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SNA_DTF SNADTFM_E14031 DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility V3.1 ECO Summary
TITLE: SNA_DTF SNADTFM_E14031 DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility V3.1 ECO Summary
Modification Date: 26-OCT-1999
Modification Type: Updated ECO kit - Supersedes SNADTFM_E13031

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:  DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility (DTF) for MVS 

SOURCE:   Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  SNADTFM_E14031
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  SNADTFM_E13031
                                           SNADTFM_E8031 (CSCPAT_5037)

     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  5922 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  DECnet/SNA Data Transfer Facility for MVS V3.1
     System Reboot Required:  No


An ECO kit exists for DECnet/SNA DTF for MVS V3.1.


DTF for MVS will release PTF kits which fix all known problems to
date.  The kits are cumulative, ie. SNADTFM_E14031 will have all
the fixes that SNADTFM_E13031 has in addition to the fixes made
to that kit.

     Note:  A description of all corrections are included in the second
            file on the PTF tape.  Details on accessing this file are
            included in the PTF INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS section.


DTF for MVS will release PTF kits which fix all known problems to
date.  The kits are cumulative, ie. SNADTFM_E13031 will have all
the fixes that SNADTFM_E12031 has in addition to the fixes made
to that kit.

     Note:  A description of all corrections are included in the second
            file on the PTF tape.  Details on accessing this file are
            included in the PTF INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS section.

Problems addressed by the SNADTFM_E12031 kit:

  o  DTF unable to handle 8 character userid when running DTF 
     batch IBM initiated jobs.

  o  DTF unable to extract creation and expiration dates from
     catalog using DSETCRDT and DSETEXDT. Changed names to
     DSCRDT2 and DSEXDT2.
     MUST APPLY for datasets with dates > year 2000.

  o  DTF unable to display correct TCC extension messages.
     Msg 152 displays first 7 characters of APPLID name.

Problems addressed by the SNADTFM_E11031 kit:

  o  VMS users issuing directory requests of large PDS sometimes
     result in a DME error. DTF does not release the dataset.
     Future DTF requests for the dataset returns File Currently
     locked status message.

  o  Dates after December 31, 1999 are incorrectly displayed.
     Incorrect calculations result in each month starting at
     the second instead of the first. Each month has an extra
     day. This PTF fixes the displayed dates.

  o  All logging and smf records using the Cyyddd format follow
     IBM's solution by making the C the number of centuries
     since 1900. On January 1, 2000, the date is represented as
     100001. SMF and logging records are correct without applying
     this PTF.

  o  DTF Shutdown command results in an 0C4 abend on OS/390
     systems. OS/390 required AM=VTAM on the TESTCB macro.

  o  DTF could not locate any UCB's above the 16 meg line.
     Added LOC=ANY to UCBSCAN macro.

Problems addressed by the SNADTFM_E10031 kit:

  o  Installations configuring dasd with four byte UCB addresses will
     experience errors when copying to or from MVS. 

  o  If the DTF started task abends with a S722 then the SSI may not be
     be available on restart.  This PTF corrects the problem by allowing
     DTF to close the SSI and terminate cleanly. 

  o  DTF returns file currently locked during directory processing if
     the file resides on a non-SMS managed volume and the device is
     allocated to a four byte UCB.  This PTF corrects the problem and
     allows member information to be returned. 
  o  DTF should not terminate on an abend S314.  

  o  DTFSAF should point after length field in REQSTOR parameter.  Also,
     remove APPL= parameter from the ENVIR=DELETE call. 

