent the possibility of 
     the loss of an interrupt.  Usually the port is busy enough so 
     that the loss just shows up as reduced performance because 
     something else generates an interrupt soon enough.  However, 
     situations arise, such as during mount verification, where 
     the interrupt loss can show up as a port hang.

     Minor changes included cleanup, documentation and an attempt
     to make debugging any future problems easier.

  o  Systems using the KZPAA single-ended narrow SCSI bus
     controller to communicate with the SCSI bus may crash, if the
     system decides it has to reset the SCSI bus attached to that
     controller.  The specific crash error code was:

       Bugcheck code = 00000215: MACHINECHK, Machine check while in
                                             kernel mode

  o  A bad autosense data pointer in the Current Unit Control 
     Block (CUCB) resulted in a NOTFCBFCB system crash.

  o  A system crash with an INCONSTATE error occurred due to  
     an attempt to execute two untagged WRITE commands.  This 
     problem can only occur on SMP (multiple CPU) machines and 
     devices that do not support command Tagged Queuing.

  o  Four related problems occurred:

       1.  Shared SCSI bus systems crash with an "INCONSTATE,
           Inconsistent I/O data base" error message on the console,
           when a node on that shared SCSI bus is shut down and
           enters AlphaBIOS.

       2.  SCSI bus resets cause the system to crash with an
           "INCONSTATE, Inconsistent I/O database" message on 
           the console (crash pc EXE$GEN_BUGCHK_C+0003C).

       3.  An INCONSTATE, "Inconsistent I/O database" message is
           displayed on the console (crash pc EXE$GEN_BUGCHK_C+0003C).

       4.  A crash with "INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL"
           (crash pc ERL_STD$ALLOCEMB_C+00408) occurs.

  o  If an RZ1CC disk is being used together with an KZPBA adapter,
     the system may crash.  The crash error is INVALID EXCEPTION
     ABOVE ASTDEL with reason access violation (ACCVIO).

  o  A cluster state transition hang the cluster after I/O is
     lost.   The problem is a result of a cluster node leaving 
     the cluster while it has a served disk mounted.

  o  A system crash (INVEXCEPTN) exception occurs at SYS$PKEDRIVER+0D338.

     A sign extend of an SCDT address was not done for a timeout
     parameter.  The result was an ACCVIO crash which occurred when
     an illegal address was used.

  o  Memory allocated to internal queues, target mode responses,
     and firmware may not be bus accessible.  This change tests 
     for that condition and sets port offline if it occurs.


OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1 introduced support for certain Ultra
SCSI devices in Ultra SCSI mode in single host configurations.
Since then, a new StorageWorks Ultra SCSI adapter, the KZPBA-CB,
has been released.  This differential adapter is also supported by
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1.

This kit extends the Ultra SCSI support to multihost configurations
with a maximum of three hosts, using the KZPBA-CB adapter.  The
Ultra SCSI single-ended adapter, the KZPBA-CA, does not support
multihost configurations.

Table 1 summarizes the Ultra SCSI support provided by OpenVMS,
including support for several significant Ultra SCSI devices. For
information about all Ultra SCSI devices supported by OpenVMS and
about configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters,  see the
documents described in Table 3.

  Table 1  OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Support

  Configuration/Adapter  Version   Description
  ---------------------  -------   ------------------------------
  Single host            7.1-1H1   The KZPBA-CA is a single-ended
  configurations using             adapter. The KZPAC Ultra  SCSI
  the KZPBA-CA                     host  RAID controller  is also
                                   supported   in   single   host

  Single host            7.1-1H1   The KZPBA-CB is a differential
  configurations using             adapter.  The  HSZ70  is  also
  using the KZPBA-CB               supported in  Ultra SCSI mode,
                                   using the KZPBA-CB.

  Multihost              7.1-1H1   Up  to  three  hosts can share
  configurations         with      the Ultra SCSI bus.  The HSZ70
  using the KZPBA-CB     this      is   also   supported  on  the
                         kit       multihost bus


  Table 2  OpenVMS Restrictions

  Restriction                    Comments
  ----------------------      ----------------------------------
  Firmware for the            Earlier  firmware  versions do not
  KZPBA-CB must be            provide     multihost     support.
  Version 5.53 or higher.

