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HP Services Software Patches - alpboot06_061
NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996.  All rights reserved.

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS Alpha

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ALPBOOT06_061
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  ALPBOOT05_061
                                           ALPBOOT01_062 (See note below)     
                                           ALPAPB01_062  (ALPAPB)             
                                           AXPBOOT04_061 (AXPBOOT)            

     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  6174 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  OpenVMS Alpha V6.1, V6.1-1H1, V6.1-1H2
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  Yes

     The ALPBOOT01_062 remedial kit is superseded for all fixes with the      
     exception of the DECchip 21040 & 21041 Driver problem.  The DECchip      
     21040 & 21041 Driver problem is contained in the ALPLAN02_062 kit.       

An ECO kit exists for BOOT or OpenVMS Alpha V6.1.  This kit addresses 
the following problems: 

Problems addressed in the ALPBOOT06_061 kit:

  o  This kit contains images that support the use of the " dump_dev
     "  environmental variable.  This variable is used to locate the
     system disk, when the crash dump file must be written.  If  the
     variable  is  not  populated,  or  does  not exist, the current
     behavior of using the " booted_dev " as the  device  to  access
     the sysdump.dmp file is used.
     The " bootdef_dev " variable should  list  both  paths  to  the
     system  boot  device.  Therefore if the boot device should move
     between controllers, the console will be able to locate it  and
     boot the system.

     The " dump_dev " variable should also list both  paths  to  the
     system boot device, as the " bootdef_dev " variable does.  This
     will enable the bug check code to locate the boot device.

     If the system disk is a two member shadow set,  both  paths  to
     both  devices  should  be  stored  in  "  dump_dev  "  and in "
     bootdef_dev ".

     For example, shown below is the results of doing executing

                 >>> sho dev
                 >>> show *

         commands, with a two member shadowed system disk.

         >>> sho dev
         polling for units on cixcd0, slot 2, xmi0...
         Resetting IO subsystem...
         dua206.     $4$DUA206 (RED70A)        RA72
         dua229.     $4$DUA229 (RED70A)        RA72
         polling for units on cixcd1, slot 4, xmi0...
         dub206.     $4$DUA206 (GRN70A)        RA72
         polling for units on cixcd1, slot 4, xmi0...
         dub229.     $4$DUA229 (GRN70B)        RA72

         >>> show *
         auto_action             HALT
         bootdef_dev             dub206.,dua206.,dua229.,

         dump_dev                dub206.,dua206.,dua229.,
         version                 T4.3-4740 Jun 14 1995 15:16:38


Problems addressed in the ALPBOOT05_061 kit:

  o  The DE205 boot driver is deficient in that the performance is
     less than admirable.  It actually works but periodically
     requires a timeout and reset of the bootdriver thus extending
     boot times considerably (by a factor of 20).

  o  When a system disk fails over to an alternate path (HSC)
     crashdumps aren't written but the system reboots successfully.
  o  Shutting down or forcing a crash on a satellite that is booted
     from  a  shadowed  system  disk produces the following error
     message but no dump file:

     **** Cannot use unit 0, not the master member of the system disk
          shadow set

   o  Dumps can't be taken if DUMP_DEV ws specified but SYSINIT has
      not yet filled in the system disk data.

Problems addressed in the ALPBOOT01_062 kit:

  o  The selection of 10 and 100  megabits/second  and  full-duplex
     operation  using  LANCP  does  not work.  Normally, the device
     driver autoselects the speed, first attempting  100  and  then
     switching  to 10 megabit operation on failure.  If no cable is
     connected, 10 megabit operation is selected and  a  LANCP  SET
     SPEED  command  is  necessary  to force 100 megabit operation.
     The device driver does not implement  the  SET  SPEED  command
     correctly.   In  addition,  it  does  not  implement  the  SET
     DEVICE/FULL_DUPLEX command correctly, thus does not allow  the
     selection   of  full-duplex  operation.   These  problems  are
     corrected for the DE500 driver, to allow speed and full-duplex
     settings to be modified via LANCP commands.

  o  The media autoselection for the DE450,  between  twisted  pair
     (10baseT),  thinwire  (10base2), and thickwire (10base5), does
     not work for any selection other than twisted pair.  Note that
     the  device  driver the DE450 driver does autoselection of the
     media connection, selecting twisted pair, then thickwire, then
     thinwire, switching on failure.  If no cable is connected, the
     driver selects thinwire.  To change the cable selection, refer
     to the LANCP documentation for the SET DEVICE/MEDIA command.

  o  Add DE450 and DE500 boot support.  Note that  the  DE450  does
     not  use  a  jumper  to  switch between 10base2 (thinwire) and
     10base5 (thickwire).  To select thinwire at the console prompt
     for  boot  purposes,  set  the  EWA0_MODE  console environment
     variable to BNC.  To select thickwire,  set  the  variable  to

  o  Add DE203, DE204, DE205 boot support for the AlphaStation  200
     and  400  systems.  Booting is supported only for a module set
     to the default parameters, I/O port address of 300  (hex)  and
     memory base address of D0000 (hex).

Problems addressed in the ALPAPB01_062 kit: 

NOTE:  According to OpenVMS Engineering, the fixes described in
       this SECTION discussing ALPAPB and AXPBOOT have been 
       included in OpenVMS Alpha V7.0.  

  o  The primitive file system used during booting of OpenVMS Alpha
     cannot locate files whose file number is greater than 65536.
     Depending on the phase of the boot, this can result in an
     access violation (ACCVIO) or a message such as:

        %SYSINIT-F-LOADERR,error loading RMS.EXE status=00000044

Problems addressed in the AXPBOOT04_061 kit: 

  o  The images supplied with the AXPBOOT03_061 kit were not installable
     on OpenVMS Alpha V6.1-1H2.  This kit provides corrected images that
     will install on V6.1, V6.1-1H1, and V6.1-1H2. 

Problems addressed in the AXPBOOT03_061 kit:

  o  For the AlphaServer 2100 with OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 and the
     AlphaStation 400 and AlphaStation 200 with V6.1-1H1,
     connections attempted with Ethernet Tulip adapters fail,
     making use of the HLL debugger impossible.

     NOTE:  This is not a problem for OpenVMS AXP V6.1-1H2.

  o  The SMC Tulip adapter requires software selection of thin
     wire/thick wire.  This fix adds this software selection to the
     runtime driver and the boot driver.

           *******************  NOTE  *******************

     In  order  to receive this complete fix, the AXPLAN03_061 *MUST*
     also be installed.


Problems addressed in the AXPBOOT02_061 kit: 

  o  Due to an image build problem the AXPBOOT01_061 kit did not solve
     the problem that it was supposed to.  This kit corrects those

Problems addressed in the AXPBOOT01_061 kit: 

  o  On a DEC 7000 system running OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 and booted from  a 
     CI device, crash dumps may terminate prematurely with a "Halt Code 
     05" message.  This might happen after 300,000-400,000 blocks have 
     been written to the crash dump file, but the problem has 
     been reported only on large memory systems (512MB or greater).
     The resulting partial crash dump is not usable for analysis.


In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system
must be rebooted.  If the system is a member of a VMScluster, the
entire cluster should be rebooted.


     The following are  trademarks  of  Digital  Equipment  Corporation:
     AlphaServer, AlphaStation, Digital, OpenVMS, and the Digital Logo.

     UNIX is a registered trademark  in  the  United  States  and  other
     countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd.

     Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

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