Problems addressed by previous ECO kits that are also addressed by the
current ECO kit:

  o  Users running TSO V2.3 will experience a S0C4 abend when invoking
     help from the DTF Command Processor.  IBM message IKJ56810I may
     also be displayed.  This PTF changes the method of calling IBM's
     help module to prevent addressing mode conflicts.

  o  The Client node name was not displayed on the Query screen during a
     non-recoverable IBM initiated transfer. 
  o  The ISPF clists have been updated to prevent DTFUSER parms options 
     from being overridden unless they are filled in by the user.

  o  This PTF updates module DTFSTAMP.  This module contains the last
     PTF number applied.  This number is sent as part of the bind and is
     visible in the VMS/DTF SNATRCFIL.LOG file for debugging purposes.

  o  Field LDH$TIME is stored in every logging record.  The field is not
     computing hundredths of seconds properly and which causes the value
     to not be accurate. 

  o  MSG DTF0340I is written to the log when a server session is shut
     down.  The time field is not being written properly.   

  o  DTF is not counting DELETE/LOG requests as delete requests.  As a 
     result the logging field LDJE$FILES_DELETED may not be correct.  

  o  The field LDSE$SEND_HIGH, which gives the high water mark on the
     send queue, has incorrect data in it. 

  o  RFA access allows DECnet programs to access records in IBM files by
     address.  Installations performing translation on the IBM system
     will receive record deleted messages when performing RFA access
     against VSAM indexed files. 

     When translating data on the IBM system, DTF is not performing
     key translation properly during RFA access.  

  o  The 'no block span' attribute tells RMS that records cannot
     span blocks.  DTF was rejecting this attribute when a user
     attempted to send a file with this attribute to the IBM system.
     When writing format V files DTF for MVS, by default, writes
     non-spanned records.  This PTF corrects the problem by ignoring the

  o  VFC (variable with fixed control) files are RMS files that contain
     fixed length headers.  The record size was not being calculated
     properly for VFC files. 

  o  This PTF updates module DTFSTAMP.  This module contains the last
     PTF number applied.  This number is sent as part of the bind and is
     visible in the VMS/DTF SNATRCFIL.LOG file for debugging purposes.
  o  IBM initiated transfers submitted through batch may override
     the IBM userid assigned to the transfer by defining the 
     IBM userid and password in the transfer request.  When this
     is done the transfer fails with a privilege violation.  

  o  CRC errors may be reported when transferring files to the IBM 
     system.  It is possible, in a multiprocessor environment for
     the VTAM receive RPL exit to run concurrently with the mainline    
     logic.  The result is that an inbound RU may be dropped from 
     the queue.  

  o  Installations may configure DTF to load there own customized
     jobsecurity exit.  If the installation codes the JOBSECURITYEXIT
     nodeparm and the exit can not be loaded at DTF startup time then
     the job submission feature is not disabled.  The result is that 
     requestors may still be allowed to submit jobs and security will
     not be maintained.  This PTF will turn off the job submit feature 
     if the exit cannot be loaded.

  o  Installations may configure DTF to supply a default IBM userid
     for transfers.  This is done by coding NODEPARMS PROXY(ON).
     DTF does not assign the IBM userid until just prior to performing
     the requested operation against the file (e.g. allocation).   
     HSM recall operations are performed prior to file allocation.
     This means that if a file is HSM archived DTF will not have 
     performed the assignment and we can invoke the security exit
     without an IBM userid.  This PTF corrects the problem by 
     invoking the proxy logic prior to HSM recalls.

  o  Installations may be securing file accesses by volume name.
     DTF may not be supplying to the security exit the correct volid
     on an open existing request.  PTF corrects problem by supplying
     correct volume name.

  o  Installations may secure directory accesses by coding 
     NODEPARMS SECURITY(YES,DIR).  If directory processing detects 
     a HSM archived file then directory processing reports back 
     to the requestor the filename without first calling the security
     exit.  PTF makes sure that DTF invokes the security exit for 
     HSM archived files during directory processing.

  o  Installations may secure recall requests by coding 
     NODEPARMS SECURITY(YES,HSM).  If the security exit rejects
     the recall operation the recall is still performed by DTF.
     This PTF makes sure we recognize the return code back from
     the security exit and reject the operation prior to the recall.