  Console Firmware must       All  console SCSI driver fixes are
  be updated with the         included on this CD.  This CD also
  Alpha Systems Firmware      includes the latest version of the
  Update CD V5.1.             KZPBA-CB firmware (V5.53) or

  DECevent Version 2.6        Earlier  versions of DECevent will
  or later is required        display  all  of  the logged data,
  for analyzing events        but  it  will  be  in  hexadecimal
  logged by the KZPBA         format only.

  Table 3 provides pointers to additional documentation for Ultra
  SCSI devices and for configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters.

  Table 3
  Documentation for Configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Clusters

  Topic                            Document            Order_Number
  -------------------------     ----------------    ------------
  SCSI devices that support     StorageWorks        EK-ULTRA-CG
  support Ultra SCSI            Ultra SCSI
  operations and how to         Configuration
  configure them                Guidelines

  KZPBA-CB Ultra SCSI           KZPBA-CB Ultra      AA-R5XWA-TE
  storage adapter               SCSI Storage
                                Adapter Module
                                Release Notes

  Multihost SCSI bus            Guidelines for      AA-Q28LB-TK
  operation in OpenVMS          DIGITAL OpenVMS
  Cluster systems               Cluster

  Systems and devices           OpenVMS Operating   SPD 25.01.xx
  supported by OpenVMS          System for Alpha
  Version 7.1-1H1               and VAX, Version
                                7.1-1H1 Software

  Multihost SCSI                OpenVMS Cluster     SPD 29.78.xx
  support                       Software            or later

  Information about StorageWorks Ultra SCSI products is available and
  periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


  OpenVMS software product descriptions are also available and
  periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


  You will find the software product descriptions under Publications,
  a choice on the home page.

  o  Known Problems:

     The following problems have been observed in an Ultra SCSI OpenVMS
     Cluster configuration, with multiple hosts using KZPBA-CB adapters
     sharing an Ultra SCSI bus.  DIGITAL plans to correct these problems
     in a future release.

       +  In a multihost configuration with a heavy I/O-intensive load, if
          you shut down one host and reboot it, it might not be able to
          rejoin the cluster.  The failure to reboot could occur if the
          reboot was an automated response (by means of a command procedure)
          to an unrecoverable system error, or if a system manager shut down
          a system to perform some type of maintenance and then rebooted it.
          The system that was shut down and rebooted starts to reboot but
          stops partway through the process.  Before the system hangs, it
          reports several events, including several CLU$CHECK_INQUIRY

          In a two-node configuration consisting of an AlphaServer 4100
          system and an AlphaServer 8400 system, this failure has occurred 
          on both systems.  The following example shows the boot events that
          occurred before the system halted:

            OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.1-1H1
              DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.0C.00

              %SMP-I-SECMSG, CPU #01 message:   P01>>>START
              %SMP-I-CPUBOOTED, CPU #01 has joined the PRIMARY CPU in
                                multiprocessor operation
              %SYSINIT-I- waiting to form or join an OpenVMS Cluster
              %VMScluster-I-LOADSECDB, loading the cluster security database
              %EWA0, BNC(10base2) mode set by console
              %CNXMAN,  Sending VMScluster membership request to system MSCP
              %CNXMAN,  Now a VMScluster member -- system OATS

       +  Workaround:
          In cases of shutdowns for system maintenance, schedule them for 
          a time when the system is not performing a heavy I/O-intensive 

   o  If two hosts attempt to write dump files to the system disk at  
      the same time and if one of these hosts is an AlphaServer 8400, 
      the AlphaServer 8400 might not complete writing the dump file 
      and hang, or it might complete writing the dump file but report 
      an error message.  The following error message has been reported  
      by the AlphaServer 8400 in both cases:

        Failed to send Write to DKn-n-n-n-n

   o  Simultaneous Booting.  When two hosts attempt to boot at the same 
      time, one succeeds and one may fail.  This has been observed in 
      a two-node configuration and in a three-node configuration.

      In a two-node configuration consisting of an AlphaServer 4100
      system and an AlphaServer 8400 5/625 system (EV56 chip, 625 MHz
      CPU, running T5.1-29 console firmware), the host that fails is
      always the AlphaServer 8400  system.  If the AlphaServer 8400
      reports that it was unable to read the system disk, as shown 
      in the following message, it does not complete booting:

        Failed to send Read to DKn-n-n-n-n

      This problem is not specific to Ultra SCSI multihost
      configurations.  It has been observed on multihost configurations
      that use other SCSI interconnects.  


  o  The DMA Timeout was set at 2 seconds.  This value was too
     short for some devices.  DMA Timeout now uses 2 seconds or the
     value of SCDT$L_DMA_TIMEOUT, whichever is greater.

  o  With pool checking turned on, the System can crash with an

  o  A system will hang if a user buffer address of 0 and a non-zero 
     byte count are given to GKdriver.

  o  The pool leak fix was never ported to V7.1.

  o  The system crashes out of GKdriver if a user specifies an invalid
     command descriptor.

  o  An Access Violation (ACCVIO) crash occurs on SCSI device timeouts.

  o  A system crash will occur on a class driver all to OTS$MOVE.


  o  UltraSCSI support for KZPBA-CB on Digital Personal Workstation


  o  No ECO corrections are included in this kit.


  o  If the HSZ configuration utility HSZTERM has an outstanding
     I/O to the HSZ,and Mount Verification occurs, then the system
     may crash.  This usually happens under high I/O loads.

  o  If Mount Verification occurs while a DK Device is reporting a
     write locked condition, the system will crash  with  an
     INVEXCEPTN Bugcheck.

  o  Unnecessary Mount Verification for HSZ Unit Attention
     Conditions will occur.

  o  The OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual added a new Magnetic
     Tape I/O Function IO$_FLUSH in Document Revision 1.5 for Alpha
     and revision V6.0 for VAX.  This function was not fully

  o  A TZ30 or TKZ50 will come up offline when a system boots on
     current versions of SYS$MKDRIVER.

  o  The class driver queue could become frozen.  HSZ devices may go 
     into mount verify and eventually mount verify timeout after an 
     HSZ70 failover.

  o  A Queue Full condition causes unnecessary Mount Verification.

       +  If a target returns a Queue Full status, an unnecessary
          Mount Verification occurs.

       +  In SYS$PKSDRIVER, if a command is reinserted on the device
          queue after a Queue Fullcondition occurs, the I/O will
          never complete.

  o  Depending on the sequence in which the nodes of a cluster are
     booted, it is possible for a QLOGIC adapter to return all zeros
     to a target mode inquiry.  This causes the initiator which sent
     the  inquiry to believe that the adapter which replies with all
     zeros is a disk.

  o  Incomplete error log entries occur with devices supplying large
     amounts of error information.

  o  Fatal controllers occur on the Qlogic adapter after a SCSI bus

  o  An AlphaServer 4100 may see an invalid exception crash under
     heavy IO loads.

  o  When booting through an HSZ70 disk, accessed through a QLogic
     adapter, with a pass-through tape being accessed (configured)
     through the same path, a system crash can occur because of a
     corrupt timer queue.

  o  Ensure that a recycled QBUF does not cause PK$CMD_WAIT_COMPLETION  
     to return without stalling, which would break the synchronization 
     between the Queue Manager and the SCDRP thread.

  o  The register dump routine attempts to dump the contents of 124
     ISP registers but there are only 101 register locations that
     exist. This has been fixed by moving the statement that
     determines REG_FILE_SIZE to the proper place in ISP1020DEF.SDL.

  o  During mailbox I/O, an unexpected Qlogic adapter error crashes 
     the system unnecessarily.

  o  Add error handling for the following new status values:

             Inv_Entry_Type    Dev_Queue_Full    SCSI_Phase_Err,
             No_Sense_Data     BDR_Received      BDR_Sent
             SCAM_Event        SCSI_Cmd_Done

  o  Modify error handling for Data_Overrun and Data_Underrun.

  o  Occurrences of Selection Timeout will no longer be logged by
     the port driver (PKQDRIVER).  They will be logged by the
     upper-level driver instead.

  o  Alphaserver 1200 and 4100 machines intermittently crash with 
     machine checks during the boot sequence.

  o  Mount Verify is not invoked for some recoverable errors.

  o  PKSDRIVER falsely reports errors.

  o  An RMS bugcheck may occur under high I/O loads.


  o  IO$_AUDIO function may crash the system.

  o  Running HSZTERM while heavy I/O occurs results in an INVEXCEPTN
     bugcheck in port driver.

  o  Fatal drive errors occur during attempts to INIT the Exabyte
     8200 tape drive.

  o  Request Sense data is truncated at 19 bytes.

  o  Unaligned reads (partial block) to a disk causes corruption of
     the EXE$GL_ERASEPB (Erase  Pattern Buffer).  Since this is
     used as a convenient source of zeros by various pieces of code,
     it can lead to data corruption.

  o  If Mount Verification occurs while a DK Device is reporting a
     write locked condition, the system will crash with an INCONSTATE

  o  Disks go into Mount Verify and never come out.

  o  Error log entries have an incorrect format.

  o  Controller errors occur in systems with greater than 4Gb
     of memory.

  o  Controller errors may occur during one- and two-byte transfers.

  o  A system crash may occur after a bus reset or adapter errors.

  o  Interaction between an RZ26F disk and an RRD45 CDROM causes I/O
     performance degradation, bus resets and mount verifications.


                          ****< CAUTION >*****

    ***** AlphaServer 8400 and 8200 (TURBOLASER) INSTALLATION WARNING ****

    If you are installing this remedial kit on an AlphaServer 8400 or 8200
    you MUST make sure your console is at Rev 4.0 or later.  Rev 4.0 is
    available on the Alpha Firmware Update CDrom V3.7.  Installing this kit
    on a system that has a console revision earlier than 4.0 WILL RESULT IN
    AN UNBOOTABLE SYSTEM.  To recover from this situation you will need to
    back out the new drivers by either booting from an alternate system disk
    then deleting the drivers off your regular disk, or by rebuilding your
    regular system disk.

The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must 
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).  

If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at 
this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1997, 1998.  All rights reserved.

Modification Date:  15-JUN-1998
Modification Type:  DOCUMENTATION:  Technical Information:
                                    Added V7.1-1H2 Information

                         ****< CAUTION >*****

     **** AlphaServer 8400 and 8200 (TURBOLASER) INSTALLATION WARNING ****

     If you are installing this remedial kit on an AlphaServer 8400 or 8200
     you MUST make sure your console is at Rev 4.0 or later.  Rev 4.0 is
     available on the Alpha Firmware Update CDrom V3.7.  Installing this kit
     on a system that has a console revision earlier than 4.0 WILL RESULT IN
     AN UNBOOTABLE SYSTEM.  To recover from this situation you will need to
     back out the new drivers by either booting from an alternate system disk
     then deleting the drivers off your regular disk, or by rebuilding your
     regular system disk.



SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPSCSI04_071
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPSCSI03_071
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  1872 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, V7.1-1H1, V7.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes 
     Rolling Reboot Supported:  Yes
     Installation Rating:  3 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed versions of OpenVMS which
                               are experiencing the problems described.

                               Also should be installed on:

                               Systems requiring Ultra SCSI support to  
                               multihost configurations with a maximum of  
                               three hosts, using the KZPBA-CB adapter.

                               Systems using single-host UltraSCSI support 
                               for the Digital Personal Workstation 433au.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



and PKZDRIVER) on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2.  This kit
addresses the following problems:


  OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1 introduced support for certain Ultra
  SCSI devices in Ultra SCSI mode in single host configurations.
  Since then, a new StorageWorks Ultra SCSI adapter, the KZPBA-CB,
  has been released.  This differential adapter is also supported by
  OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-1H1.