  o  This PTF correct a number of problems in a number of the sample 
     exits provided to the installation.  Once the PTF is applied
     the exits must be reassembled and link-edited to complete the
     installation of the PTF.  The PTF must be applied with the
     BYPASS(HOLDSYSTEM(DOC)) keyword.  The following is a list
     of the fixes this PTF incorporates:

     -  Exit DTFSAF
     -  Exit DTFPACF2
     -  Exit DTFPROXY

  o  Installations may configure DTF to only insert a USER= keyword
     on job statements when a request arrives to DTF to submit a 
     batch job.  To configure DTF to do so the NODEPARM JOBSECURITY
     is set to USERID.  If JCL is submitted by DTF and the job statement
     already contains a USER= job statement keyword, DTF does not
     override the userid with the IBM userid assigned to the transfer. 
     This PTF will remove the USER= value specified in the existing job
     statement and insert the IBM userid assigned to the transfer.

     Also supplied with this PTF is an updated DTFJOB submission exit.
     This exit performs the same as the inline logic and can be
     customized by the installation to meet specific needs or standards.

  o  If only /UNIT (and not /VOLUME) is supplied when attempting
     to open an existing IBM file then the UNIT specification 
     is ignored.  Customers may have files cataloged but would
     still prefer to allocate using the UNIT specification.  This
     PTF will cause DTF to respect the /UNIT specification on a
     request to open an existing IBM file.

  o  Update DTFSTAMP module to reflect current maintenance level.

  o  PC/NFT users performing COPY/BLOCK transfers of IBM resident files
     DTF for MVS is not detecting end of network buffer.  This causes DTF
     for MVS to go into loop.  Transfer appears hung and DTF CPU
     consumption continues to increase. 

  o  Installations experiencing network problems during file transfer.

     When an error response is sent to DTF for MVS during a file
     transfer, DTF processes the inbound data queue improperly.  This
     may cause an abend0C4 during session rundown. 

  o  DTF may report back 0 size for IBM files when directory requests
     are made. 

     Residual data in CB causes the problem.  CB is not being
     initialized properly. 

  o  Installations using DCL BACKUP and /SMSx qualifiers    

     DTF was ignoring /SMSx qualifiers if specified in a BACKUP command.
     Because DCL BACKUP does not pass allocation quantity, installations
     want to use SMS data classes to specify default allocation
     quantity.  PTF allows /SMSx to be honored.

  o  Users performing a transfer operation using the /CONTIG qualifier
     or transferring a file with the CONTIG RMS attribute.

     Files transferred with the /CONTIG qualifier or containing the
     CONTIG RMS attribute failed with VMS messages 'RMS-F-SUPPORT,
     Network operation not supported' and 'RMS-F-FOP1, File processing
     options field rejected'.  This PTF allows DTF to ignore this option
     instead of rejecting the transfer.

  o  Users performing an IBM initiated transfer to a remote DTF/VM
     system using the proxy mechanism.

     The transfer was rejected as a privilege violation because the
     remote VM file specification included the /CORR qualifier.  This 
     qualifier applies to the local file only on an IBM initiated
     transfer and is removed by this PTF.

  o  DTF transfers initiated on the IBM system.

     -  The JOB name was incorrectly passed as the default remote userid
        during a batch transfer if none was specified. Now the remote
        userid defaults to that of the local userid.

     -  The value specified in the POST() keyword of the TRANSFER
        command was uppercased. This caused problems when specifying
        Ultrix files.  The original case is now preserved.

  o  Users of the DTF ISPF Interface.

     -  DTF CLISTs were not passing correct CATALOG qualifier.
     -  NL (non-labeled) was note included in the list of allowable
        options on the MVS Input and Output File Options panels.
  o  Users starting DTF from alternate consoles.

     When DTF is started from an alternate console most DTF messages
     appear only on the master console. This PTF alters that behavior so
     all messages will also appear on the alternate console that DTF is
     started from. 

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level.

  o  It has been recommended that DTF for MVS not allocate new files
     with the blksize parameter.  The feature is being provided by this
     PTF.  To force DTF for MVS to not specify blksize during create of
     a non-VSAM file specify 


     in the startup file.

  o  An error prevented defining VSAM clusters with record sizes greater
     than 9999.  A invalid record size error may be reported.  

  o  DTF for MVS does not support supersede of archived files.  However,
     if a vol is specified in the request then DTF does not report the
     error and attempts to allocate the file to be superseded (as Step 1
     of the supersede operation).  This causes a mount for volume
     'MIGRAT' to be issued.  PTF will cause 'cannot supersede archived
     file' to be reported and the mount will not occur.                

  o  MVS/ESA 4.2 requires the use of the UCBSCAN macro to search for
     devices that have been added through dynamic configuration.  This
     PTF provides this support. 

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level.

  o  The /KEY qualifier is used to reorder VMS keys of reference (e.g.,
     make IBM alternate key 2 be alternate key 1).  Requestor gets
     invalid key of reference when /KEY is included in the IBM 
  o  Return code of IBM initiated transfers is not being recorded in the
     logging record that is written when the transfer runs down. 

  o  If VSAM shareoptions is specified at the cluster level then it is
     not propagated to the data component.  This PTF corrects the
     problem by explicitly specifying the shareoption value for the data

  o  F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES can be used to determine the number of the last
     used block in an existing file (by specifying the EOF parameter).
     DTF does not return the value required and F$FILE reports back a 
     value of -1.  This PTF corrects the problem by returning the 
     necessary value.

  o  DTF returns file not found when an access to an uncataloged 
     dataset is attempted.  

  o  Requestors using PC NFT COPY can specify a VFC value on the command
     line.  Specifying a VFC value that exceeds record size puts the DTF
     output routine into a loop.  This PTF corrects the problem and
     causes DTF to return a record size error.

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level.

  o  If PASSWORD=(oldpass,newpass) is specified in JCL, DTF does not
     parse correctly and a JCL error is produced as a result of the
     submit.  Fix is to accept this syntax. 

  o  Ultrix DCP users do not have the ability to specify maximum record
     size for files being sent to the IBM mainframe.  /MRS file
     specification qualifier gives this capability.

  o  If DTF/VTAM is not authorized to delete a file then an abend0C4
     results.  Fix prevents abend from occurring. 

  o  When WORKQUALIFIER NODEPARM causes temp filespec length to exceed
     44 characters an abend0C2 results due o a bad branch.  Fix removes

  o  Default logon id not found because of an error in the DTFPROXY
     routine.  Fix corrects error. 

  o  If an error occurs during wildcard DIR processing the output is
     terminated.  This PTF allows the dir output to proceed.  However,
     this recovery logic will not be driven until a subsequent release
     of OpenVMS for errors of the type RMS$_DTFACC. 

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level.

  o  DTF is not reporting file locked on PDS files when a member name
     search is made on a directory access and the PDS is locked by
     another address space.  Fix is to return file locked by another

  o  DECnet Applications using record level access to access a VSAM RRDS
     by relative record number cannot access records with a relative
     record number greater than 255.  Fix is to change keyed access to
     RRDS files such that all records can be accessed.

  o  DTFSAF exit is not returning correct return code when a proxy
     access is made during directory processing.  Error can cause
     directory information to be returned even though proxy is not
     allowed.  Fix is to ensure proper return code is returned to

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level

  o  Users receiving VMS/RMS i/o error msg when trying to read records
     from a VSAM ESDS using record level access.  PTF corrects the 

  o  DTF is not parsing jobcards properly when they include comment
     strings.  Also, jobcards are not parsed correctly if the jobcard
     spans multiple records and there is a comment record inserted
     between jobcard continuation statements. 

  o  Supersede logic is not working properly when MVS file exists on 
     on a dynamically defined device.

  o  Update module that reflects current maintenance level.