  This kit extends the Ultra SCSI support to multihost configurations
  with a maximum of three hosts, using the KZPBA-CB adapter.  The
  Ultra SCSI single-ended adapter, the KZPBA-CA, does not support
  multihost configurations.

  Table 1 summarizes the Ultra SCSI support provided by OpenVMS,
  including support for several significant Ultra SCSI devices. For
  information about all Ultra SCSI devices supported by OpenVMS and
  about configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters,  see the
  documents described in Table 3.

     Table 1  OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Support

     Configuration/Adapter  Version   Description
     ---------------------  -------   ------------------------------
     Single host            7.1-1H1   The KZPBA-CA is a single-ended
     configurations using             adapter. The KZPAC Ultra  SCSI
     the KZPBA-CA                     host  RAID controller  is also
                                      supported   in   single   host

     Single host            7.1-1H1   The KZPBA-CB is a differential
     configurations using             adapter.  The  HSZ70  is  also
     using the KZPBA-CB               supported in  Ultra SCSI mode,
                                      using the KZPBA-CB.

     Multihost              7.1-1H1   Up  to  three  hosts can share
     configurations         with      the Ultra SCSI bus.  The HSZ70
     using the KZPBA-CB     this      is   also   supported  on  the
                            kit       multihost bus


  Table 2  OpenVMS Restrictions

     Restriction                    Comments
     ----------------------      ----------------------------------
     Firmware for the            Earlier  firmware  versions do not
     KZPBA-CB must be            provide     multihost     support.
     Version 5.53 or higher.

     Console Firmware must       All  console SCSI driver fixes are
     be updated with the         included on this CD.  This CD also
     Alpha Systems Firmware      includes the latest version of the
     Update CD V5.1.             KZPBA-CB firmware (V5.53) or

     DECevent Version 2.6        Earlier  versions of DECevent will
     or later is required        display  all  of  the logged data,
     for analyzing events        but  it  will  be  in  hexadecimal
     logged by the KZPBA         format only.

  Table 3 provides pointers to additional documentation for Ultra
  SCSI devices and for configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI clusters.

     Table 3
     Documentation for Configuring OpenVMS Alpha Ultra SCSI Clusters

     Topic                            Document            Order_Number
     -------------------------     ----------------    ------------
     SCSI devices that support     StorageWorks        EK-ULTRA-CG
     support Ultra SCSI            Ultra SCSI
     operations and how to         Configuration
     configure them                Guidelines

     KZPBA-CB Ultra SCSI           KZPBA-CB Ultra      AA-R5XWA-TE
     storage adapter               SCSI Storage
                                   Adapter Module
                                   Release Notes

     Multihost SCSI bus            Guidelines for      AA-Q28LB-TK
     operation in OpenVMS          DIGITAL OpenVMS
     Cluster systems               Cluster

     Systems and devices           OpenVMS Operating   SPD 25.01.xx
     supported by OpenVMS          System for Alpha
     Version 7.1-1H1               and VAX, Version
                                   7.1-1H1 Software

     Multihost SCSI                OpenVMS Cluster     SPD 29.78.xx
     support                       Software            or later

  Information about StorageWorks Ultra SCSI products is available and
  periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


  OpenVMS software product descriptions are also available and
  periodically updated on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


  You will find the software product descriptions under Publications,
  a choice on the home page.

  o  Known Problems:

      The following problems have been observed in an Ultra SCSI OpenVMS
      Cluster configuration, with multiple hosts using KZPBA-CB adapters
      sharing an Ultra SCSI bus.  DIGITAL plans to correct these problems
      in a future release.