  o  DTF for MVS is not honoring the MVS stop command.  This PTF 
     corrects the problem and also updates DTFSTAMP,  the module that
     reflects the current maintenance level.  If multiple requests are
     received, to allocate a +1 generation of the same gdg by DTF for
     MVS, data can get overwritten.  The fix is to return "file locked
     by another user" on the subsequent attempts to create a +1

  o  DTF suffers an abend714 when a tape that DTF is writing to is
     unloaded prematurely.  This PTF suppresses the abend714 dump and a
     close failure is signaled to the requestor. 

  o  Requestors issuing DCL SUBMIT/REMOTE may receive wrong length
     record if a jobcard is continued by placing a comma in column 70 of
     the jobcard.  This PTF corrects the problem and allows the JCL to
     be submitted.

  o  When host translation is specified and the requestor specifies the 
     name of a translate table, via the /TRANS qualifier, the table is
     sent from the VMS server system to the mainframe.  The storage 
     allocated for the table is not released at transfer termination.
  o  DTF does not terminate directory requests when wildcard searches
     are performed from ULTRIX systems, via DLS.

  o  Transfers may not run down when send errors occur on sessions. The
     effect is that the SNA session terminates but the mainframe
     component still thinks the transfer is active.  It appears to the 
     MVS operator that transfers are hung.  The problem prevents normal
     shutdown of the system from occurring.  This PTF causes the send
     error to terminate the transfer so that DTF does not need to be
     canceled to shutdown. 

  o  AbendA78 may result if DTF does not shutdown the subsystem
     interface properly during a previous execution.  This PTF
     eliminates the abendA78.  Note that this will allow DTF to restart
     but the subsystem interface will be unavailable (i.e., IBM
     initiated requests will not be honored). 

  o  The resource task, which is events driven, is not allocating an
     events table large enough to accomodate MAXTRANSFERS. PTF fixes
     problem by causing DTFRSRC to use MAXTRANSFERS to calculate table

  o  DTF may use excessive amounts of virtual storage (Subpool 101)
     and cause transfers to fail with out of memory errors.  This
     PTF prevents the problem from occurring.

  o  DTF allocates JCL files as old during submit/remote processing.
     This may cause submit requests to fail if JCL files are allocated
     to other users.  Since exclusive access is not required, this PTF
     alters access from DISP OLD to DISP SHR.

  o  Issuing DCL COPY/REPLACE to replace an existing GDG element
     results in an abend0C4.  This fix eliminates the abend. Note,
     however, that DTF only allows non-SMS managed GDG elements
     to be replaced.

  o  The F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES call no longer ships the file access type
     and this required DTF to default to read access.  DTF was rejecting
     the access.  DTF will now honor the request.

  o  The DTF/ISPF interface is not sending the name of the alternate
     translate table.  This PTF corrects the problem.

  o  Abend0Cx may result when using the DTFSAF exit because it does
     not provide its' own savearea.  RACROUTE calls cause our
     preformatted save area chain to be corrupted and this can
     cause abends.  DTFSAF now acquires a save area and this
     prevents subsequent abends.

Please refer to the Release Notes supplied with this ECO for more 

NOTE:  The Release Notes are supplied in the second file on the PTF
       tape.  Creation of the PTF file is described in the INSTALLATION 
       NOTES section of this article as well as in the ECO Cover Letter.


     Note:  If this ECO is obtained on tape media, it will be in
            IBM readable format and ready to install as described
            in the PTF INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS section.

            If it is obtained electronically, the PTFs are distributed
            in an OpenVMS saveset.  Please refer to the INSTALLATION TO
            BUILD DTF for MVS PUT TAPE section for instructions
            on how to build a MVS PUT tape before proceeding to the


      (Assuming tape drive is $2$MUA0 in the following example)

      $! Move saveset to temporary directory.
      $! COPY device:SNADTFM_E14031.A []
      $ DELETE TMP.TMP;*
      $ MOUNT $2$MUA0:/FOREIGN/BLOCK=32000/DENSITY=6250
      $ BACKUP SNADTFM_E13031.A/SAVE []
      $ COPY TMP.TMP;* $2$MUA0:
      $ F = F$SEARCH( "TMP.TMP;*", 1 )
      $ IF F .EQS. "" THEN GOTO 20
      $ DIFF 'F' $2$MUA0:
      $ GOTO 10
      $ DISMOUNT $2$MUA0:
      $ DELETE TMP.TMP;*