      +  In a multihost configuration with a heavy I/O-intensive load, if
         you shut down one host and reboot it, it might not be able to
         rejoin the cluster.  The failure to reboot could occur if the
         reboot was an automated response (by means of a command procedure)
         to an unrecoverable system error, or if a system manager shut down
         a system to perform some type of maintenance and then rebooted it.
         The system that was shut down and rebooted starts to reboot but
         stops partway through the process.  Before the system hangs, it
         reports several events, including several CLU$CHECK_INQUIRY

         In a two-node configuration consisting of an AlphaServer 4100
         system and an AlphaServer 8400 system, this failure has occurred 
         on both systems.  The following example shows the boot events that
         occurred before the system halted:

           OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.1-1H1
             DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.0C.00

             %SMP-I-SECMSG, CPU #01 message:   P01>>>START
             %SMP-I-CPUBOOTED, CPU #01 has joined the PRIMARY CPU in
                               multiprocessor operation
             %SYSINIT-I- waiting to form or join an OpenVMS Cluster
             %VMScluster-I-LOADSECDB, loading the cluster security database
             %EWA0, BNC(10base2) mode set by console
             %CNXMAN,  Sending VMScluster membership request to system MSCP
             %CNXMAN,  Now a VMScluster member -- system OATS

      +  Workaround:
         In cases of shutdowns for system maintenance, schedule them for 
         a time when the system is not performing a heavy I/O-intensive 

   o  If two hosts attempt to write dump files to the system disk at  
      the same time and if one of these hosts is an AlphaServer 8400, 
      the AlphaServer 8400 might not complete writing the dump file 
      and hang, or it might complete writing the dump file but report 
      an error message.  The following error message has been reported  
      by the AlphaServer 8400 in both cases:

        Failed to send Write to DKn-n-n-n-n

    o  Simultaneous Booting.  When two hosts attempt to boot at the same 
       time, one succeeds and one may fail.  This has been observed in 
       a two-node configuration and in a three-node configuration.

       In a two-node configuration consisting of an AlphaServer 4100
       system and an AlphaServer 8400 5/625 system (EV56 chip, 625 MHz
       CPU, running T5.1-29 console firmware), the host that fails is
       always the AlphaServer 8400  system.  If the AlphaServer 8400
       reports that it was unable to read the system disk, as shown 
       in the following message, it does not complete booting:

         Failed to send Read to DKn-n-n-n-n

       This problem is not specific to Ultra SCSI multihost
       configurations.  It has been observed on multihost configurations
       that use other SCSI interconnects.  


  o  The DMA Timeout was set at 2 seconds.  This value was too
     short for some devices.  DMA Timeout now uses 2 seconds or the
     value of SCDT$L_DMA_TIMEOUT, whichever is greater.

  o  With pool checking turned on, the System can crash with an

  o  A system will hang if a user buffer address of 0 and a non-zero 
     byte count are given to GKdriver.

  o  The pool leak fix was never ported to V7.1.

  o  The system crashes out of GKdriver if a user specifies an invalid
     command descriptor.

  o  An Access Violation (ACCVIO) crash occurs on SCSI device timeouts.

  o  A system crash will occur on a class driver all to OTS$MOVE.


  o  UltraSCSI support for KZPBA-CB on Digital Personal Workstation


  o  No ECO corrections are included in this kit.


  o  If the HSZ configuration utility HSZTERM has an outstanding
     I/O to the HSZ,and Mount Verification occurs, then the system
     may crash.  This usually happens under high I/O loads.

  o  If Mount Verification occurs while a DK Device is reporting a
     write locked condition, the system will crash  with  an
     INVEXCEPTN Bugcheck.

  o  Unnecessary Mount Verification for HSZ Unit Attention
     Conditions will occur.

  o  The OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual added a new Magnetic
     Tape I/O Function IO$_FLUSH in Document Revision 1.5 for Alpha
     and revision V6.0 for VAX.  This function was not fully

  o  A TZ30 or TKZ50 will come up offline when a system boots on
     current versions of SYS$MKDRIVER.

  o  The class driver queue could become frozen.  HSZ devices may go 
     into mount verify and eventually mount verify timeout after an 
     HSZ70 failover.

  o  A Queue Full condition causes unnecessary Mount Verification.