      Then label this tape as follows:

      |       DECnet/SNA DTF for MVS V3.1 PTF TAPE    |
      | FORMAT: SMP PUT       CREATE DATE:            |
      | DENSITY: 6250         LABEL: NL               |


      All steps listed here assume the existence of cataloged
      procedure SMPDTF which should have been created during
      the installation of DTF for MVS.

      Note: File 2 on the PTF tape contains descriptions for each of
            the PTFs.  Use the sample JCL listed below to print this

                 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER,REGION=1024K
                 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*
                 //SYSUT1 DD DSN=DTF.TAPE,
                 //   UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=DTFTPE,
                 //   DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=7200),
                 //   DISP=(OLD,KEEP),LABEL=(2,NL)
                 //SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=*
                 //SYSIN DD DUMMY

      STEP 1 - RECEIVE The DTF for MVS PTF'S

      Use the sample JCL listed below to receive DTF for MVS

                  //***** RECEIVE DTF SERVICE
                  //STEP1    EXEC SMPDTF
                  //SMP.SMPCNTL  DD *
                  SET     BDY(GLOBAL).
                  RECEIVE SYSMODS LIST.
                  //            VOL=SER=DTFTPE,LABEL=(1,NL),UNIT=TAPE,
                  //            DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=7200)


      DTF for MVS uses SMP HOLDDATA to inform you when a compo-
      nent that requires special maintenance handling is be-
      ing changed. These components are treated as requiring

      o  Changes to DTF for MVS/ISPF panels, messages or CLISTs
         which will require an update to the ISPF libraries.

      o  Changes to DTF exits that may have been customized by the


      Use the sample JCL listed below to apply DTF for MVS cor-
      rective service.

                  //***** APPLY DTF CORRECTIVE SERVICE
                  //STEP1    EXEC SMPDTF
                  //SMP.SMPCNTL DD *
                  SET    BDY(DTFTZN) .
                  APPLY  PTFS .

      If any PTFs are held then the BYPASS keyword must be
      used on the APPLY command to allow those PTFs to be


      If your site executes DTF for MVS/VTAM and/or DTF for MVS TSO
      from STEPLIB datasets to the DTFVLOAD and DTFTLOAD
      datasets then skip this step.

      If your site modified the installation jobs to include
      SMP usermods to update the DTF target zone for the new
      location of the DTF for MVS load modules, then skip this

      Otherwise, you must now re-submit the jobs to copy
      DTF/VTAM and DTF/TSO components to system libraries.
      These are located in the original DTF for MVS installation


      If there were any PTFs with HOLDDATA you must do the
      special requirements of those PTFs at this time.


      DTF for MVS/VTAM must be stopped and restarted so that an up-
      dated version of the programs gets loaded. Any current
      TSO users will not have the updated DTF for MVS TSO pro-
      grams unless they logoff and log back on.

      STEP 7 - TEST DTF for MVS

      Always test the production jobs which use DTF for MVS to
      insure that the corrective service fixes the prob-
      lems. Do not proceed to the next step if the existing
      problem is not corrected or if a new problem has been


      Only do this step after you have verified that DTF for MVS
      performs in a satisfactory manner. Use the sample JCL
      listed below to accept DTF for MVS corrective service.

                  //***** ACCEPT DTF CORRECTIVE SERVICE
                  //STEP1    EXEC SMPDTF
                  //SMP.SMPCNTL DD *
                  SET    BDY(DTFTZN) .
                  ACCEPT PTFS .

      If any PTFs are held then the BYPASS keyword must be
      used on the ACCEPT command to allow those PTFs to be

Files on this server are as follows:
privacy statement using this site means you accept its terms