       +  If a target returns a Queue Full status, an unnecessary
          Mount Verification occurs.

       +  In SYS$PKSDRIVER, if a command is reinserted on the device
          queue after a Queue Fullcondition occurs, the I/O will
          never complete.

  o  Depending on the sequence in which the nodes of a cluster are
     booted, it is possible for a QLOGIC adapter to return all zeros
     to a target mode inquiry.  This causes the initiator which sent
     the  inquiry to believe that the adapter which replies with all
     zeros is a disk.

  o  Incomplete error log entries occur with devices supplying large
     amounts of error information.

  o  Fatal controllers occur on the Qlogic adapter after a SCSI bus

  o  An AlphaServer 4100 may see an invalid exception crash under
     heavy IO loads.

  o  When booting through an HSZ70 disk, accessed through a QLogic
     adapter, with a pass-through tape being accessed (configured)
     through the same path, a system crash can occur because of a
     corrupt timer queue.

  o  Ensure that a recycled QBUF does not cause PK$CMD_WAIT_COMPLETION  
     to return without stalling, which would break the synchronization 
     between the Queue Manager and the SCDRP thread.

  o  The register dump routine attempts to dump the contents of 124
     ISP registers but there are only 101 register locations that
     exist. This has been fixed by moving the statement that
     determines REG_FILE_SIZE to the proper place in ISP1020DEF.SDL.

  o  During mailbox I/O, an unexpected Qlogic adapter error crashes 
     the system unnecessarily.

  o  Add error handling for the following new status values:

             Inv_Entry_Type    Dev_Queue_Full    SCSI_Phase_Err,
             No_Sense_Data     BDR_Received      BDR_Sent
             SCAM_Event        SCSI_Cmd_Done

  o  Modify error handling for Data_Overrun and Data_Underrun.

  o  Occurrences of Selection Timeout will no longer be logged by
     the port driver (PKQDRIVER).  They will be logged by the
     upper-level driver instead.

  o  Alphaserver 1200 and 4100 machines intermittently crash with 
     machine checks during the boot sequence.

  o  Mount Verify is not invoked for some recoverable errors.

  o  PKSDRIVER falsely reports errors.

  o  An RMS bugcheck may occur under high I/O loads.


  o  IO$_AUDIO function may crash the system.

  o  Running HSZTERM while heavy I/O occurs results in an INVEXCEPTN
     bugcheck in port driver.

  o  Fatal drive errors occur during attempts to INIT the Exabyte
     8200 tape drive.

  o  Request Sense data is truncated at 19 bytes.

  o  Unaligned reads (partial block) to a disk causes corruption of
     the EXE$GL_ERASEPB (Erase  Pattern Buffer).  Since this is
     used as a convenient source of zeros by various pieces of code,
     it can lead to data corruption.

  o  If Mount Verification occurs while a DK Device is reporting a
     write locked condition, the system will crash with an INCONSTATE

  o  Disks go into Mount Verify and never come out.

  o  Error log entries have an incorrect format.

  o  Controller errors occur in systems with greater than 4Gb
     of memory.

  o  Controller errors may occur during one- and two-byte transfers.

  o  A system crash may occur after a bus reset or adapter errors.

  o  Interaction between an RZ26F disk and an RRD45 CDROM causes I/O
     performance degradation, bus resets and mount verifications.


                          ****< CAUTION >*****

    ***** AlphaServer 8400 and 8200 (TURBOLASER) INSTALLATION WARNING ****

    If you are installing this remedial kit on an AlphaServer 8400 or 8200
    you MUST make sure your console is at Rev 4.0 or later.  Rev 4.0 is
    available on the Alpha Firmware Update CDrom V3.7.  Installing this kit
    on a system that has a console revision earlier than 4.0 WILL RESULT IN
    AN UNBOOTABLE SYSTEM.  To recover from this situation you will need to
    back out the new drivers by either booting from an alternate system disk
    then deleting the drivers off your regular disk, or by rebuilding your
    regular system disk.

The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted.  If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must 
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).  

If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at 
this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.
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